Yeah, Newdaze. I nabbed one of those from the previous batch (but looked like the same thing), and now, there's only 1 more 3 left it seems of the giganteums.
Jayhem, I wouldn't use a coffee maker. (As in coffee pot.) I would definitely recommend using an espresso maker though. In my experience, an espresso maker is the most efficient method, because its extraction (of the goodies) is so effective. Usually, you can save the putty (ground up pod stuff that's already been used) and freeze it, etc. and use it a 2nd time. It's extremely weak the 2nd time around and won't do much good in the area of feeling anything, but will definitely keep the ickies away. When using an espresso maker though, it's so effective that it renders the putty useless and you might as well throw the remainders away. (That's a good sign. :0) If you don't have an espresso maker, then yes, a stove-top percolator is the next best thing. But again, I wouldn't recommend using a regular coffee pot.
There's always the regular stove-top method, which requires steeping over low heat for 20 minutes or so. Get it as warm as you can without boiling it. (Again, in my experience, that requires low heat only, for 20 minutes or so.)
As far as any recipes go, I generally don't use recipes and prefer not to link anything here, for the sake of privacy. I would recommend good old fashioned trial and error. Find what works for you, and try to simplify the process so it is as potent and effective as it can be with as little work possible. For me, the espresso maker wins in every category. (It couldn't possibly be any easier too. It's finished only two minutes after turning it on. Super fast and super strong.)
Good luck. :0)