Post your favorite pet pic?

@Marigold you have the most coldest bird EVER!!! He can  even meow! Your pet bird is he prettiest and smartest bird I've ever seen!

@Marigold I have wanted the African grey since I was a kid. I live in a part of England where Long John silver was based upon and we have an accent that you guys would most definitely call pirate  :lol: . 

My partner went and brought a newcomer into our house just last week and it's taking me a little time to not be angry with her. I have only had cats and many people only know me as "the cat man" I kinda like it 

The new arrival is a Lhasa Apso, a small Tibetan breed. I am more worried for his own safety as the Maine coons are big but they are not nasty by nature. The dog is now named Vinnie the bull AKA the dog father. You can probably tell I am a Sopranos fan and all things gangster. Dad used to tell me that the two books any man could learn everything from were the counte of Monte Cristo by Dumas and The Godfather by Puzo. 

The godfather has a cat in his lap in the film's first advert and in its opening scene. Anyway, lovely parrot. I'd love one but I fear this is already becoming a menagerie alfeady. 

I've tried to upload little Vinny's photo but with no success 

Ok. Introducing Vinny the Bull. AKA the Dogfather. I had to cut the image down so it was smaller. I hope he can handle the Coonies. 

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Awe @Jools thats a pretty do! Hopefully you'll get vinne the bull dog up on. That's so interesting about your fathers favorite books, both good oops I must agree he had such good taste!

@Heavenlee Dad was an incredible human being. He always passed in good knowledge and was temperate of nature and generous of spirit. He set me up to live a good life but I'm afraid I messed up all on my own. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. I have too much of my mothers volatility in me and have been through anger management and CBT to quell those impulses but, as I am ageing, I am finding more of my dad surfacing and I love it 

thank you for your kind comments x

@Heavenlee Dad was an incredible human being. He always passed in good knowledge and was temperate of nature and generous of spirit. He set me up to live a good life but I'm afraid I messed up all on my own. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. I have too much of my mothers volatility in me and have been through anger management and CBT to quell those impulses but, as I am ageing, I am finding more of my dad surfacing and I love it 

thank you for your kind comments x
Hi Jools, Vinny the bull, is adorable, not a word that is associated with the gangster image I guess lol.  I love the West Country accents and have relatives there I live in the North of England. Billy was my father's bird he is 21 years old now and will probably outlive me. Dad got Alzhiemers which Billy took advantage of so I started to look after him before dad died. Parrots are complex creatures  I have always had a dog by my side and the affection is sort of instant but Billy took awhile to get used to me and sometimes I think he just tolerates me. We have had many adventures together. He took off on a flight around Luton for two days, he eventually saw a man rolling cigarettes from a shiny tobacco tin and Landed on his shoulder, when I lived in Bath he escaped  and came down in the middle of the playground of a girls private school while they were excercising! I miss my dad, his favourite book was Joshua Slocums, Sailing Alone Around The World no doubt he would have taken Billy with him.

@Marigold I have wanted the African grey since I was a kid. I live in a part of England where Long John silver was based upon and we have an accent that you guys would most definitely call pirate  :lol: . 

My partner went and brought a newcomer into our house just last week and it's taking me a little time to not be angry with her. I have only had cats and many people only know me as "the cat man" I kinda like it 

The new arrival is a Lhasa Apso, a small Tibetan breed. I am more worried for his own safety as the Maine coons are big but they are not nasty by nature. The dog is now named Vinnie the bull AKA the dog father. You can probably tell I am a Sopranos fan and all things gangster. Dad used to tell me that the two books any man could learn everything from were the counte of Monte Cristo by Dumas and The Godfather by Puzo. 

The godfather has a cat in his lap in the film's first advert and in its opening scene. Anyway, lovely parrot. I'd love one but I fear this is already becoming a menagerie alfeady. 

I've tried to upload little Vinny's photo but with no success 

Ok. Introducing Vinny the Bull. AKA the Dogfather. I had to cut the image down so it was smaller. I hope he can handle the Coonies. 

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yeh i not far from an arghhh! myself haha lovely part of the world 

@Marigold I've read a fair few stories of African Greys making a run for it. They seem incredibly intelligent creatures but I'm afraid the cats would see him as fair game or I would have one in a heartbeat. 

I am having problems with Vinny, we believe he was a take back to the breeder and he just will not do his toilet outside and I seem to think he is marking out what he now believes to be his territory. It's making me reach for meds more often and I know that is a danger sign. It's how I got silently hooked in the first place and I really only want to use when I really can't stop the cogs and when the prednisolone makes me have a steroid rage. Many think that because prednisolone is now on prescription that it doesn't have the side effects of anabolics but it does and, to my shame, I have scared the bejesus out of several Police when I last went into one. I'm not huge but am solid and I am trained in certain ways of controlled violence but I am digressing and it's due to stress and the dog and the chemo + 1gram of prednisolone so apologies for going off track. I am a lunatic in reality but a nice one and a fiercely loyal friend. 

Have you any advice to help with this problem please ? I don't want to give up so soon but I've been a cat man all of my life and I am obviously the head of the pride and so am feeling extremely protective towards my cats. I told the Mrs that if Vinny corners Cosmo then Cosmo will hurt him badly, a Maine coon will run if possible but they were put on the navy boats for a reason, killing vermin. Cosmo is an incredibly agile cat and at now 14kg is a lot of cat. I am hating the smell of pee and crap and it lingers after cleaning. I love the little bugger but I cannot allow myself to start taking tranks each time I feel my blood rise. Thanks in advance and apologies for rambling. I tend to calm down after a couple of days post infusion. Nice to meet you 

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@Marigold I've read a fair few stories of African Greys making a run for it. They seem incredibly intelligent creatures but I'm afraid the cats would see him as fair game or I would have one in a heartbeat. 

I am having problems with Vinny, we believe he was a take back to the breeder and he just will not do his toilet outside and I seem to think he is marking out what he now believes to be his territory. It's making me reach for meds more often and I know that is a danger sign. It's how I got silently hooked in the first place and I really only want to use when I really can't stop the cogs and when the prednisolone makes me have a steroid rage. Many think that because prednisolone is now on prescription that it doesn't have the side effects of anabolics but it does and, to my shame, I have scared the bejesus out of several Police when I last went into one. I'm not huge but am solid and I am trained in certain ways of controlled violence but I am digressing and it's due to stress and the dog and the chemo + 1gram of prednisolone so apologies for going off track. I am a lunatic in reality but a nice one and a fiercely loyal friend. 

Have you any advice to help with this problem please ? I don't want to give up so soon but I've been a cat man all of my life and I am obviously the head of the pride and so am feeling extremely protective towards my cats. I told the Mrs that if Vinny corners Cosmo then Cosmo will hurt him badly, a Maine coon will run if possible but they were put on the navy boats for a reason, killing vermin. Cosmo is an incredibly agile cat and at now 14kg is a lot of cat. I am hating the smell of pee and crap and it lingers after cleaning. I love the little bugger but I cannot allow myself to start taking tranks each time I feel my blood rise. Thanks in advance and apologies for rambling. I tend to calm down after a couple of days post infusion. Nice to meet you 
Jools, how old is Vinny and has he been house with other dogs before you got him?

@Marigold he is 15 weeks now and was only around his fellow puppies. I am getting agitated at the toliet stuff but he chased the cats today and I had to tell the Mrs ( Sophie from now on as it sounds bad) that she cannot continue to only walk him once a day? Stay in bed till gone 13:00 and expect the dog to learn how to behave. I am not well enough to do the walking and, to be frank, I refuse to. She never even consulted me and it's my house we live in. Now, even though it's my place, I wouldn't bring another cat in without talking with her first & I do feel pretty pissed off that she took me and my kind nature for granted. 

It's I that has been doing the research but I always knew Sophie needs to get her own depression dealt with and I mean that in the kindest manner. She has not asked for help nor seen a GP and a dog needs training and watching from day 1 and she would benefit greatly from this I believe. Maybe getting really into the dog would help,her depression ? I do know that poor Vinny is only acting this way because she is giving him the example to be lazy. He needs to have strict training and taught right from wrong. 

I habe taken more Trankies in the time we've had him that I do in a normal month. I am scared of the awful and crappy symptoms when on a cutting schedule. I am so worried for the cats. 

Jools, have you got a back garden? The good news is at his age he really is easy to train BUT, it will take a few weeks of persistently taking him outside and I mean about at least 6 preferably 8 times a day if only the back garden. He will get used to realising outside is toilet time. If the work is not put in now it will be much harder later. I don't think people realise the responsibility an animal brings into your life as well as the good things. Cats are more independent of course but dogs require a routine. I really hope you can persuade her to make the effort I know how bad depression is but you sometimes have to force yourself to do things you can't face and eventually just the distraction of some action releases some of the pain.

Nikolas said:
And here he is PIT my old now cocker 11 year old, the best friend I ever had. I regret to say hat this is the phot when Itied to give him away. I did so because I am sick from M.S but at the end I changed my mind he is here with me now and we are getting old together.

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Nikolai he is really beautiful, I love his long ears. I have problems with mobility and some days I find it very hard to care for my old dog and my parrot but my life would be so much harder without them and I make myself do things I probably wouldn't bother to if I didn't have them to look after. They take me outside of myself and are a distraction from the pain.

yeh if given plenty of exercise the cocker is an amazingly loyal dog, we used to keep them, i have a 4 year an 10 month old pair of hooligans now both staff.. as loyal as u like, my boy  bronson is what you would call the ideal dog comes an says hello then goes finds the best seat in the house then u dont hear off him until hes hungry or needs to go out. storm, my pup...well loool she is a whirlwind. worse than my kids :)  they are a crucial part of my life really, they get me out an about an i dont really go out at all other than with them or the odd accompanied trip. il post pics of them when i get a min....

Thank you very much @Marigold as that is encouraging. I do have a good size back garden and Vinny enjoys going out and we are leaving the back door open right now. I run hot anyway so it's fine with me. What really needs to happen is for Sophie to start to really bond with him, play with him and enjoy him. I find that it's me who will do this and , no doubt, it won't harm me but I need to know the cats are going to be ok. If pushed then I will push her and him out if she doesn't pull her finger out. She was out shooting the boxing at Bethnal Green last night and I had him with me, walked him & played with him. I do love him but I can have periods where I am bed bound so I need to know she will prioritise her responsibilities is all. 

Many thanks 

Nikolas said:
And here he is PIT my old now cocker 11 year old, the best friend I ever had. I regret to say hat this is the phot when Itied to give him away. I did so because I am sick from M.S but at the end I changed my mind he is here with me now and we are getting old together.

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@Nikolas I suffer with Crohn's and that's bad enough but I also have an extremely rare form of vasculitis called Wegeners granulomatosis and treatment is chemo and more. Please don't give up on a pet that has been with you all of its life. To you they are a part of their world but, to them, you are their entire world. I have times where I can't get out of bed but I guess it easier with cats though we now have the new arrival of Vinny. You would never forgive yourself if you let your companion go. Please do t think I am judging from afar, I habe found that my pets are much nicer and loyal than most people I've met. 

Wishing you all the best mate 

So here are my pets:

First Ask, he's appropriately named Ask as he's a Norwegian Forest Cat and Ask and Embla were the two first humans in Norse Mythology.

Secondly, Ramses, equally appropriately named as he's an Abyssinian, who are originally from Egypt. First recognized cat race in fact.

Thirdly are my two Whippets. Gunnar and Børre (norwegian male names)

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@Jellopanda those are the coolest cats and dogs I've ever seen! I didn't even know there were Norwegian Forest Cats or Absynnian Cats! All I have our feral cats with half their ear cut off to show they were captured and nurtured or spayed then let loose to run in the wild. I am the crazy cat lady everyone has in their neighborhood. Seriously I never know how many cats I have my son finds strays and hides them in his man cave in the basement. So now back at my house I Ohio  my husband and my brother in law are taking care of them, and my husband hates cats, well hates a strong word, he tolerates them. Thank god for my brother in law @killbill420 he loves them and they love him. They pooped on all my good shoes, I swear they hate me! Seriously you have the coolest animals I've ever seen! The dogs, whippets, don't see those much in the states either. 

Thought i would also post my mother's cat too. A Bengal Cat called Pardalis, as he looks a little bit like a grey Ocelot (whose latin name is Leopardus Pardalis). I'm thinking about getting one myself since they're fantastic cats. Not only do they look amazing, but they have great personalities (which is more important to me than appearance). That is if you like very active, intelligent, attention-seeking cats, which i do. Pardalis loves to turn on the faucets in my mother's sinks to play with the water and opens the front door when people knock on it.

Been in contact with a Bengal Cat breeder and she's very strict about who she sells to, but she's ready now to sell me a kitten who is super-cute and likely to become very large as both her parents are (they're generally very large cats). Haven't decided yet tho, because firstly it costs 2500 dollars and secondly they're fiercely territorial, which may cause problems with my two other cats and my two dogs. Especially the dogs may get it rough.

Post got a bit longer than planned, but i finally get to the picture of Pardalis.

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Two of my little furkids. The small lady is Brianne and she may be small but has a presence that would shame many people. She has catitude. 

The big boy is Armorica Viking raider but his pet name is Cosmo. He is now just under 14kg of Maine coon and some people are scared of him but he is the gentlest and lovely pet you could wish for

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@Jools I absolutely love your Maine Coon. He's impressive, majestic even. 

14 kg you say. That's really big even for a Maine Coon. Is that ideal weight for him?

There is some dispute among breeders whether Maine Coon or Bengal Cat is the largest cat race. My mother's Bengal is only 8 kg, but size and weight does vary a lot for both races.

I've always wanted a Maine Coon, but never had one, but i think i will get one at some point. Feels like one of the eighteen cats who shared my home in my life one of them should've been a Maine Coon.

As far as i know no one really knows what the origin of the Maine Coon race is, but the most popular theory is that they're descended from Norwegian Forest Cats brought over to America by Norsemen who mated with short hair cats. Which i think is cool since as you can see above one of my cats is a Norwegian Forest Cat. Certainly those two races are the ones who most resemble each other.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!