Oh and yep def the crazy cat lady here
1 calico 10 yr
1 male 9yr
1 female tabby 6yr
1 female queen of the house 5 yr
1 king black male 4 yr
1 Bsh 1yr old (strange cat)
1 identical prince of the black king 9 months
7 months BSH baby, loves cuddles
5 bsh kitties almost ready to go but i want to keep one
And our poor lone little doggie, she has the patience of a saint even letting the cats eat her food x
Shes the least trouble out of the lot and she is a giant breed lol
On a sad note two of our cats got stolen this year, both cream, my longhaired little kittie got killed on the road and our 10yr old fluffy yellow golden died a very peaceful death from old age
What a year!!!!
So would 9 cats make be the crazy cat lady?! Not that i care im proud of it!