7) No promoting websites through the private message system.
If you receive any private messages promoting any service or products please forward the message to a moderator or administrator. Any member using the private messaging system to promote any commercial service will be banned.
9) For your protection we do not allow the posting of email addresses, phone numbers, or personal information anywhere on the forum. If you decide to reveal any personal info to other forum members please use the private messaging system to do so
Here are the rules pertaining to PM regulations. They are REALLY clear. Like Silver said, it is okay to give our personal info through PM, BUT YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK.
I hope this helps clarify for everyone participating in this thread. If you are in doubt about doing something, take e risk off of yourself and ask me or Admin. We respond promptly and you create safety for yourself (from being warned or banned) if you do so.
Enough of my blabbering. Three nights with no sleep. Lol! Thank you everyone for your efforts to clarify things on this thread. It is really important stuff! Xo