The Attraction of Xanax

Diaz all the way....proper x from pfi.........dont do nutin for me. Its strange. People go mad for them. Im like......baffled

A long long long long time ago when I was 16 or so I got a wonderful euphoria from Diazepam once or twice but I didn't really have an interest in getting more. I don't know why. I was mostly using MJ then. The diazepam was obviously so much better, but for some reason I just didn't pursue it any further than the couple pills I was given.

15 year later in my life I really did have begin having anxiety issues, I lived through them very painfully for months before I thought of seeing a Dr. about it, and although there was no "feeling" to diazepam, Xanax, or clonazepam anymore, it REALLY stopped the anxiety and allowed me to live a more normal life.

I don't know exactly why this changed, but it did. and now they all seem exactly the same, and so I stick to clonazepam, because it's the best bang for buck. Xanax tends to be pricy and has a short half life, and the bars are very large; full of a bunch of inactive ingredients for some reason, while a 2mg clonazepam is tiny. (for some reason a 0.5 clonazepam is the same size as a 2.0 - but a 1.0 is EXTREMELY small, almost a tiny bouncing bead, but not held in many drug stores)
And Valium, you need a whole handful to equal a few 2mg clonazepam.

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X@n@x is incredibly popular and "barz" flies around like casino advertising. Whenever I take them I just pass out, whether 1 me or 2azing feeling.  I don't.get a euphoric feeling or anything amazing. It's a pity but I won't lose sleep over it, lol.

It must work differently for other people. I prefer the older hypnotic staples personally. That said, I like clonaz and bromaz - currently working through a bag of lexilium. ?

What are other people's experience with the Infamous 'X@n@x?'
Tolerance to this is so quick it's silly. You can take it for just one week and lose that protected in cotton wool bubble feeling. I now leave it alone then only use when really necessary. One 2mg bar used to zonk me out but it got to a point where 3 wouldn't do that. Sometimes it's good to mix things up 

I will like this later. ?

I guess there is some anxiety relief, but usually too zonked out to notice. 

Tapers are hard. Done a couple. Sensible though. Apparently, Diaz is best for tapers,  but I think you already know that. ?

Good luck. xx

Oh and forgive the typos in the first post.
Diaz is the best for tapering due to its long half life. It stays in the system longer and so works better due to this. Bennies like zans have a very short half life so you crave more much sooner. 

I'm sure you knew this anyway 

I took 8x 1mg ksalols and 2x2mg bars last Saturday night and thought I was fine.Next day I drove my car into a parked lorry and totalled the front grill ect(no damage to the lorry).The thing is I should never have driven but I thought I was fine.Note to self don't overdo bnz and drive?!!!!.


As of 2017 there are new driving laws in the U.K. If you take benzos then the DVLA need your GP to write a supporting letter which says you are on a steady dose that doesn't affect your driving. If you have a blood test done and you have more than prescribed in your system then you will be prosecuted. 

They have changed a lot of laws with regards to drugs and driving & I'd suggest anyone taking these meds take time to read them. You could end up in jail and I'm not being dramatic 

As of 2017 there are new driving laws in the U.K. If you take benzos then the DVLA need your GP to write a supporting letter which says you are on a steady dose that doesn't affect your driving. If you have a blood test done and you have more than prescribed in your system then you will be prosecuted. 

They have changed a lot of laws with regards to drugs and driving & I'd suggest anyone taking these meds take time to read them. You could end up in jail and I'm not being dramatic 
They aren't in force in this part of the UK yet @Jools,but royal assent was granted not long ago, so it's coming in within 2 years I'm sure. Our legal system differs from England and Wales. But the advice is top notch regardless!

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Thanks @PTFC  my GP writes the letters for me and I'm now very careful on what I take if I know I have to drive somewhere plus I'm on oramorph and the same applies with this. I don't touch it if I'm going to drive.  

I don't really enjoy the feeling of most benzos, but they work for my occasional anxiety. If I can anticipate it, like the night before a flight or something that I know will make me anxious, I'll take a xanax and it helps me sleep. Plus it seems to keep the anxiety at bay the next day as well. Based on that chart of different medication's half-life I might have to try something that lasts longer. I've been contemplating talking to a doctor about this, but my anxiety is pretty mild compared to some.

I've found since they are quick acting it gives me very quick anxiety relief, but only for a couple hours.  You gotta be careful that two hours later you're not taking another dose and then can develop quick tolerance to this drug.  More so than any other in the benzo family.  When i take valium it just makes me tired.   The anxiety is helped but xanax doesn't make me so sleepy.  Also, i like to have a couple drinks at night and since xanax has a fast half life i can take a couple during day and have a few beverages  at night without major effect.   If I take a valium at 8am and drink two bourbons at 8pm i'm a stumbling idiot!

I don't really enjoy the feeling of most benzos, but they work for my occasional anxiety. If I can anticipate it, like the night before a flight or something that I know will make me anxious, I'll take a xanax and it helps me sleep. Plus it seems to keep the anxiety at bay the next day as well. Based on that chart of different medication's half-life I might have to try something that lasts longer. I've been contemplating talking to a doctor about this, but my anxiety is pretty mild compared to some.
Hi @javaman Try .5 lorr@zzep@m, or 15mg Mirt@azz@pine

Can’t stand Valium makes my anxiety worse when it wears off and no euphoria after 3 short days.

for me Xanax .25 works quickly for panic and anxiety and it does make me feel happier.  I would not say a full blown eurphoric feeling, but semi-euphoric :)

Interesting that you brought this subject up and nobody else has...apparently.

I've been on Xan for over ten years and I can give you some advice on the medication overall including what you're trying to achieve even though I'm against such things, I made a vow to help others even if I disagree with the purpose behind it.

These come in 0.5, 1, 2, and 5mg's, rarely higher. I'm assuming you're talking about the 2's which are above average of what the average consumer takes for anxiety treatment. You won't get an euphoric feeling from Xan, I can tell you that much. It's a strong tranq that's used as a fast acting drug to calm the nerve system to reduce panic. The reason you feel sleepy is due to the fact it's potency is much higher than most benz out there.

You'd get more of a feeling from the smaller ones like Val which generally provides a euphoric feeling after 30-45 minutes (roughly) after taking the medication (10-20mg for the average consumer which is the dosage for high-grade panic disorders). The rule of thumb is if you start to get drowsy, you took too much. If you don't feel anything at all that's actually the right dosage for you seeing that's what people with anxiety disorders want apposed from getting any further feelings from it.

However, everybody reacts to medications differently and benz might not be right for you for this particular objective you're aiming for seeing benz changes your brains GABAA receptors - read: for more details about how this class of medication effects the way your brain works while you're on it. So be careful, do your research and be aware of what it's doing to your body besides giving you an euphoric feeling.

KP does the trick for most, same with Val. So long story short Val or KP will be your best bet from personal experience (10+ years). 

Please be safe with these medications, a simple withdrawal can send you to the hospital in a blink of an eye. Just please make sure you do your research on all the drugs you're consuming even if it's prescribed by a doctor so you know what to expect.


I agree with the above.  Higher mg makes people  drowsy drunk like. However the lower mg gives  the relaxed feel good vibe

x@n@x is a god send for me, was on V@l 10mg for about a year then put on 1mg x@n@x. i must say these seem to work better for me personally, have taken k pins and never got that relaxed feeling and just didnt really slow my "negative" thinking down at all like the x@n@x does. been on them for about 6 months now and its great. 

I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 13 years old.  I would be playing basketball and then I would have to rush into my home and hug my mother because I couldn't breath.  Doctors said it was asthma but when I would hug my mom I would ask if I was going to die.  Eventually, professionals knew I was having anxiety issues and prescribed me xanax.  It was a lifesaver.  My panic attacks have me feeling I'm going to die.  I hate that feeling and I'm sure others can relate. A pill that can act quickly does the trick.

I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 13 years old.  I would be playing basketball and then I would have to rush into my home and hug my mother because I couldn't breath.  Doctors said it was asthma but when I would hug my mom I would ask if I was going to die.  Eventually, professionals knew I was having anxiety issues and prescribed me xanax.  It was a lifesaver.  My panic attacks have me feeling I'm going to die.  I hate that feeling and I'm sure others can relate. A pill that can act quickly does the trick.
@billie101 the positive impact on my life after being prescribed the little magic happy pills is crazy, i used to not even have that motivation to get up and go out into the word but since ive been taking x@n@x, my mood and quality of life has improved 10x fold.

@zman,  I can understand.  it started at a young age...  My mom took me to one of her friends house and we go lost.  I was about 9 years old and I baracaded myself in the back seat with covers with my heart racing.  I do believe I have some sort of anxiety =)

@billie101 sounds like it! also started young with me so i feel for you. but im sure you know doctors these days are as willing to "write" like they used too. shame the doctor have to worried about Mr. Man taking their medical license away. fo me this site has been awesome when it comes too supplementing my monthly r.x.

Happy Holidays!!

Happy Holidays @zman .... hope you and yours are very happy this time of the year.  Actually, that goes for everyone!! 

Thanks for the suggestion, @tightlines. Since I posted that I have seen my doctor about my anxiety and he didn't hesitate to prescribe .25mg xanax. I think that's the lowest dose they come in, but for me it seems to work. I even can get some relief from half a pill. I don't seem to have much of a panic disorder, just some generalized anxiety, worry, fear, dread, overwhelming racing thoughts, etc. I'm working with a therapist to find other ways of calming down my mind as well, but the rx has really helped me have the confidence to leave the house and be more social, knowing I have a quick fix if things get out of hand. 

We also tried Lexapro for a daily med, but I really didn't like the way it made me feel after a week or so. Terrible side effects, dark disturbing thoughts, and didn't feel like myself. So now he's prescribed Buspar which I haven't started taking yet because it's also one that takes a while to build up in the system and I'm leary of it after the Lex experience. I'm thinking about starting it now that I have some down time between semesters to gauge the effects of it carefully.

Thanks for the suggestion, @tightlines. Since I posted that I have seen my doctor about my anxiety and he didn't hesitate to prescribe .25mg xanax. I think that's the lowest dose they come in, but for me it seems to work. I even can get some relief from half a pill. I don't seem to have much of a panic disorder, just some generalized anxiety, worry, fear, dread, overwhelming racing thoughts, etc. I'm working with a therapist to find other ways of calming down my mind as well, but the rx has really helped me have the confidence to leave the house and be more social, knowing I have a quick fix if things get out of hand. 

We also tried Lexapro for a daily med, but I really didn't like the way it made me feel after a week or so. Terrible side effects, dark disturbing thoughts, and didn't feel like myself. So now he's prescribed Buspar which I haven't started taking yet because it's also one that takes a while to build up in the system and I'm leary of it after the Lex experience. I'm thinking about starting it now that I have some down time between semesters to gauge the effects of it carefully.
That's really great to hear @javaman I'm honestly happy for you man and proud of the fact you're seeing a professional as well. I'm very much like yourself in that I actually have anxiety; diagnosed by a psych at the ripe old age of 12 (I'm now 37). I didn't have any feedback from the testing that I went through and had no idea that a comprehensive report existed, until it was sent to me by a family member just two months ago. In fact, I have the report in front of me now and it even make me angry to the point of tears that no actions resulted from the findings of the assessment. The anxiety and the negative impact it's had on my life in way of behaviour/personality/social interaction could have been treated years ago.

Anyway, back to the thread topic, zz@nnies are my safety net. 2em gees are not required personally unless you suffer bad panic attacks. I have stages where I won't leave the house and will only do so at times of day/night when I'm least likely to encounter someone or have to communicate face-to-face with people. I see my psych when I'm like this and know all the tricks and techniques; which some days, you're constantly employing from morning to evening. Lozzies are fantastic helpers and I have just 1 em gee in the morning when I'm experiencing extended periods of 'all day anxiety' (lasting from several days, to a week or two, or even up to a month sometimes). If I didn't have them, I'd go back to faking illness some days to stay indoors.

Zz@nnies are second to none for anxiety. I couldn't attend weddings or social gatherings, etc. without them. It's not in my head and I've made the foolish mistake twice now to think otherwise. My life is so much better due to these little god-sends. They do exactly as they are designed for - short term relief of anxiety. You want longer lasting, then take lozzies. You want to get a high, then find another product, because you'll only knock yourself out by taking a truck load of zz@nnies/l@zzies.

 @javaman I still think you should try in the morning. Like I said, you sound like you have episodes like myself. If you want to chat private by PM, I have a number of books, etc. that have helped immensely.

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  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
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  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  18. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
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