Many thanks again for your informative post, Soldier. Unlike the past, when I used Tramadol, I never suffered a seizure or what they call 'Serotonin Syndrome'. I could swallow between 12-20 50mg pills a day (within a three hour span) for months on end, and be OK. That is until I decided to stop. Then it would be living HELL for weeks upon end, having no sense of balance, patience, or ability to figure out the most simplest of things without feeling majorly frazzled and depressed upon belief.
Eventually, I found the right SSRI after many months on and off of different ones trying to adjust to the right one which could help decrease the withdrawal time and replenish the serotonin needed to hopefully kick Tramadol for good.
But as you probably know Soldier, and any others who have mucked about with that med, just when you think you have it beat and will NEVER use it again, 3 months, 6 months, or a year or two down the road it pulls you in again, as it's done to me so very often.
The brain fog I'm suffering from today is due to the mix of meds the hospital had me on, numerous injections, and the lack of sleep coupled with a pounding migraine headache that no med seems to be taking away. Although, I do feel 90% better than I did this morning. So time does heal.
Anyways, over 1000 capsules are in the trash can outside. Not an F'n chance in hell will I be jumpin' in that dumpster to get them out.
Feel free and of my DBG friends to help yourselves, most are still in their blister packs and good until 2015.
And thanks again Soldier. I don't pray either, so your "thoughts" and time you sent responding to my posts alone have shown me you're a much better/nicer guy than I initially came to believe a week or so back.
Consider us friends. Name added.