Trump vs Clinton?

Can't be quiet here...grew up in a family who's always discussed politics. 

First of all, I will point out I don't like trump I think he's an asshole. However the idea that he's trying to shut down the media/press is totally ridiculous because IF ANyTHING - that mother fucker does nothing but ENGAGE the media/press via his twitter account. He responds to every fucking comment made about him - doesn't matter who made it. That isn't exactly trying to shut down the media. What the Obama administration did - attempting to regulate the online information for the media/press - that would be shutting down the media(think CHINA). The government shouldn't get to chose what news info we read online.  Additionally if anybody is trying to shut down anybody - liberals have been trying to shut conservatives down for years (since Obama ) and if you don't think so take note because it's been happening at state funded universities across this country for the last 8 years (i.e. Condoleeza rice, milo yiannoppolus, Ann coulter, etc).  Just because fucking millennial liberal students don't agree with who's speaking doesn't mean they get to run around masked, destroying people's businesses and burning shit down.  Shame on the academia at these universities and the police chiefs in these cities for thinking certain people deserve protection but not others. 

Secondly, say what you will about trumps foreign policy - and again I don't like him but at least he's got some balls which is a helluva lot more than I can say for Obama. And let me just mention I used to be a democrat - since age 18 and I'm close to 50 and I started following Obama when he was still in the Illinois senate - way before anybody even knew who he was and I fucking LOVED him. But when somebody chooses to lead our country - then immediately, right when he gets into office - travels around the world apologizing for the US.... really you just couldn't be anymore disrespectful to our military.  Obama 's "red line" with Syria was a fucking joke - no wonder we are in the situation we are in. And then the famous JCPOA - wow Obama - that was a great fucking idea because we ALL know that our history with Iran proves they will adhere to a nuclear deal with the US......HELLO PEOPLE.  As far as both Syria and North Korea goes, this bullshit has been on a simmering boil for fucking years thanks to SEVERAL previous administrations. And if you don't think so just google some history.  If you're a liberal and you disagree with the US foreign policy of us intervening across the globe- just remember, the US- for at least a half a century - has been bank rolling these corrupt foreign governments( only exception is NK)  It's really funny to me that all of these counties have absolutely no problem holding out their dirty little hands while the US doles out the hundreds of billions of dollars to everyone then they stand around scratching their heads wondering why the US wants to intervene militarily when they gas their people and kill  half million of their own  civilians.  

And for those of you out there who think radical/militant Islam doesn't affect the west then take some time and google Aayan Hirsi Ali and read up on her and her foundation - AHA Foundation (not American heart assoc - aha stands for her initials).  I'm no talking about terrorists coming to our country killing Americans. I'm talking about a women's right issue that NO liberal woman will EVER talk about because Aayan (former Muslim) speaks out AGAINST Islam. She represents and protects Muslim dissedents (mostly women and girls ) from oppressive Islamist practices. She also thinks, rightly so, that Islam needs a reformation. Most notably female genital mutilation (she was victim in her home country of Somalia). There is a federal law banning the practice however there are 20something states which don't have state laws and this qrotesque practice is happening RIGHT NOW in our country. There are Muslim doctors performing this on little baby girls in the states considered "at risk" including mine (Tx). Try googling Michigan Muslim doctor who just got arrested (along with his wife) for doing this with a 12 year old girl. And if you think this is probably something that doesn't happen often keep googling because it does and the statistics are staggering. There are a half million girls just in US alone that have either endured the practice or are considered at risk.  So again all you libs who don't believe in intervention -  WAKE THE FUCK UP - these people - if they are going to come to our country need to ASSIMILATE - it's simply NOT ok for them to come here and think they can just abide by sharia law and not the US laws - it's just not ok.  Needless to say all of the Islamist leaders across the world have issued "fatwas" against Aayan for wanting to protect women and girls against the oppressive tactics of FGM, honor killings, etc.  You can call me a racist or bigot- but these are the facts. 

Not apologizing for this rant. 

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Can't be quiet here...grew up in a family who's always discussed politics. 

First of all, I will point out I don't like trump I think he's an asshole. However the idea that he's trying to shut down the media/press is totally ridiculous because IF ANyTHING - that mother fucker does nothing but ENGAGE the media/press via his twitter account. He responds to every fucking comment made about him - doesn't matter who made it. That isn't exactly trying to shut down the media. What the Obama administration did - attempting to regulate the online information for the media/press - that would be shutting down the media(think CHINA). The government shouldn't get to chose what news info we read online.  Additionally if anybody is trying to shut down anybody - liberals have been trying to shut conservatives down for years (since Obama ) and if you don't think so take note because it's been happening at state funded universities across this country for the last 8 years (i.e. Condoleeza rice, milo yiannoppolus, Ann coulter, etc).  Just because fucking millennial liberal students don't agree with who's speaking doesn't mean they get to run around masked, destroying people's businesses and burning shit down.  Shame on the academia at these universities and the police chiefs in these cities for thinking certain people deserve protection but not others. 

Secondly, say what you will about trumps foreign policy - and again I don't like him but at least he's got some balls which is a helluva lot more than I can say for Obama. And let me just mention I used to be a democrat - since age 18 and I'm close to 50 and I started following Obama when he was still in the Illinois senate - way before anybody even knew who he was and I fucking LOVED him. But when somebody chooses to lead our country - then immediately, right when he gets into office - travels around the world apologizing for the US.... really you just couldn't be anymore disrespectful to our military.  Obama 's "red line" with Syria was a fucking joke - no wonder we are in the situation we are in. And then the famous JCPOA - wow Obama - that was a great fucking idea because we ALL know that our history with Iran proves they will adhere to a nuclear deal with the US......HELLO PEOPLE.  As far as both Syria and North Korea goes, this bullshit has been on a simmering boil for fucking years thanks to SEVERAL previous administrations. And if you don't think so just google some history.  If you're a liberal and you disagree with the US foreign policy of us intervening across the globe- just remember, the US- for at least a half a century - has been bank rolling these corrupt foreign governments( only exception is NK)  It's really funny to me that all of these counties have absolutely no problem holding out their dirty little hands while the US doles out the hundreds of billions of dollars to everyone then they stand around scratching their heads wondering why the US wants to intervene militarily when they gas their people and kill  half million of their own  civilians.  

And for those of you out there who think radical/militant Islam doesn't affect the west then take some time and google Aayan Hirsi Ali and read up on her and her foundation - AHA Foundation (not American heart assoc - aha stands for her initials).  I'm no talking about terrorists coming to our country killing Americans. I'm talking about a women's right issue that NO liberal woman will EVER talk about because Aayan (former Muslim) speaks out AGAINST Islam. She represents and protects Muslim dissedents (mostly women and girls ) from oppressive Islamist practices. She also thinks, rightly so, that Islam needs a reformation. Most notably female genital mutilation (she was victim in her home country of Somalia). There is a federal law banning the practice however there are 20something states which don't have state laws and this qrotesque practice is happening RIGHT NOW in our country. There are Muslim doctors performing this on little baby girls in the states considered "at risk" including mine (Tx). Try googling Michigan Muslim doctor who just got arrested (along with his wife) for doing this with a 12 year old girl. And if you think this is probably something that doesn't happen often keep googling because it does and the statistics are staggering. There are a half million girls just in US alone that have either endured the practice or are considered at risk.  So again all you libs who don't believe in intervention -  WAKE THE FUCK UP - these people - if they are going to come to our country need to ASSIMILATE - it's simply NOT ok for them to come here and think they can just abide by sharia law and not the US laws - it's just not ok.  Needless to say all of the Islamist leaders across the world have issued "fatwas" against Aayan for wanting to protect women and girls against the oppressive tactics of FGM, honor killings, etc.  You can call me a racist or bigot- but these are the facts. 

Not apologizing for this rant. 
A great post @Pooner2013! Female genital mutilation is getting much attention here in the UK also. Aside from that, US Foreign Policy is almost a carbon copy of the UK'S from the 17th Century until the Suez Crisis, when it is generally agreed we lost our superpower status. I don't care to discuss politics usually, but in the case of any Foreign policy, there is much to learn from History. 

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A great post @Pooner2013! Female genital mutilation is getting much attention here in the UK also. Aside from that, US Foreign Policy is almost a carbon copy of the UK'S from the 17th Century until the Suez Crisis, when it is generally agreed we lost our superpower status. I don't care to discuss politics usually, but in the case of any Foreign policy, there is much to learn from History. 
Awe thanks PTFC. I'm glad I have one person on my side. Everything I explained was the reason I finally had to move away from the Democratic Party. In  the last 8 years the party has changed dramatically. They have this syndrome I like to refer to as "selective outrage syndrome". As long as the issue matches up with what they promote politically it's ok to talk about - otherwise they just ignore it. They pretend like it doesn't exist.  Have a good day. 

I agree with your stand against female genital mutilation, but I'd point out that it's not practiced in any of the countries Trump is trying to ban visitors from. It's also not a Islamic practice--it's an African practice. It's just wrong to assume all people of one group or religion are all the same. In my neighborhood there is a large population of Iranians, West African Muslims, and East African Muslims & I can't think of 3 groups that are more different culturally. East African Muslims drink alcohol & are extremely friendly and outgoing to people from outside their culture. My daughter's best friend is a from a family from Cameroon where the father Muslim & the mother Christian, and that sort of intermarriage is common even in Cameroon. The West African Muslims, on the other hand, who come from Somalia or Sudan are some of the most unfriendly people I've ever met & certainly keep to themselves. The Ethiopians are an exception even in West Africa as theirs is a culture where Muslim, Christians, and Jews have been interacting for over a 1000 years, and they seem completely fluid about religious identity. I've met Ethiopian Jews and Muslims who've become Christian when they came to the US. Most of the Iranians in our area were fleeing the Iranian Revolution and are completely secular and my wife's closest friend was Iranian (she passed away a few years ago). 

I'm Jewish and the same things were said about Jews not being able to assimilate 100 years ago. Jewish refugees were kept out of the US for the same "concerns"--and if you look back to the beginning of the 20th century Jews along with Italians were being singled out as terrorists. But 3/4ths of Jews in the US today are reform Jews, a tradition created just so we could assimilate and live a modern life (by comparison only 7 percent of Jews in Israel are). Although I still have had "friendly" Christians tell me I need to move to Israel in order to fulfill a prophecy they believe in. Every other group of immigrants that has come to the US (including Muslims who have been here for generations) has assimilated within a couple generations because the US welcomed immigrants. We're not Europe and American Muslims are far more assimilated already than Muslims in European countries.

I suggest you look at this from the Cato institute, which is hardly a liberal organization. Also that you actually meet and talk with some Muslims

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Maybe continental Europe @Biteme, but due to legacy of Empire Muslims/and others have assimilated very well into the UK for 100's of years, obviously moreso last century than at any other time of course after decolonisation.

I agree with your stand against female genital mutilation, but I'd point out that it's not practiced in any of the countries Trump is trying to ban visitors from. It's also not a Islamic practice--it's an African practice. It's just wrong to assume all people of one group or religion are all the same. In my neighborhood there is a large population of Iranians, West African Muslims, and East African Muslims & I can't think of 3 groups that are more different culturally. East African Muslims drink alcohol & are extremely friendly and outgoing to people from outside their culture. My daughter's best friend is a from a family from Cameroon where the father Muslim & the mother Christian, and that sort of intermarriage is common even in Cameroon. The West African Muslims, on the other hand, who come from Somalia or Sudan are some of the most unfriendly people I've ever met & certainly keep to themselves. The Ethiopians are an exception even in West Africa as theirs is a culture where Muslim, Christians, and Jews have been interacting for over a 1000 years, and they seem completely fluid about religious identity. I've met Ethiopian Jews and Muslims who've become Christian when they came to the US. Most of the Iranians in our area were fleeing the Iranian Revolution and are completely secular and my wife's closest friend was Iranian (she passed away a few years ago). 

I'm Jewish and the same things were said about Jews not being able to assimilate 100 years ago. Jewish refugees were kept out of the US for the same "concerns"--and if you look back to the beginning of the 20th century Jews along with Italians were being singled out as terrorists. But 3/4ths of Jews in the US today are reform Jews, a tradition created just so we could assimilate and live a modern life (by comparison only 7 percent of Jews in Israel are). Although I still have had "friendly" Christians tell me I need to move to Israel in order to fulfill a prophecy they believe in. Every other group of immigrants that has come to the US (including Muslims who have been here for generations) has assimilated within a couple generations because the US welcomed immigrants. We're not Europe and American Muslims are far more assimilated already than Muslims in European countries.

I suggest you look at this from the Cato institute, which is hardly a liberal organization. Also that you actually meet and talk with some Muslims
It's being practiced by nothing but muslims in the us. 

BTW I have many muslim friends I grew up in Houston. But denying the fact that there's not an issue doesn't mean there's not one. 

Comparing the holicaust/Jews with radical or militant Muslims just doesn't fly with me. 

The Cato inst. is libertarian btw. People mistakenly think the Koch brothers are staunch conservatives - and they're just not.  

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Well you managed to miss my point completely. All Muslims does not equal radical Muslims anymore than all Jews equal radical Jews (and yes there were a number of Jewish communists & anarchists in the US who committed acts of terrorism).

Also, never said Cato was conservative. The words were "hardly a liberal institution." I'm well aware of the difference, and have a lot of respect for libertarians & not much for conservative republicans.

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Well you managed to miss my point completely. All Muslims does not equal radical Muslims anymore than all Jews equal radical Jews (and yes there were a number of Jewish communists & anarchists in the US who committed acts of terrorism).

Also, never said Cato was conservative. The words were "hardly a liberal institution." I'm well aware of the difference, and have a lot of respect for libertarians & not much for conservative republicans.
@biteme - I'm so sorry. You are right. I was traveling yesterday and when I read your post skimmed it real fast and posted. I should not have done that without reading everything you typed carefully. 

I will start by stating an apology for us misunderstanding each other online. I know what I typed sounds a certain way but I want to point out I'm not categorizing all muslims in the same way. When I make the reference  to radical/militant Islam I'm referring to Wahhabism, which only makes up about 10% of the entire population of muslims if I'm not mistaken.  As previously stated I have always had Muslim friends and in my youth even dated a few Muslim guys.  

There have been terrorists in our country from pretty much every ethnicity/religion/ counter culture movement. The thing that is different about what is happening right now is we have never seen a radical religious group so deeply embedded on a global scale in pretty much every country. This, in my view, is simply a function of modern technology and hopefully it changes with time.  

And again there are many ways we are affected in the west. The women's rights issues are just one component. You can forget about FGM if it's better for you but Islam still has a history of being oppressive with women in a variety of ways. Federal and state tax dollars go to the wahhabi version/interpretation of Quran being placed in our prison systems and this is how/why people get radicalized in prison. 

Also again I'll mention I was a democrat for many many years. I happen to be in a place where I have a hard time fully supporting any party although I will refer to myself as conservative at times. The only thing that has gradually changed with me over the years post 911 are my views on foreign policy.  I think I mentioned this previously but the us not only has bank rolled a lot of corrupt foreign governments but we've also armed them as well which I have a problem with. But I do feel when there is a gross humanitarian crisis - like there has been in Syria - we should be involved. I admit the US FP has been tepid at best. 

I will also mention I fully agree with you when it comes to the travel ban - its ridiculous.  Just because I made a statement about radical Islam does not mean I support us immigration rules at the moment.  Half of our family immigrated from Mexico. 

I am a Christian and I do not believe you have any prophecy to fulfill. I am pretty sure the Methodist church as a whole does not believe this.  

I appreciate your friendly banter. 

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I served in our military under the Obama administration and there were numerous times we wasn't sure if we were gonna get paid. Trump is already doing things for our military and veterans. Who have earned the right to get good healthcare.

Obamas ties w Islam kept him from pushing the button. We had so many problems when I was serving. Shoot even when I was in Korea they got antsy a lot cause we had such a coward president. Since trump got in he's called out Kim Jung Un and he's shivering now. 

I dont support female genital mutilation.

I support free speech even if I dont like it.

I am an independent so I have no allegiance to any party. Our foreign policy has been a joke for the last 50 years.  

I think sabre rattling is dangerous and I dont think we have the ability to fight wars on 3-4 fronts.   I agree with everything you said @Pooner2013 but I think Trump is a very dangerous man.  I only hope he has the interest of the country at heart, rather than the interests of the oligarchs that run our country.  There are scumbags on both sides of the aisles and it seems they only wish to enrich themselves rather than help the middle class stabilize and become what it used to be.  

I am the son of a veteran that passed away in February.  He is getting buried in Arlington National Cemetery in July with full military honors.  The way the Va treated him was an abomination.   I shudder to think that we are going to send more of our young men across the world to get injured in endless wars only to come home and have to beg for the benefits that they earned.  It is a sad state of affairs when our country's finest young men get treated the way they do  and get little to no support.

And I think all administrations try to suppress free speech.  If I remember correctly the Obama admin was supposed to be the most transparent admin in history.    When it comes down to it, its all about money and power and maintaining it.  It doesnt matter whether you are left or right, they are all crooks and after the almighty dollar.    I wasnt just singling out Trump as the free speech suppressor, he is just the most current example.  

@biteme - I'm so sorry. You are right. I was traveling yesterday and when I read your post skimmed it real fast and posted. I should not have done that without reading everything you typed carefully. 

I will start by stating an apology for us misunderstanding each other online. I know what I typed sounds a certain way but I want to point out I'm not categorizing all muslims in the same way. When I make the reference  to radical/militant Islam I'm referring to Wahhabism, which only makes up about 10% of the entire population of muslims if I'm not mistaken.  As previously stated I have always had Muslim friends and in my youth even dated a few Muslim guys.  

There have been terrorists in our country from pretty much every ethnicity/religion/ counter culture movement. The thing that is different about what is happening right now is we have never seen a radical religious group so deeply embedded on a global scale in pretty much every country. This, in my view, is simply a function of modern technology and hopefully it changes with time.  

And again there are many ways we are affected in the west. The women's rights issues are just one component. You can forget about FGM if it's better for you but Islam still has a history of being oppressive with women in a variety of ways. Federal and state tax dollars go to the wahhabi version/interpretation of Quran being placed in our prison systems and this is how/why people get radicalized in prison. 

Also again I'll mention I was a democrat for many many years. I happen to be in a place where I have a hard time fully supporting any party although I will refer to myself as conservative at times. The only thing that has gradually changed with me over the years post 911 are my views on foreign policy.  I think I mentioned this previously but the us not only has bank rolled a lot of corrupt foreign governments but we've also armed them as well which I have a problem with. But I do feel when there is a gross humanitarian crisis - like there has been in Syria - we should be involved. I admit the US FP has been tepid at best. 

I will also mention I fully agree with you when it comes to the travel ban - its ridiculous.  Just because I made a statement about radical Islam does not mean I support us immigration rules at the moment.  Half of our family immigrated from Mexico. 

I am a Christian and I do not believe you have any prophecy to fulfill. I am pretty sure the Methodist church as a whole does not believe this.  

I appreciate your friendly banter. 
Thank you. I can agree with most of that. I typically vote democratic but mainly because it's the lesser of 2 evils. I think that's going to prove the case with Trump too.

I'm a libertarian on social issues & somewhat one on foreign policy. I think out of our moves in the mid-east have ended up making the situation worse rather than better. Look at Iraq today, at Libya, at Afghanistan. One of the reasons Obama was backed into making that deal with Iran is because we actually needed Iran's help to keep Iraq stable. We wouldn't be winning against ISIS in Iraq & to a lesser extent Syria if it weren't for Iran & Iran-backed militias

I served in our military under the Obama administration and there were numerous times we wasn't sure if we were gonna get paid. Trump is already doing things for our military and veterans. Who have earned the right to get good healthcare.

Obamas ties w Islam kept him from pushing the button. We had so many problems when I was serving. Shoot even when I was in Korea they got antsy a lot cause we had such a coward president. Since trump got in he's called out Kim Jung Un and he's shivering now. 
Mr. Army Veteran,  I just want to clarify. Are you stating that you want nuclear warfare? And you voted for Trump? Makes sense.


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I have to agree with all of those in the middle, those who feel stuck between two heads of the same beast.

Decades ago, I used to think that Richard Nixon was a real monster. The only reason we bugged out of Vietnam was because of public outcry and the very real possibility of armed revolution in our streets. But it was actually Lyndon Johnson who escalated that war beyond recognition. We would have lost to Russia and China's combined forces if we had gone too much further. I am sorry for all my friends who died there, but we should have never gotten involved. I was a bleeding heart liberal then, but crook that he was, I never gave Nixon his due for pulling us out of that fiasco.

The years have mercilessly rolled on. Now I have swung toward the center so badly that I think that the fence I'm straddling is going to split my ass in two. I watched Obama being groomed for the commander in cheese job, and I knew we'd be in trouble if were elected. I saw in him a man who since his college years at Harvard really, honestly and truly was embarrassed of our nation, and he may have even harbored a genuine hatred for it. However, Obama wasn't quite as bad as I thought he'd be, especially considering that the Republicans certainly offered worse in 2008.

McCain? I think his brains were scrambled in Vietnam. He has lost his sense of reason to the vagaries of senility and hawkishness. But I think Trump is so far removed from the Republican party that he is probably nowhere near the threat that the leftist guerillas think he is.

I have never seen the country as polarized as it is now. Soros, the REAL NAZI in our world, is infinitely more dangerous than even McCain ever could have been. I find it interesting to note just how much idealistic overlap there is between the extremes of the far left and the far right.

To add to all this, our fakestream media is as laughably slick as snake oil salesmen and far more malevolent. The hacks in the pancake makeup sit in front of the lens and make my beloved country look like a banana republic. Decades of opinion journalism have scrambled our brains and desensitized our rationality. Even CBS's Walter Cronkite, an avowed Communist, did everything he possibly could do to avoid the slightest hint of biased reporting. Nowadays, the "news" liars feel their viewpoint just MUST be aired; the end justifies the means.

No rational human wants nuclear war. Yes, I think Trump is more rational than many would like to think. In saying that he'd be "honored" to speak to Kim Jong Un, I think he may really consider it more honorable to treat him like a leader, rather than put countless lives at risk.  What other "politician" would realistically seek China's assistance in dealing in this matter? The anointed Obama did nothing, kicking that can down the road. He chose inaction rather than risking the possibility of sullying his "legacy", even though he freely told Trump that N. Korea was going to be his biggest foreign affairs challenge.

Obama did not seem to like our country or its military. There was a time that I didn't either. I like to think I grew out of that. I know I sure grew older.

I think too much Hillary Kool-ade was passed out to everyone. Trump is not a monster. He's a family-oriented billionaire, if that term can possibly make sense. I thought he may have diarrhea of the mouth, but he DID get his "wires tapped" (a bigger crime than Watergate.) If we give him enough time to right the disastrous burdens on our economy, and undo decades of ruinous globalist agendas, the whole planet will benefit. NOW, if he doesn't escalate the w@r on dru9$ I may just may (possibly) not have to eat all of these billions of words.

Just my $.02., though it may not even be worth even that much. Thanks.

I have to agree with all of those in the middle, those who feel stuck between two heads of the same beast.

Decades ago, I used to think that Richard Nixon was a real monster. The only reason we bugged out of Vietnam was because of public outcry and the very real possibility of armed revolution in our streets. But it was actually Lyndon Johnson who escalated that war beyond recognition. We would have lost to Russia and China's combined forces if we had gone too much further. I am sorry for all my friends who died there, but we should have never gotten involved. I was a bleeding heart liberal then, but crook that he was, I never gave Nixon his due for pulling us out of that fiasco.

The years have mercilessly rolled on. Now I have swung toward the center so badly that I think that the fence I'm straddling is going to split my ass in two. I watched Obama being groomed for the commander in cheese job, and I knew we'd be in trouble if were elected. I saw in him a man who since his college years at Harvard really, honestly and truly was embarrassed of our nation, and he may have even harbored a genuine hatred for it. However, Obama wasn't quite as bad as I thought he'd be, especially considering that the Republicans certainly offered worse in 2008.

McCain? I think his brains were scrambled in Vietnam. He has lost his sense of reason to the vagaries of senility and hawkishness. But I think Trump is so far removed from the Republican party that he is probably nowhere near the threat that the leftist guerillas think he is.

I have never seen the country as polarized as it is now. Soros, the REAL NAZI in our world, is infinitely more dangerous than even McCain ever could have been. I find it interesting to note just how much idealistic overlap there is between the extremes of the far left and the far right.

To add to all this, our fakestream media is as laughably slick as snake oil salesmen and far more malevolent. The hacks in the pancake makeup sit in front of the lens and make my beloved country look like a banana republic. Decades of opinion journalism have scrambled our brains and desensitized our rationality. Even CBS's Walter Cronkite, an avowed Communist, did everything he possibly could do to avoid the slightest hint of biased reporting. Nowadays, the "news" liars feel their viewpoint just MUST be aired; the end justifies the means.

No rational human wants nuclear war. Yes, I think Trump is more rational than many would like to think. In saying that he'd be "honored" to speak to Kim Jong Un, I think he may really consider it more honorable to treat him like a leader, rather than put countless lives at risk.  What other "politician" would realistically seek China's assistance in dealing in this matter? The anointed Obama did nothing, kicking that can down the road. He chose inaction rather than risking the possibility of sullying his "legacy", even though he freely told Trump that N. Korea was going to be his biggest foreign affairs challenge.

Obama did not seem to like our country or its military. There was a time that I didn't either. I like to think I grew out of that. I know I sure grew older.

I think too much Hillary Kool-ade was passed out to everyone. Trump is not a monster. He's a family-oriented billionaire, if that term can possibly make sense. I thought he may have diarrhea of the mouth, but he DID get his "wires tapped" (a bigger crime than Watergate.) If we give him enough time to right the disastrous burdens on our economy, and undo decades of ruinous globalist agendas, the whole planet will benefit. NOW, if he doesn't escalate the w@r on dru9$ I may just may (possibly) not have to eat all of these billions of words.

Just my $.02., though it may not even be worth even that much. Thanks.
Well sir you are a very well informed voter! I took great pleasure in reading every sentence of your post.

Hello All, 

I hate Trump, not my Pres. Cannot even bare to say his title. Interestingly I see all things Trumpite every day. A few days ago however took the cake, I seen two bumper stickers, one that said "VOTE TRUMP" and the other said on the very same car "Work Sucks" lol. What an irony as he would work them to the ground paying two bucks an hour lol. Sorry he is a complete joke and has unbalanced the globe! Mark my words War will come from this as every country REALLY hates us now! 

PS: Please do not take this personally not an attack against anyone just saying... :)



Well sir you are a very well informed voter! I took great pleasure in reading every sentence of your post.
I have to agree with all of those in the middle, those who feel stuck between two heads of the same beast.

Decades ago, I used to think that Richard Nixon was a real monster. The only reason we bugged out of Vietnam was because of public outcry and the very real possibility of armed revolution in our streets. But it was actually Lyndon Johnson who escalated that war beyond recognition. We would have lost to Russia and China's combined forces if we had gone too much further. I am sorry for all my friends who died there, but we should have never gotten involved. I was a bleeding heart liberal then, but crook that he was, I never gave Nixon his due for pulling us out of that fiasco.

The years have mercilessly rolled on. Now I have swung toward the center so badly that I think that the fence I'm straddling is going to split my ass in two. I watched Obama being groomed for the commander in cheese job, and I knew we'd be in trouble if were elected. I saw in him a man who since his college years at Harvard really, honestly and truly was embarrassed of our nation, and he may have even harbored a genuine hatred for it. However, Obama wasn't quite as bad as I thought he'd be, especially considering that the Republicans certainly offered worse in 2008.

McCain? I think his brains were scrambled in Vietnam. He has lost his sense of reason to the vagaries of senility and hawkishness. But I think Trump is so far removed from the Republican party that he is probably nowhere near the threat that the leftist guerillas think he is.

I have never seen the country as polarized as it is now. Soros, the REAL NAZI in our world, is infinitely more dangerous than even McCain ever could have been. I find it interesting to note just how much idealistic overlap there is between the extremes of the far left and the far right.

To add to all this, our fakestream media is as laughably slick as snake oil salesmen and far more malevolent. The hacks in the pancake makeup sit in front of the lens and make my beloved country look like a banana republic. Decades of opinion journalism have scrambled our brains and desensitized our rationality. Even CBS's Walter Cronkite, an avowed Communist, did everything he possibly could do to avoid the slightest hint of biased reporting. Nowadays, the "news" liars feel their viewpoint just MUST be aired; the end justifies the means.

No rational human wants nuclear war. Yes, I think Trump is more rational than many would like to think. In saying that he'd be "honored" to speak to Kim Jong Un, I think he may really consider it more honorable to treat him like a leader, rather than put countless lives at risk.  What other "politician" would realistically seek China's assistance in dealing in this matter? The anointed Obama did nothing, kicking that can down the road. He chose inaction rather than risking the possibility of sullying his "legacy", even though he freely told Trump that N. Korea was going to be his biggest foreign affairs challenge.

Obama did not seem to like our country or its military. There was a time that I didn't either. I like to think I grew out of that. I know I sure grew older.

I think too much Hillary Kool-ade was passed out to everyone. Trump is not a monster. He's a family-oriented billionaire, if that term can possibly make sense. I thought he may have diarrhea of the mouth, but he DID get his "wires tapped" (a bigger crime than Watergate.) If we give him enough time to right the disastrous burdens on our economy, and undo decades of ruinous globalist agendas, the whole planet will benefit. NOW, if he doesn't escalate the w@r on dru9$ I may just may (possibly) not have to eat all of these billions of words.

Just my $.02., though it may not even be worth even that much. Thanks.

I have to agree with all of those in the middle, those who feel stuck between two heads of the same beast.

Decades ago, I used to think that Richard Nixon was a real monster. The only reason we bugged out of Vietnam was because of public outcry and the very real possibility of armed revolution in our streets. But it was actually Lyndon Johnson who escalated that war beyond recognition. We would have lost to Russia and China's combined forces if we had gone too much further. I am sorry for all my friends who died there, but we should have never gotten involved. I was a bleeding heart liberal then, but crook that he was, I never gave Nixon his due for pulling us out of that fiasco.

The years have mercilessly rolled on. Now I have swung toward the center so badly that I think that the fence I'm straddling is going to split my ass in two. I watched Obama being groomed for the commander in cheese job, and I knew we'd be in trouble if were elected. I saw in him a man who since his college years at Harvard really, honestly and truly was embarrassed of our nation, and he may have even harbored a genuine hatred for it. However, Obama wasn't quite as bad as I thought he'd be, especially considering that the Republicans certainly offered worse in 2008.

McCain? I think his brains were scrambled in Vietnam. He has lost his sense of reason to the vagaries of senility and hawkishness. But I think Trump is so far removed from the Republican party that he is probably nowhere near the threat that the leftist guerillas think he is.

I have never seen the country as polarized as it is now. Soros, the REAL NAZI in our world, is infinitely more dangerous than even McCain ever could have been. I find it interesting to note just how much idealistic overlap there is between the extremes of the far left and the far right.

To add to all this, our fakestream media is as laughably slick as snake oil salesmen and far more malevolent. The hacks in the pancake makeup sit in front of the lens and make my beloved country look like a banana republic. Decades of opinion journalism have scrambled our brains and desensitized our rationality. Even CBS's Walter Cronkite, an avowed Communist, did everything he possibly could do to avoid the slightest hint of biased reporting. Nowadays, the "news" liars feel their viewpoint just MUST be aired; the end justifies the means.

No rational human wants nuclear war. Yes, I think Trump is more rational than many would like to think. In saying that he'd be "honored" to speak to Kim Jong Un, I think he may really consider it more honorable to treat him like a leader, rather than put countless lives at risk.  What other "politician" would realistically seek China's assistance in dealing in this matter? The anointed Obama did nothing, kicking that can down the road. He chose inaction rather than risking the possibility of sullying his "legacy", even though he freely told Trump that N. Korea was going to be his biggest foreign affairs challenge.

Obama did not seem to like our country or its military. There was a time that I didn't either. I like to think I grew out of that. I know I sure grew older.

I think too much Hillary Kool-ade was passed out to everyone. Trump is not a monster. He's a family-oriented billionaire, if that term can possibly make sense. I thought he may have diarrhea of the mouth, but he DID get his "wires tapped" (a bigger crime than Watergate.) If we give him enough time to right the disastrous burdens on our economy, and undo decades of ruinous globalist agendas, the whole planet will benefit. NOW, if he doesn't escalate the w@r on dru9$ I may just may (possibly) not have to eat all of these billions of words.

Just my $.02., though it may not even be worth even that much. Thanks.
Sorry just plain disagree! BTW which is my right.. not a personal attack. I am curious however how many jobs has he gained? Is he staying out of other countries and focusing on "Making America  Great Again"? Not so much! Sad to say I gave him money, I do not regret much however I do and always regret giving him money!



Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!