this kind of response and question is so helpful, it is much appreciated. I will certainly look into those options for you as well as the alladin, and feel free to post or send via pm more specific subjects of research as they come to you.
Psychs are actually my favorite area of research, and while I have lovely access to options that have been researched right out out of their status of novelty, I'm still locking down exactly where I will do the majority of sourcing the kind of psych that belongs in this section of the website.
Honestly, at this point, a single request like yours will do the trick for most things in the price range of the two others you mentioned, since I trust you and a lot of people here to follow through on their requests while also understanding the need for me to make a little profit.
Additionally, I think many domestic r&d techs would be interested in the opportunity to research compounds on a level of novelty we're not used to having access to in this bizarre mistake of a country.
Also, at this point, honestly the same goes for alladin, as the same principle stands.
A few more sales in addition to the unfortunate waiting time that at least I, as a green vendor, have yet to find my way around it, and I'll have what you need on the way. Especially as a few wonderful techs succeeded in making my landlords another month richer, I can at least get one of the cheaper things you mentioned right on it's way.
And that goes for nearly all members of the community who read this far lol. Just a fair warning to everyone else, it would be very difficult to convince me to order anything in the realm of opis or noids. Honestly, my hope is that soon I won't even need to sell bezo solutions as there's already so many good options.
Thanks again and plz, to you and the rest of dbg, you can flood me with requests and questions

maybe not on this thread though, or maybe it would be just fine for a while since I believe it will take some time before there's a steady stream of orders (maybe not though that would be cool).
To members with less history here I hope you understand that your personal requests will have a much better shot at landing when you make an order with the shop and leave an honest review on this thread
Edit: I forgot to basically immediately contradict something I said just barely in this post about opis (that is if you really make it stretch though).
Is anyone interested in buying certificated tia sulfate for something like 20 a g? seems like a lot of nootropic vendors are dropping it? Or does anyone want anything else from that one shop that's domestic? most of you can probably guess the one and that I have access to it.
Also, as long as I'm editing, - wowza we're already on page 2! I sure know how to talk and talk and talk
thank you DBG family and
@Admin @Biskobroand
@2earlswe actually haven't talked at all about my vending but anyone can see how much you and all mods do for this unbelievable resource and I'm very grateful to be trusted with a V account
And so so much thx to everyone who's taken a chance on the shop.. Even if I had exactly what you wanted your trust and support fills my heart.
Love you all!