What Do You Do For Living

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Heh I wanted to make some sort of joke about your post count HB but everything I came up with was gender incorrect.

Oh well, anywho, I'm a medical manager of sorts. 

I am a self employed Woodworker/Restorer of old things... I work approx 70-80 hours a week and 

I absolutely love what I do.  I am very lucky that I found my passion for this at an early age (22).  

Very interesting reading about different occupations....Lots of variety.  

Yes I am interested to hear from our members about what they do and what their passions are, aside from our obvious common interests.

I was in sales until an injury ended my career and that's why I love being a moderator here. I love taking care of my husband but this makes me feel like I still have a job.

I was in corporate commercial insurance and hated it. I recently quit after working there for the last fifteen years when my oldest son went to college and I felt like I needed to be home with my youngest two children. So my husband works many long hours and I'm a "domestic engineer". I struggle with my decision about every other week because I'm not used to this much free time on my hands.

I was in corporate commercial insurance and hated it. I recently quit after working there for the last fifteen years when my oldest son went to college and I felt like I needed to be home with my youngest two children. So my husband works many long hours and I'm a "domestic engineer". I struggle with my decision about every other week because I'm not used to this much free time on my hands.
Maybe you could find something to volunteer for? It's nice because you can usually do as much or as little as you like and even a little something makes you feel good.

Maybe you could find something to volunteer for? It's nice because you can usually do as much or as little as you like and even a little something makes you feel good.
I actually have 2Earls. I have three children - 2 boys 19 and 13 and a daughter who is 8. I've been going to my daughter's school and volunteering every week, but for me I've always had "my" money. (Not that my husband and I have ever looked at it like that.) But even though I'm cooking, cleaning and all the other stay at home mom junk I feel like I'm not contributing. My hubs is amazing and tells me I'm nuts and deserve a break because my job was literally sucking the life out of me, I just can't find my niche .(I know, first world problems. I sound like a real shallow bitch... ) I almost feel like I've lost my identity if that makes sense. But my middle son was really struggling in school and since I've been home every single grade are A's and B's so that alone makes it worth it!! 

Your husband sounds like a great guy!  The pay off you are receiving isn't financial and won't be realized for a few years.

Your kids will be so much better off for your input and guidance.  It isn't the same as a paycheck but the rewards will be much greater.

And btw.....cooking, cleaning, domestic engineering and other mom junk are pretty great contributions.  I work a tremendous amount and still

have to do a lot of "mom junk"  and I am a a dad! So don't minimize your contributions.....you are doing the most important job in the World...raising a healthy next


@aintnouse thank you so much for your kind words and everyone else too. Not many dad's take on the responsibilities most mom's handle so kudos to you!! Your children are lucky to have a dad like you to share in the everyday tasks and see men can take on those caregiver roles also. 

@JenG. I think those feelings will go away with time. It's a big change if you have been doing the 9 to 5 your whole life and the first few years were a bit difficult for me as well. Now I can't imagine going back to it and really enjoy my new identity as domestic goddess and ruler of my hours. Big changes always take some getting used to right?

@JenG    I am blessed with the most amazing little girl in the world.  She is 7 years old and sends me emails when

she gets home from school asking me when I am coming home because she misses me so much.  I wish I could say that I take

on the "mom" duties because I love them.....sadly that is not the case.  I do it because 1. I love my kid 2. They have to get done 3. My 

s.o. doesn't seem as concerned about these things as I am.   I don't mind doing them, but I wish I had more help because my work load is pretty 

heavy.  As long as my little one is happy, I am happy.   Btw....I have to admit, I do enjoying vacuuming for some strange reason.  Y'all have a great weekend and

I really enjoy reading this thread and learning about the different and interesting things people do.  Really a great group of folks in the Forum.

Researcher and professor in a healthcare-oriented field.  The research piece is what I love - it's the behavioral type, not test tubes or making things explode like my sons wish it was :).

@JenG    I am blessed with the most amazing little girl in the world.  She is 7 years old and sends me emails when

she gets home from school asking me when I am coming home because she misses me so much.  I wish I could say that I take

on the "mom" duties because I love them.....sadly that is not the case.  I do it because 1. I love my kid 2. They have to get done 3. My 

s.o. doesn't seem as concerned about these things as I am.   I don't mind doing them, but I wish I had more help because my work load is pretty 

heavy.  As long as my little one is happy, I am happy.   Btw....I have to admit, I do enjoying vacuuming for some strange reason.  Y'all have a great weekend and

I really enjoy reading this thread and learning about the different and interesting things people do.  Really a great group of folks in the Forum
My girl is 9. I'm having a meltdown not knowing how to teach her common core math in a way she can actually show her work. It's infuriating. They've dumbed down the curriculum and left the logical...rational kids befuddled whilst nurturing halfwits.

As far as what do for a living. I was an army combat medic. I volunteer to suture for a local MC..lol but currently am able to attend school thanks to the VA. And my lovely spouse. He works on the criminally insane unit at a psych facility. He is on here..just quiet. And sick of lunatics at work AND home.

Does your daughter make you Wii dance? Good times. Truly.


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No Wii dancing for me.....We share the mornings together watching a few cartoons before school.  I am a huge "Gumball"  fan and she enjoys it as well.  Gumball is freaking brilliant for those that haven't seen it.  I take her to school in the mornings so we have a lot of time together and just have great conversations.  It's startling at times what she says or remembers....I wish my memory was that good.  

I tried to help her this morning with her math......admittedly I hate math and have a history degree because its about the only degree you can get while avoiding math.  I could not figure the logic behind a few of the simplest questions on her homework.....Felt like a real asshat.   I fear that she will develop a hatred for math like I have....I just hope that she will continue to shine in the rest of her academic pursuits!

@sociopathbombshell.......Thank you for your service!  As the son of a Vet I really appreciate all you guys and gals do!  

No Wii dancing for me.....We share the mornings together watching a few cartoons before school.  I am a huge "Gumball"  fan and she enjoys it as well.  Gumball is freaking brilliant for those that haven't seen it.  I take her to school in the mornings so we have a lot of time together and just have great conversations.  It's startling at times what she says or remembers....I wish my memory was that good.  

I tried to help her this morning with her math......admittedly I hate math and have a history degree because its about the only degree you can get while avoiding math.  I could not figure the logic behind a few of the simplest questions on her homework.....Felt like a real asshat.   I fear that she will develop a hatred for math like I have....I just hope that she will continue to shine in the rest of her academic pursuits!

@sociopathbombshell.......Thank you for your service!  As the son of a Vet I really appreciate all you guys and gals do!  
Thank you. I have to say the military has done far more for me than I deserve. With the proper commander iN chief, its very rewarding. I wouldnt have bEen a happy sOldier unDer tHIs admiNistration. SOrry fOR cAps aNd lOweRcases. Its mAkiN mE mEntal.

@sociopathicbombshell my daughter is about the same age and just dance is her fav too. She cracks me up watching her! We are trying to learn common core math also and it is so frustrating to try and teach her "strategies" instead of the way I learned. I have to youtube videos to learn the proper way to help her with 3rd grade math meanwhile teenage cashiers can't make correct change!!

@sociopathicbombshell my daughter is about the same age and just dance is her fav too. She cracks me up watching her! We are trying to learn common core math also and it is so frustrating to try and teach her "strategies" instead of the way I learned. I have to youtube videos to learn the proper way to help her with 3rd grade math meanwhile teenage cashiers can't make correct change!!
wait til she starts decimals nxt yr. Find a good video now. Mine iS gifted and talanted and a perfectionist. She tortures herself if she doesnt succeed100 percent at everything.  Its horrible but no way to dissuade her. These fact families in math...memorization or theyre set up for faiLure. I taught mIne how to 'borrow' in subtrAction when she wAs younGer tOo. A monTh before iNtroduced at school. Aye aye aYe.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  2. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  3. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  4. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  6. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  7. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  8. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  9. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
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  12. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  15. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  17. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  18. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  19. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  20. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.