The Attraction of Xanax

I am on Xanax prescribed 90 2mg bars a month from my doctor, what I have noticed is that you build up a high tolerance and need more then what the doc is prescribing.., I want to find a reliable source and taper. I made a purchase via txt, I know I cannot give details, he seemed to be reliable and I will be receiving my package tomorrow. But the more I think abt it I'm get worried, did I just throw $300 down the drain? I did some research on the supplier and I hope that they are not going to scam me and send me fakes. I have had this happen before. I am very sorry if this is in the wrong section. This supplier is all over the web. Well his phone number is and he requests that you only text him. Did I just make a huge mistake? Again, I did a lot of research on this supplier but could not find reviews because he is very discrete. He is on voy, dailymotion and has his own site. I don't want to give further details b/c I do not want to break rules. If I have please let me know. Thanks.
Wow, your doctor sounds like an irresponsible asshole. 2mg for months and months? Sorry to break it to you, but he or she's killing you with the 2mg bars, rather then helping you. Nobody needs that much, especially for more than 2-3 weeks.

Also if you couldn't find any reviews of the site, that probably means they're a scam site, not because "they are very discreet".

I hope it works out for you, but I wouldn't have thrown out 300 dollars for a first-time order...

You have the Mexican section at your disposal, they have a bunch of trustworthy vendors there.

ps: If push comes to shove, go to an ER and tell them you're WD'ing from benzos. Take your pride and shame aside, because it can be life-threatening. I don't want to scare you, but going cold turkey from will go through the worst nightmare in your life.

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Wow, your doctor sounds like an irresponsible asshole. 2mg for months and months? Sorry to break it to you, but he or she's killing you with the 2mg bars, rather then helping you. Nobody needs that much, especially for more than 2-3 weeks.

Also if you couldn't find any reviews of the site, that probably means they're a scam site, not because "they are very discreet".

I hope it works out for you, but I wouldn't have thrown out 300 dollars for a first-time order...

You have the Mexican section at your disposal, they have a bunch of trustworthy vendors there.

ps: If push comes to shove, go to an ER and tell them you're WD'ing from benzos. Take your pride and shame aside, because it can be life-threatening. I don't want to scare you, but going cold turkey from will go through the worst nightmare in your life.
Went cold turkey off some yellow 2mg bars about 15 yrs ago and about the 4th or 5th day when it had ran its course through my body i had 2 seizr's in one day! So please be careful it was not a pleasant experience and wasnt shopping legit either so im not a dr but mabey 120 1mg mite be a good start to ween down. Just my 2 cents! God bless all

Good Nitráz is my favourite benzo. It can cause euphoria, calmness and aid sleep. What's not to like?

Have heard of bad Nitráz hangovers though.
Never tried any bens but the regs (z@n$, v@/$, c/on$, and lor@$! Been curious lately though of the others just dont wanna waste $$ on something i mite not like but if anyone could shed some light on any other good benz i would be willing to make small order or get sample to try! Thanks in advance?

Went cold turkey off some yellow 2mg bars about 15 yrs ago and about the 4th or 5th day when it had ran its course through my body i had 2 seizr's in one day! So please be careful it was not a pleasant experience and wasnt shopping legit either so im not a dr but mabey 120 1mg mite be a good start to ween down. Just my 2 cents! God bless all

Never tried any bens but the regs (z@n$, v@/$, c/on$, and lor@$! Been curious lately though of the others just dont wanna waste $$ on something i mite not like but if anyone could shed some light on any other good benz i would be willing to make small order or get sample to try! Thanks in advance?
Starlite do 60 Niträz for $40, plus shipping. PPE2U do smaller sample orders of nearly everything. 

@trvling1 ive heard amatriptyline are being withdrawn here in the uk at least? .

I was prescribed these years ago and found they reduced my blood pressure quite drematicaly,to the point I almost fainted a few times=very scarey?.


Yes they dont agree with me at all either! I would advise to stay away unless condition requires it! God bless!:-)

ElectroNymph said:
Cool. Have a little browse. I don't recommend the Pax, personally,  most people are happy with their betapam's, and there's loads more to try. ?
Thanks alot i think i will. Much love nympho!:-)

Lol. I was just going to make a thread about 'oldie' benzos. 

Like I previously mentioned, Xanáx does little more than knock me out.

Nitráz is a personal favourite, however I have binged on it only once since 2007. Têmaz is described as "weak" on various Google searches, but I find it potent, and the dream-like state is very alluring.

I prefer the old meds to the newer ones, which I don't get a comforting feeling from, and less relaxation.

Especially them old vals with the v cut out. Those were Awesome!?

Went cold turkey off some yellow 2mg bars about 15 yrs ago and about the 4th or 5th day when it had ran its course through my body i had 2 seizr's in one day! So please be careful it was not a pleasant experience and wasnt shopping legit either so im not a dr but mabey 120 1mg mite be a good start to ween down. Just my 2 cents! God bless all

Never tried any bens but the regs (z@n$, v@/$, c/on$, and lor@$! Been curious lately though of the others just dont wanna waste $$ on something i mite not like but if anyone could shed some light on any other good benz i would be willing to make small order or get sample to try! Thanks in advance?
You could try the tem@z@p@m "jellies" that PPE2U do if sleep is required?,sometimes they are outa stock and are a little more expensive then other hypnotic based bnzs.

I find them much better than the captule form hypnotil or restoril and only use them when required (not nightly) as I had a bit of a problem with them back in the late 80s,jeez i,m giving my age away!.But if you use them responsibly they are the bomb followed by 5mg nitrazap@m then z-drugs in thar order for sleep?..



I started a thread about R666 red xanax bars,I bought 10 of them a few nights ago.The thing is ive tried the yellow bars,the white bars and onax bars but never red ones?.The guy I bought them from wanted £3 a bar whereas all the other types were £2 per bar.When I pointed this out he said yeah but threse are 5mg!,After taking one I must say they did knock me the hell out!!.

Has anyone came across these before and btw they are red through out when snapped.

Ps I did start a thread on these but I can't seem to find it????.



Note from Admin: i have deleted that thread about the (homemade) 5 mg Xanax.

And to be honest i do not like further to discuss this.

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I started a thread about R666 red xanax bars,I bought 10 of them a few nights ago.The thing is ive tried the yellow bars,the white bars and onax bars but never red ones?.The guy I bought them from wanted £3 a bar whereas all the other types were £2 per bar.When I pointed this out he said yeah but threse are 5mg!,After taking one I must say they did knock me the hell out!!.

Has anyone came across these before and btw they are red through out when snapped.

Ps I did start a thread on these but I can't seem to find it????.



Note from Admin: i have deleted that thread about the (homemade) 5 mg Xanax.

And to be honest i do not like further to discuss this.

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I started a thread about R666 red xanax bars,I bought 10 of them a few nights ago.The thing is ive tried the yellow bars,the white bars and onax bars but never red ones?.The guy I bought them from wanted £3 a bar whereas all the other types were £2 per bar.When I pointed this out he said yeah but threse are 5mg!,After taking one I must say they did knock me the hell out!!.

Has anyone came across these before and btw they are red through out when snapped.

Ps I did start a thread on these but I can't seem to find it????.

Peace I 


Note from Admin: i have deleted that thread about the (homemade) 5 mg Xanax.

And to be honest i do not like further to discuss this.

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Seriously, dog Xanax? I've never heard of that before.  I don't suppose vets would prescribe that in the UK, given the medical profession's ludicrous aversion to any kind of benzodiazepine and to Xanax and Flunitrazepam in particular.  Having said all that, Xanax doesn't really work on me anymore.  It used to zap my panic almost immediately but now it just makes me drowsy, even though I don't think I've overused them.  I'm going to have to leave them alone for a while so that they work as they should.
Yeh it sucks here.. lol I've been on a script for about 15 years an I been dragging my feet the last 2 years to keep hold of it. All I get now is 8ml diaz a day lol so I store them up for tappers or if I run into sourcing problems... I litt have them by the skin of my teeth. The psych is dying to nab that script off me. But as I say it will just force me to source. I don't get why the UK Is so different to the majority of the world regarding benzos. I get the dependency issues. But I know many people that can't function without them. Me included. I think if they genuinely help u and are taken for a genuine reason, not just to get smashed. Although I like a tolerance reset an a nice nod here an there. They should be prescribed more over here. Back to the thread. I wouldn't leave the house without the 4 ish hour burst that loraz/xan gives you. I have regular psych an drug treatment (for methadone) appointments an they push me to try go out but unless loaded on xan an clonaz more than what I regularly take (not the tiny amount of diaz I'm scripted) u physically won't get me out the door. I don't really get a euphoria from it. If anything it just calms me down enough to step out for a few hours with others. I still won't go alone. 

Seriously, dog Xanax? I've never heard of that before.  I don't suppose vets would prescribe that in the UK, given the medical profession's ludicrous aversion to any kind of benzodiazepine and to Xanax and Flunitrazepam in particular.  Having said all that, Xanax doesn't really work on me anymore.  It used to zap my panic almost immediately but now it just makes me drowsy, even though I don't think I've overused them.  I'm going to have to leave them alone for a while so that they work as they should.
Ludicrous aversion to any kind of benzodiazepine eh ? 

Please don't take this as patronising but many legalised addicts still don't understand the extremely speedy tolerance and addiction with this group of drugs. I was stuck on diazies in 91 and got to taking an average of 70mg a day. I say average as I would pop a handful and carry on. It was when a family member suggested I was addicted that I got good and mad and wanted to show them how easily I could quit. Long story short, I had my first seizure on day 2, was blue lighted into hospital and then it all came out. My little secret was out there. I was going to group meets and followed the Ashton manual for cutting down. I've never cut to zero as I don't want to but also because the last few mg are the worst. I am guessing you know all this in anycase but it can only take as little as 2-3 weeks to become dependent. I was told much worse to quit than smack as the latter doesn't build up in muscles and bones. It can take up to 2 years for the body to be free after your last dose. 

Im now on a stable 10mg dose and much easier to live with. No rages or flip outs. The doctors are shit scared if litigation and so they now give out antidepressants in the first instance and only prescribe small amounts of benzo if in emergency. As much as I love benzos, I've learned to respect and use them carefully. When the cogs just will not stop then I pop 2 mg of alpraz. I do pay for this later though but it's on an as it comes basis. 

I apologisr if this does Infact sound patronising but I hope people make sure they have a decent supply should they need to taper off. 

Spot on. Especially about the hungry part. I can munch through some crazy combinations of random things in my fridge before I go to bed. I try to only take as needed to avoid dependence.

Personally, with a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, I've used amitriptyline (not a controlled substance) with some degree of success. Down side of it is that it takes awhile to kick in and it can create a "hangover" in the morning. I have to take at least 1 hour before bedtime. The Xan in addition quiets the mind to allow the amitriptyline to work. You have to ensure that you can get at least 7-8 hours of sleep, but I still find it makes me lethargic the next morning. FWIW. Just thought I'd share my $.02
@trvling1 I came across a particular brand of melatonin that really works like no other and hits me like a benzo. It's by Schiff and contains 3mg melatonin plus GABA, Valerian and chamomile. You would think that a forum such as this would not be a place to chat health products but I can't attest to this product being the bomb. I take it around 30 minutes before I intend to sleep and have, on many occasions, not made it to bed 

This for a guy on prescription for MST slow release Morph 2 X 100 mg and 4 X 10 mg a day plus 10mg of Diaz and 50 OG amitriptyline. I have been on various super strength pain meds, all the usual suspects Fent, oxy, DCH ( used to take 20-30 30mg at once) and my sleep has been dreadful. I was given the heads up on this product and bought on eBay. I still can't believe how well it works and how quickly it gets me to sleep and also some really vivid and lucid dreams that are most enjoyable. The Mrs or she who casts no shadow ( SWCNS) tells me my mood is much better and I am much nicer to be around. I thought it would be remiss of me to not say anything. None of the benzos, opioids or try cyclic antidepressants have had this effect. 

Please do have a browse. I am having a much better and productive waking time now and only hope it lasts. 3 weeks in and still superb. I still have to pinch myself with this. I've tried melatonin before but without the added GABA & Valerian etc. 

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My Xanax story begins with an in home hi-stress sales job that took me to  a paralyzing anxiety state after about 6 months of no success.  My comrades suggested Xanax and I went to my doc and he agreed that I was n a state of high anxiety.  he prescribed two weeks of the stuff...don't remember the strength....but I do remember feeling like a normal human being again....I soon quit the job when the cycle repeated, but that relief I never forgot. I ordered some shady stuff online and they just put me to sleep. I'm thinkin' that they really work like they are supposed to.  You have to be really wound up with anxiety and emotion for them to be effective, otherwise, they are a sedative.  Anywho....that's my euphoria unless you consider just being normal, euphoria.  At the time, just feeling normal was the best.   

X@NZ are like my best friend & my worst enemy at the same time .

they help me WAY more than other benzoes & for what i actually need it for ( panic attacks ) .

tho whenever theyre available i cant help but over indulge w em ... which leads to a FAST & LARGE increase in tolerance & dependance .

not to mention withdrawals from those mufuckaz are THE worst ... lost my mind going cold turkey ( from 8mg - 12mg a day ) .

ive learnt my lesson with em now but i will still grab as many as i can " for backup " when theyre around & not too pricey .

X@n@x is incredibly popular and "barz" flies around like casino advertising. Whenever I take them I just pass out, whether 1 me or 2azing feeling.  I don't.get a euphoric feeling or anything amazing. It's a pity but I won't lose sleep over it, lol.

It must work differently for other people. I prefer the older hypnotic staples personally. That said, I like clonaz and bromaz - currently working through a bag of lexilium. ?

What are other people's experience with the Infamous 'X@n@x?'
I'm with you. They generally don't make anything appealing to me other than my bed and a bag of Doritos....I think their popularity has more to do with people having a commodity fetish with them. They're like the cool hip benny that rappers rap about and there's a whole culture surrounding them.

also, it seems the early 20 somethings think it makes them sound badass when they tell people they got so barred out that they have no recollection of their entire weekend bc they blacked out. 

Pins and brom@z are def my cup of tea as well

 Back in the day nobody wanted benzos except to have around as landing gear to come down from a trip or roll. 

But your theory on them affecting different people differently makes sense too. Every time I chill with my friends and they seem to be having a blast with Charlie, I'm pretty damn sure they're getting something out of it that I don't get. 

I love xanax but i cant take it much as id soon be addicted.  I only have them now and again these days if im really struggling to sleeo.  Plus in the days afterwards they seem to bring anxiety on

I love xanax but i cant take it much as id soon be addicted.  I only have them now and again these days if im really struggling to sleeo.  Plus in the days afterwards they seem to bring anxiety on
Amen to that! I have a love hate relationship with Xans. They help wonders with my anxiety but I have to watch Xans closer than anything else. Too long taking them I'll be on a 3 day benge. I can go weeks taking pieces of one for anxiety and not abuse. But after 2-3 weeks I have to make myself stop taking them or I'll benge for 3 days eventually. Luckily I am able to overcome a binge that quick!

X@ns are too "attractive" when one first starts taking them. The recreational more-ish tendencies are very high for a lot of pepole. In the eighties, doctors credited these dandy little pills with having a built-in antidepressant side effect. I loved them instantly and fiercely, but after a few years I kind of outgrew them. Just a short while after taking one, I would get anxious about the length of time the prescription allowed until I could take the next pill.

I found that longer duration b3nz0s worked much better for anxiety, and I settled on kl0ns for a decade-long chemicalally dependent love affair. The taper down was monumentally horrible.

They are attractive to me because I have insomnia and I sleep so much better if I take one at bedtime. Right now I am thinking how nice it would feel to have that relaxing feeling wash over me. Sigh...

I have to force myself not to give in because I am terrified of becoming addicted to them. Tonight I will settle for my crummy over-the-counter sleep aid.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!