To be honest the ordering once every 2 weeks rule has been loosely enforced ever since it went into effect, mostly because we send order's from multiple location's. It would be different if it was just X sending to Y every 3 day's but because we send from X and Z to Y, and now we have the mean's to expand that area to say V, W, X, and Z) that pretty much make's receiving shipments on your end not as out of the ordinary.
Now if it was an excessive amount of small order's like 1-2 gram every 2-3 day's then we'd have to have a talk about spacing it out at least a week or shipping to an alternate address.
People tend to order around payday and parcel out their finance's around that time which for some people is once a week and other's every 2 week's. So basically
I'm going to go ahead and dismiss this as a gerneral rule and handle it on a case by case basis. Everything's running smoothly, shipment's are coming in on time, and there's no use in placing additional restrictions on ordering proactively.
It's been great doing business with you all and t
o the newcomer's just remember because this is an everyday problem we have to remind people to conduct ALL communication through PGP or disposable links like, privnote,, ect. And if you're to go off base and use some disposable link service nobody's ever heard of like ( just think twice, I don't know about you but to me that site looks fishy and like it's hoarding your private information. It looks like a phishing site for people who misspelled pivnote and the whole privnota thing seems like some kind of farce to gain your trust by being reminiscent of Tutanota.
Enjoy the rest of your evening and we look forward to conducting further business with both new and established clientele