Thanks, especially form you Giz and you to Jai. But listen I can tell why everybody to chill out while trying to take a break. Listen (Zelda voice) I'm not going anywhere so just hold jour horses and I'll be here.and take care of you like I always do, I got to much product to disappear.Wish you the best grabadeal! Most solid person out there in a damn minute!
Look, I thinkAvizafone is probably one of the most if not, the most interesting chemicals that are currently available for research not does it have a history of human use, therefore giving insight into the potential applications it may one they have in the medical community but even more interestingly it is one of the very few benzodiazepines that are soluble in water.Announcement
Starting today I'm going to be taking a break and won't start accepting order's again until Sunday while dropping will resume Monday morning. This community is awesome and it's going to be hard to take my mind of what's going on and the in's and out's. But I feel a break will do me good in resetting my brain to be able to get back to business as efficiently and effectively as possible.
I'm debating coming up with a week long contest where the winner will receive 1 gram of Avizafone shipping included. But it's still in the the maybe phase especially since it's so hot out it'll likely clump up into a ball or melt into the plastic like JWH used to do on the day long trips from China.
I hope you guy's all have a great weekend!
Thanks a lot man it's clients like you and the majority of you guy's that make it all worth it. You can expect an additional 100mg on your next order. Have a fantastic night!Another solid delivery by GradeA
Truly a gift to the community from responsiveness to high quality product. You are my go to for this mag, and hopefully always will be. Can’t stress how grateful I am for everything you do. Best prices on the site alongside superb business skills. If anyone is on the fence of going through him, take it from me and send it. THANK YOU GRADE A
Muchos gracias my friend, it’s the least I can do to boost your algorithm.Thanks a lot man it's clients like you and the majority of you guy's that make it all worth it. You can expect an additional 100mg on your next order. Have a fantastic night!![]()
Love this idea, more happy customers and higher sample size to gauge the quality.I've decided to do away with the raffle /competition. I'm going to divide the gram into 5 separate 200mg sample's and distribute them randomly, that way i can get a better gauge on it;s reception then just if 1 person got 1 gram. Everyone that requested one today will be receiving one.
Please keep in mind that none of the product's sold are for human consumption and if prolonged contact or any accidental ingestion occurs please call 911 immediately!
Thanks at @Jai239 I thought so to. I just got back from deliverering everybody's order's and was about to dispense tracking but wanted to talk to you first. I bagged you up like maybe 80-90mg of Avaiaviazfone of like maybe 100mg extra of O-DSMT.Love this idea, more happy customers and higher sample size to gauge the quality.
I apologize and realized that I’ve not been someone who makes the transactions easy as they should be.\
Thanks at @Jai239 I thought so to. I just got back from deliverering everybody's order's and was about to dispense tracking but wanted to talk to you first. I bagged you up like maybe 80-90mg of Avaiaviazfone of like maybe 100mg extra of O-DSMT.
See it's like this mna you woke up that day at 3am saung you were going to want to but a gram of Aviaviazafone and that you planned on purchasing 20 grams of O-DSMT knowing your first order was a gram and your sencond was 2 grams, and you were tryi g to weasel the aviasofone for free letting my greed get the best of my,knowing dman wh\ell anytime someone hits you up like that "something" is going to happen later in the day. Whether it's a flat tire, you missed your train to liverpool, ot whatever bullshit that's the most easily digestable to explain not buing 20 grams.
Around 5am you message again with you'll be sending seeon or some bullshot which I knew was bullshit. To be honest it's not about that it's about the crazy kind of mood swing you did with the avaizafone yesterday, I copyed the whole convo with my cam if necessary, and due to hilarity. But to real it was just creepy now look on the oposite side the girl Miss Riss she simply asked if her name could be in the drawing no weird shit, no out of the ordinary 40 gram gramises, just asked like normal. And I said yeah becuase we're all supposed to be having fun that's what a competition is you don't buy your way in. And because of that she earnerned 260mg (about 75-70mgmg of yours).
You might be a cool dude but I don't like customers saying they'll buy one thing to manipulate me and doing another, I like my clientele to be genuine. Not that that's over with I hope you have a faaaantastic day and maybe you'll find interesting compounds amoung the other vendor's around here. aYou may not believe this biut I deal wwith clietns that but O-DSMT is bulk bulk not 20-30 grams and number's arent imptressive.
Sorry I just had to put that pout there that whole day for me ws weird and emotional. And by the way most of your "complients on ability to serve order's was horrible one linerd not even woth 25mg, like hoe like thought could you put into domeone you were attemting to manipulate. You don't think I saw those and laughed?
On the bright side I'll be sending everybody their tracking in a minute,
Oh yeah think so huh? You know what the one thing I learned from taking just a couple days break from here? It's not the people I deal with on a daily basis I actually quite like them, it's not the constant solicitousness entrapment emails giving them product for human consumption because by now that dead noise.I apologize and realized that I’ve not been someone who makes the transactions easy as they should be.
No your a manipulative junky I've dealt with them all my live's and I play no games. I hav zero sympathy for your sad pathetic life. If you keep playing with me your going to find out,I sent most of those just so you could see that I had been a previous client and had nothing bad to say- for the extra product I remember saying 2/3 total reviews. I’m wish you could understand my intentions and as you can probably tell I’m nlot good at cues or understanding things as they truly are- I’m on the spectrum and oftentimes shoot myself in the foot the more I talk which I’m probably doing here once again.
I understand- I’ll be heading outOh yeah think so huh? You know what the one thing I learned from taking just a couple days break from here? It's not the people I deal with on a daily basis I actually quite like them, it's not the constant solicitousness entrapment emails giving them product for human consumption because by now that dead noise.
It's people like you that make this job, as bad as Walmart. You people come in here with your hands out like your owed something. You didn't take an (unless noted otherwise, or I like you) and just because you see a product: Aviazafone that you now all of of a sudden want it's time cash out. Fist come's the rage, then b=bitterness, then the guilt trips.
When I finally gave in I told you you'd receive X and Y in Aviazafone becuase you're sobrave and I really do arrpreciate you. But finger's crossedyou did recive maybe 85-90mg of Avaizafone Miss Riss on the other had recieved 150-160mg. You know why because she's not some playing scumbag that I could see right through, she just asked if there happened to be any extra's if I could help her out with the her experiments. No sob stories, no ager, no bullshit.
Now this is the last time I'm going to do this with you. I have no respect for you at all. I spit on yor grave. We have no nbusiness. If you keep going down this path I'm going to get your SSN/DOB/BG/and CR for protection. All I need is a name and I already have that and the the SSN/DOB the BG and CR is just $4 more; fromthere I can it a looooot of place's. Don't come in my threads, don't even talk to me, we have no busines, Capice?