Best Ever Album?

And @Jellopandakeep posting us new treats! Your knowledge of music amazes me and I have absolutely been loving exploring new music genres with you! It's never to late to learn!
Ok. Since you mention new exploring new genres, and that i should keep posting, i'm gonna hit you with something from the more obscure kinda music i listen to. I realize this may not be for everyone and i really won't take any offence if people don't like it.

It's a song from a band called Tinariwen from Mali in Africa. They were freedom fighters who lived in refugee camps, but somewhere along the way they decided to switch out their ak-47s with guitars instead.

I've realize lyrics are an important part of music for you @Heavenlee, but unless you understand Tamasheq, you won't understand this (tho there is some french in there as well). However, the lyrics are a tribute to a Malinese warrior-poet from the 17th century.

ATTENTION!: It's absolutely essential to listen to this at high volume!

Wow @Jellopanda I never imagined bopping  my head and dancing to music I can't understand but it's powerful and beatiful at the same time. I love the guitar work and the guy on the drum. It's a definite like that I will add to my list, I hope you can download somewhere! And the story behind their beginnings is something of beauty. Wouldn't it be nice if the world would stop all these stupid wars and do the same as these men did? What a beautiful and peaceful world it could be! Just imagine! I had to find more out about this band or group of people, I couldn't believe all the information I found out about them.

one article said:


You could never make a movie of the Tinariwen story – it’s too dramatic, bloody and fantastical even for Hollywood. 

Calling this group of Malian musicians a band would be to sell their heritage mightily short. Tinariwen are a musical dynasty.

They began as a group of nomadic desert tribesmen, rose up against oppression as violent gun-toting revolutionaries, and wound up among world music’s most celebrated success stories, winning a Grammy and attracting celebrity fans ranging from Robert Plant to Radiohead. 

The story begins nearly 40 years ago in the refugee camps of Algeria, where exiled Tuareg musicians, lead by founder Ibrahim Ag Alhabib, started performing traditional desert melodies at weddings and festivals on homemade guitars. Never choosing an official name, they were dubbed in the Tamashek language as Kel Tinariwen, which translates as The People of the Deserts. They recorded for free for anyone who offered a blank cassette.

After receiving military training from Muammar Qaddafi’s regime, the musicians moved back to Mali in 1989, where some members took part in the violent uprisings of the Tuareg rebellion. A decade later, the collective’s Saharan-soaked blend of West African desert blues, Berber tribal folk and Western rock was “discovered” by French world music band Lo’Jo."

wow! Robert Plant and Thom Yorke of Radiohead! You have totally impressed with me with your unboundless varieties of music, I think your new name should be Jellopanda Travers of Rolling Stone magazine for opening us members to some awesome great music!

Thanks so much for sharing, it was beautiful but the story behind them is even prettier!❤️❤️❤️

Wow @Jellopanda I never imagined bopping  my head and dancing to music I can't understand but it's powerful and beatiful at the same time. I love the guitar work and the guy on the drum. It's a definite like that I will add to my list, I hope you can download somewhere!
The album this is from is called Amassakoul and since this thread was originally about albums and not individual songs i'd like to add that Amassakoul is one of my favourite albums. So is their second album Aman Iman: Water is Life. You mentioned Robert Plant and Thom Yorke. They've performed with Carlos Santana as well. I believe you'll find it on youtube. Remember; high volume, otherwise it doesn't give their groove justice.

Thanks @Jellopandalike I said I waisted a lot of likes on the 5 letter game. I think the guys get as disgusting as graphic as possible to make us women want to vomit, but all I do is laugh so loud I literally woke my neighbor yesterday! They are hysterically funny! But thanks, I'm gonna go make some coffee and start my day with some of their YouTube songs, I'm sure I'll find the ones you mentioned above. Seriously thank you, I wish more people would listen to that song, the band and the meaning behind it. I think it would really have a strong effect on people, it sure did for me!

At the insistence of @Heavenlee i'll add some more stuff here and also add some facts about the music i post (i enjoy talking about and sharing music myself too tho).

American Folk music is an endless source of great music, but there aren't that many that write new songs. Most just make their own versions of old standards. Not so with Gillian Welch (she also covers old classics tho). She's particularly inspired by Appalachian Folk, who have many great names like, Dock Boggs and Earl Scruggs, and inspired many other artists like Dolly Parton (who is actually from the Appalachians herself, and while not a great fan of the pop-country she made during the 80's i love her folk-country work from the 60's. Probably don't even need to mention, Jolene or Coat of Many Colors) and Johnny Cash.

Since the thread is about albums really, this song is from the album Revival (1996) and the whole album is great. This is my favourite song.

Nice cover of "Dear Prudence". :)
I'm no doubt gonna commit heresy by proclaiming my extreme distaste for the Beatles! But what really pisses me right off is the semi recent trend, especially in the UK, of some advert  using a (usually female) vocalist covering some classic song, vocals all soft and nearly always acapella. The last straw for me was hearing Depeche modes "just can't get enough" sullied in this way, aaaaaaargh!!!!!! 

I'm no doubt gonna commit heresy by proclaiming my extreme distaste for the Beatles! But what really pisses me right off is the semi recent trend, especially in the UK, of some advert  using a (usually female) vocalist covering some classic song, vocals all soft and nearly always acapella. The last straw for me was hearing Depeche modes "just can't get enough" sullied in this way, aaaaaaargh!!!!!! 
Don't live in the uk so i don't know about this trend. I do feel you're committing heresy when it comes to Beatles ;)  Seriously, tho i love Beatles, i'm very open to people having different tastes. Depeche Mode being sullied is blasphemy tho. I was considering putting up some of their albums and links to a few songs on this thread (and might still do)

Edit. When i say open to different tastes i draw the line as some things. Like One Direction for example.

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I'm no doubt gonna commit heresy by proclaiming my extreme distaste for the Beatles! But what really pisses me right off is the semi recent trend, especially in the UK, of some advert  using a (usually female) vocalist covering some classic song, vocals all soft and nearly always acapella. The last straw for me was hearing Depeche modes "just can't get enough" sullied in this way, aaaaaaargh!!!!!! 
haha i feel u, all the reel artists have gone it seems an they feel the need to cover (ruin) classics, same as the hollywood scene, they are doing it to films.

Not quite done with folk yet. have this post and i believe one more before i'll turn my attention to other genres. This one is about Steve Martin (yes the comedian, if you weren't aware he plays folk music).

First of is something from the seventies.

And then there is Emmylou Harris. She has produced incredible music for over four decades. She performed on what i think is the greatest concert movie ever made, The Last Waltz, by Martin Scorsese. I recommend checking out everything she's ever made tho. Also look at the album she made with Robert Plant and the one she made with Mark Knopfler. For the Dylan fans out there she performs on one of my favourite albums of his, Desire.

Though she has made music for close to fifty years, my favourite album of hers is actually from 1995 called Wrecking Ball. And it's a real shame that Miley Cyrus has a song with almost the same title. A song which is... let's call it not as good. The Wrecking Ball album is named after the song of the same name on that album that Neil Young wrote specifically for her. My favourite song on that album is actually not that song however, but this one: Deeper Well

I'm no doubt gonna commit heresy by proclaiming my extreme distaste for the Beatles! But what really pisses me right off is the semi recent trend, especially in the UK, of some advert  using a (usually female) vocalist covering some classic song, vocals all soft and nearly always acapella. The last straw for me was hearing Depeche modes "just can't get enough" sullied in this way, aaaaaaargh!!!!!! 
Oh god, totally agree, so many whiny covers, or crap covers, or pointless covers!

It's the same with the film industry, cover after cover. Leave the original alone, it was fine!!!

It's a song from a band called Tinariwen from Mali in Africa.
Afro-Arab rap with a driving funky bass!  If you hear American music influences, it's because they did hear American rock as kids then later, after fighting against despots and dictators in civil wars, suffering horrific losses of family while still children, being banned by Sharia governments, labeled as criminals for their music and running for their very lives while inspiring fellow refugees and musicians, they eventually heard American rap as well.

Their story of survival in war-torn Libya and Mali, then going on to tour the world and win a Grammy, is mind-blowing.  Great post, @Jellopanda; shame on me for not having heard them before.

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It's the same with the film industry, cover after cover. Leave the original alone, it was fine!!!

Of all the heinous redo's of what should be untouchable classics, they're now sacking, plundering and pillaging sacred filmdom by redoing Mary Poppins.  That's right, Mary Farking Poppins they've decided just wasn't flawlessly adorably magically joyful enough. 

Julie Andrews was a four-octave soprano when she stunned the world in Mary Poppins and the Sound of Music.  Emily Blunt, whose prior work I've enjoyed, has already been cast as Mary though I don't yet understand why.  I don't recall her having sung in a film before or hearing her sing at all, ever.  Is singing not required for musicals?  Or will this very quiet, very somber actress have to rap her way through Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?   Or maybe Quentin Tarantino is going to direct, in which case Mary Poppins will too busy serial-killing the children and going all Kill Bill 3 on the dancing penguins to worry about hitting the high notes in A Spoonful of Sugar.

No word yet on who'll be cast to destroy Dick Van Dyke's priceless original performance, but I heard Vanilla Ice is looking for work.

Exploitation film: Slutty Mary Poppin's and the Singing House of Gore". (I made a similar joke to my friend by email about 3 years back, lol.)

I'm, no fan of Hollywood. It's become so lazy. Remakes and sequels used to be a rare thing.   :Embarrassed:

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Exploitation film: Slutty Mary Poppin's and the Singing House of Gore". (I made a similar joke to my friend by email about 3 years back, lol.)

I'm, no fan of Hollywood. It's become so lasy. Remakes and sequels used to be a rare thing.   :Embarrassed:
Ah we're talking about the wonderful Poppsploitation sub-genre. Many great classics: Mary Poppins and the attack of the Killer Penguins, Mary Poppins, Mistress of Orgies, Mary Poppins' Holocaust of Horror 5. And I probably should mention this as it's quite disgusting, the Hardcore movie Mary Poppin' Peckers.

Exploitation film: Slutty Mary Poppin's and the Singing House of Gore". (I made a similar joke to my friend by email about 3 years back, lol.)

I'm, no fan of Hollywood. It's become so lazy. Remakes and sequels used to be a rare thing.   :Embarrassed:
Oh my god, I love this thread, and five letter word game makes me laugh, but this is by far my favorite, we have so meany experts that know their music and good music at that! I've been in a funk for the last few days, you ladies sure make me smile  @Jellopanda, and @DippityDoo, and the lovely @ElectroNymph. I love you ladies. It shows how awesome are and women are just as smart if now smarter come to music!  Damn, look @Jellopanda she even puts in interesting trivia facts! You guys rule this thread and thank you for the education! Rough day yesterday but will get caught up today!

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Oh my god, I love this thread, and five letter word game makes me laugh, but this is by far my favorite, we have so meany experts that know their music and good music at that! I've been in a funk for the last few days, you ladies sure make me smile  @Jellopanda, and @DippityDoo, and the lovely @ElectroNymph. I love you ladies. It shows how awesome are and women are just as smart if now smarter come to music!  Damn, look @Jellopanda she even puts in interesting trivia facts! You guys rule this thread and thank you for the education! Rough day yesterday but will get caught up today!
I hate to have to break it to you @Heavenlee, but i'm actually a man. :D  i have been told i have a strong feminine side tho and since people that have both strong traditionally feminine and masculine values have been suggested by research psychologists to be more successful in life i'll take it as a compliment :D  

I hate to have to break it to you @Heavenlee, but i'm actually a man. :D  i have been told i have a strong feminine side tho and since people that have both strong traditionally feminine and masculine values have been suggested by research psychologists to be more successful in life i'll take it as a compliment :D  
lool i thought that while i read it ?? haha iv been called female too dont worry dot probably doesnt help neither :)  im out of likes as per but likes all up the thread tbh 

lool i thought that while i read it ?? haha iv been called female too dont worry dot probably doesnt help neither :)  im out of likes as per but likes all up the thread tbh 
I called 2earls a man o.O so it seems i'm just as likely to make that mistake.

i know i though 2earls was just down to the name so i can see how dot was mistaken. its not a bad thing, at least women can multi task...

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!