I'm actually going to be on topic..Honest...
So what does a semi-retired ol fart do on a Friday night when he ain't got no date? Don't feel sorry for me...it was/is by choice

He installs a new tone arm on his turntable 3+ hours....then sits back with a frosty beer and plays some of his reference vinyl to determine what mods will be necessary to achieve audio nirvana.
I ordered this tone arm back in June and it finally arrived today. Not to bore you with the details, but it was custom made by ClearAudio.de
Anyway after 3+ hours of setup...alignment...VTA...etc. I was ready to spin some serious vinyl which brings me to my declaration that.....
Led Zeppelin II is one of the greatest rock albums ever recorded. When the album was first released the engineer Robert Ludwig mastered it without any or very little equalization. This resulted with an early pressing being deemed the "Hot Mix" and many who purchased this pressing, playing it on inferior gear complained that it actually caused the cartridge to skip and produced horribly distorted sound....
This of course is total bull shit and what Mr Ludwig ultimately produced was an amazing piece of musical genius that played on the right gear will provide the listener with audio Nirvana.
Heartbreaker...Moby Dick..whole Lotta Love. Wow a musical experience I haven't had for quite some time.
If you're ever in the lovely SE USA you're welcomed to audition
Gosh I love this hobby
Anyway off to bed for this ol fella.
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