Donation questions

I was a sponsor but now I'm not. Is there any way for me to find out how long it's been since I needed to renew?

I was a sponsor but now I'm not. Is there any way for me to find out how long it's been since I needed to renew?
The donations are good for one year. It's actually not easy to go back and search for it as Admin explained it to me. Once your donation is entered it will automatically expire in 365 days and I have never known it to be inaccurate.

It has been some time since visiting the site. It has always been so helpful in the past. Due to my recent diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder and permanent disability, it has been difficult to read through all the post. I would like to make a 30.00 donation using PayPal. I would appreciate it if someone would spell it out for me. I've never used Bitcoin or wallets. So go easy on me.

Hi there @mamfor2manykids 

Unfortunately PayPal is no longer accepted. Have a read HERE of Admin's post about it.

And as it explains, you will have to download a personal 'Wallet' to store your BitCoin in.

The most straightforward is Electrum which can be downloaded from HERE.

Then you will need to set up an account on a Vending site so that you can purchase BitCoin's.

There are many, Coinbase / Remitano / Paxful / LocalBitCoins are some of the better known ones.

Once you have your wallet downloaded, then purchase BitCoin from a vending site and then transfer

the coin you just purchased to the wallet that you downloaded (and Installed) earlier.

You now have BitCoin in your wallet that you can use to Donate to the forum.

Hopefully that makes things a bit easier for you to get your head around..

Regards,  T.

ok donation made via bitcoin, and i messaged the admin. just waiting now. thanks guys :D

I am very upset that members take advantage of the resources and caused our Admin to close some of the  donation option's, i was planning to donate at this moment , but i checked another thread admin created and its bitcoin now, the members that did the charge backs unbelievable , i hope you get banned. I still suck at bitcoin.

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I have written this in so many pms that I might as well post it here. Please keep in mind this is how I did it and by no means the only way. It's just meant to simplify what can be confusing or overwhelming to new members. 

First download a personal wallet from Electrum. Then make an account with coinbase and purchase your bitcoins.

Transfer your bitcoins to your electrum wallet and then send them on to DBG or the vendor. Do not send directly from the coinbase wallet as members have had their accounts closed for doing so. 

It's easy to find bitcoin converters on the Internet. It really is not terribly difficult and if I can do it so can you.

We very much appreciate the support!
I want to donate $20 to the guide for all the help and support you all have provided, but I am "old", have not a clue what Bitcoin is (and just went through tutorial with no comprehension...)-is there another way to donate? I know I have donated in the past (before Bitcoin existed as far as I can tell)...I need some advice, & looks like I need to change vendors cause the overdue merchandise I have been waiting on from one I have used for years is now apparently blacklisted?  WTH?  So I guess I am looking for a US vendor as I can't wait as long b/c I thought this other site was going to be supplying my vitamins, & now it seems those packages will not be arriving today or ever...Please advise (I am sorry, I have no doubt you have listed all this info, but I am not computer savvy, & the old lady does not compute, unfortunately....).  I also should have cruised on here before making ANY order, even w/one I got from here, & thought was trustworthy...ready to eat a bullet right about now since I can't fly to the opposite side of the world and feed one to the cheating criminal...SMH, Leigh Anne

I am very upset that members take advantage of the resources and caused our Admin to close some of the  donation option's, i was planning to donate at this moment , but i checked another thread admin created and its bitcoin now, the members that did the charge backs unbelievable , i hope you get banned. I still suck at bitcoin.
I suck at everything except using my Mastercard or Visa--I read the Bitcoin tutorial, and still have not a clue--looks like I can use the aforementioned M/C or Visa to get these coin thingies, but I am barely able to function when it comes to technology, and still have a fear of what I do not understand, & certainly cannot lose more money as I have apparently flushed some more money down the toilet ordering prior to checking this site...I am such an idiot; every day I seem to find that my idiocy level is slowly increasing...

Hi there @mamfor2manykids 

Unfortunately PayPal is no longer accepted. Have a read HERE of Admin's post about it.

And as it explains, you will have to download a personal 'Wallet' to store your BitCoin in.

The most straightforward is Electrum which can be downloaded from HERE.

Then you will need to set up an account on a Vending site so that you can purchase BitCoin's.

There are many, Coinbase / Remitano / Paxful / LocalBitCoins are some of the better known ones.

Once you have your wallet downloaded, then purchase BitCoin from a vending site and then transfer

the coin you just purchased to the wallet that you downloaded (and Installed) earlier.

You now have BitCoin in your wallet that you can use to Donate to the forum.

Hopefully that makes things a bit easier for you to get your head around..

Regards,  T.
I went on the Electrum site using the link kindly provided, & am seeing stuff about JavaScript, what I guess is some programming for safety, & I cannot decipher any of this, I can log on to my computer, go shopping online, & pay with my Visa/Mastercard, & that's about as sophisticated as I am. I do not have a smart phone--as a good agoraphobe, I don't leave home, so I have a TracPhone that I pay $99 every year for and have for 4-5 years, & use it just to send texts to my husband--I think in the past year I used maybe 100 minutes total...I use what is now referred to as a landline for my telephoning needs, pretty quaint, right?  Oh, and I still write checks a couple times a month...OMG--when did I get so friggin' OLD!?

Hi there @mamfor2manykids 

Unfortunately PayPal is no longer accepted. Have a read HERE of Admin's post about it.

And as it explains, you will have to download a personal 'Wallet' to store your BitCoin in.

The most straightforward is Electrum which can be downloaded from HERE.

Then you will need to set up an account on a Vending site so that you can purchase BitCoin's.

There are many, Coinbase / Remitano / Paxful / LocalBitCoins are some of the better known ones.

Once you have your wallet downloaded, then purchase BitCoin from a vending site and then transfer

the coin you just purchased to the wallet that you downloaded (and Installed) earlier.

You now have BitCoin in your wallet that you can use to Donate to the forum.

Hopefully that makes things a bit easier for you to get your head around..

Regards,  T.
How about I just mail you a check?  I know how to use those, and ALL BY MYSELF!  Ain't I hip!?  Seriously, though, I need to find a vendor and a way to donate in some fashion I can still fathom, neurons just not firing in my brain any longer....Leigh Anne

I have tried to use bitcoin and don't understand it.  In the past it always tells me that I don't have enough money/bitcoin (or whatever).  I'll never get to the email section of this blasted site.
Oh my Lord-your post lets me know I am not the only uninformed, technologically behind person on here!  I am chasing my own ass right now trying to figure this stuff out--I have a friend who knows about this sort of thing, however, she says if I make purchases from places on this site, that I am funding terrorists and making America unsafe b/c I am buying their ammunition when I place an order, so I'm thinking she's not the best one to confer with.  That said, I see on the site multiple people explaining the process and vouching for the fact that it is not that difficult, but my poor foggy brain just does not comprehend...Leigh Anne (Oh, and Godspeed to you...)  Hopefully, we'll both figure it of luck...

How about I just mail you a check?  I know how to use those, and ALL BY MYSELF!  Ain't I hip!?  Seriously, though, I need to find a vendor and a way to donate in some fashion I can still fathom, neurons just not firing in my brain any longer....Leigh Anne
I just logged into the Electrum following the link you sent, looks like it downloaded into folder, but I don't even know how to access that folder--Oh, Lord, doesn't anyone take Visa or Mastercard anymore?  I know it's for everyone's safety, but being computer illiterate in this day and age means I cannot even navigate properly--I don't even know how to cut and paste, for goodness sake's....I want to make an order to StarliteRx, and then they take different sites for payment of which I have never even heard....However, still plugging away, trying to get a donation to the forum...If any of the administrator's use a PO Box, would it seriously be a possibility that I could literally mail a check?  That's probably among the stupidest things you've ever seen, no doubt, & I absolutely do NOT want to get anyone's personal info or in any way compromise a person's safety or confidentiality, but I know some that make larger purchases use PO Boxes for privacy and to be careful, so I thought maybe someone (moderator, administrator, whatever) could potentially allow me to send a check, then put that $ onto my DBG forum so as to up my status so I can maybe find a vendor that takes payment I understand?  I'm sorry to be such a needy, incapable, inept person--my brains have been scrambled (got shock treatments a few years back), and my ability to learn, my long and short term memory are crap, and to cap it all off I get so nervous in these situations, it is almost paralyzing...I am going to continue trying, I thank you for your help and patience, & hopefully I will get in donation soon. Who do I send the donation to, and what country, if I am miraculously successful in setting up an acceptable account? (I was thinking I needed to know that to make the transfer?...). Just want to do the next right thing....any advice appreciated, sorry so long, (fried-brain)  Leigh Anne

It's in the thread under this one in this section, but here it is for reference: 

OK, so I just signed into Coinbase account, put in my info, but am I then purchasing the Bitcoin, then forwarding to this 3ES1EQ..... number, or put in DBG, and I am not clear on what you mean about the wallet--is that the account I just set up?  So I go on there, put in $20 USD, then send it to you either to this numeric address or DBG?  But I am guessing there is a fee, so I need more than $20 in account to cover that?  And by going through that site, I am not compromising your rules that state do NOT send funds Coinbase wallet?  I don't even see a "wallet"--God give me strength; I know enough to know I am being annoying, but I want to do things correctly, and not get deleted from the forum...Thanks in advance, I am still doing reading and homework--I know you can't hold everyone's hand here & I need to do some hard research on my own--you all have become so much more user friendly over the last couple years--I mean, the banner's on the home page with direct links now--AMAZING!  Ideally I could find a vendor that still accepts Visa or Mastercard, but the one I had been using for the last 18 months or so has apparently gone rogue, so now need new supplier (just for mild pain, anxiety, sometimes insomnia--nothing real heavy...).  Thanks again, Leigh Anne

OK, so I just signed into Coinbase account, put in my info, but am I then purchasing the Bitcoin, then forwarding to this 3ES1EQ..... number, or put in DBG, and I am not clear on what you mean about the wallet--is that the account I just set up?  So I go on there, put in $20 USD, then send it to you either to this numeric address or DBG?  But I am guessing there is a fee, so I need more than $20 in account to cover that?  And by going through that site, I am not compromising your rules that state do NOT send funds Coinbase wallet?  I don't even see a "wallet"--God give me strength; I know enough to know I am being annoying, but I want to do things correctly, and not get deleted from the forum...Thanks in advance, I am still doing reading and homework--I know you can't hold everyone's hand here & I need to do some hard research on my own--you all have become so much more user friendly over the last couple years--I mean, the banner's on the home page with direct links now--AMAZING!  Ideally I could find a vendor that still accepts Visa or Mastercard, but the one I had been using for the last 18 months or so has apparently gone rogue, so now need new supplier (just for mild pain, anxiety, sometimes insomnia--nothing real heavy...).  Thanks again, Leigh Anne
Hi @Leigh Anne, you have almost got it! You've done well so far. The electrum wallet you downloaded, that is your own personal and private wallet. It has its own unique address like the jumble of letters above. Coinbase is a place to purchase bitcoin, though you do get a wallet there to store the amount you purchase. Coinbase are known to be picky whom you send coins to, not to mention charge a percentage to store coins in the wallet, that's why we advise you have your own private wallet. So, you purchase let's say 25 USD for this example, worth from coinbase, it will then appear in your coinbase wallet. You then transfer it to your Electrum wallet by copy/pasting the electrum address into the send part of the coinbase one, it will then appear in your electrum wallet. From there, copy DBG'S wallet address into the send part of your electrum wallet, and put the amount in, send it along with your username in the message portion of the send part, and voila! You will have donated! Honestly, if you have gotten this far, you will manage. I know PP was easier, but thanks to a few members who decided to do a chargeback, it's no longer available. 

I am shucking and jiving trying to get this baby set up...I guess we'll know soon enough if I have done something correctly, or my black cloud of doom has struck again (I am trying to get into the Electrum wallet, but my computer keeps directing me to GitHub or something similar to that....) I am assuming these are different form one another--I want to be able to donate here, & also place my Starlite order this morning....Is the bank I use going to not process the transaction? I know when I would use a bank card in the past, I had to put in a "travel notification" or anything I attempted to purchase got rejected...I think Starlite in Phillips, does the location matter if I have that giant serial number/address?  And do I get a fee for each transaction, or they take a percentage?  And what if I want back the money I have put in the wallet?  Sorry, I realize I am grilling you, when I have just read page after page online, many of which seem to contradict the prior item I read & thought I understood--all I have gleaned is that Bitcoin CASH is OK, but the other Bitcoin CORE is stupidly expensive, and very slow.  I am confused about the wallets still, b/c I want the electrum, but am getting shuffled to Git-whatever-Grab-I don't know what...Just wanted you to know I am trying my due diligence to learn, & that I want to thank you and the forum for helping me so much, & keep you guys up and running--we are such a susustable community; we can't exactly report to law enforcement that the bad unknown person has stolen our narcotic money (although I did see a woman on "Cops" who called the po-po when her crack rock ended up being a piece of plaster & she wanted her $20 back--ha ha!)....Leigh Anne

Have you purchased any bitcoin yet @Leigh Anne? If so, open up the electrum wallet and copy the wallet address. Then paste it in the send section of the coinbase wallet, not forgetting to put the amount you are sending also. There are transaction fee's, dependent on how fast you want the Bitcoins transferred. You might have noticed the value of your bitcoin has risen or lowered, this happens hour to hour, it is a very volatile currency. In any case, if you have the coin, or parts thereof, then you have reached what should be the simple part of the process. Don't panic if you don't see them in your electrum wallet straight away, they'll arrive as long as you copy the wallet address correctly. There is a copy button in the "receive" section of your electrum wallet. It copies it automatically for you, and you paste it into the send box in the coinbase wallet as I said. I trust everything will be okay! 

I have made my Electrum account and Coinbase account. I am in the UK and looking to become an opal sponsor so I paid £15 into my Coinbase account then sent it to my Electrum wallet. This is where I am now confused as it is showing up in my Electrum account as having a balance of 2.3674. 2.3574 WHAT? 

What the hell do I do now in order to get my sponsorship? Man, there's got to be an easier way. All I am needing is the UK email vendor's deets.

Have you purchased any bitcoin yet @Leigh Anne? If so, open up the electrum wallet and copy the wallet address. Then paste it in the send section of the coinbase wallet, not forgetting to put the amount you are sending also. There are transaction fee's, dependent on how fast you want the Bitcoins transferred. You might have noticed the value of your bitcoin has risen or lowered, this happens hour to hour, it is a very volatile currency. In any case, if you have the coin, or parts thereof, then you have reached what should be the simple part of the process. Don't panic if you don't see them in your electrum wallet straight away, they'll arrive as long as you copy the wallet address correctly. There is a copy button in the "receive" section of your electrum wallet. It copies it automatically for you, and you paste it into the send box in the coinbase wallet as I said. I trust everything will be okay! 
Lord, I think I've done things ass-backwards (again); I ended up with establishing an address/set up, but now am stuck trying to figure out how to put money in it....I really need my friend to help me w/this, but her perception of this site & activity related is that I am funding terrorists!  So I am still plugging away, now I am seeing TWO electrum icons, & I don't know which is the one I just put all my information into...I am a nitwit, sorry...Thank you so much for trying to help me, I will hopefully, eventually stumble into an answer  (I did get to a page that asked if I wanted multiple addresses, & got confused again b/c I don't know if they mean for myself, or if I would be sending funds to different addresses (in which case, that would be a yes since I need to donate to forum and order Starlite)....fingers crossed....

I have made my Electrum account and Coinbase account. I am in the UK and looking to become an opal sponsor so I paid £15 into my Coinbase account then sent it to my Electrum wallet. This is where I am now confused as it is showing up in my Electrum account as having a balance of 2.3674. 2.3574 WHAT? 

What the hell do I do now in order to get my sponsorship? Man, there's got to be an easier way. All I am needing is the UK email vendor's deets.
God love you--you sound like the British version of me, I am fumbling around in the dark writing down all sorts of words and letter/number sequences like I'm Mata Hari, except stupid...I think to understand this, I need to be on some hallucinannating substance--Like Lewis Carroll when he wrote "Alice in Wonderland", where the Hell is the hookah and the caterpillar when you need 'em?!  I am feeling so sorry for the moderators trying to herd me through something which I'm sure is very basic and simple, but I feel like I am being asked to solve equations of the "Good Will Hunting" variety.  Gotta take a break-I do think a mushroom would help clarify the situation....I just want to mail a check to somebody, like in the good ol' 70's and 80's...Godspeed to all who are tolerating my insanity....Leigh Anne

Have you purchased any bitcoin yet @Leigh Anne? If so, open up the electrum wallet and copy the wallet address. Then paste it in the send section of the coinbase wallet, not forgetting to put the amount you are sending also. There are transaction fee's, dependent on how fast you want the Bitcoins transferred. You might have noticed the value of your bitcoin has risen or lowered, this happens hour to hour, it is a very volatile currency. In any case, if you have the coin, or parts thereof, then you have reached what should be the simple part of the process. Don't panic if you don't see them in your electrum wallet straight away, they'll arrive as long as you copy the wallet address correctly. There is a copy button in the "receive" section of your electrum wallet. It copies it automatically for you, and you paste it into the send box in the coinbase wallet as I said. I trust everything will be okay! 
Thank you for your help, still working on it, but probably sending pesos to India--who knows?

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  2. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  3. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  4. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  6. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  7. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  8. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  9. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  11. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  15. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  18. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  19. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  20. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.