
Wait to review please yours went put today with extras to it got dropped. I'm sending tracking tonight. You have no idea how many orders I do per day. Look, I know I'm late with orders sometimes but I ALWAYS deliver and ALWAYS have fire. ALWAYS MAKE UP for it with extras too. I have the shit other vendors dont. My rep is ruined simply because I'm one person and get backed up. You guys are close to having me leVe dbg and go to the darkweb.
I did state in my comment that I had only just recently placed the order and that I did not expect to receive it for a week at least regardless of the overnight delivery payment, and clarified that I only was posting today because I just read through these recent comments just now. I did make sure to clarify that my comment was not a review because I had only just placed the order on Saturday and was not making assumptions about your products whatsoever. In general, I would not expect a package from any vendor to come with a turnaround time in under a week no matter what shipping service was paid for or what time frame I was told by them. Which is true and why I have not asked you for updates, because it’s a little ridiculous for a Buyer to ask for an update until at least a week has passed from date payment on an overnight delivery order with no updates. My statement was only in regards To the hefty overnight shipping fee that you said was available even though it was Saturday at noon, which was concerning since U5P$ doesn’t deliver on Sunday even if it had gone out that day. After I placed the order, i even reiterated to you that I had no expectation of receiving it overnight, My comment was only A statement for anyone considering paying for overnight delivery, since that is the only thing that I have to review on at this point. And for me personally, it’s a non-issue, because from my perspective, paying for overnight delivery, is simply paying for a potentially faster delivery in general, it does not actually mean getting it overnight, it’s simply paying for the chance of it being processed sooner than standard. So to recap, I was only letting those who may not have money to burn that paying for overnight delivery would not guarantee an overnight delivery. I would never assume a 24 hour turn around time even if a vendor told me directly that it was possible, however, I imagine that many people on this thread would feel differently and would rather spend that extra money on more product rather than pay for service that was not actually available. I personally prefer to spend the extra money on the possibility of a faster processing time in general rather than spending it on additional product, even though i know it doesn’t guarantee a specific turnaround time. But I am probably in the minority in feeling that way, hence my purpose for posting my comment. think im lying about all this, I litterly have to take a xanny before I open my inbox.
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I did state in my comment that I had only just recently placed the order and that I did not expect to receive it for a week at least regardless of the overnight delivery payment, and clarified that I only was posting today because I just read through these recent comments just now. I did make sure to clarify that my comment was not a review because I had only just placed the order on Saturday and was not making assumptions about your products whatsoever. In general, I would not expect a package from any vendor to come with a turnaround time in under a week no matter what shipping service was paid for or what time frame I was told by them. Which is true and why I have not asked you for updates, because it’s a little ridiculous for a Buyer to ask for an update until at least a week has passed from date payment on an overnight delivery order with no updates. My statement was only in regards To the hefty overnight shipping fee that you said was available even though it was Saturday at noon, which was concerning since USPS doesn’t deliver on Sunday even if it had gone out that day. After I placed the order, i even reiterated to you that I had no expectation of receiving it overnight, My comment was only A statement for anyone considering paying for overnight delivery, since that is the only thing that I have to review on at this point. And for me personally, it’s a non-issue, because from my perspective, paying for overnight delivery, is simply paying for a potentially faster delivery in general, it does not actually mean getting it overnight, it’s simply paying for the chance of it being processed sooner than standard. So to recap, I was only letting those who may not have money to burn that paying for overnight delivery would not guarantee an overnight delivery. I would never assume a 24 hour turn around time even if a vendor told me directly that it was possible, however, I imagine that many people on this thread would feel differently and would rather spend that extra money on more product rather than pay for service that was not actually available. I personally prefer to spend the extra money on the possibility of a faster processing time in general rather than spending it on additional product, even though i know it doesn’t guarantee a specific turnaround time. But I am probably in the minority in feeling that way, hence my purpose for posting my comment.
BTW that Pic I sent, that stack is just from today. I've been doing orders since 7am
So after this dude getting on here last night, obviously spun the fuck out, and promising a TN ONCE AGAIN, I have an email with another excuse. My review on this publisher, don’t trust this dude. Subscribe at your own risk! @Ghost666 I don’t understand how the Admins don’t step in….. there is a very obvious problem here. @Admin
Dude I told you the issue. Robert I'm sorry yours is late and no I'm not spun out. @Admin. Robert please leave a new review Thursday, an honest one. I fucked up, I'm backed up. Any high level street vensor woukd understand this issue completely with a large clientele list. I'm sorry guys but I promise my intentions are good and only mean well. I'm just trying to maintain this and somewhat of my personal life and it's almost impossible. I'll tell you this though.

1. You WILL recieve your mag.
2. Yes, when I'm going through shit I tend to throw my phone in the corner and just be alone. (After pending orders go out). So sometimes when I don't respond its for a reason. Sometimes safety concerns.
3. I carry only high quality and rare mags. Very rarely will there be any kind of issue with an item, if there is I wasn't aware of it and will fix it.
BTW that Pic I sent, that stack is just from today. I've been doing orders since 7am
I haven’t received any pictures, or emails at all for that matter, ever since I sent payment. It was all very prompt and friendly communication until I sent payment. Again, I’m not making assumptions, not enough time has passed to even start worrying about if an order is coming, I just ask that you be consistent with your private emails to me the statements made here on this public forum. If the only communication post payment is via a public forum, I’m sure you can understand how that may come off to a new client.

Regardless, I assume positive intent in general in all situations for all humans until I’m given irrefutable proof otherwise, so for now I’m really not worried, you do not need to defend yourself, provide proof or otherwise provide me with reassurance, because this Is a brand new vendor/client relationship and a first time order, so now I feel neutral about this whole situation and will remain that way until a reasonable amount of time has passed to reasonably tip the scales one way or another
Dude I told you the issue. Robert I'm sorry yours is late and no I'm not spun out. @Admin. Robert please leave a new review Thursday, an honest one. I fucked up, I'm backed up. Any high level street vensor woukd understand this issue completely with a large clientele list. I'm sorry guys but I promise my intentions are good and only mean well. I'm just trying to maintain this and somewhat of my personal life and it's almost impossible. I'll tell you this though.

1. You WILL recieve your mag.
2. Yes, when I'm going through shit I tend to throw my phone in the corner and just be alone. (After pending orders go out). So sometimes when I don't respond its for a reason. Sometimes safety concerns.
3. I carry only high quality and rare mags. Very rarely will there be any kind of issue with an item, if there is I wasn't aware of it and will fix it.
Deleted by me. My review thus far, it is excuse after excuse. I was told several times last week I would have a TN. I was told Monday that Monday night I would have it, same yesterday. Still nothing. Dude has zero integrity.

@Ghost666 stop tagging me please with your BS. To quote a previous post:

"Maybe take a moment to reevaluate how things really are and be honest with yourself that you're fucking things up and it's hurting everyone who rooting for you. There are people on here still holding out hope that you'll get your act together after being lied to over and over again. That's how much most people like you ghost, for real. They are willing to stick around even after all the excuses. You being a good guy is why we're all still around, so whatever the hell is causing you to make all these promises and then flake...cut that shit out. Like please. Stop it. Let us be good customers to a good vendor like in the beginning."

I have no reason to believe anything you say. You make it sound like you want us all to get together and have this huge fucking pity party for you. Your problems are your problems, they have nothing to do with anyone here. Stop making promises you can't and know you can't or know you won't keep.
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Wait to review please yours went put today with extras to it got dropped. I'm sending tracking tonight. You have no idea how many orders I do per day. Look, I know I'm late with orders sometimes but I ALWAYS deliver and ALWAYS have fire. ALWAYS MAKE UP for it with extras too. I have the shit other vendors dont. My rep is ruined simply because I'm one person and get backed up. You guys are close to having me leVe dbg and go to the darkweb.
It would be on my ID if you had sent it. I’m certain you don’t even know who I am or what I ordered considering you only communicate on this forum ever since payment, and if your volume is so huge, there’s no way you’d know a first time buyers specific information from a forum post with no context from email about them or the order. If you’d been emailing while responding with comments on here, it might look a little different, but you continue to publicly state that you’ve sent me emails but haven’t actually done that. Same with the “I dropped yours off already with extras”. I’ve never had a package from anyone ever (illicit or otherwise) not show scanned in or at minimum label created on my informed delivery, so I’m certain that not only have you lied several times to me here on this thread, but you actually have no idea who I am, what my order was, or when it was placed.

Edited to add: I woukd have absolutely zero issues with a late or mixed up or otherwise botched order from a vendor, as long as they remained honest during the whole thing. I could go months without receiving an order and still fully understand that shit happens, IF that vendor is honestly communicating the issues rather than making false statements on a public forum. Literally just be honest with me and it won’t matter when my order arrives, and I’ll save you the reputation hits from these posts on your page.
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Damn Ghost, I was about to to place an order but I see there's been a lot more drama since I requested any mags. Dude I'm gonna say this but I want you to know its coming from a good place. You have so many members on here who want to be loyal to you man but you wont let us be loyal to you because you're not being loyal to us, ya know?

Maybe take a moment to reevaluate how things really are and be honest with yourself that you're fucking things up and it's hurting everyone who rooting for you. There are people on here still holding out hope that you'll get your act together after being lied to over and over again. That's how much most people like you ghost, for real. They are willing to stick around even after all the excuses. You being a good guy is why we're all still around, so whatever the hell is causing you to make all these promises and then flake...cut that shit out. Like please. Stop it. Let us be good customers to a good vendor like in the beginning.

This isn't a reveiw I know but it's a review of the situation so maybe mods will let stay. 😉
Ghost - please read what Starrsky said. I don’t know if there’s any point in writing this but I’m gonna attempt to add on to what Starrsky said.

First - if we didn’t care, we wouldn’t be spending our time writing about the situation. We all know you’re one person - the times you’ve hired help it didn’t work out-some asshole customer threatened you over the whole courier fake postage thing, etc. I can’t tell if you’re not listening or you don’t want to admit what’s going on or something else. But it’s a really bad look to come on here and say things like we’re going to make you leave DBG, etc. Most of us just want you to take responsibility and most of all - like Starrsky said - stop lying to us. Just fucking be honest dude. Don’t promise things you can’t and you probably know you can’t give. You posted saying something like “Tell me one person who has never gotten their pack.” I think you know that’s not the issue. It’s that you take keep people’s money who are under the assumption that their much needed magazines, (some who will have very negative consequences if they don’t get them when expected) are going to be sent out that day or the next day (as stated on your menu). You allow people to pay extra for ON, and then they don’t get their packs for weeks. Some mag vendors stop taking orders for a few days when it gets crazy - but you will accept people’s money and then promise them things you can’t deliver on. And then come on here and blame your customers for your problems.

There are some really fucking awesome people here. They are understanding and willing to forgive fuck ups if they are handled correctly. The posts you’ve made in the last day are the complete opposite of that. People don’t trust you because of your actions. There’s the constant empty promises of when people will get their shit, and a pretty consistent pattern of not being true to your word. Like how you posted on here saying that you had listened to our feedback about your prices and effective immediately you were lowering them. A few days later, I get your latest menu to see that not only had you not lowered your prices, but they had all gone up, some nearly doubled.

All this said, most people will forgive a person who admits they fucked up and then makes it better. Like Starrsky said, we think you’re a good person and that’s why we’re still here. If I thought you were a total fuckface, I would not have spent my time writing this. It sucks to have people calling you out on shitty behavior. We’ve all been there. But being called out on shitty behavior is the main thing in my life that has caused me to make changes I need to make and has made me a better person. And when people do take their time to call others out on their shit, it’s because they care about the person and know they can do better. Otherwise, they wouldn’t bother. So I hope you will take the time to read what we have said. Much love, fuckface. (I kid, I kid). ❤️
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hey friends hear me out…

How about we all back up off @Ghost666 just so he can focus on getting shit done. You deserve answers but messaging and answering emails is only useful if there’s a tee-En in there. Let’s just back off for a few days. After that if you don’t see anything positive happening on your end, then have at it.

I know it’s frustrating. I also support what @Starrysky and @WTF7218 said and def sympathize with anyone waiting. And you’re completely in the right. I just think that nothing is to be gained right now from G spending time responding and getting frazzled over inbox and posts bc we’re going in circles. And no need to involve mods or admin unless it’s been a few weeks and nothings happening.

New people who haven’t put in a food order should hold off. The PRIORITY is getting the people already in the restaurant served, let them (vaguely) speak on their food when received and whether resolution was satisfactory, and hopefully clean up the street FIRST.

ORRRR…. you can do what you want.

***If it makes anyone feel any better ive never been scammed by G. But yes, timing and comms are unpredictable.

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hey friends hear me out…

How about we all back up off @Ghost666 just so he can focus on getting shit done. You deserve answers but messaging and answering emails is only useful if there’s a tee-En in there. Let’s just back off for a few days. After that if you don’t see anything positive happening on your end, then have at it.

I know it’s frustrating. I also support what @Starrysky and @WTF7218 said and def sympathize with anyone waiting. And you’re completely in the right. I just think that nothing is to be gained right now from G spending time responding and getting frazzled over inbox and posts bc we’re going in circles. And no need to involve mods or admin unless it’s been a few weeks and nothings happening.

New people who haven’t put in a food order should hold off. The PRIORITY is getting the people already in the restaurant served, let them (vaguely) speak on their food when received and whether resolution was satisfactory, and hopefully clean up the street FIRST.

ORRRR…. you can do what you want.

***If it makes anyone feel any better ive never been scammed by G. But yes, timing and comms are unpredictable.


i personally have no problem with unexpected longer processing or delivery times when it comes to items of this particular business. I’m a reasonable human and fully understand that shit happens (and it happens more often in this kind of business). I have not in any way determined an opinion about ghost or his products, as I said in a previous comment, I assume positive intent for all people until given irrefutable proof otherwise. So as far as I’m concerned, I don’t have any issues with my order right now, regardless of what I paid or continued lack of updates or responses post payment, or even the false statements made on here regarding my order. I can understand the pressure of feeling like your business is potentially failing due to just a few recent issues that may not even be under one’s control, so it’s kind of just human nature to react in a way to save that business by whatever means necessary. I do not inherently believe it means there’s any purposeful scamming or malicious intent going on here. I have no prior experience with this vendor except the order I placed but haven’t received, but judging by the formerly great reviews, long standing former clients like yourself who are in the same boat as me and many others right now, yet are still ultimately approaching this with understanding rather than trying to butcher his reputation. The fact that you and those others I’ve seen posting still have faith in ghost and believe the situation to be a genuinely unintentional temporary issue that he will eventually come through on and make right, is enough to ease any worry I have and continue assuming positive intent for the time being.

Everyone deserves a little grace and understanding, especially those who put themselves at much higher risk to do something the rest of us aren’t willing to do ourselves, so that alone leaves extra room for me to withhold judgement and simply assume I’ll get my package once he’s back on steady footing, and it won’t prevent me from ordering again as long as there’s eventually a resolution or at least a genuinely strong attempt at one, which I do believe will happen.
hey friends hear me out…

How about we all back up off @Ghost666 just so he can focus on getting shit done. You deserve answers but messaging and answering emails is only useful if there’s a tee-En in there. Let’s just back off for a few days. After that if you don’t see anything positive happening on your end, then have at it.

I know it’s frustrating. I also support what @Starrysky and @WTF7218 said and def sympathize with anyone waiting. And you’re completely in the right. I just think that nothing is to be gained right now from G spending time responding and getting frazzled over inbox and posts bc we’re going in circles. And no need to involve mods or admin unless it’s been a few weeks and nothings happening.

New people who haven’t put in a food order should hold off. The PRIORITY is getting the people already in the restaurant served, let them (vaguely) speak on their food when received and whether resolution was satisfactory, and hopefully clean up the street FIRST.

ORRRR…. you can do what you want.

***If it makes anyone feel any better ive never been scammed by G. But yes, timing and comms are unpredictable.

I agree with this sentiment and it is probably the best course of action at this time. I can also vouch that I've never been scammed by G, I know he doesn't intentionally do this...its just how it goes sometimes. It's the timing and comms that can be frustrating like A.S. said, especially when dealing with time sensitive issues. Also its worth saying that G has always made it right with me when things got a little backed up.

Gonna give it some more time before I update my previous comment....again hoping to leave a reply soon with a happy ending lol.

Dude I told you the issue. Robert I'm sorry yours is late and no I'm not spun out. @Admin. Robert please leave a new review Thursday, an honest one. I fucked up, I'm backed up. Any high level street vensor woukd understand this issue completely with a large clientele list. I'm sorry guys but I promise my intentions are good and only mean well. I'm just trying to maintain this and somewhat of my personal life and it's almost impossible. I'll tell you this though.

1. You WILL recieve your mag.
2. Yes, when I'm going through shit I tend to throw my phone in the corner and just be alone. (After pending orders go out). So sometimes when I don't respond its for a reason. Sometimes safety concerns.
3. I carry only high quality and rare mags. Very rarely will there be any kind of issue with an item, if there is I wasn't aware of it and will fix it.

Ok, today is Thursday, you asked for an honest review today. So still no tee#, c0uri3r has ran and nothing. I email you and of course as I have already stated, emails go ignored.

My review:
  1. Communication 0/10
  2. Following through with publicly made statements 0/10
  3. Refuses to send my coin back, refuses to answer emails, refuses to send mags even though many times I have been told I would receive on a specific day, some of which have been made public and still nothing
  4. Anyone considering subscribing from this publisher, perhaps give some thought to another publisher - as seen he cannot come through with anything by other subscribers
  5. Integrity 0/10
  6. Honesty 0/10
  7. Will I be a repeat subscriber, probably not unless there is some spectacular novel something that happens, and I highly doubt that anything more than nothing is going to happen
  8. There is nothing to review other than this
Damn what’s going on with ghost666. Hope you figure it out and get back to being great again!! I woulda ordered again but the last couple entries stopped me.

This the second vendor I use to go bad all of a sudden, I been waiting on a pack for almost 2 months now (from a different V) still on label created status not yet in system!!

Seems like vendors just pop up solid to gain traction then just say fuck it and go rouge!!!

I wonder if it’s the same person behind the two vendor accounts… what are the odds!!!

Dat shit cray
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Dude I told you the issue. Robert I'm sorry yours is late and no I'm not spun out. @Admin. Robert please leave a new review Thursday, an honest one. I fucked up, I'm backed up. Any high level street vensor woukd understand this issue completely with a large clientele list. I'm sorry guys but I promise my intentions are good and only mean well. I'm just trying to maintain this and somewhat of my personal life and it's almost impossible. I'll tell you this though.

1. You WILL recieve your mag.
2. Yes, when I'm going through shit I tend to throw my phone in the corner and just be alone. (After pending orders go out). So sometimes when I don't respond its for a reason. Sometimes safety concerns.
3. I carry only high quality and rare mags. Very rarely will there be any kind of issue with an item, if there is I wasn't aware of it and will fix it.
Well Robert I told you I'm a man of my word. There's 300 worth of extra IR30s, an extra g of each. Please wait to judge me untill Monday when it arrives. 18 ORDERS WERE DROPPED TODAY BTW GUYS
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Deleted by me. My review thus far, it is excuse after excuse. I was told several times last week I would have a TN. I was told Monday that Monday night I would have it, same yesterday. Still nothing. Dude has zero integrity.

@Ghost666 stop tagging me please with your BS. To quote a previous post:

"Maybe take a moment to reevaluate how things really are and be honest with yourself that you're fucking things up and it's hurting everyone who rooting for you. There are people on here still holding out hope that you'll get your act together after being lied to over and over again. That's how much most people like you ghost, for real. They are willing to stick around even after all the excuses. You being a good guy is why we're all still around, so whatever the hell is causing you to make all these promises and then flake...cut that shit out. Like please. Stop it. Let us be good customers to a good vendor like in the beginning."

I have no reason to believe anything you say. You make it sound like you want us all to get together and have this huge fucking pity party for you. Your problems are your problems, they have nothing to do with anyone here. Stop making promises you can't and know you can't or know you won't keep.
Robert check email your TN is there
I haven’t received any pictures, or emails at all for that matter, ever since I sent payment. It was all very prompt and friendly communication until I sent payment. Again, I’m not making assumptions, not enough time has passed to even start worrying about if an order is coming, I just ask that you be consistent with your private emails to me the statements made here on this public forum. If the only communication post payment is via a public forum, I’m sure you can understand how that may come off to a new client.

Regardless, I assume positive intent in general in all situations for all humans until I’m given irrefutable proof otherwise, so for now I’m really not worried, you do not need to defend yourself, provide proof or otherwise provide me with reassurance, because this Is a brand new vendor/client relationship and a first time order, so now I feel neutral about this whole situation and will remain that way until a reasonable amount of time has passed to reasonably tip the scales one way or another
Check email
Damn what’s going on with ghost666. Hope you figure it out and get back to being great again!! I woulda ordered again but the last couple entries stopped me.

This the second vendor I use to go bad all of a sudden, I been waiting on a pack for almost 2 months now (from a different V) still on label created status not yet in system!!

Seems like vendors just pop up solid to gain traction then just say fuck it and go rouge!!!

I wonder if it’s the same person behind the two vendor accounts… what are the odds!!!

Dat shit cray
No brother that's not that's not what happened. Im one person with no help and I have a gigantic clientele list I'm literally killing myself to try to get these orders out to you guys so I get back up every once in awhile you can ask any client that's ever got anything through me I've never taken a penny from anyone I've never not sent an order to anyone and I've ever always I've always made things right with people now I will continue to I don't give a fuck I'm the most loyal vendor on here I got the best shit on here prove me wrong I'll put money on it that my f, that mim my clear and powder is is stronger than anything on here I'll put I'll put three I'll put $300 on it whoever said whoevers down to bet. the contest we send it out we send our samples to three different clients they pick who's is the strongest whoever wins the other one sends that person $300. Serious as fuck if you got clear better than mine then you know a real life Walter White
It would be on my ID if you had sent it. I’m certain you don’t even know who I am or what I ordered considering you only communicate on this forum ever since payment, and if your volume is so huge, there’s no way you’d know a first time buyers specific information from a forum post with no context from email about them or the order. If you’d been emailing while responding with comments on here, it might look a little different, but you continue to publicly state that you’ve sent me emails but haven’t actually done that. Same with the “I dropped yours off already with extras”. I’ve never had a package from anyone ever (illicit or otherwise) not show scanned in or at minimum label created on my informed delivery, so I’m certain that not only have you lied several times to me here on this thread, but you actually have no idea who I am, what my order was, or when it was placed.

Edited to add: I woukd have absolutely zero issues with a late or mixed up or otherwise botched order from a vendor, as long as they remained honest during the whole thing. I could go months without receiving an order and still fully understand that shit happens, IF that vendor is honestly communicating the issues rather than making false statements on a public forum. Literally just be honest with me and it won’t matter when my order arrives, and I’ll save you the reputation hits from these posts on your page.
Dude when I have 250 emails in my inbox daily it's kind of hard to reply to everybody
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!