Helpful Quoted Info For New Members

Hello all,

Just joined the group a couple days ago, although I'm a long-time past lurker here on DBG.

Had not followed the forum in some years and couldn't even recall the name, but I knew there was another forum out here that I could rely on for guidance. Have been using *** as of late, since the demise of a reputable SA outfit. (some of you may be familiar) and have found a reliable and attentive vendor on that list with superb quality product, but still have some hiccups with shipments from certain regions.

I have trouble finding vendors that carry my particular DOC and I'm always in need of my domestic partner's (easier-to-find) daily meds, so went searching for this long-forgotten resource and it finally came to me after a few nights of searching. Anyway, its great to have this knowledge, and witty banter :-) at my fingertips once again. Hoping I can contribute as much as I gain.

Best regards...BlueIndian

hippie chicks lores.jpg

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Hi Everyone,

I stumble upon and joined this forum a few weeks ago after weeks and weeks of reading and researching reputable and educated forums. This really does seem like an amazing online community, which seems far and in between these days. I am excited to start actively participating in forums :)  

Have an aweseome day everyone!! 

@susie I have no clue what to use when I want to respond to something I am reading--I got to the bottom of the post, and I see the @ and I see quote, and despite all the reading and rereading I have done, I am not sure what the correct way is--like right now, I am adding or reacting to something you've said, I know I don't need to start a new post since it's related, but don't understand what I should be clicking on to communicate back to you regarding what you've written.  I am also not sure if you'll read this, b/c my content needs to be moderator approved, and that is yet another thing I don't really get--is that applicable to everyone who has less than 500 posts, or b/c I still have not figured out how to donate to the forum, or have I been making repeated mistakes, missing the corrections/feedback, & I am a loose canon? I do come on sporadically, write super long posts which I am certain the mods probably frown on (I am really not trying to be a pain in the ass, it just comes naturally), or possibly I have missed or broken an important rule w/o meaning to?  I have had so many kind people reach out to help me, but I am just dogpaddling along, and the water is treacherous....I am very sorry if I have been offensive or broken a rule, I only get to come on here seldom and wite some crazy long rants b/c I have my hubby looking over my shoulder, and I don't need commentary from him about what I share with this community....that said, I have to go and find where to give props to ***(I love that man!), and to report a place to blacklist (yep, robbed yet again....Jesus wept), Godspeed, Leigh Anne

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@Leigh Anne I was also wondering about this. I am also new to this wonderful forum. I have received much support from 1 member who is very patient to a newbie. One reason why I love this site.

Anyway, I am testing your question using the @ option. I believe the @ will be a direct response without quote the poster. The quote, I think will embed the users response in your post.

Someone with more experience with the bbCode can correct me. Thanks.

You are correct @Stas56 and be careful when you quote because you can't undo it once it's there.

Welcome to all of the new members. You can use this nifty feature  (@) to get my attention for a question and use the report button for emergencies like spotting someone spamming the forum or posting TMI.

While most members are helpful and just want to give new people a point in the right direction, beware of anyone who is pointing you to a vendor who is not on the forum. If you are ever in doubt about something ask first.

We exist to try and minimize the chance of getting scammed, but there's no way to keep scammers from joining so once again if you suspect something is off report it and help us get rid of them.

Thanks for joining us!

@Leigh Anne I was also wondering about this. I am also new to this wonderful forum. I have received much support from 1 member who is very patient to a newbie. One reason why I love this site.

Anyway, I am testing your question using the @ option. I believe the @ will be a direct response without quote the poster. The quote, I think will embed the users response in your post.

Someone with more experience with the bbCode can correct me. Thanks.
@Stas56 Hey guys, Im new here as well and just trying to get a feel for a few things. Sorry if I've bothered anybody being a noob.

@aBBazaBBa123 No worries. I just joined recently. A member and a mod have been very helpful with any questions or issues I have had. This is what is so great about this community.

Being a noob is no issue for me. That is what we are here to for, to help each other out.

Next time use the @ button, not the quote - FYI

@Stas56 Right on man, seems like a great community for sure, after hours of reading this place gives me lots of hope. I used both buttons so I could see what both buttons do, learned what I wanted to learn in one post/reply haha.

Hi I have been on her a while And never posted before. Still shellshocked years after my divorce, ugg, and not over the ex. I donated today and now I am writing a post.  Hopefully not breaking any of the rules.  I actually just read them again. Anyway hi all and thank you. 

Hello and welcome to posting. Sorry about your divorce, I hope it will only lead you to bigger and better things.

Welcome @Grace54! I have to say that I really like your user name- we seem to have selected a popular one. I should probably re-read the rules too, they are easy to forget with all of the valuable information shared. 😊

Well I got a Warning for an old Moderated Post and New non-Moderated Post where I Posted A Link to a Research Chemical Vendor Review Website so things like that should be up their and in the rules. I know posting websites through Private Messages is on the Rules and is a strict policy to NOT do that if I had any idea what I was doing wrong I never would of done it... I just hope the Moderator pays close attention to my posts so something like that doesn't happen again but I doubt it will since I am following the Rules and if they thought I was breaking the rules on purpose I am sure I would of been Banned instantly like others who blatantly break the rules. 

  I understand that they have a good reason for everything they make Rules for so I completely understand I just wish there was A Sub-Forum so us "Newbies" can learn the ways of DBG so to speak. As this place is expanding and with that comes new Rules it's inevitable... I have been trying to use the "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page for a question.

  I have only ever had a reply when i got the Warning so I am not sure if my Account is Set so I can't use the "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page or they are just super busy which I can't imagine the huge amount of work they put in for this place non stop literally. I have been patiently waiting for an Email from them but I don't think it's working or maybe I am supposed to be asking the questions through A Sub-Forum somewhere else or I just don't know and it scares Me.

  I got a friend who I know that Lives near Me and since I know him in person if I can only get him an Account so he can see the potential of this place as we Test our Research Chemicals and Buy them together to get Bulk Orders at cheaper Prices. I know he will Donate for Me but he can only view 6 pages at a time... I am doing my best to contribute to the Forum in other ways by Posting as much knowledge I know and whenever I see an opportunity to help out I do it. 

  What I really like about this place is they have more Sub-Forums than just the things about Drugs they got it all and I love that as I Post on many different Forums and it would be refreshing to be able to Post here about my Life issues without anyone "frowning" about the mention of Drug use etc. if you feel Me. 

  This is the first Post I have come across that is seems vaguely suitable/Allowable for my Post here and if not I hope I will be told where to Post/Ask for Information i don't know if anyone here knows let A "Newbie" know what's up Thanks... Oh and sorry for the long Post I type fast so it just all comes out literally as fast as I can think, plus my O.C.D. and other Medical issues makes it hard not to keep typing more and more as you can all see. 

@porkandbeansboy, I think either Admin or 2earls may not have received when you tried the “contact us” or were busy- it’s hard to know because they are very busy and the site did update recently. If you need to ask something I would try private messaging 2earls or the tagging her in a post in the proper thread with @2earls. You can also message another member, one who has been around long enough to answer your question. And if you are looking for a thread that would be best to post on, use the “search” at the top of the page. I think you’ve chosen the right sub-forum here, but as you said, your post contains both questions about donating and rules, and comments about the areas you like, so the questions could get overlooked here.

There are rules, and every new member is moderated for a time. I don’t know which posts you’re writing about, and I know you wrote this a couple of weeks ago, so hopefully things are going smoothly now. Thanks for your contributions! 😊

@Gracie5 I have had some personal financial among other problems come up so I can't Donate as of right now to allow Me to Private message with anyone.

  I think something was wrong with my "Contact Us" button since I did get a reply from them finally after literally sending easily over 10 attempts to contact them so. I don't see any thread where I can Post about why Cloudflare blocks Tor Browser use but I assume it's for a good reason since I read somewhere that you can set "Cloudflare" to allow or disallow Tor Browser use... I only ask out of curiosity but curiosity did kill the poor kitty cat. 

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Thanks for writing back, @porkandbeansboy!

I think your question might fall under security. I also think it’s a good question. 



hello @Leigh Anne  and welcome.   i still consider myself a newbie here, but it really is a welcoming and safe place.   i've learned a lot - about more topics than i expected - and the members are generous with advice, patience and good information.   i do not post often, but each time i visit this site it makes me smile.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone! Hope all is well! Hello, look at my thread for latest update.
  2. D @ DolorCero: Hola to all mi DBG familia! 💙 Hope you all had an amazing weekend—or at least made the most of what’s left of it. Wishing you good vibes for the week ahead!
  3. GR8 ChemS @ GR8 ChemS: Good morning beautiful people !
  4. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh Benn wondering about you. I was expecting a message and never got it. I understand personal trumps other things at times. Had a bit of that going on with me lately as well. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  5. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Happy Weekend everybody!
  6. CalFresh @ CalFresh: Hi All, just want to let everyone know I had to take the last 36 hours off to deal with personal stuff. I'll be back online later tonight and will answer all emails and process all orders. thanks!
  7. CnC5 @ CnC5: @xenxra 🤣🤣🤣
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @timyboy there was a 4.7 mag earthquake in here earlier but it should be settled down now
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: the magic of tariffs and sticky inflation
  10. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Somehow, despite me working more hours, I always seem to have bigger and bigger bills... what kind of magic is this 😡
  11. Alkazar @ Alkazar: Just found another awesome vendor on here. This website is a life saver.
  12. T @ timyboy: whats shakin DBG
  13. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero hola friend
  14. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  15. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE no sweat; thank me after you read that Dostoyevsky-dense novel I just wrote and now it’s nearly lunch and I’m not at the office. Well, they must see something in me if it isn’t my civility, temperance, or clarity and style with the written word! Hope you find what you’re looking for.
  16. P @ PennyE: @LatsDoodis thanks bud!
  17. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE there’s one vendor I know of that always offers all new customers free samples. I think if you ask others you may have luck, but i recommend my guy here anyway. Not sure if you can see my post history and guess. Have a good day everyone!
  18. P @ PennyE: @SeaDonkey lmao!!!
  19. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I'm not mad about having to push my coworkers out or anything 😂
  20. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Please for the love of fuck everyone if you live somewhere that got hit with snow and you have to go out, do NOT park on an incline, especially facing forward, and especially if your car is fwd