Hi everyone!
i just wanted to mention that I started a thread called "DBG BULLETIN BOARD". My hopes were to have a place where 2earls, Admin and I would be able to have "announcements" or FYI info that is going on with the site. Our new site format and all of the changes that come along with it have caused a real need for a place for this type of info.
just wanted to mention it here since so many new members will read this thread.
If anyone has any questions at all, even itty-bitty ones...do not hesitate to contact one of us mods. Also, in addition to 2earls and myself, Admin's "staff" we also have two members that are the kratom section's new managers, Tealgreen and Roger. Teal and Roger have been very active on the forum for quite some time, and are quite knowledgable of not only the kratom forum, but the entire forum. If we are not available, the two ladies would be great people to ask any questions to. Once we have our kratom section's new rules on place, there will be a formal "to do" to announce the sections new managers. I am usually on in the early morning through the early evening, most week days and 2earls is usually on early to mid afternoon through evening to late evening most week days. Weekends are a crap shoot, but we are here......
Thanks guys! Xoxoxo