Helpful Quoted Info For New Members

Pleased to meet you cassiesue! Reading is the way to go, but don't be afraid to ask questions if you get stuck. Everything is more or less at your fingertips though.

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Hello I am new never done this b4... I ordered from a place and am waiting 2 c if my order comes through... am I doing this right?? I don't want to post anything before I see what's up with this particular vendor...

There's no worries BB, you can post a review in the vendors thread on receipt of your gift. In the meantime, have a good look around the board, the rules especially, and this thread is helpful also.

@BB you are absolutely doing it right. A lot of people want to post every step and detail of their order journey but posting  "I placed an order and will update when it arrives " is just not necessary. We all like to be able to visit a vendor thread and easily read the reviews instead of a lot of clutter.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to post this reminder here, where new members will see it.

I have another tip that a member just reminded me of. Don't use a screen name that is the same or very similar to one you use on other sites or one that someone could Google and find out your identity or other information you wish to keep private.

If you are rethinking the name you picked, ask for a new one. If you are a diamond member, you can change it yourself.

No idea how I found this site but so glad I did - Joined about a month ago and everything has been great so far. First day I spent probably ten plus hours straight reading through the forum and learning - smooth sailing since. Very nice to meet everyone 

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Hello everyone, new member here but just thought I would mention what a good idea 2earls stated above excellent thinking.

Hi everyone and especially new members. If you need to get the attention of a moderator, just put the @ symbol before our names and we will be notified. As much as I would like to read every post, it's just not possible and I don't want your questions or issues to go unnoticed.

I've been MIA on this site for quite a while now due to some pretty overwhelming depression/anxiety issues, so I'm going back and re-reading the rules to try & not make mistakes on here because this site has been so helpful for me.  I stumbled onto this site after making a number of bad transactions with dishonorable vendors and losing some money that I really shouldn't have been sending to unknown/untested people who had legitimate looking webpages... such an idiot!  I did use TTM successfully for a number of transactions after discovering this page, but I think I might have gotten burned on my last order (it's been about 5 weeks, I live in the south US).  I really would like to use SL, but was refused as a customer initially b/c of residing in a "red flag" state; I am going to send another e-mail--it's been about 6 months since I tried, so maybe things have changed?  Worth a shot, anyway.  I am really impressed with the menu there as well as the reputation through feedback.  Looking around here, I see now that TTM has been having some issues recently, & I suppose now they are more on the questionable side of vendors...I wish I had checked here before I placed that last order.  SMH, guess I got complacent b/c of having had some positive transactions...Anyway, glad to have the energy & focus enough to get back on here and have a look around.  The weather here is nicer today than it has been in some time, and the sunshine always seems to make me feel better.  Thank you to the moderators and administrators for this site.  I have had some nice communications with members in the past, and I like to hear how other people are faring--it seems we are all just on a quest to find a way to feel better and to keep from being taken advantage of because of our vulnerability.  It's disgraceful how many unscrupulous people are out there baiting others with false promises to empty out our pockets.  I have been hoaxed many times online, and got a phone call yesterday from the "IRS" (when did the government start hiring what sound like Indian immigrants to terrorize tax-payers?)--I actually thought for about a half hour that I was about to be jailed for some past tax issues I didn't even know about, but when he demanded that I go to a "government approved" site such as Kroger, CVS, or Walgreen's and send him the $2436.00 immediately, I figured it out.  I chewed my way through 4 mg of X@n@x during the call and directly afterward while I called the police and the real IRS.  So if anyone else gets a suspicious phone call, even if they have details about you and can spit out legal and tax codes--call them a MF'er & HANG UP!  Mine was a 206 area code.  The "real IRS" nicely informed me after a 50 minute wait that they don't send sheriffs out to arrest people, they only correspond in mailings, and they will never demand immediate payments.  Come to find out, I did actually owe $55.00 from 2011, so I went ahead and paid that, so I'm just hoping that jack-ass will call me again (I tried to call him back today--number not working suddenly).  I wanted to clench his @sshole down to a decimal point with what I was going to unload on him...first rule of screwing with people is make sure they are not crazier than you are before you poke us with a stick...Lesson learned!  Not very Christian of me I suppose, but I have had some pretty sick power fantasies about what I would do if I could track him down beyond just to Seattle, Washington.  So everyone, be warned!  Hope all you guys are good, & warmest regards to you all (get those taxes done by 4/18 my US friends)...Wishing everyone Love & Laughter, Leigh Anne

Hi Leigh Anne. I'm going to be having a joyful weekend with TurboTax. Bet I will chew a few Zannies along the way.

You bring up a good point. People join up, find a good vendor and don't check back until something goes wrong. Sometimes the problem could be avoided by checking in first. Plus, we really want members to give back by reviewing those orders. Maybe you just need to get a remailer for Starlite?

I sent an e-mail to SL, and got OK'd to place an order and I had disclosed where I reside to see if that would still present an issue, and apparently things have changed!  And the menu is still quite lovely to behold!  I would be very wary of the concentration of these vitamins given the good prices, but with the continuing reputation and reviews I have read (and I have read, and read, and read some more as all kind moderators have suggested), I am going to take the plunge when I get some more money together next week unless something really whack happens in the meantime.  And to update, I did get a polite e-mail directly from TTM today that informed me that orders placed during the time of my last order had been lost (I guess prior to ship?), and that they were going to make good on all orders including mine, but to be patient because they had such a volume to catch up on.  So if that's your go-to, I might suggest another vendor recommended here for a few weeks to see if the back-up gets cleared first.  I will jump on here right away when and if I receive the entirety of my selected meds.  All I can say is you should always have an emergency stash--if I didn't have a real prescription for some other types of benzos, I would be in a world of hurt right now...As it stands, I have upped some dosages of other things and supplemented as necessary to potentiate what I have left until I get another shipment that should be inbound.  Gotta be careful though with different batches of what is supposed to be same milligrams of some important meds--never know how much filler might have been there, and I'm not trying to wake up dead tomorrow playing pharmacist with my cocktails, you know what I'm saying?  Yep, thank the Lord for those extra days this year to file those nasty tax returns---can't exactly itemize these items in the medical expenses section for the Revenu@ C@binet to peek at, you know?  I hope I've got some good karma coming my way 'cause it's been FML all winter.  Blessings to all, and I will for sure make a donation to the site as soon as I can get a few things shifted around to accommodate some unexpected expenses--I have been fortunate enough to have foreseen a Greek tragedy in my future, so I did have a piggy-bank I needed to pillage & a couple savings for the rainy days, and by-God it's been a tsunami!  Between paying my mother-in-laws electricity she got shut off with all the fines and months behind she was running, numerous medical expenses, playing catch-up on some other bills that just popped up on my husband's credit report--HOLY Sh!T my cheese has slid right off my cracker!!!  Better days to come, fingers crossed...Leigh Anne, XO everyone!

Could a moderator PM me please.

Same here gotta lotta reading to do here lol. 

I sent an e-mail to SL, and got OK'd to place an order and I had disclosed where I reside to see if that would still present an issue, and apparently things have changed!  And the menu is still quite lovely to behold!  I would be very wary of the concentration of these vitamins given the good prices, but with the continuing reputation and reviews I have read (and I have read, and read, and read some more as all kind moderators have suggested), I am going to take the plunge when I get some more money together next week unless something really whack happens in the meantime.  And to update, I did get a polite e-mail directly from TTM today that informed me that orders placed during the time of my last order had been lost (I guess prior to ship?), and that they were going to make good on all orders including mine, but to be patient because they had such a volume to catch up on.  So if that's your go-to, I might suggest another vendor recommended here for a few weeks to see if the back-up gets cleared first.  I will jump on here right away when and if I receive the entirety of my selected meds.  All I can say is you should always have an emergency stash--if I didn't have a real prescription for some other types of benzos, I would be in a world of hurt right now...As it stands, I have upped some dosages of other things and supplemented as necessary to potentiate what I have left until I get another shipment that should be inbound.  Gotta be careful though with different batches of what is supposed to be same milligrams of some important meds--never know how much filler might have been there, and I'm not trying to wake up dead tomorrow playing pharmacist with my cocktails, you know what I'm saying?  Yep, thank the Lord for those extra days this year to file those nasty tax returns---can't exactly itemize these items in the medical expenses section for the Revenu@ C@binet to peek at, you know?  I hope I've got some good karma coming my way 'cause it's been FML all winter.  Blessings to all, and I will for sure make a donation to the site as soon as I can get a few things shifted around to accommodate some unexpected expenses--I have been fortunate enough to have foreseen a Greek tragedy in my future, so I did have a piggy-bank I needed to pillage & a couple savings for the rainy days, and by-God it's been a tsunami!  Between paying my mother-in-laws electricity she got shut off with all the fines and months behind she was running, numerous medical expenses, playing catch-up on some other bills that just popped up on my husband's credit report--HOLY Sh!T my cheese has slid right off my cracker!!!  Better days to come, fingers crossed...Leigh Anne, XO everyone!
Hi @Leigh Anne, I just wanted to let you know I received that very same email and am trying to figure out whether the letter I got from them right after that email was the make up shipment or the shipment I ordered after I noticed how late the first one was. That's a head scratcher!

Hi @Leigh Anne, I just wanted to let you know I received that very same email and am trying to figure out whether the letter I got from them right after that email was the make up shipment or the shipment I ordered after I noticed how late the first one was. That's a head scratcher!
Never got ANYTHING from TTM.  Original order 2/29, supposed reship April 6 & 7--nothing.  Sent an e-mail just to let them know things are still not flowing on their end, and got rather nasty reply.  Going for SL!!!  Love MM's bananas!!  And just got some PPE that seems good quality, so life is good!  Thanks to the forum!!!  Leigh Anne

Hi Leigh Anne. I'm going to be having a joyful weekend with TurboTax. Bet I will chew a few Zannies along the way.

You bring up a good point. People join up, find a good vendor and don't check back until something goes wrong. Sometimes the problem could be avoided by checking in first. Plus, we really want members to give back by reviewing those orders. Maybe you just need to get a remailer for Starlite?
Got the OK from SL, and waiting on shipments excited!!!  Got some excellent bananas from MM, and got legit vitamins in reasonable time from PPE, so I need to go on those threads for the timing & info.  Thank the Lord I didn't have to do the whole remailer thing--I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer anymore, you feel me?  Good advice though, you all have been extremely kind to me as I fumble around and run my mouth and post on the wrong threads and no-telling what-all mistakes I have made.  Thanks for not canning me from the forum...Warm Regards, Leigh Anne

This is so ridicules that people have no respect. im glad I don't know you on the street but here that crap is just as dangerous..!!


This is so ridicules that people have no respect. im glad I don't know you on the street but here that crap is just as dangerous..!!

LOL, I can spot a fellow vet a mile away.  Glad you made it home in one piece brother, although I'm sorry to read about the brain injury and PTSD - I ETS'd in 2002 with 23 years service, right before the mess in Iraq started, and I guess the Army figured I was too old and busted up to recall for that goat-rope of a war.  You can tell what an old fart I am by my avatar, that's my old barracks from AIT at Harmony Church, Fort Benning - They only have two or three of them left there now for "historical purposes", and there is no more Basic or AIT, it's OSUT (One Station Unit Training) now, a combination of Basic & AIT that some genius at TRADOC came up with, and the luxury apartments they call "barracks" are all at Sand Hill now.

I was relatively lucky over my career, only saw combat in JUST CAUSE (Panama) and EAGLE EYE (Kosovo), and came out missing a quarter of my left ear and with a 40% hearing loss (for which the VA generously sends me a 25% disability check), but I can sympathize with the PTSD - My generation was called into the CO's office if word even got around that anyone was whispering about PTSD and threatened with consequences that would make PTSD look like a trip to Disney World (this was back in the Reagan / Bush I years when the Army didn't want PTSD publicized, investigated, or reported on) - But there's a damn good reason I've been on insomnia meds and benz@s (prescribed, and augmented via IOPs) since two years after I was handed my final "A" copy of my DD214...There are some things that once seen, can't be unseen.

Anyway, glad to meet you brother...And as far as how hard it is to follow an order, you know the answer to that as well as I do; It may be hard to follow if it's a stupid-ass order (i.e., "Major, send an  LRSD team to the top of that hill before I decide whether to crest it or go around it", "Yes sir. Sergeant, take team 2-Bravo to the top of that hill, have a look around, and report back to me."  You're standing there biting your tongue so that you don't tell the Major what a damned stupid idea it is to send an LRSD team, armed with nothing but individual weapons, a pig (not many SAWS in service back then), a short load of ammo to reduce weight for long patrols, and a radio to the top of a damned hill no one knows what is on the other side of ("Ever heard of aerial recon, you dumb sonofabitch?", you're thinking to yourself, "The Armored Cav has an aviation squadron that could send a couple of choppers up there, take photos, and be back before we'll get halfway up that damn hill"...but it's an order, and if you refuse it you've just screwed your career's pooch.

So yeah, I guess that's why they call them orders rather than polite requests - They aren't always as easy to follow as "Get the damned HHC building's parking lot policed of all those cigarette butts!", but easy or hard, you'd better damn get it done ;)

BTW - There was a post somewhere about creating a veteran's group somewhere in the forums not too long back, damned if I can remember where now, but if something like that ever gets put together I look forward to seeing you there.


- b2g

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. GR8 ChemS @ GR8 ChemS: Good morning beautiful people !
  2. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh Benn wondering about you. I was expecting a message and never got it. I understand personal trumps other things at times. Had a bit of that going on with me lately as well. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  3. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Happy Weekend everybody!
  4. CalFresh @ CalFresh: Hi All, just want to let everyone know I had to take the last 36 hours off to deal with personal stuff. I'll be back online later tonight and will answer all emails and process all orders. thanks!
  5. CnC5 @ CnC5: @xenxra 🤣🤣🤣
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: @timyboy there was a 4.7 mag earthquake in here earlier but it should be settled down now
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: the magic of tariffs and sticky inflation
  8. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Somehow, despite me working more hours, I always seem to have bigger and bigger bills... what kind of magic is this 😡
  9. Alkazar @ Alkazar: Just found another awesome vendor on here. This website is a life saver.
  10. T @ timyboy: whats shakin DBG
  11. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero hola friend
  12. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  13. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE no sweat; thank me after you read that Dostoyevsky-dense novel I just wrote and now it’s nearly lunch and I’m not at the office. Well, they must see something in me if it isn’t my civility, temperance, or clarity and style with the written word! Hope you find what you’re looking for.
  14. P @ PennyE: @LatsDoodis thanks bud!
  15. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE there’s one vendor I know of that always offers all new customers free samples. I think if you ask others you may have luck, but i recommend my guy here anyway. Not sure if you can see my post history and guess. Have a good day everyone!
  16. P @ PennyE: @SeaDonkey lmao!!!
  17. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I'm not mad about having to push my coworkers out or anything 😂
  18. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Please for the love of fuck everyone if you live somewhere that got hit with snow and you have to go out, do NOT park on an incline, especially facing forward, and especially if your car is fwd
  19. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero I emailed you back. Thank you for having patience!!
  20. D @ DolorCero: @SeaDonkey : yes mi amigo. thanks for your concern. Hope you all and your loved ones are well-prepared and protected