Many of us are full of unreasonable expectations. If you take vows, probably oughta do your best to keep them. This not a dime store romance nor some silly movie. This is life. I am the alpha male, but that's not license to kill. I try to never stop doing the things that earn me that position. I work hard at building on that gut level love thing that caught me in the first place. Primarily to learn and grow spiritually. /default_wub.png
She surrenders to that same power and love arrangement. If I wasn't the sort that she could trust and surrender to, she be with somebody else or her girlfriend, or alone. She's no mouse. She's a full grown, fine ass, full blooded Irish hellion. She works hard to keep us in a state of grace. My wife is not stupid. Some time, years back, one of my old convenience stops called my house and told Mrs. I had left some clothes at her house. Mrs Bluesman said, "Well they better be clean & pressed before he comes to retrieve them. He likes his stuff to look just right. Let me know when you get them from the cleaners, and I'll tell him." /default_laugh.png When I got home she was tapping her foot... /default_angry.png but it was all a lie.
All that being said If either of us falls out of grace or love, then it's time to let go. Honesty is the key. Insight comes from experience, both bitter & sweet. I might get a handle on it after another 20 years. I am blessed thus far.