It definitely has pain relieving effects along with the euphoria. But I was talking to someone about it the other day and discussing using this as an alternative to pk's but from what I understand, it takes a pound of poppy pods to make a couple of doses and that's around $100. So I'm confused as to how it could possibly be cheaper. Anyone wanna weigh in on this? I'm really curious myself.
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That doesn't sound right, you'd be in trouble with that much pod material. With a fairly high tolerance I could have about 30-35 gram, which I think is barely 1 and a half ounces, so it definitely works out cheaper. When I started out on Pods I could have 15-20 grams. I left it in hot, not boiling water for about 30 minutes then strained very well. Mixed it with agave nectar and necked it. For me, it was very euphoric, with a very strong rush starting after that lovely 20-30 minute mark. The peak probably lasted a good while, maybe 90 minutes, with general effects lasting quite a few hours. I grew to love the repulsive taste of the tea and the 'alluring' colour it had. It's a bit of a faff making it, and the place always stank after brewing the tea, and if I had to pick a downside it would often be the insomnia that came with it. But last night I didn't get to sleep till about 5, so I was used to it. You have to go easy with it, if I ever potentiated it I would often end up very nauseous, not a problem I have now with pain pills.
I had to kick it really 2 or 3 months ago, so yeah, this was all me writing in nostalgia, I miss it so much. But it was screwing with my tolerance massively, it quickly turned into the only
opi@te to have any discernible effect on me. This time later, I notice pills a little more, but I still think about pod tea most days. This might be worth considering, since it will probably render pills ineffective and even quite poor at alleviating WDs if you have a lot of the tea.
And obviously start very low; I know you know this! I just wouldn't be able to sleep if I hadn't have said this, sorry.