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Hey Hapgirl......what you are doing is great! I just wanted to be nosy and checkup onyou! I thinkyou have a great plan...i took off of work too to get off of those tramps. It was the only wayfor me. Good for you! GiNt xies andosies!

Ahhh the dreaded tramz. I remember my first experience with these. It was around 2004 and I had just kicked an addiction to pk's. My dad had a script and back then, they were saying they weren't addictive. Well I took a couple and immediately knew the dr was full of crap. I felt that familiar op8 feeling and proceeded to get hooked on them off and on for the next 8 or so years. I honestly never really liked them because they did give me slight anxiety but I was willing to overlook that for the small bit of euphoria I got from them. Plus they were so easily obtainable. I had to take at least 8 pills at once to get any effect. And I did that at least three times a day. I hated the way they tasted, I can still taste that bitterness and it's making me wanna vomit. Evil little things!

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Ahhh the dreaded tramz. I remember my first experience with these. It was around 2004 and I had just kicked an addiction to pk's. My dad had a script and back then, they were saying they weren't addictive. Well I took a couple and immediately knew the dr was full of crap. I felt that familiar op8 feeling and proceeded to get hooked on them off and on for the next 8 or so years. I honestly never really liked them because they did give me slight anxiety but I was willing to overlook that for the small bit of euphoria I got from them. Plus they were so easily obtainable. I had to take at least 8 pills at once to get any effect. And I did that at least three times a day. I hated the way they tasted, I can still taste that bitterness and it's making me wanna vomit. Evil little things!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have so been there. Glad u beat it!

Ahhh the dreaded tramz. I remember my first experience with these. It was around 2004 and I had just kicked an addiction to pk's. My dad had a script and back then, they were saying they weren't addictive. Well I took a couple and immediately knew the dr was full of crap. I felt that familiar op8 feeling and proceeded to get hooked on them off and on for the next 8 or so years. I honestly never really liked them because they did give me slight anxiety but I was willing to overlook that for the small bit of euphoria I got from them. Plus they were so easily obtainable. I had to take at least 8 pills at once to get any effect. And I did that at least three times a day. I hated the way they tasted, I can still taste that bitterness and it's making me wanna vomit. Evil little things!

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Beachgirl, how did you kick them? How long has it been? The past 2 days have sucked. I'm under so much stress at work. All I need is a few extra pills and I would be great. I resisted. I will resist again tomorrow, but took more bens20s today (4-1 mg's) throughout the day. And so it begins- trouble with those (i hope not). I had so much anxiety from work that the stress hormones were terrible and made me so achey and pretty much felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I may or may not have thrown a few things off my desk into the nearby wall. Drinking lots of water to help clear those bad hormones, hope it helps.

Beachgirl, how did you kick them? How long has it been?
The past 2 days have sucked. I'm under so much stress at work. All I need is a few extra pills and I would be great. I resisted. I will resist again tomorrow, but took more bens20s today (4-1 mg's) throughout the day. And so it begins- trouble with those (i hope not). I had so much anxiety from work that the stress hormones were terrible and made me so achey and pretty much felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I may or may not have thrown a few things off my desk into the nearby wall. Drinking lots of water to help clear those bad hormones, hope it helps.
First of all, I'm sooooo sorry you're in the middle of tram hell. I actually used suboxone to stop. It was the best thing I ever did. However, I did learn to go back and forth between the subs and the tramz and played that game for awhile. Then I just got tired of chasing my next bottle of pills. It was so exhausting always making sure I had enough to get me through so many days and making sure I had another bottle available before I ran out. Plus it was definitely not helping my finances any. I just stuck to the subs for another year and then slowly weaned off of those. That was really hard to stop because they just made me feel so even and normal with very little cravings for any pk's. If you haven't tried suboxone, you might wanna give it a try. I couldn't have done it without it.

I'm pulling for you and I'm here if you ever need to talk about it!


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I'm hereStill stuck at 1 & every other day, 1 1/2. Going to hang out here for a while. Still planning on Christmas when I take 2 weeks off work and can afford to face my problems. I'm convinced I still have w/d symptoms. I've decided i'm really psychologically add1cted to putting a pill in my mouth. Scare to give up entirely-I never mentioned this before-but I gave up smoking April this year. Had to pick up vaping (0 mg) because I needed to pretend I was still smoking. I'm starting to think I need a sugar pill to replace the tramp pill. But I can't fool myself, lol. I'll get there- still have the control. Perhaps that's what is making me so happy. I seriously have issues with these damn things. Probably because of the amount of time I was taking them. I have a habit of having a habit. Need to replace it with a healthier habit. Anyone else out there besides us 3 or 4 on this forum trying to dump tramps?
Hey Hapgrl, hope you're doing as well as poss?

Just a thought, did you go from smoking full fat cigarettes to 0mg nicotine vaping?...

Good on you, but being a fellow tram dependee and smoker, I think taking out the nicotine aswell as tapering might be factoring into your sapping of energy?...

I smoke mostly, but I do tend to do quite a bit of indoor vaping?... However, I have to have at least 11mg Nic strength or I feel the instant need to smoke 20 real cigarettes to get my nicotine fix?...

Maybe try rocking your e juice up to at least some Nic content?...

I'm not saying it's gonna replace the opiate energy, but it may help a little?...

Problem I find with any opiate (especially trams), is they just wanna make me smoke like a fucking nutjob!? Sometimes, I find myself rolling a second one as I am lighting my first one?!...

Anyway, I am in no way telling you to start smoking again, cause that's some seriously strong willpower you got there giving up! ; )


Hey Hapgrl, hope you're doing as well as poss?

Just a thought, did you go from smoking full fat cigarettes to 0mg nicotine vaping?...

Good on you, but being a fellow tram dependee and smoker, I think taking out the nicotine aswell as tapering might be factoring into your sapping of energy?...

I smoke mostly, but I do tend to do quite a bit of indoor vaping?... However, I have to have at least 11mg Nic strength or I feel the instant need to smoke 20 real cigarettes to get my nicotine fix?...

Maybe try rocking your e juice up to at least some Nic content?...

I'm not saying it's gonna replace the opiate energy, but it may help a little?...

Problem I find with any opiate (especially trams), is they just wanna make me smoke like a fucking nutjob!? Sometimes, I find myself rolling a second one as I am lighting my first one?!...

Anyway, I am in no way telling you to start smoking again, cause that's some seriously strong willpower you got there giving up! ; )

Adding nicotine would help with the energy for sure. But it's been 8 months and I'm not starting back. I do enjoy vaping and the fun flavors. I quit slowly with tapering the mg of nicotine and got past the actual w/d easily with the ability to not to stop the "habit" of smoking. Actually, it's not that bad now since the vaping was such a good substitute to the habit. I breathe so much easier now. I quit smoking once a decade ago and started back after 2 years. I hear vaping is not the perfect solution, but it's better than before. I used to chain smoke like that. Omg, lighting a cig and forgetting you already have one in your hands.... Been there, lol, more than once.

I can't believe I am so achey after several weeks at 1 or 1.5-50's a day. WTF. I had never had RLS until last night. It wasn't just RLS, it was RBS-restless body syndrome. Not sure if that is a thing, but holy crap, all night jerking around. Like body zaps. I was good last week- felt awesome - now this?? To be honest, today I was about to say screw it and take a few, but still hanging on and resisted. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a good day. Hopeful. What is wrong with this picture? How did I allow myself to get here? I don't want to do this ever again, so I must continue.

Been reading a lot on kratom. I'm going over to that area of the forum and read a lot. I'm going to find something that hopefully helps and give it a try.

Hi Hapgirl! Every time I read a post about the RLS (or whole body) and those zap things, I cringe. Misery is the only word to describe it! It made me want to throw things & I'm not a projectile kind of person. Lol. The only thing that helped me were hot baths or showers. I would get about an hour of relief & go right back. It looks like you are doing well. Set a goal & try to stick with it. Start your own thread if you want so we can follow your progress. Good luck.

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Been reading a lot on kratom. I'm going over to that area of the forum and read a lot. I'm going to find something that hopefully helps and give it a try.
Yes please join the Kratom club! It has done wonders with my anxiety and general sense of well being!

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Adding nicotine would help with the energy for sure. But it's been 8 months and I'm not starting back. I do enjoy vaping and the fun flavors. I quit slowly with tapering the mg of nicotine and got past the actual w/d easily with the ability to not to stop the "habit" of smoking. Actually, it's not that bad now since the vaping was such a good substitute to the habit. I breathe so much easier now. I quit smoking once a decade ago and started back after 2 years. I hear vaping is not the perfect solution, but it's better than before.

I used to chain smoke like that. Omg, lighting a cig and forgetting you already have one in your hands.... Been there, lol, more than once.

I can't believe I am so achey after several weeks at 1 or 1.5-50's a day. WTF. I had never had RLS until last night. It wasn't just RLS, it was RBS-restless body syndrome. Not sure if that is a thing, but holy crap, all night jerking around. Like body zaps. I was good last week- felt awesome - now this?? To be honest, today I was about to say screw it and take a few, but still hanging on and resisted. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a good day. Hopeful. What is wrong with this picture? How did I allow myself to get here? I don't want to do this ever again, so I must continue.
I'm right with you on the RBS... It's fucking crackers isn't' it!! I used to wake up (when I eventually got to sleep that is) and it looked like my bed had literally been destroyed every morning! Like, slats out of place, broken slats, covers ripped, pillows strewn around the room?!

My then girlfriend looked like I was some kind of wife beater, she used to get some serious involuntary kicks! Her shins were purple at one point!...

I suggested some kind of leg armour, but we thought that was a step too far!!

It is strange that you are aching so badly on such a gradual taper, especially as you are now on a relatively low dose?...

Well done on the smoking though, you may have to be my inspiration on that one, as I fail miserably every fucking time!!

I see you are on the Kratom bus though, I too have just got on, still to try, but order placed... Here's hoping it helps both of us : )


Lol on the leg armor. My husband thought I was having a nightmare. I was punching the air, tore up the sheets, threw every pillow on the floor, and punch him in the back a few times for good measure. Although that may have been latent anger for him sleeping so well.

I think the aches are strange too, I never took more than 12-15 a day, ever. But for a pretty long time. I don't think it's anything else, except some RA. But the symptoms are right in line with w/d. I just think I have a really bad case of physical dependency, along with the mental.

To me, what you are deacribing is normal tram withdrawal. No one can tell yu how much it suck until you experience it. I have jerked so hard into the headboard that my head was bleeding. It is absolute HELL! I was on tramp for just Bout two years. I got up to 36 a day and detoxed every three or four months for tolerance. After trying different tapers I detoxed for about a week.......maybe a one or two day taper of two per day and nothing for a week after. When I stopped for good i went from 36 a day, to ten a day two two a day to less than a week. I was in hell. I would not recommend it to anyone...i was just. DONE. In my own very humble opinion, staying at the dos you are at is prolonging the misery. That is just myuneducated opinion.

I have said it before, the ONLY thng that helps RBS (i have actually used that term before is weight lifting/cardio. And LOTS of it. One hour of each every day. MAKE yrself do it. It will get easier.

Please excuse my left handed typing.

Lol on the leg armor. My husband thought I was having a nightmare. I was punching the air, tore up the sheets, threw every pillow on the floor, and punch him in the back a few times for good measure. Although that may have been latent anger for him sleeping so well. I think the aches are strange too, I never took more than 12-15 a day, ever. But for a pretty long time. I don't think it's anything else, except some RA. But the symptoms are right in line with w/d. I just think I have a really bad case of physical dependency, along with the mental.
How goes it Hapgrl?

Feeling any better?


So sweet for you to ask!! 💛Past few days have been better. On a different thread on DBG , someone mentioned PAWS. I think that is what is happening to me. 1-2 days good, next day OK, then whamo, horrible pain by the afternoon. Then gone again the next morning. I'm going to wait another few days and if I have another episode, I'm going to try kratom. But I'm still sticking to 1.5 -50's a day. It gives me relief during those episodes, and I adjust my dosing accordingly. I don't take more, just earlier, then go to bed earlier. I know everyone is thinking I'll have the same episodes when I quit cold turkey, and I'm a bit crazy for drawing this out. But I have to get through this seasonal business quarter before facing the inevitable. Started on Zoloft and that should help the mental part with a few weeks.

So everyone- I feel like this thread is "all about me". So sorry to hog this thread. I feel selfish and you guys are so great. Hmmm- I hope someone out there will learn from my journey in the future.

So everyone- I feel like this thread is "all about me". So sorry to hog this thread. I feel selfish and you guys are so great. Hmmm- I hope someone out there will learn from my journey in the future.
Please don't think that way! Nothing selfish about reaching out for support!

It is never "all about me" when going through WD from substances. ! I think it would be very hard to do it alone with no support. Also, It helps me to share a bit of my story having made it to the "other side". I think you are doing great because there is nothing easy about what you've managed to do! You've tapered to a very low amount and I'm very happy for you! Stay strong!

As you said, your story will encourage others who are in the same position and that is huge and really, what it is all about. It is. and will remain inspiration to others who find themselves in your shoes. It is terrifying to face a problem and many times we think it can't be done. Your story will show others they can so it too!

Hang in there and keep posting!

I 2nd that. Never feel bad about needing a little space to type out how you are feeling. I think you are doing great. Yes, you are prolonging the symptoms, but this is YOUR taper. Only you know what your body & mind can handle. I hope you can get through your work that needs to be done & get some rest with minimal discomfort....but I know doesn't play nice. Give the Zoloft some time to work. Hopefully it will help with PAWS. Also take vitamins-especially B complex :)

Agreed about the last two posts! Hapgirl, your story will help someone...maybe many! When i first found this forum, your type of story is EXACTLY what inspired me to quit. I was no longer alone! Keep posting! We all care about how you are doing and it may seem to you that you are hogging the thread,but what you actually are doing is helping everyone on tramp that reads your posts! Good work!

Also agree about the B compkex (with .). B complexs are water soluble so you cant take too much...i take them three times a day (unless i happen to have timed release). VERY important vitamin. Your urine will turn bright yellow...just soyou are aware. That is you body getting rid of any excess.

I concur with everyone else Hapgrl...

No such thing as thread hogging round these parts... That's what DBG is all about... Like my learned friends have said before me, your story and everyone else's on here are just as important (if not more so), as members finding the meds they need for their own pain and suffering!

And to have an actual w/d 'personal log', so to speak, will be invaluable to some people...

Two of the most comforting moments anyone can experience when going through their own personal hell, are one, the fact they are not alone, and two, that others in the same position, have come through the other side : )...

So, keep posting!! And of course, good luck : )


Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!