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Been several days with no acute symptoms, so I'm down to 1- 50mg a day for the past 3 days. I actually forgot to take my 1/2 pill at lunch few days ago. When I realized I had no craving, no w/d and simply forgot- I get the feeling I've crossed another hurdle. It would be nice if I could just forget they ever existed in my life.

So now I'm down to 1/2 pill morning and 1/2 at dinner. Anxiety is down, only 1 or 2 mg B3nsos per day (one if needed during the day and one to sleep). Those were a life saver for the past few months, but I don't need or crave them like I did a few months ago. I've been worried about having to break yet another habit, but they really aren't what I like, so I'm happy to say they are fading away with the tramps. So for the thanksgiving holidays & today, I'm in controlðŸ‘.

You know, i hear and have respect for anyone that has come off of benzos, and yes it is tough. I came of a 30 mg per diem Ativ@n habit myself. But that, for me, was NOTHING EVEN CLOSE, to tramp withdrawals.

I suppose it's all in what your body needs to stay balanced. Nobody chooses to take meds that are addictive. They take them to help cope with pain, energy, focus or trauma to name a few. Life is more than complicated (yes, deep thoughts, lol).

I really wish I did not have to take these but the amount of pain I am in I have or I would not be able to do anything. Before I st a 5 with a pain cling I thought it would be cool to be in one. Now I see that was a stupid remark. Now I wish I would never have to step in to one.

Oh well once my state makes medical Marijuana legal I can come off these and smoke that or eat it.

I really wish I did not have to take these but the amount of pain I am in I have or I would not be able to do anything. Before I st a 5 with a pain cling I thought it would be cool to be in one. Now I see that was a stupid remark. Now I wish I would never have to step in to one.

Oh well once my state makes medical Marijuana legal I can come off these and smoke that or eat it.
Hi reroka, do you mind talking about what kind of pain you are in? There are lots of PK's out there. I wish you wellðŸ™
Hi reroka, do you mind talking about what kind of pain you are in? There are lots of PK's out there. I wish you wellðŸ™
In 2009 I was rear ended bu a 16 year old speeding. He was going 60 and I was stopped ar a stop sign. The accident cause to disc herniation one at C6-C7 and one at Y7-T8. My cervical spine has been fused together. They doctors can't touch the thoracic spine. So I live with back pain from my neck to just under my shoulder blade. The more pain killers I take the less effective they are becoming. At some point they are going to stop working and I will have to come off them for some time to lower my tolerance.

If you have any other questions just ask I have no issue sharing.
Currently I take 50 mcg fentanyl patch with 10 MG Oxycodone for breakthrough pain and I supplement with tr@ms. However the patch I put on is work less and less every month. I have used the patch for over a year.
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@reroka I'm so sorry for your pain, I'm sorry your pain can't be controlled well. I feel so stupid for having only mild pain and abusing a pk for my own use when people with true legitimate pain need help. I think it's part of the problem. Abusers make it harder for people like yourself to get the meds they need. I'm sorry if I'm part of the problem. I guess we all have our demons. Sucks.

@catinthehat I was just wondering if there was any way you would help me out. I've been on tramps for 5 years now, my dr recently retired and now I am unable to get them. I am in so much pain and agony (as I've read you also experienced) and The tramps were the only thing that keeps my pain at bay without making me feel high. I've tried to reach out to medhelp but he won't reply. I've tried getting a safe mail to see if he would reply to that but it won't let me register. Keeps saying the site is down. Is there any info you can pass on to help me get what I so desperately need. Your advice is much appreciated. I've taken the time reading the threads. It's just that this is all so new to me.

@catinthehat I was just wondering if there was any way you would help me out. I've been on tramps for 5 years now, my dr recently retired and now I am unable to get them. I am in so much pain and agony (as I've read you also experienced) and The tramps were the only thing that keeps my pain at bay without making me feel high. I've tried to reach out to medhelp but he won't reply. I've tried getting a safe mail to see if he would reply to that but it won't let me register. Keeps saying the site is down. Is there any info you can pass on to help me get what I so desperately need. Your advice is much appreciated. I've taken the time reading the threads. It's just that this is all so new to me.
Try getting a countermail account and mention you've gotten his name from DBG. He has been reliable for me, but I've never gotten tramps from him. I did see it on his lists if products. This thread is now dedicated to recovery of this particular product. However, if you need something quick, you need to concentrate on the south of the border area. MH is great, but takes about 10 days, especially at this time of year. Good luck to you!💛

Edit:  Wow, this got way long.  Maybe I should've started my own thread, especially since the Effexor might be useful information for someone some day?  I can't find anyone else on the Internet who's made the same discovery and actually tried it.

Came to the forum with the same problem.

I'm getting myself off of Tramadol after 3 years of on-and-off again use.  Made some bad decisions while on the drug and pushed away some friends to take pills instead.  Seemed like a good idea at the time.  Now I'm in a position where I've got to fix some things, but first I have to get off of the drug.

I got up to 16 of the 50mg pills a day to get a pleasant feeling, a feeling that of course lasts nowhere as long as it used to.  Occasionally spiked up to 20 or 24 in a day.

Today is day five of the quitting process.

Sunday I took my last "real" dose of Tramadol, 10 pills, IIRC.  I got myself through my Monday at work, bracing myself for when they would inevitably start to wear off.  This started happening in the early afternoon when all the usual symptoms of both opiate and SSRI/SNRI withdrawl crept up.  Driving myself home from work was incredibly difficult.  Monday night in bed was a sweat-soaked hell.

Tuesday morning I was in full withdrawl.  Body hurt like hell, full body restlessness, no position comfortable for a few seconds, exhausted but sleepless.  An additional bizarre physical symptom:  Muscles don't want to relax after being tensed.  Every big yawn or stretch results in a body that I have to will to go slack again.  Then their were the "brain zaps" and dizziness effects of the SSRI/SNRI withdrawl as well, now in full maximum strength.  Profound depression and dark thoughts.

Aaahhh...  but I had a secret weapon to try.  I had picked up some Venlafaxine (Effexor), 50mg pills, after reading over and over again (as many of you probably have too) about high similarity between it and Tramadol.  Some sources say that Effexor is effectively Tramadol engineered to remove the opiate effects, so the obvious idea is to make Tramadol withdrawl easier by delaying the worst half of it, in my opinion:  the SSRI/SNRI withdrawl.

I can report that it is doing the job, and very well for me, too.  Once I switched over, I did not have to endure brain zaps and dizziness at all, nor the full brunt of the other SSRI/SNRI withdrawl symptoms.  Some depression remained, but a portion of that can also be blamed on the opiate withdrawl, and it has not nearly gotten down to the extreme depths I got into the last times (plural) I tried to get off this.

To switch from the two, on Tuesday morning I took 1 Tramadol and 3 (150mg total) Effexor.  Very soon the SSRI/SNRI withdrawl symptoms went away as described above.  The remaining opiate withdrawl side effects were still there and were still unholy.  It was a miserable day on the couch shivering to the point of tremors while still burning alive.  Napped in short, feverish fits.  Took 100mg Effexor again in the evening.  Took a Beandryl and suffered through a hellish sweat-soaked night again with little real sleep.

Wednesday morning, still no SSRI/SNRI withdrawl effects.  Take 100mg Effexor and return to couch to continue the suffering.  I know from years of listening to Loveline that Dr. Drew says that opiate withdrawl is "5 days of hell and done", which is maybe a little optimistic, but matches many timelines I see online.  So I just keep accepting the suffering--until I realized I'd eaten the last of the "real" food in the house and I'd need to go to the store if I don't want to feed myself garbage through the rest of this.

I saw this next step a necessary evil.  I took 2 of my 5 remaining Tramadol to get myself into some kind of functional physical state, go the store (stopping and resting many times), and get the hell home.  The bad news is that I was so proud of myself that I got weak and take two more Tramadol /default_sad.png with no real meaningful effect except to make me regret wasting them.

Because of the 4 Tramadol I took, I did not take any Effexor on Wednesday night.  That night I resolved to at least take advantage of my weakness by getting some sleep, which was not great, but was slightly better than the previous two nights.  Still frequent awakenings, but I stayed in bed two hours longer into the morning than I did on other nights.

Thursday, yesterday, 100mg Effexor in the morning.  History Channel and fitful naps on the couch all day.  I took my last one remaining Tramadol in the middle of the day to taper from the four I'd had yesterday.  100mg Effexor in the evening.  NyQuil at bed time to try to get more sleep.  Sleep perhaps barely a little better in quality, but I couldn't get myself back to sleep very well after light started coming through the windows in the morning.

Today is Friday, day 5.  Wake up with light SSRI/SNRI withdrawl feelings, i.e. the brain zaps.  But I take only 50mg Effexor.  Yes, really.  Those symptoms disappear and are still gone now, some 7-8 hours later.  I expected to feel an increase in the opiate withdrawl effects today, and that might have been the case a little in the morning, but this afternoon I had brief periods of feeling halfway okay bodily.  I'm still weak as a kitten, prone to get too hot or cold easily, and it's also still hard to find a resting position that's comfortable for very long.

A few things are sure:  I am most assuredly on less Tramadol now, much less, than I was a week ago.  I am most assuredly much further into this attempt than I got into other attempts.  I am most assuredly feeling much better during this attempt than I did during the other attempts.  I am also taking way less Effexor than I expected to have to take to replace so much Tramadol.

One bad thing about the Effexor was that it made me intensely nauseous the first couple of days.  Even a bowl of bland cold cereal in milk was difficult to put down.  I fought that with Emetrol (OTC anti-nausea) with success.  I still wanted to puke every now and then, but I was able to keep it in check with my mind.  I had the Emetrol Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, IIRC, and didn't have any today--and I actually felt spontaneously hungry for the first time today.

There has been a little diarrhea.  Tuesday, day 2, was the worst for that.  Took Immodium to control it that day, but have had none since.  Stools have been very loose since then, but tolerable, so I tolerate.

I can tell my blood pressure is way down from what it was when I was on high doses of Tramadol.  I can barely feel my heart in my own chest, which is a nice change I didn't know to expect.

I have had a total of 5 Tramadol in 5 days and I am now completely out.  The script I have I can't refill for another 7 days from now.  A shipment is on the way, but it's been "inbound into customs" for three days, and once it finally leaves there it'll be another two business days before it gets to me.  I have no choice for the next 3 or 4 days at least to see what happens completely and totally without Tramadol.


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Hey Yaba, good luck with your efforts.  It's good to have the efxr counterbalance the ssri affects.  There is going to be a time when you'll have to go off the effexor too...but in my experience the SSRI stuff goes away in a week or two.   the wd's and sleeplessness are rough too.  it's a difficult process but many have made it and are better because of it!   Hang in there and post here your progress and we're all here for support when you need us /default_smile.png  If you can taper, that is the best way to do it, then when you are down to like 100mg a day, just go cold turkey and deal with an uncomfortable few days (good to do over a long weekend from work or take a mini vacation).  I just could never taper, i'd eat 'em all if i had 'em!

Hi Hap, glad to see you are doing well too!   what are you down to?

peace and prayers to all!


There is going to be a time when you'll have to go off the effexor too...but in my experience the SSRI stuff goes away in a week or two.
I plan to break the 50mg Effexors in half to do 25 for a while, then again to do 12.5 after that.

If you can taper, that is the best way to do it, then when you are down to like 100mg a day, just go cold turkey and deal with an uncomfortable few days
There's no way I could be on 100mg/day and quit.  It wouldn't be a "few days" for me.

Friday evening, another 50mg Effexor.  I finally had my first real hunger for food and had a big dinner.  Full body restlness really peaked at exactly the time I wanted to go to bed.  Ate a couple of bananas, then took  a double dose of Nyquil.  I writhed in bed for another hour or so, then was knocked-the-fark-out.  I slept in one position for hours. Got up to go to the bathroom, then laid down and did it a second time.  Over eight hours of half way decent sleep.  The only bad thing is that I shivered all night no matter how much I wrapped up, but at least I was just cold without the hot flashes and sweats.

Saturday, today, day 6:  Woke up to find myself a little dopey from the double NyQuil, still shivering, but I'm shocked that I'm otherwise...  kinda okay!?  I'm going to get my breakfast, take my 50mg Effexor, and try to get some physical activity today.

Edit:  One hour into the day, already weak as a kitten, but that's the only problem.

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Another couple of hours later and I'm even weaker, but that and a few chills are the only problems now.  No restlessness, no pain, no brain zaps, no depression.  Just absolutely no energy to do anything, no matter how simple.  Even standing fully upright when walking takes everything I have.

I guess I'm officially passing into the post-accuate withdrawl phase.

I am sure that even one Tramadol would make me feel alive right now.  /default_sad.png

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You are doing great yabaw... hang in there and soon you will be on the other side where you have your old energy back.  It is so liberating to spend a day without taking anything and feeling fine. 

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Another couple of hours later and I'm even weaker, but that and a few chills are the only problems now. No restlessness, no pain, no brain zaps, no depression. Just absolutely no energy to do anything, no matter how simple. Even standing fully upright when walking takes everything I have.

I guess I'm officially passing into the post-accuate withdrawl phase.

I am sure that even one Tramadol would make me feel alive right now. /default_sad.png
Yes it would but look how far your come! Today is your 5th day isn't it? That is AWESOME! I've not have a tram prob but had a tremendous benzo habit several years back. It was tough. And it took a while. But I did it and you can too!

So what are your plans when your refill is available and your order arrives? Are you planning on using those for a taper? Catinthehat (she is a Mod here) kicked a big tram problem a while back also. She posted about her experience but I don't recall if she tapered or CT. Actually, she may have started this thread! You have probably read her post but if not those might be motivational. Also there is an Addiction Recovery thread that's picked up some steam lately.

I take kratom everyday. I'm not going to hawk it because I'm sure members are sick of me talking about it. (It's great!) lol

Check out the Herb that have Drug Like Affects and that's where the kratom thread is. Something you might want to think about.

Either way, keep posting great group here with lots of perspective. Good luck! Stay Strong!

Another couple of hours later and I'm even weaker, but that and a few chills are the only problems now. No restlessness, no pain, no brain zaps, no depression. Just absolutely no energy to do anything, no matter how simple. Even standing fully upright when walking takes everything I have.

I guess I'm officially passing into the post-accuate withdrawl phase.

I am sure that even one Tramadol would make me feel alive right now. /default_sad.png
Oh! I,got on a tangent and meant to tell you to be sure and stay hydrated. I know it's hard but push fluids but it will help the weakness.

Today is the sixth day, actually.  Still drop-dead tired, still shivering no matter how much I bundle up.

*This* thread appears to be the Tramadol thread in the Addiction & Recovery forum, unless you're referring to another.  Maybe Catinthehat will turn up and point me to her story, because searching didn't turn it up.

I have a trusted person around that knows what's going on.  When replacement pills arrive I might have her hand out halves and quarters to me to get me through work days, if necessary.  I have desire to get a bottle and shove a small handful in my mouth, I just want to feel halfway functional again.

I've read about kratom and know there are issues with getting quality stuff consistently.  Where do you get it from?

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!