
I hate Tram.  It gives me the mothership cluster headache...  OTC 3pak is 1 aspirin, 1 Ibuprofen, 1 Naproxen with a full glass of water.  AcetyTylapap is poison.  Twice hospitalized with what they said was Hep (I don't drink) It was percolaters by the handful.  An honest doctor figured it out.

it's not the ockz.  it's the kill a patient mixer.  Go see this gal doc over next town.  Finally.

I hate Tram.  It gives me the mothership cluster headache...  OTC 3pak is 1 aspirin, 1 Ibuprofen, 1 Naproxen with a full glass of water.  AcetyTylapap is poison.  Twice hospitalized with what they said was Hep (I don't drink) It was percolaters by the handful.  An honest doctor figured it out.

it's not the ockz.  it's the kill a patient mixer.  Go see this gal doc over next town.  Finally.
Hey Nightstalker, what is your pain from, if you don't mind me asking?

Hey CatintheHat,

I saw someone else mention the tea.  Where do you get this tea?  Is it a specialty poppy tea or is it something I can just get bulk seeds from someplace like Whole Foods and then steep?

Would love to learn more about this particular remedy.  It could be helpful for many things for me...



Hey CatintheHat,

I saw someone else mention the tea.  Where do you get this tea?  Is it a specialty poppy tea or is it something I can just get bulk seeds from someplace like Whole Foods and then steep?

Would love to learn more about this particular remedy.  It could be helpful for many things for me...


Hey TG,

No idea if I've done this correctly until I post it -- think folks here already know I'm very tech-challenged but I hate to prove I'm an idiot over & over! /default_laugh.png Anyway, I'm also very interested in the poppy seed tea (also extremely grateful for the in-depth reports on Tramp (great name) -- all out for today but I definitely owe green arrows to Beranda, Cat & Ox...

Anyhow, here are the results of my board search -- hope it helps you too!

EDIT: Well, crap. Just brings up search page, not results DUH. But if you type in "poppy seed tea" & ask it to search forums you should get the same 23 results I got & all your questions answered...

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Thanks, Blue.  I always forget to use the search!  Duh for me too  /default_tongue.png

I just knew I read about it while in a reading frenzy and filed it away as something to look into more.  Then when I ran across Hat's posts, I'd thought I'd ask.  My bad, I'll go read.  Thanks for trying to provide a link.  No worries about being "tech-challenged"; I still can't figure out how to load pictures into My Media on here!  HA!

Thanks again!

Don't know what a specialty poppy seed tea is, but I can tell you that ps tea has without a doubt the most revolting, stomach churning taste I have ever experienced.  And for all that . . . nothing, nada.  Much better to grind up pods for tea -- add a little lemon juice.  Better yet to extract active stuff from pods using water -- less volume, more absorption.  There's procedures posted on the net you can follow.

Thanks, Blue.  I always forget to use the search!  Duh for me too  /default_tongue.png

I just knew I read about it while in a reading frenzy and filed it away as something to look into more.  Then when I ran across Hat's posts, I'd thought I'd ask.  My bad, I'll go read.  Thanks for trying to provide a link.  No worries about being "tech-challenged"; I still can't figure out how to load pictures into My Media on here!  HA!

Thanks again!
Hey Trigal,

Sorry for the late response...

I have only made tea with unwashed seeds....but another member and i are going for it and ordering the pods. Really it is not intense buzz for me (but for gods sake, be careful) but about avoiding wds and pain. The tea is amazing. I used to have horrible stomach symptoms when withdrawing, and this tea takes them completely away. I take seeds, about one cup, and throw them in a used soda bottle with a cup of very warm water and about 1/4 cup lemon juice. I let them sit for about 30 minutes and then shake them like crazy for two or three minutes. The liquid you get is slightly milky colored, and very light. After you strain the washed seeds out you can drink the tea. I warm it an add honey. I have heard horror stories about od ing on this tea...cuz it is difficult to control the strength. Just be careful, you can always drink more. Sometimes it can take up to an hour to hit you too. Much love.....

So, I have been on pretty high doses of tram for over a year now, and i detox every couple of months, for tolerance purposes. So here i am, going along doing my regular thing....and all of a sudden...i cannot tolerate these high doses anymore (up to 1500-1800 mg per day). I am taking just a couple of 50s twice a day....all of a sudden for no reason! I am thrilled of course, but i wonder why? The only change to my normal MO is that i no longer take trazadone, and am eating less sugar, my new years resolution, haha! Any thoughts on this peeps?

Lyrica, maybe meloxican (May have addictive properties would have to check)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Lyrica, maybe meloxican (May have addictive properties would have to check)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Meloxicam won't work for me, it an NSAID, but thanks anyway.  Lyrica has possibilities.  I found that its usually prescribed for neuropathic pain as opposed to nociceptive/visceral pain, which is more like kidney stone pain, but I'll ask my doctor about it.

I not be da nightstalker...were you asking me my dear?
OMG i am so fucking sorry! I was asking you but........i sure did not mean to insult you, please forgive me! PLEASE! Long story but i have not slept since january 4th. Sorry

Yes, i was wondering, if you care to tell, what your pain is from?

OMG i am so fucking sorry! I was asking you but........i sure did not mean to insult you, please forgive me! PLEASE! Long story but i have not slept since january 4th. Sorry

Yes, i was wondering, if you care to tell, what your pain is from?
My pain resides in my ass, but that's another story that you didn't ask about! /default_laugh.png

 I've been taking Tram and Naprox for around 3 years now. I've found the the addition of Flex is a decent combination for me. The Tram has serious side effects for me personally. Moodiness, a bleeding peptic ulcer from NSAIDS over an extended period of time, withdrawal symptoms and many others just to name a few. Whether my physician decides he wants to believe me or not I do have a  body addiction (not mind) to said prescription. It has been very difficult to deal with. Also I really dislike the fact that they hand this stuff out like its Halloween candy then when you run low they decide you do not need to be weened off. Recently my (CLINIC) physician decided he was only going to fill my script for one month when my new insurance (forced by Obama) did not kick in until 2 months after leaving me with an entire month. This is during the part of the year when the weather is on a constant up and down cycle creating serious pain for me. I do believe however not yet diagnosed to have Early Osteo. Only proven by my serious pain during changes in weather patterns which where I live is pretty much a constant....

 I need an end solution..Finding a Dr who actually cares about me has become a serious problem. I need help finding either a long term result, or a combination of medicine with little side effects as possible THAT ACTUALLY DO WORK /default_unsure.png Has anyone heard or had an experience with Perispinal Entanercept, I believe its called. The Dr I have is a joke. When I mentioned to him that I was having issues with the Tram and wished to explore other alternatives his response was, "It's working better than you think, call me if you can no longer walk on your leg." Seriously though? After that I tried finding another Dr without current insurance. I had to wait one more month. NOT ONE WOULD SEE ME. /default_mellow.gif I tried every measure I could called every clinic no dice. I suppose I could have found one in a larger city but I cannot take the time off to drive 2 hours away then 2 hours back for an appt that I cannot follow up on. The only has gotten w alternative was the ER. Yeah, I can afford a $2,500 visit. I think not. I have bulging discs, severe narrowing foramen which causes nerve pain. It has gone on like this 4 years now and I know it has only gotten more severe over that time period. My last MRI was 3 years ago and he refuses to give me another referral.  ARGG.

 I am desperate for another solution..........I HATE TRAMADOL, I wish there wish there was another way. I fear I cannot ask him for certain medicine by name thinking he might assume I'm fishing. You would think after two years he might offer another solution. Now that I am insured its still difficult finding a Dr that accepts HMO. Its like looking for a needle in a haystack, and if you finally finding and it and its bent HAH! Good luck finding another.  Sorry for the rant, I just had to get it out of my head. 

 Hoping today will be a good day.. relatively pain free. Naturally.       ~D

 The last 4 days were pure hell. Today I took a huge leap forward after battling with the mistake of appointment being cancelled without my knowledge. I kicked that whole nightmare to the curb finally. I decided they can fook themselves I am not going back there EVER. Found a place that will work with me and give me all the resources I need to heal permanently, finally. I am so very pleased to say that. A disaster turned into a blessing in disguise. It was a huge battle for me to find a Dr. who cares about me and my desire for health and healing. Whether all of you needed to read that or not, it is nice to have somewhere to write what I need to get out.  Take it one day at a time. ~D

 The last 4 days were pure hell. Today I took a huge leap forward after battling with the mistake of appointment being cancelled without my knowledge. I kicked that whole nightmare to the curb finally. I decided they can fook themselves I am not going back there EVER. Found a place that will work with me and give me all the resources I need to heal permanently, finally. I am so very pleased to say that. A disaster turned into a blessing in disguise. It was a huge battle for me to find a Dr. who cares about me and my desire for health and healing. Whether all of you needed to read that or not, it is nice to have somewhere to write what I need to get out.  Take it one day at a time. ~D
Thank God.  I am so happy to hear that.  After living like a Neanderthal for 4 years because of some self righteous BITCH who wouldn't treat me, I drove outa town and found love.  This other bitch was so bad the ER Doctor called her up and scolded her in front of staff & patient.  He said, "... this man has a broken back and a brain tumor and this little bit of lightweight hangnail medicine is all you gave him.  I'm shooting him full of Hydro mor telephone & ati moving van and two different IR narcos for breakthrough.  He's not gonna stroke out on my watch.  You should be ashamed."

The one I'm with now literally saved my life.  Pay cash?  no sweat?  drive an hour?  sure. This one is super strict, but if you're legitimate,  it's like OK Bluesman, tell me what works for you...all of it.

Good man...GOOD.

Thank you for sharing your story, Young.   I hope it helps others......I know it will.

I was given Tramadol to wean off More Fine.  I didn't sleep for 3 days - wide awake but exhausted/in pain.  It was a weird sleeplessness - almost like I'd taken upper, which I don't like.  Pulled the drug info out, re-read it, and <1% have side effect of acute or chronic sleeplessness.....that was me.  Never took another.   Have about 500 of them stuck in a cabinet, I guess, to sit and rot as far as I'm concerned.  Didn't help much with my pain tho I could feel a tiny difference when I was taking them - pain not controlled in least.  Would've had to eat large amounts to get some relief.   Worthless, IMHO, and dangerous.

I hear more and more terrible things about this drug as time goes on.
Just a cursory read-through of this thread, far more than 1% seem to have this insomnia issue with tramadol, and I experienced it too. Last year I pulled some ligaments in my shoulder and went in to have it x-rayed, and the doc prescribed trams and anti-inflammatories. The side effects were horrendous..  I was only taking ~100-150mg/day, but if I took them any time after 2:00PM, I would literally be up all night. Not just awake, but feeling insane, like I wasn't in control of my brain. I would lay in bed, trying to shut my eyes and would have short vivid nightmares, but was never fully asleep. If I opened my eyes I would be wide awake. It was very strange. I called the doctor after a few days and said I was having side effects from the tramadol and asked if there were any other options. I mentioned Lortab (5/500) and she said she didn't want to prescribe narcotics because of the "addiction potential"  /default_dry.png

Give me a freakin break, people who think like that have no right to practice medicine. I'm glad I read through this thread, I can see that people have had some seriously horrible times with this drug. I got off relatively easy and only had to endure a couple months of pain and anti-inflammatory drug-induced stomach aches before my shoulder healed.

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 I had the same problem C. After years of taking the stuff daily. I got adjusted to the dreams and additional hyper activity. I chose strategic times to take my doses like you did to avoid lack of sleep. Plus the occasional benzo if needed. I found that it had serious side effects for me. I was extremely moody.. and I mean very extreme swings. Now that its gone I no longer have any issues with being on edge and staying there. I also had severe stomach issues. Including a peptic ulcer. That was awful, because I love spicy foods.

 Bluesman, thank you. Yes, thank God was my response too. I have felt like a normal functioning person over the last 5 days. I didn't even remember what that felt like. After years of pain. Today I finally see my new Dr. and get my x-ray results. Hopefully a full lumbar MRI will follow pending my results. I sincerely hope they did not find anything bad in my x-ray. I will see today. It seemed that the steroid pack worked FANTASTIC. Unfortunately that is not something you can take on a daily basis. At least I don't think. I am VERY happy to say I have rid myself of the beast that is Tramadol. Yes, thank God is the appropriate response. I am hoping that nothing is fractured or broken we will see today... 

 I would not EVER, EVER recommend Tramadol for daily use to ANYONE. I got away from almost 4 years of it finally and it was not an easy battle. I would never wish that on anyone. 

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for