
God in heaven. I'm sorry really. Be well and careful. Easier said than done. Please your son would never be the same without Dad. Never in my life did I ever feel the pain of those on the Tram train. You have opened my eyes to something although helpful for pain, something I should simply stay away from with my horribly addictive personality.
Thanks buddy for your concern. We both knew this would eventually happen one day. Fortunately, I've learned the lesson I needed and will NEVER touch those f'n little things again. You're so right, my son needs a father in his life, not some wacked-out addict who rides the Tram train every month or so and sleeps away his 3rd b-day party.

Jazz man, where the hell were you when I needed you the most. It's all your bloody fault :)

I'm new here people and frankly; am quite pleased to have found this place.

I've just returned home from the hospital after a vicious seizure which for lack of knowledge I think was a jack-knife...that's what family said I looked like.

I'm still very distressed, so ill attempt to summarize my experience. Recollection begins sitting on floor I front of my lounge chair being asked questions like WHAT YEAR IS IT, WHO IS THE PRESIDENT, etc. I was then ambulanced to the ER...stabilized, admitted overnight and released.

My seizure was apparently brought on by the Tramadol...which I've used regularly... Usually to ease the times when my prescribed oxy runs out early. I have major cervical & lower herniations in addition to major hardware in my leg. I've used Tram for two years - at high doses dictated by high tolerance. I can't say I ever really been "pleased" w tram... And more or less considered it a necessary evil for lack of better words at the moment. I've decided to never take it again, as this seizure scared the heck out of me. I don't know if it was because an interaction or simply taking too much. It was not uncommon for me to take a second or third dose due to simply not experiencing relief. At present my anxiety is crippling - beyond what I can ever put into words and actually, prefer not to put into words as that is even worse...if that makes any sense. I believe here people will understand what I'm going thru and how I'm actually feeling.

I have no health coverage at present andI need to acquire meds to promote and aid in my rest / sleep. Valium / restoril have worked very well for me in the past but I have no experience in mail ordering these and hope someone here will guide me.

Any/all advice is welcomed.

This thread is 6 months old but I read almost the entire thing it was so interesting. I had no idea that Trmdol could cause such problems!

I started on Ultract 35/325 about 1.5 years ago. They never got he high. It's the highest potency drug that the docs would prescibe for chronic pain and since it was so weak I always had to double and triple dose, and I drank alot of booze with it too. Only within the last month have I been able to switch to pure Tram 50s to try and save my liver. I'd been taking them for about 3 weeks, eating 'em like candy (300mg a day). They worked much better than the Ultract, but I was taking 100mg at a time. 

Last week I had a pain episode and I had to go to the ER. A couple days after the incident I stood on a ledge at the top of my apartment building trying to think of reasons why I shouldn't jump off. I did not find any but luckily I shook it off temporarily, yet this suicidal feeling persisted. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't read, watch TV or talk to people. I got the runs. I thought about suicide at least a half dozen times a day. A few days later, all of a sudden, I feel better.

When I went to ER the generous bastards gave me 12 whole 5mg per¢s and sent me on my way. Those lasted about 3 days but as it so happened, this messed up my Tram regiment. I take a bunch of other meds, including an SSRI, which I did get a little off schedule with  too, but I've missed days of SSRI dosing before before I felt any withdrawal symtoms. Usually starting with lightheadedness, then depression that could then progress to worse feelings. Never jumping straight from normal to suicidal. I realize now that this must have been from the Trams.

It's the worst withdrawal I've had, and I've a few others that sucked mightily, but it was like withdrawal in disguise. It didn't feel like a normal withdrawal. With strong opdS and ¢OKE I always find my body lets me know why it hurts. It wants more drugs. This time I though I was going insane. I thought about checking myself into a inpatient facility. 

I took two trams today for pain and realized for the first time how much better the pure tram is than the Ultra series. I had no idea Tram could cause this kind of withdrawal. Now I do. 

Sheesh, i thought I was the only one. Day 4 from 1200 per diem. I am hurting BAD!

It sucks to work through this, i cannot concentrate on anything. I cant sleep, am getting brain zaps and the muscle spasms are RIDICULOUS. I was just sitting here and jerked my head right into the wall. I lay inbed and flip, and flip and flip and flip. My lowerback will not let me sit still. The only comfortable position, and only for 30 seconds is with my ankles practically behind my head.

I have had BAD benzo wd before and doctors were practically begging me to take some (ativan) so I could taper. I had been taking maybe 30 mg a day. I told them all to flip off and enjoyed seizure and vertigo for three days. Still didnt take any even when offered during my 5150 and subsequent rehab. I am stubborn that way.

Soma wds too. THOSE were fun, but did not last long.

NOTHING has been as bad as tramdrawals. I am taking tyrosine and have doubled my effexor 150 for now. Trazadone to sleep, doesnt do squat. Drinking LOTS of water seems to help. And all I am thinking about is my next tram. I will get some.

I amthe breadwinner in the family, very professional job and my husband is blind. I HAVE to go to work every day. Thank God I work alone for the most part. I do appreciate the helpful info i have found here. I really thought i was alone. God bless.

On a final note i am washing some seeds now. Hopefully that will help alittle. Also ordered some kratom. I am a pretty tough cookie, hopefully that will remain true.

On the upside, and there is always an upside, i have lost that last stubborn 10 lbs.

Poppy tea is working okay for me. I feel a hell of a lot better than this morning. Still getting major zaps but they are easier to deal with. I walked a couple of miles and that really helped. Stomach pain stopped as soon as i drank tea this am but is back. I am having more tea. I have RLS in my body, so I guess it would be RBS. Lol. Hope i can take aleve with this tea cuz i am. Joints hurt like hell.

It occurs to me that i should really write all of this somewhere else and then paste into here when it is over. Just want to share my wds and what is helping with anyone who is in the same boat. These are the toughest things I have ever had to detox from. And that includes lots of stuff. No hairoine or oxie ever but stuff. Good stuff. I would absolutely kill for a scma. Ayhoo, just in case anyone is reading this, I will be checking back in a couple of days. No sense running up my post count. /default_smile.png peace

Hi, Cat.  Hope you are feeling better.  did you try kiwi drug?  If you did back when you first posted your first box should have arrived or be arriving very shortly.... unless of course you made the determination to stay off that med.  Either way, just checking on you.  S-

Hi, Cat.  Hope you are feeling better.  did you try kiwi drug?  If you did back when you first posted your first box should have arrived or be arriving very shortly.... unless of course you made the determination to stay off that med.  Either way, just checking on you.  S-
Hi dgsb,

Yes, i did receive from Kiwi. Sorry it took me so long to get back at ya. Awww thanks for checking on me. I was going through hell! I so appreciate that! My hat is off to you and dbg

Hi dgsb,

Yes, i did receive from Kiwi. Sorry it took me so long to get back at ya. Awww thanks for checking on me. I was going through hell! I so appreciate that! My hat is off to you and dbg
Glad it worked out and the quality was good, despite the little "scene" in the Phen thread.  Also glad they came to you from GB like they were supposed to.  I was freaking when I read that post this morning.  Hope you have a happy day!  S-

It's really too bad that tram has a nasty wd for a lot of people. It has been a great solution for me to manage a variety of chronic pain that ibuprofen will not take care of. I am in recovery now for opiate addiction and have found that tram does not get me high and also has that nice little antidepressant effect that a lot of people experience. I found the antidepressant effect doesn't last though. I have always wondered why there isn't more written about the secondary antidepressant effect - and after searching for info I came across Alkermes work on their new drug ALKS5461. But anyway - not to get topic sidetracked.

I have a couple of questions regarding tram.

1. It does not get me high and I usually take two 50's twice a day. More than that interferes with my sleep and is unnecessary for me anyway. I have had days where I just take one 50 total and once in a while I have missed a whole day. Not sure I have experienced the WD yet (oh, and I have been taking it for at least 8 months). If I skip a day I do feel a little bit of the classic initial opiate WD where I yawn and my eyes water a bit, but no terrible cramping or anxiety. Does it take a couple of days for the WD to start?

2. My plan to get off the tram, because I expected some WD after taking it for a long period of time, is to get some of the low dose subox and use that for a week or two. Does that seem like a valid plan?


It's really too bad that tram has a nasty wd for a lot of people. It has been a great solution for me to manage a variety of chronic pain that ibuprofen will not take care of. I am in recovery now for opiate addiction and have found that tram does not get me high and also has that nice little antidepressant effect that a lot of people experience. I found the antidepressant effect doesn't last though. I have always wondered why there isn't more written about the secondary antidepressant effect - and after searching for info I came across Alkermes work on their new drug ALKS5461. But anyway - not to get topic sidetracked.

I have a couple of questions regarding tram.

1. It does not get me high and I usually take two 50's twice a day. More than that interferes with my sleep and is unnecessary for me anyway. I have had days where I just take one 50 total and once in a while I have missed a whole day. Not sure I have experienced the WD yet (oh, and I have been taking it for at least 8 months). If I skip a day I do feel a little bit of the classic initial opiate WD where I yawn and my eyes water a bit, but no terrible cramping or anxiety. Does it take a couple of days for the WD to start?

2. My plan to get off the tram, because I expected some WD after taking it for a long period of time, is to get some of the low dose subox and use that for a week or two. Does that seem like a valid plan?
You know, you may not have wds. I was on a MUCH higher dose. I have heard that wds do exist on a lower dose, but i would not know. The wds start for me the next day. I experience depression, muscle twitching, insomnia, diarrhea (ew) and stomach pain. I am actually withdrawing right now AGAIN, but from only 800 mg per day. It is still pretty bad.

Thanks - yeah after talking with some other people lately it sounds like I might be able to just taper down and not experience that much discomfort. Maybe binge a little on some dark chocolate and coffee ice cream to take the edge off...

Thats the shit! Chocolate and ice cream! Lol! If you do have any wds i have a few suggestions:

Poppy seed tea helps me a lot! It kills any stomach pain i have and also provides a nice analgesic effect;

Benedryl helps a lil with any insomnia; and

A low dose of a c0d e 1ne helps me tremendously!

Also, walk walk walk. If you get any muscle spasms this is sure to help. I sincerely hope you can taper easily, i have absolutely ZERO self control when tapering.

Hope you do well. Much love to you.

I also feel w/d if I miss one day, especially the large morning dose. I'm coming off a few weeks of 300-400m a day. The w/d  from Tram is the worst of all drgs for me. I took a vic today instead of Tram but the depression and legargy are no match.

Problem is that Trm works for pain so I keep taking it. But at a high price.

My very first experience with Trams was about eight years ago and I was taking 2 50mg pills a day. This went on for about a year and a half. Then I had surgery and was prescribed Perx, took two of those total and also decided that I was just going to stop taking the Trams all together - having no idea that they could even cause any type of withdrawal. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why I couldn't sleep at night and why I constantly felt like my chest was going to cave in. It wasn't until I went through withdrawals from them again years later that I knew why.

I am one of those who are entirely too impatient to do a much as I would love to do so. When I decide that I want to be done that is it, I am done. A complete Godsend for Tramadol withdrawal is Neutron (aka Gabapentin) All signs of withdrawal disappear and you feel human again. I am definitely nit a doctor I- just pointing out something that I have had some luck with.

Best of luck to you all...

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for