Beauty And Skin Care Tips From Our Beautiful Ladies

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Hello! Here is the link for the peels

However, I found them half price on ebay /default_biggrin.png



Hi there!  Is the Avon Glycolic Peel you are talking about in a gel form that you put on your face or is it in a pad that you swipe on your face?  It sounds great and I would love to try it.  What is the exact Avon Glycolic Product you are using?  Any info would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks so much!!!
Hello! Here is the link for the peels

However, I found them half price on ebay /default_biggrin.png



Hi there!  Is the Avon Glycolic Peel you are talking about in a gel form that you put on your face or is it in a pad that you swipe on your face?  It sounds great and I would love to try it.  What is the exact Avon Glycolic Product you are using?  Any info would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks so much!!!
Hi ajmorgan99.  Thank you so much for giving us the link to Avon  Face Peels.  these are exactly what I've been looking for.  Also, thanks for the heads up about the half price on eBay. I'm going to order them tonight.  I can't wait to use them --  my skin really needs them Bad!  LOL!!

Thank you again. Have a great night! :)

Just ordered the Avon peels. Yay!!! 

On another note, do you gals switch products pretty regularly or stick to tried and true? I wonder if occasionally changing or adding different products "shocks" the skin? I find I get a max benefit from a product, regardless of high end etc and after a while (6 months?) it just doesn't work as well. 

Also, don't know if this has been mentioned but does anyone have experience with Latisste? (Sp?)-- the eyelash serum? My once thick long lashes "ain't so no mo" lol. Any recommendations? Good, bad, indifferent? It is obvious the ladies of DBG are fighting the good fight and I trust your thoughts. 

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Just ordered the Avon peels. Yay!!! 

On another note, do you gals switch products pretty regularly or stick to tried and true? I wonder if occasionally changing or adding different products "shocks" the skin? I find I get a max benefit from a product, regardless of high end etc and after a while (6 months?) it just doesn't work as well. 

Also, don't know if this has been mentioned but does anyone have experience with Latisste? (Sp?)-- the eyelash serum? My once thick long lashes "ain't so no mo" lol. Any recommendations? Good, bad, indifferent? It is obvious the ladies of DBG are fighting the good fight and I trust your thoughts. 
​I just ordered the Avon peels too!!!  DOUBLE-YAY!!   /default_smile.png/default_smile.png

I have some core Beauty Products that I use Regularly - (EX. LipFusion Lip Plumper).  I have severely dry and chapped lips.  LipFusion uses micro-collagen spheres to pull moisture out of your skin and bring it to your lips. When the micro-spheres come into contact with moisture they expand.  You get a two-fold effect: plumper lips and moisturized & hydrated lips.  It doesn't sting or burn your lips like other products do. It really works great.  I've probably used it for 10 years -- almost since they started making it.  They have Color Formulas and Clear Formulas.

I also try New Products all the time. I LOVE trying New Skincare, Makeup, Fragrances, all of it!  I work in the Beauty Industry.  It is actually recommended to have some core products that work great for you and your skin.   Then periodically adding New Products.  It can be every 3 months, 6 months or longer -- depending on your skin.  You mentioned 6 months in your post.  That is a good amount of time to change out some products.  Out of all the different Beauty Areas (Skincare, Cosmetics, Hair Care, Body Care, etc), Facial Skincare seems to be the most critical one to change out and Try New Products.  Your skin changes all the time.  You can use a face cream for a couple of years and it will work great for you. Then all of a sudden it can change on you and cause breakouts. That kind of thing has happened to me several times with Skincare.  That happens because your skin went through another "change".  My skin will do the same thing yours does.  It gets used to a serum or cream and will not work as well.  

I have not tried Latisse yet.  If you would like I wil be glad to check into it for you and let you know what I find out -- if it works, etc.  I actually need to get an Eyelash Serum for myself.  My eyelashes were never great.  As I've gotten older they have just gotten worse..........."WIMPY.....WIMPY.....WIMPY".  /default_rolleyes.gif​   /default_unsure.png   /default_ohmy.png   LOL!! 

I will talk to some Beauty People I know and get a List together of the Best Eyelash Serums and Message you on here when I have it.

Enjoy your Avon Peels.  I know I will as soon as mine arrive in the Mail!  Have a great week!  Take care.  /default_biggrin.png


e a product i'm loving !
These Almay Q-tips with makeup remover inside. You just break the Q-tip where the line is, then the liquid drains down to the other tip at the other end. I use them every day - find them in drugstores, walmart, target, etc.

Sometimes if I'm in a hurry, I just half-ass my eyeliner or get my mascara smudgey, then I go back with one of these and make it look perfect !

About $5

That's a great product! I'm going to buy them Friday when I go shopping because my current method is a little spit on the end of a Q-tip. This is way more lady like.
2earls --- I LOVED your comment about your current method of "a little spit on the end of a Q-tip".
It was hilarious and had me laughing!  LOL!  
/default_biggrin.png ----- I've been there and done that -- and definitely didn't like it!
The Almay Q-Tips are on my list too since as you say........"This is way more lady like!" 
If only Men knew what we went through to get Beautiful for them....... Thanks for the Laugh!  Have a great Week.  /default_smile.png

Just ordered the Avon peels. Yay!!! 

On another note, do you gals switch products pretty regularly or stick to tried and true? I wonder if occasionally changing or adding different products "shocks" the skin? I find I get a max benefit from a product, regardless of high end etc and after a while (6 months?) it just doesn't work as well. 

Also, don't know if this has been mentioned but does anyone have experience with Latisste? (Sp?)-- the eyelash serum? My once thick long lashes "ain't so no mo" lol. Any recommendations? Good, bad, indifferent? It is obvious the ladies of DBG are fighting the good fight and I trust your thoughts. 

the reason products efficiacy changes within that timeframe is due to the 6 week skin turnover cycles and seasonal changes.  most people need extra moisture during the winter and less during summer.  it's wise to have a winter skin plan and a summer skin plan, with staple products (core products) that can be used throughout the year. it also helps to exfoliate the skin regularly so products work better.  i generally suggest using chemical exfoliants in the winter (as they make you more prone to sun damage in the summer unless you are religious about wearing an SPF 25-30+ every day), and very gentle manual exfoliation during the summer.   for example, below is my yearly skin plan:

winter: dermalogica skin hydrating booster underneath kiehl's oil free gel moisturiser (daytime) / estee lauder advanced night repair serum (chemical exfoliant) or unrefined shea butter (evenings)

summer: SBC collagen gel and/or boots tea tree & witch hazel face gel (daytime) / aloe pura aloe gel applied in two separate layers, like a bit of a "masque" but any good brand of aloe vera gel w/out additives or menthol will do (nighttime) / sephora face scublet for manual exfoliation (little pink thing.)

core products used year round: olay regenerist night resurfacing elixir (only applied to acne - to be followed by SPF during daytime) / distilled witch hazel (toner) / eyes: olay anti wrikle eye gel (although i've no wrinkles yet thankfully) or unrefined shea butter (which is not only an excellent healer/plumper but also a preventative; we lose moisture from our eyes and lips first as we get older.)

[this is just an example of course, as my skin type (sensitive, reaction prone, hormonal) responds best to these products. people with dry skin would require a different set of items but i'm sure you get the gist of what i'm saying here.]

so to answer your question you are correct, it absolutely helps to rotate your products every 6 months or so, largely due to your skin's changing needs and the weather.  but this rotation can be a set of products you're married to, or they can include new products.  speaking of new products...

if you ladies are ever curious about a product and want honest reviews before purchasing or trying, register for free on makeupalley dot com. a fantastic resource and reviews without bias, with filters for age, skin type, complexion, hair type, etc. also has a forum with specific subforums for things like skin care, perfume, hair care, clothing, home, the list goes on...

if you're curious about latisste have a look at makeupalley dot com.  you'll need to register to see reviews beyond 1 page but the registration process is fast, easy, and you'll find honest reviews. 

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p.s. ladies if you're trying to encourage hair growth on places like the eyebrows or eyelashes, castor oil comes highly recommended.

p.s. ladies if you're trying to encourage hair growth on places like the eyebrows or eyelashes, castor oil comes highly recommended.
​Castor Oil?   Really?  I would have never guessed!  Do you apply it to your lashes or do you drink a teaspoon of it - (like parents tried to make us do when we were kids. YUCK!) .

I'm thinking it is topical.  I have never heard that before so thanks for telling us.  It's definitely worth a try as long as I don't have to drink it.  LOL!!  /default_smile.png

Have a great day Bunnies!  /default_biggrin.png

p.s. ladies if you're trying to encourage hair growth on places like the eyebrows or eyelashes, castor oil comes highly recommended.
​Castor Oil?   Really?  I would have never guessed!  Do you apply it to your lashes or do you drink a teaspoon of it - (like parents tried to make us do when we were kids. YUCK!) .

I'm thinking it is topical.  I have never heard that before so thanks for telling us.  It's definitely worth a try as long as I don't have to drink it.  LOL!!  /default_smile.png

Have a great day Bunnies!  /default_biggrin.png
​sorry sweetie, i should have specified. yes it is to be applied topically.  the suggested method of application for eyebrows and eyelashes is to take a clean mascara wand (you can clean/disinfect one from an older mascara or purchase them cheaply) and apply a very light coating on the brows and lashes nightly.  i do know some people massage it right on the the skin for eyebrows as well as lashes but i've not tried that; only the mascara wand technique.  one of my girl friends plucked her brows in to oblivion years ago as a youth and they never grew back properly.  when i suggested this method to her she came back to me in 3 weeks absolutely thrilled with the results.  it's important do to it every night for faster results, you can otherwise do it several times a week if you're not in a hurry. 

you have a great day too darlin /default_biggrin.png

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Omg i love this THREAD!  I am so excited you guys ordered the peels.  They are so handy.  They really really exfoliate and totally shut your pores and refine the texture of your skin.  Plus, I feel that my skin TOTALLY absorbs treatment better. I wish I had a before and know those fine wrinkles that you can see in the sun?  Most of mine disappared.  AndI am OLD.  Lol! Maybe I willdo a pic now......

crap...i ned to find out how to post is different now!  Hehe

Hi there. I hope everyone is doing great! I was just wondering if anybody had recommendations on a good cellulite product. Everyone on here always has such great Beauty information so I thought I would see if anyone knows a good product. Thanks in advance!  /default_smile.png

Just ordered the Avon peels. Yay!!! 

On another note, do you gals switch products pretty regularly or stick to tried and true? I wonder if occasionally changing or adding different products "shocks" the skin? I find I get a max benefit from a product, regardless of high end etc and after a while (6 months?) it just doesn't work as well. 

Also, don't know if this has been mentioned but does anyone have experience with Latisste? (Sp?)-- the eyelash serum? My once thick long lashes "ain't so no mo" lol. Any recommendations? Good, bad, indifferent? It is obvious the ladies of DBG are fighting the good fight and I trust your thoughts. 
I stick to tried and true stuff that changes with each season haha. Like "this is my summer product, this is my winter product" etc. but I do like changing it up and trying new stuff. If the new item is better, it replaces the old.

Oh thanks for bumping this thread because I had forgotten all about those qtips. If I don't write things down, I'm lost and even then I might lose the note.

@spurnkey you would think all that spitting would remind me, but no.

Once I find something I love, I stick with it. It would take someone telling me "I've used yours, and mine is better", to make me think of changing.

Bunnies, thanks for the recommendation on castor oil. My eyelashes suck and I suck on putting on fake ones, I am horrible at putting on makeup. They do it at the store and it looks great but when I go home and do it, it doesn't look the same at all. How Dow you get to be my age and still can't put make up on correctly? So I didn't go threw all the threads but what is everyone's opinion is the best moisturizer that helps with wrinkles? Last year I tried Botox and it did a great job but it takes forever and it hurts! Not to mention the cost. God what us woman have to do to keep up our appearances. Oh yeh, I did that juvaderm and I looked weird, one side of my lip was bigger than the other for 6 months so I'm afraid to do again. Now that my divorce is finalized I do have extra money to do things I didn't do before, well it was because my ex husbands mother passed away before the divorce and she left a very sizable estate to him and his sister. I want to look younger, that's why I die my hair blonde, I'm even considering a face lift, do you guys think that's too drastic? I just want to look young again. I don't care about boob jobs, even though I'm a small B I care more about my face. Am I being to vein? I just want to take ten years off, any thoughts my lady friends?

@Heavenlee if you can afford it and you want to do it,  then by all means go for it. I'm lucky the wrinkles haven't hit me yet, but when they do, I'll do it if finances allow. I believe in anything that makes us feel better about ourselves, whether it's vain or not.

@Heavenlee, have you ever tried Garnier's ultra-lift miracle sleeping cream?  I am not blessed with perfect skin, lol!!  Too many years as a kid (and an adult) in the sun, and I am a..gasp...smoker!!  Anyway, I love this product.  It feels amazing when you put it on and while it won't fix everything on me... particularly around my lips, I am just too far gone..but it has totally helped with the lines around my eyes. And, I can really tell on days if I forget to use it the night before that my skin looks less "awake" or refreshed in the morning.  I don't think I am doing a great job of selling this to ya.. But I swear I see a difference.  

If I could afford the surgery I would... Of course, I should quit smoking first cause that would kind of defeat the point.. But, since that is not currently isn't an option (the surgery), out of all the different potions I have tried, this is the first one I have ever recommended.

Um, the topic says this is for ladies, which is discrimination against males.  I'd like to change it to include all people, including gay, trans, bi curious, and men trapped in a woman's body and vice versa).....KIDDING.

But for real any recommendations  for a 35 year old male with neckne (acne of the neck).  Or maybe it's just razor burn?  Anyway advice would be appreciated.


Just ordered the Avon peels. Yay!!! 

On another note, do you gals switch products pretty regularly or stick to tried and true? I wonder if occasionally changing or adding different products "shocks" the skin? I find I get a max benefit from a product, regardless of high end etc and after a while (6 months?) it just doesn't work as well. 

Also, don't know if this has been mentioned but does anyone have experience with Latisste? (Sp?)-- the eyelash serum? My once thick long lashes "ain't so no mo" lol. Any recommendations? Good, bad, indifferent? It is obvious the ladies of DBG are fighting the good fight and I trust your thoughts. 

Latisse works great! I've used it for years and get comments on my eyelashes almost daily - everyone thinks they are false. I'm a licensed Aesthetician so I'm very picky about what goes on my face. The Clarisonic face Brush and Clarisonic Eye Opal are amazing for cleaning your skin and minimizing the look of wrinkles. Clarisonic and chemical peels have saved me from Botox thus far but I know I will start it within the next couple years. Quality makeup brushes make a world of difference on how your makeup looks too. Tom Ford makes awesome brushes but they are costly. Mac is good too. 
I use RapidLash and found that wow, it really works well!!  Costco has a deal for 2 bottles for I think only like $30 bucks or something.

So I wanted to share my most recent discovery...Coconut Oil.  It's freakin amazing!  I use it to moisturize my cuticles, lips, under my eyes and just recently made my own body scrub for the bath/shower by mixing 1 cup coconut oil and like a half cup sugar (you can also use salt).  Holy crap, it's so awesome - skin is baby soft afterward.  

Ooh that sounds great! Latisse was much more expensive so if I can get some eyelashes for $30 I'm trying it, actually I'm putting it on my Costco list right now because I can't remember anything.

OK, done. Too bad we just did a Costco run last weekend.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!