@matt8342. @bigs210. And other Kratomerz... Need advice. I take what some might refer to as 40-50mg of mighty morf een power rangers a day. I recently tried a reputable vendor(and no it was not norxnecessary) but a different vendor that came recommended. I first tried around 3 grams. The recommended beginning amount. No effect at all. I then tried 15 grams in tea form. Perhaps an extremely light feeling of sedation. But mostly intangible. I still craved my power rangers and I felt no pain relief for my back or otherwise. I don't understand what it will take for me to feel Something. I understand that the Morfs are probably more than I will ever feel from kratom but I want to experience the " euphoria, pain relief, focus and energy boost that countless people have raved about? Is it my tolerance to Opes??? What do you suggest I do to help me in my Kratom endeavors? BTW it was indo red plantation strain from pharma drop out listed below this thread.

Thanks a bunch!!!
I can't go into detail on public forum but I can assure you can I help you . Ask there other guys 6-8 grams of good K wll make you forget watching the power rangers, then make you realize how much those selffish bastids in spande fucked your life up. Contact me through the site or Mention DBG and I will give you to chunky sacks of kratom. You will wonder where it's been all your life.

Be careful and good luck friend.
You are a wonderful man.

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May i contact you for samples. Im in need and Im not so sure...i found one strain that kinda heled but not totally...and Im a serious pain person....My body hurts, I get up swollen and hurting all over and cannot move without my meds...though they killing me with price..:(  I need something to help me physically and my pocket book lol
Absolutely.Sorry to hear of your pain. I can certainly help you. I received your email and have been in a transition working with my new secretary on catching up on all emails. It go too big for my own britches so i had hire someone and admit I could no longer handle it all myself. I guess a good sign really, but I really treat my customers on a personal level and did not want to leave them to just anyone to talk to.

My new assistant is not on her first rodeo. She lost an fiancee to opiates and our paths crossed as we went different paths to the same battle. She is compassionate, caring, inteliggent and she understands the struggle so I trust her voice as I would my own. Feel free to ask her any questions on my products or Kratom, if she can't answer them I will be right behind her with the answer. Maybe one day I will get her to make an account and say hello. She's been keeping the  tons of emails afloat though and helping prove I actualy care and am not ignoring anyone.

I a very grateful for my new assistant Michelle and without her I am not sure I could manage to keep the business afloat. Now that I actually have help I should be able to keep up with the torrential down pour of struggling addicts and chronic pain patients whom I felt so guilty in the past falling behind on. Paid shipping samples and paid orders are completely caught up. Free samples are going out one by one, list is long though.You can be pubed to the top at any time with the paid shipping option however.

I offer a pay for priority shipping option that considers you a paid customer, put you on the top of the mailing list , gets there in 2 -3 days and included ones more 15 g sample of your choice. It's the best deal going on about know from Kratom I've ever seen. It also helps to prioritize.I don't make one cent more but it gets to you MUCH faster, so your choice.

I almost have a working shopping cart set back up after paypal fiasco, but for now email first before orders. I still offer pretty much every payment option but email me for pricing an availability. I am running low on stock on some of the my more popular strains and am awaiting shipment soon for more.

Thanks for all your support DBG and I just urge those who want a free sample to have a bit of patience with me. I made a small stipulation now that you have to make an account on the site for bookkeeping purposes, otherwise it was too confusing. Such an account allows you to leave honest reviews on the strains (many are still being added); It will all be safely encrypted and you info will be used for free sample purposes only.

I just added about  5 strains that made the cut from above average to excellent so things are looking good. There is some good kratom going around these days and my mission is to find it all and offer it to you at  reasonable price and with personalized service.

Any questions you know where to find me.

.Be Safe DBG

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I really wanna place another order but I know you're swamped. What's the best way to get my orders in? I sent you an email almost a week ago and haven't heard back so just wanted to check with you so that we're both happy!


I really wanna place another order but I know you're swamped. What's the best way to get my orders in? I sent you an email almost a week ago and haven't heard back so just wanted to check with you so that we're both happy!
Hi TealGreen. So sorry for the delay in response. I just was forced to hire someone to help it was so overwhelming. So now we are trying to find a system were we don't double answer emails or let any fall through the cracks. We are almost there and she's a great help. It seems your email must have slipped the cracks, apologies.

Anyway, best way to get an order in and out that day is to send email to with place order somehwere in subject and be ready to with payment method. Right now I take google wallet , venmo and bitcoins. The fist two literally take seconds to set up. If you can't get them to work I have other options but shoot me an email and I promise I'll take care of ya!

May i contact you for samples. Im in need and Im not so sure...i found one strain that kinda heled but not totally...and Im a serious pain person....My body hurts, I get up swollen and hurting all over and cannot move without my meds...though they killing me with price..:(  I need something to help me physically and my pocket book lol
Absolutely.Sorry to hear of your pain. I can certainly help you. I received your email and have been in a transition working with my new secretary on catching up on all emails. It go too big for my own britches so i had hire someone and admit I could no longer handle it all myself. I guess a good sign really, but I really treat my customers on a personal level and did not want to leave them to just anyone to talk to.

My new assistant is not on her first rodeo. She lost an fiancee to opiates and our paths crossed as we went different paths to the same battle. She is compassionate, caring, inteliggent and she understands the struggle so I trust her voice as I would my own. Feel free to ask her any questions on my products or Kratom, if she can't answer them I will be right behind her with the answer. Maybe one day I will get her to make an account and say hello. She's been keeping the  tons of emails afloat though and helping prove I actualy care and am not ignoring anyone.

I a very grateful for my new assistant Michelle and without her I am not sure I could manage to keep the business afloat. Now that I actually have help I should be able to keep up with the torrential down pour of struggling addicts and chronic pain patients whom I felt so guilty in the past falling behind on. Paid shipping samples and paid orders are completely caught up. Free samples are going out one by one, list is long though.You can be pubed to the top at any time with the paid shipping option however.

I offer a pay for priority shipping option that considers you a paid customer, put you on the top of the mailing list , gets there in 2 -3 days and included ones more 15 g sample of your choice. It's the best deal going on about know from Kratom I've ever seen. It also helps to prioritize.I don't make one cent more but it gets to you MUCH faster, so your choice.

I almost have a working shopping cart set back up after paypal fiasco, but for now email first before orders. I still offer pretty much every payment option but email me for pricing an availability. I am running low on stock on some of the my more popular strains and am awaiting shipment soon for more.

Thanks for all your support DBG and I just urge those who want a free sample to have a bit of patience with me. I made a small stipulation now that you have to make an account on the site for bookkeeping purposes, otherwise it was too confusing. Such an account allows you to leave honest reviews on the strains (many are still being added); It will all be safely encrypted and you info will be used for free sample purposes only.

I just added about  5 strains that made the cut from above average to excellent so things are looking good. There is some good kratom going around these days and my mission is to find it all and offer it to you at  reasonable price and with personalized service.

Any questions you know where to find me.

.Be Safe DBG
Hi NoRx,

I have never tried Kr before. I am very interested in this product I am trying to learn about it. Is it possible to get a sample mailed to me so that I can try, if I like will be regular buyer thanks my friend.



Hi Dan,

I have set up an account on your site and have emailed you please help as I am in pain and am very interested in this product I have heard so much about. Thank you so very much sir.

Best Regards,


Dan has saved my life, he has sent me big amounts in a first time of kratom need and even shipped it overnight USPS for fucking free. He is a lifesaver and his shit is top shelf material.

Id hug this man if he didnt live 1k miles away from me.

You arent buying Kratom from NoRx you are buying Kratom and one of the nicest people you will ever have in your life, hell I shouldnt even say "buying" as he did this all for free and I cannot repay him with any amount of money or words.

If you buy Kratom and have a heart, Dan is your best way to go, this man deserves a purple heart.

If you are reading this Dan I think you might know who I am. Love you brother.

Hi All,

Been talking with Dan, he does seem like a great guy, waiting for something now and will update after. /default_smile.png



Just talked with Dan for close to 2 hours, such a pimp.
Loving how the thread is moving now good stuff Dan work your majic bro
All because of you brother

.. you are all pretty pimpastic for supporting me in ths endeveaor. Guys like you I couldn't do without. Thanks you /default_smile.png

May i contact you for samples. Im in need and Im not so sure...i found one strain that kinda heled but not totally...and Im a serious pain person....My body hurts, I get up swollen and hurting all over and cannot move without my meds...though they killing me with price..:(  I need something to help me physically and my pocket book lol
I haven't forgotten you, I promise. Im just finishing paid order today and your high on the list with 2 earls and my other DBG crew.

Dan has saved my life, he has sent me big amounts in a first time of kratom need and even shipped it overnight USPS for fucking free. He is a lifesaver and his shit is top shelf material.

Id hug this man if he didnt live 1k miles away from me.

You arent buying Kratom from NoRx you are buying Kratom and one of the nicest people you will ever have in your life, hell I shouldnt even say "buying" as he did this all for free and I cannot repay him with any amount of money or words.

If you buy Kratom and have a heart, Dan is your best way to go, this man deserves a purple heart.

If you are reading this Dan I think you might know who I am. Love you brother.
That totally made my day. Thank you so much my friends. Later that day I found out who it was but at first he could of been one of many I rushed K out to help them. Thanks so much brother! I'm here if need anything. Stay strong.

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Hello All,

He must be completely swamped as I have sent $ for 2 day shipping early last week and have not received yet. Spoke to him a great fellow very nice however I am excited to try his K. Send if you can Dan, I know you will just anxious. /default_smile.png



Hello All,

He must be completely swamped as I have sent $ for 2 day shipping early last week and have not received yet. Spoke to him a great fellow very nice however I am excited to try his K. Send if you can Dan, I know you will just anxious. /default_smile.png


It'a been on it'a way, so I bet you Monday.And when you have to wait it is slow that day, etc. LIFE! Thanks god for good Kratom Wait til you get can itea of what I sent.

Hang in there bud, itw wll get better I ASSURE you.


Hello All,

He must be completely swamped as I have sent $ for 2 day shipping early last week and have not received yet. Spoke to him a great fellow very nice however I am excited to try his K. Send if you can Dan, I know you will just anxious. /default_smile.png


It'a been on it'a way, so I bet you Monday.And when you have to wait it is slow that day, etc. LIFE! Thanks god for good Kratom Wait til you get can itea of what I sent.

Hang in there bud, itw wll get better I ASSURE you.

Hi Dan, that auto correct OMG, I can recommend a better piece hehe! I know you will and I am excited hurry up Monday ugggg! Thanks Dan and talk soon. /default_smile.png



Tired of the long waits and orders never arriving, I took the plunge and gave kratom and Norx a try.
Dan has been nothing short of great and very attentive to every request and has delivered when he said he would.

Ordered: Sunday Oct 4
Arrived today:  Oct 7

Did my first dose and headed out to the store.  I have not felt this good in a long time.  A nice, happy sense of things.  If kratom is definitely responsible, I'll be saying goodbye to all pharmaceuticals.  Will update again after I've fully incorporated the kratom into my daily regiment.  So far, so good.  I'm feeling very well.

Tired of the long waits and orders never arriving, I took the plunge and gave kratom and Norx a try.
Dan has been nothing short of great and very attentive to every request and has delivered when he said he would.

Ordered: Sunday Oct 4
Arrived today:  Oct 7

Did my first dose and headed out to the store.  I have not felt this good in a long time.  A nice, happy sense of things.  If kratom is definitely responsible, I'll be saying goodbye to all pharmaceuticals.  Will update again after I've fully incorporated the kratom into my daily regiment.  So far, so good.  I'm feeling very well.
That is awesome to hear! Kratom really is an awesome plant! What strains did you get and what have you taken so far?

So far only the red indio, T.G.  I'm still new to the different varieties and their properties.  Tomorrow I plan on starting in the morning with a dose and see how the morning goes.  If it's anything like this afternoon, I'll be very pleased.  A friend of mine recommended the "maeng da."  Says that it has a very nice effect.  I'll post more, once I have a little more experience to share.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!