Hey Dan, any word on those samples? They should have arrived Wed if shipped via priority on Monday. I'm guessing it just slipped your mind /default_smile.png Thanks
Been backed up but you've got a package headed your way. Tracking won't update for awhile though, TN should be in your email. I gave you extra for your patience and apologize for the weight. Things are just starting to get caught up with the employees I had to hire.ld

Thanks for your patience and be sure to let me know what you think. I've search high and low for these strains for over 10 years now. They are among the best in the world and due to Kratoms amazing versatility as a plant there is literally a strain for everything. Pain, Sleep, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Alcoholism and craving. opiate withdrawal, and even energy and ADD. More people need to know about this plant and what a powerful pure strain can really do for you. Especially here.

How can I order on your website?
Thanks for your interest noobaga.  For now because my cart system was shut down I take orders through email. I apologize fpr this extra step. Im switching merchant accounts soon to get my cart system back.

Received generous samples Wed. Can say that the Red Java and New Prem. Bali are both great, albeit very different in their scents. Haven't tried the other two yet, but fully expect they will be good too. Thanks Dan! I'll be back for more, and everyone have a great weekend!

  • Like
Reactions: Dru
Received generous samples Wed. Can say that the Red Java and New Prem. Bali are both great, albeit very different in their scents. Haven't tried the other two yet, but fully expect they will be good too. Thanks Dan! I'll be back for more, and everyone have a great weekend!
Hi GeeBee. Thanks for the positivive words. I have so many great strains I don't know what t pack initially. But if certain oness like (NPB) you find effective I can get an idea of your Kratom preferences. Both painkilling and a bit of energy with a good mood. Got plenty of them to go around. Thanks for your interest and taking the time to post!

Hello Everyone, 

Order Review 3/3

Customer Service - A+++

Speed - A++ within 48 hours and cheap delivery costs. 

Quality - A++++++++++

I can very confidently tell everyone here that I was very skeptical of these products such as (ooh another plant like thing), THIS MANS PRODUCT IS EXCELLENT! I really mean this it is incredible in so many ways. Pain no problem, stress no problem, Op-With -Dra - No problem that is how good it is. I have tried this in all situations to ensure it is effective and I just cannot believe how good these products are. Furthermore Dan will keep in close touch, answer all question and knows exactly what he is talking about! I hope this review will open eyes to give a chance IT WORKS! /default_smile.png



Hello Everyone, 

Order Review 3/3

Customer Service - A+++

Speed - A++ within 48 hours and cheap delivery costs. 

Quality - A++++++++++

I can very confidently tell everyone here that I was very skeptical of these products such as (ooh another plant like thing), THIS MANS PRODUCT IS EXCELLENT! I really mean this it is incredible in so many ways. Pain no problem, stress no problem, Op-With -Dra - No problem that is how good it is. I have tried this in all situations to ensure it is effective and I just cannot believe how good these products are. Furthermore Dan will keep in close touch, answer all question and knows exactly what he is talking about! I hope this review will open eyes to give a chance IT WORKS! /default_smile.png


Thanks so the words P, they keep me going. Enjoy your kratom!

Sent a very generous sample on 3rd.

Came on like Thursday which threw me off cause the tacker said Friday, but not complaining at all.

The Red vietnam is the best Red I have ever had, unbelievable pain relief and euphoria, euphoria I would describe as better then what you get from the opies people are using Kratom to stop.

White Horn was very stimulating so I saved all of that for work, great strain for working.

The Premium Bali also very good quality. A++++, W is a really nice dude and he's an expert on this stuff so he will get you right on track, can't wait to place another order in the next few days. I feel like I owe W for such a wonderful sample, so I am doing what I can to spread the word about him to all my friends /default_smile.png

Last edited by a moderator:
Hello All, 

I just wanted to say I would just buy from the guy rather than waiting on a sample. Let him send the samples with your orders he very generous. I am in no way endorsing Dan nor I am related or even know him at all. I am just saying the stuff really works even if you run out your other this is the cheapest and best way to go. I am saying this because I have been there and what this stuff can do. The only vendor that I have used and  I have many at this point there is no better than what he offers. Hope this helps some people. 



Dan is great - excellent customer service and he really cares about his customers. Unfortunately, I felt no effect from any of the kratom he sent, but I also tried another vendor and felt nothing, so it's most likely just me - I don't think kratom works on me, which is a total bummer. But you can't go wrong using Dan - he was great to work with, and others for whom kratom works swear by his products.

Dan is great - excellent customer service and he really cares about his customers. Unfortunately, I felt no effect from any of the kratom he sent, but I also tried another vendor and felt nothing, so it's most likely just me - I don't think kratom works on me, which is a total bummer. But you can't go wrong using Dan - he was great to work with, and others for whom kratom works swear by his products.
Hi K, 

It is something you have to research a little bit. I initially thought the larger the does the better right? Wrong, its completely opposite of what we would think. Small does 1/3 teaspoon in the beginning = energy etc. Full teaspoon or more in the beginning = sedation. Must research well before hand. Hope this helps. I know because I did the same thing hehehe. /default_smile.png



Thanks, P. I have played with doses and feel neither sedated nor speedy - I honestly feel absolutely no effect either way. I wonder if I'm just immune to this particular substance for some reason.

Sent a very generous sample on 3rd.

Came on like Thursday which threw me off cause the tacker said Friday, but not complaining at all.

The Red vietnam is the best Red I have ever had, unbelievable pain relief and euphoria, euphoria I would describe as better then what you get from the opies people are using Kratom to stop.

White Horn was very stimulating so I saved all of that for work, great strain for working.

The Premium Bali also very good quality. A++++, W is a really nice dude and he's an expert on this stuff so he will get you right on track, can't wait to place another order in the next few days. I feel like I owe W for such a wonderful sample, so I am doing what I can to spread the word about him to all my friends /default_smile.png
Thanks for the great feedback. Much appreciated. I use my customers as testers and the most popular strains make the cut. Thanks for your purchase and time.

Hello All, 

I just wanted to say I would just buy from the guy rather than waiting on a sample. Let him send the samples with your orders he very generous. I am in no way endorsing Dan nor I am related or even know him at all. I am just saying the stuff really works even if you run out your other this is the cheapest and best way to go. I am saying this because I have been there and what this stuff can do. The only vendor that I have used and  I have many at this point there is no better than what he offers. Hope this helps some people. 


THanks once again P. I appreciate your positive words lately.

Dan is great - excellent customer service and he really cares about his customers. Unfortunately, I felt no effect from any of the kratom he sent, but I also tried another vendor and felt nothing, so it's most likely just me - I don't think kratom works on me, which is a total bummer. But you can't go wrong using Dan - he was great to work with, and others for whom kratom works swear by his products.
Hi- There is no doubt in my mind that there is a kratom for everyone. Tell me what didn't work and I guarantee you ill find and let you samples something that will.

  • Like
Reactions: Dru
Sent a very generous sample on 3rd.

Came on like Thursday which threw me off cause the tacker said Friday, but not complaining at all.

The Red vietnam is the best Red I have ever had, unbelievable pain relief and euphoria, euphoria I would describe as better then what you get from the opies people are using Kratom to stop.

White Horn was very stimulating so I saved all of that for work, great strain for working.

The Premium Bali also very good quality. A++++, W is a really nice dude and he's an expert on this stuff so he will get you right on track, can't wait to place another order in the next few days. I feel like I owe W for such a wonderful sample, so I am doing what I can to spread the word about him to all my friends /default_smile.png
Thanks for the great feedback. Much appreciated. I use my customers as testers and the most popular strains make the cut. Thanks for your purchase and time.

Hello All, 

I just wanted to say I would just buy from the guy rather than waiting on a sample. Let him send the samples with your orders he very generous. I am in no way endorsing Dan nor I am related or even know him at all. I am just saying the stuff really works even if you run out your other this is the cheapest and best way to go. I am saying this because I have been there and what this stuff can do. The only vendor that I have used and  I have many at this point there is no better than what he offers. Hope this helps some people. 


THanks once again P. I appreciate your positive words lately.

Dan is great - excellent customer service and he really cares about his customers. Unfortunately, I felt no effect from any of the kratom he sent, but I also tried another vendor and felt nothing, so it's most likely just me - I don't think kratom works on me, which is a total bummer. But you can't go wrong using Dan - he was great to work with, and others for whom kratom works swear by his products.
Hi- There is no doubt in my mind that there is a kratom for everyone. Tell me what didn't work and I guarantee you ill find and let you samples something that will.

Hi Dan - I'm not sure what didn't work, I just didn't feel anything at all. I didn't feel sick or bad - but I didn't feel good either. It was as if I just swallowed plain water. I tried both upping the dose and lowering the dose but the results were the same. I heard good things about your Red Vietnam and I haven't tried that yet. Do you think that might do the trick? I'm looking for more of an opiate effect - pain relief, euphoria.  Thanks, Dan!


I have yet to get much out of kratom either, though I know many on several sites who swear by it. I think as recreation, it can be a little bit hit or miss depending on the person, the strain, and the sun, the moon and the stars.

I am developing some confidence that it is going to aide me in jumping off my own little dependency issue, in part due to seeing someone with passion about its potential, and a clear compassion for others and a desire to aide them in their struggles. It is weird in fact - I have yet to order from NoRx, or anywhere more than the smallest of tastes, but I will be doing so from NoRx in two days. I recently sent Dan a brief query after finding this site and reading about his responses to others, and theirs to his compassion that shines through. As others have experienced, he replied with kind words and advice, and it did not feel like a sales pitch at all - this is clearly someone who genuinely cares about people. 

Kratom as recreation may not be right for everyone, but the subtle benefits such as supression of opiod WD symptoms as a helpful tool to kick and stay that way, or the benefits some find such in its anti-anxiety or antidepressant  properties . . these qualities are a God-send for some it seems, to  hear their stories.

I have also known some who have taken it to extremes, as addicts such as myself are prone to do. A couple of them have described using insane amounts daily, like 1-2 oz.; obviously beyond a point this is not a good thing. But, after being essentially a kratom skeptic for some time, I am opening up to other possibilities. I have at the least seen its capacity to tamp down some WD symptoms, and I am pretty sure what I had was not a "good" batch were one to ask experienced users. I guess we'll see but in my case I am not expecting euphoria or inebriation, but merely help on the many fronts I will encounter soon as I jump off. 

Even if I don't benefit a bit I have faith in this individual, and the emergent truth (for me) that for some, it has been an ally in the battle against various human frailties. Even if I experience no subjective effect I can't help but believe the underlying love from a good-hearted person will find its way to me in my time of need. Weird huh, but time and again it has been shown that even placebos can be very effective for those who believe. Though I am sure there is more to it, fickle as it might appear at first for some.

Love and light to all

Last edited by a moderator:
Hello All, 

I hope everyone is having a great Holiday Time! Just another update to this thread and great vendor.

Order Review 4/4

Customer Service - A+++

Speed - A++ within 48 hours and cheap delivery costs. 

Quality - A++++++++++



When i emailed Dan i was at the end of my rope with pain and he sent me some samples and said it would be the best $6 i had ever spent. And he was right! Anyways on to the review...

Customer Service: A++++++

Speed: A++++++++

Quality: A++++++++++

I also wanted to say Dan walked me through my first try and is just a great guy. I had the Red Java and it was very good. Will be making another order very soon.

I have yet to get much out of kratom either, though I know many on several sites who swear by it. I think as recreation, it can be a little bit hit or miss depending on the person, the strain, and the sun, the moon and the stars.

I am developing some confidence that it is going to aide me in jumping off my own little dependency issue, in part due to seeing someone with passion about its potential, and a clear compassion for others and a desire to aide them in their struggles. It is weird in fact - I have yet to order from NoRx, or anywhere more than the smallest of tastes, but I will be doing so from NoRx in two days. I recently sent Dan a brief query after finding this site and reading about his responses to others, and theirs to his compassion that shines through. As others have experienced, he replied with kind words and advice, and it did not feel like a sales pitch at all - this is clearly someone who genuinely cares about people. 

Kratom as recreation may not be right for everyone, but the subtle benefits such as supression of opiod WD symptoms as a helpful tool to kick and stay that way, or the benefits some find such in its anti-anxiety or antidepressant  properties . . these qualities are a God-send for some it seems, to  hear their stories.

I have also known some who have taken it to extremes, as addicts such as myself are prone to do. A couple of them have described using insane amounts daily, like 1-2 oz.; obviously beyond a point this is not a good thing. But, after being essentially a kratom skeptic for some time, I am opening up to other possibilities. I have at the least seen its capacity to tamp down some WD symptoms, and I am pretty sure what I had was not a "good" batch were one to ask experienced users. I guess we'll see but in my case I am not expecting euphoria or inebriation, but merely help on the many fronts I will encounter soon as I jump off. 

Even if I don't benefit a bit I have faith in this individual, and the emergent truth (for me) that for some, it has been an ally in the battle against various human frailties. Even if I experience no subjective effect I can't help but believe the underlying love from a good-hearted person will find its way to me in my time of need. Weird huh, but time and again it has been shown that even placebos can be very effective for those who believe. Though I am sure there is more to it, fickle as it might appear at first for some.

Love and light to all
Thank you for your beautifully written comment. May Kratom end your addiction and bring you peace. 

Hello All, 

I hope everyone is having a great Holiday Time! Just another update to this thread and great vendor.

Order Review 4/4

Customer Service - A+++

Speed - A++ within 48 hours and cheap delivery costs. 

Quality - A++++++++++


Thanks pilot, it's always a pleasure doing business with you! Have a wonderful holiday season my friend.

When i emailed Dan i was at the end of my rope with pain and he sent me some samples and said it would be the best $6 i had ever spent. And he was right! Anyways on to the review...

Customer Service: A++++++

Speed: A++++++++

Quality: A++++++++++

I also wanted to say Dan walked me through my first try and is just a great guy. I had the Red Java and it was very good. Will be making another order very soon.
Told ya :)! Many thanks for your review and kind words. Happy holidays to you and the rest of the DBG crew. I feel I've met some amazing people here and am very grateful for that.

Dan is a prince.

But I'm getting a little concerned. I ordered from him on 12/3 and he said he sent it priority, but I still haven't gotten it. I wonder if it's just holiday mail issues because last time he was lightening fast with it. Hopefully just a fluke.

Still, A+ on all levels with Dan. Such a compassionate, wonderful man.


Dan is a prince.

But I'm getting a little concerned. I ordered from him on 12/3 and he said he sent it priority, but I still haven't gotten it. I wonder if it's just holiday mail issues because last time he was lightening fast with it. Hopefully just a fluke.

Still, A+ on all levels with Dan. Such a compassionate, wonderful man.

It's probably the holiday rush. As you said Dan is a prince so i wouldn't worry too much but if it doesn't show in a day or two you should shoot him an email and see if he knows what's up. Got another order coming from him myself and can't wait :)

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!