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Went on the website an hour ago went & put money on my card and I just tried putting in my order and all of a sudden they said it will be 30 to 45 day till they'll take more this is flat out ridiculous. Its been two weeks today since I put my order in with Jim I really pray to god its coming in very soon cause I'm in a world of hurt I would of already had jims order but I kept waiting for elite to have their stupid ass to be taking orders my life is shit without meds can anyone help me out with someone in the US that has quick delivery, please! 
Wow I am with you 100%. Seriously. I’ve been having bad breakdowns. (Just not mentally doing good for personal reasons) I’m overwhelmed and this is just horrible timing that this is going on. I just spent 100 on eBay on etizest like a dummy (that was my savings for elite) I still have some savings but ugh :(  just depressed, overwhelmed & that really helped me cope ... I really don’t know what to do. Don’t mean to sound sappy trust me. So I apologize. Just rough time. It’s unfortunate that they’re having issues with a reliable cc procceser. They could do PayPal , apply pay. Zellepay, there’s other cc options out there but I still respect what they prefer and I guess wait it out. Don’t have much of a choice at this point...  

@Kaykr1 yeah bud I'm with out my daughters in child services cause I went to jail & my wife lost her cause she was drinking and it doesn't look good I have so much anxiety within 15 mines my clothes is soaked hearts frigging thumping probation drug screens I was on ativan & soma but my recent seroquil suicide attempt my doctors don't wanna give me nothing but..... SEROQUIL I'm miserable every single day

The wait does suck, seems like everytime I'm low I run into some sort of issue for testing.  This being 1 of them.

@Kaykr1 yeah bud I'm with out my daughters in child services cause I went to jail & my wife lost her cause she was drinking and it doesn't look good I have so much anxiety within 15 mines my clothes is soaked hearts frigging thumping probation drug screens I was on ativan & soma but my recent seroquil suicide attempt my doctors don't wanna give me nothing but..... SEROQUIL I'm miserable every single day
I feel you!  Ur not alone.. seriously. House is in foreclosure think I have a month left idk, trying to pay off legal fees with attorney etc & then get car insurance back .. I’m almost a month sober off a really bad drug (won’t mention cus it’s a touchy subject and ashamed I got mixed up in it) but this stuff helps me cope w/ all of this & without it I start panicking randomly, my hear races; I pick at my face, I overthink over ridiculous stuff  ETC..

but that’s enough about my personal stuff, just really was a let down  cus I was waiting for the 1st to come around for about 2 weeks now knowing I’d be able to order and be at ease.. I can’t blame them, I still respect them completely ( esp for finally updating us.) Just hope they find a processer sooner than later.

Getting some clon solution in mail tomorrow but my tolerance is so high (builds up fast) and it’s .5 so I can go thru it in 2 days sometimes :(  anyway in the mean time we can just pray and make it a priority to refresh daily i suppose.. i saw some random sites offering clon pellets but there’s no reviews for them and pop up chat comes up when u go on so I doubt it’s legit so I am not even bothering. I see some (maybe?) taking advantage of elite not being open yet by over pricing .25 clon pellets which is so ridic in my opinion.. oh well 😕 

@Dickslapperman I’m sorry to hear about your situation. I wouldn’t put him at fault as this type of business is considered high risk for any CC processing company to approve. Are you out or going through WD right now? If so just go to the ED and they will piss test you to confirm if you have benzos in your system and do a CIWA scale. Usually most docs will give you a weeks worth of taper if you don’t have access to see your psych/primary right away. 

If they are really hesitant to give you another benzo to taper with (which I have also seen), Librium and other anti-seizure meds can be used. Overall it’s not going to be a completely easy phase, but I urge you to not do it alone. It’s super dangerous.

Speaking from experience. I was on clam for a while and ran through it due to a stressful life experience and had a seizure from withdrawal, went to a county hospital as I had no insurance. Doc called poison control and it’s basically equivalent to klonopin. Doc gave me a week of it (family member held onto it) and I tapered in a week. I managed and a lot smarter about it now. 

Now I just finished nursing school and work in the ED. 

My only other suggestion is darknet market or continue to research around this site for a US vendor. I think there is some discord chat I saw on some subreddit going around long ago but no idea where I I could find it now. 

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Hang in there guys! Life has been tough on all of us it seems. Just gotta stay will all work out. 

@Solar_Eclipse yeah I just ran out of soma I'm actually on lunesta 2 mg which really kicks the withdrawal at night but then when I wake up its a huge slap of rebound anxiety none of my doctors really wanna touch me so I get medication monitoring bi weekly lunesta 2mgs clonodine. 01 and Zubsolv 5.7(Menthol Bupernorpine) 2X but the new generic lunesta I have is complete garbage. 

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No iam in the same boat. On subs for the last year, temazepam at night, along with two different heavy duty tranquilizers. Shit sux bad, but I've been as sober as I ever have been this last year. Horrible shit man, coming off a ridiculous poly drug dependence was the hardest shit I have ever done. It's been a year and I still have cravings. The subs help, but without my upper half of my daily speedball sessions I am left depressed. It wouldn't be so bad if I could get my doc to understand that my dependence was more than an opiate issue. Everytime I bring up the thought of managing the parts of my addiction other than my opiate problem, they shrug and say "here's some wellbutrin." I take U/A's (lab tests at that) and yet they still refuse to even think of prescribing anything else. I was diagnosed with ADHD in my child hood, and as I grew older the prescriptions they gave me varied. As an adult they discontinued my ADHD meds (where I'm at adult ADHD IS NOT recognized as an ailment.) I lost all ability to focus and  promptly was fired from my job as a food service director, developed ptsd after the death of my mother, and was totally and completely depressed. I turned to street drugs, and began an almost ten year journey during which time I was diagnosed with a several mental health condition. This fueled my self medication with stimulants, and to take the edge off I dabbled in opiates and extremely large amounts of benzos. Like just shy of a gram a month etizolam habit, with 50 mg oc  and whatever stimulant I could find. I forgot where I was going with this lol.

@Kaykr1 get on zubsolv its menthol favored suboxone and hits like a ton a bricks & covered under most insurance has anyone ordered from (buy etizolam)  curious of their business and their best quality thanks! 

No iam in the same boat. On subs for the last year, temazepam at night, along with two different heavy duty tranquilizers. Shit sux bad, but I've been as sober as I ever have been this last year. Horrible shit man, coming off a ridiculous poly drug dependence was the hardest shit I have ever done. It's been a year and I still have cravings. The subs help, but without my upper half of my daily speedball sessions I am left depressed. It wouldn't be so bad if I could get my doc to understand that my dependence was more than an opiate issue. Everytime I bring up the thought of managing the parts of my addiction other than my opiate problem, they shrug and say "here's some wellbutrin." I take U/A's (lab tests at that) and yet they still refuse to even think of prescribing anything else. I was diagnosed with ADHD in my child hood, and as I grew older the prescriptions they gave me varied. As an adult they discontinued my ADHD meds (where I'm at adult ADHD IS NOT recognized as an ailment.) I lost all ability to focus and  promptly was fired from my job as a food service director, developed ptsd after the death of my mother, and was totally and completely depressed. I turned to street drugs, and began an almost ten year journey during which time I was diagnosed with a several mental health condition. This fueled my self medication with stimulants, and to take the edge off I dabbled in opiates and extremely large amounts of benzos. Like just shy of a gram a month etizolam habit, with 50 mg oc  and whatever stimulant I could find. I forgot where I was going with this lol.
Wow this gave me goosgumos reading this. I related too so much even tho my h habit only lasted 6 months it’s alksf been a month & I don’t crave it everyday but I still have my moments . I’ve completed turned to clon since I’ve detoxed and other rc meds since my doc never believed in habit forming meds and would just up my Prozac for 12 yrs I was on addy for 12 yrs too til they had this new protocol where they had to drug test me and benzos came up in my system and I freaked out and haven’t been back to my doc since it’s been nearly a year anyway I’m dead tired but I have so much in my personal life going on that I have mental breakdowns and crycatbrandom times and I work at a call center wherebits all abt numbers or ur threatened with ur job .. my bf still is using so I have to see it in person and have the mental power to not crave in and use just in a nutshell my life is a disaster right now and I’m not used to this type of stress so it’s overwhelming.. I don’t do wel sober. I panic. Idc if it’s a Valium anything just have to calm the monsters in my dead head. Now I sound dramatic so I’m shutting up lol 

@Kaykr1 get on zubsolv its menthol favored suboxone and hits like a ton a bricks & covered under most insurance has anyone ordered from (buy etizolam)  curious of their business and their best quality thanks! 
I have bad social anxiety I’m afraid get professional help or let them know I had an addiction just the stigma of it Idk the shame idk...  idk it could ruin my chance at ever being prescribed anything that I actually need (aka habit forming ) 

@Stimchild729 @Kaykr1 I feel for you guys!!! The mental health field has become so complex as the brain is so unique to each individual that it has become hard to treat each individual.  A lot of it sounds like it starts in childhood. Seems like there are a lot of underlying causes which are leading to all of us to self-medicate... anything to help ease the symptoms and just out fucked up society.  I don't blame docs for becoming stricter with prescribing benzos and opiates, but it has led a lot of people to self-medicate with alcohol, rc drugs, and street drugs. 

There is definitely stigma still around and people still find it hard to be 100%.  I think if it's possible you should keep trying to find a doc who can work with you and be completely upfront about everything (in regards to social anxiety and trouble focusing), and be willing to try adjunct therapy.  Sure if there is hx of drug abuse in your file there may be some issues with prescribing a controlled substance.  Is there someone you can have hold on to it for you? 

All I can say is stay safe out there. Don't be afraid of getting help, it's the best thing you can do for yourself. Talk therapy (CBT) is where the magic happens. 

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I hate to have to be the nagging old moderator here, but this IS supposed to be a vendor thread for reviews and questions about this vendor. 

While I LOVE for everyone to feel comfortable to share their experiences and feelings we have to do it in the right section of the forum. 

I sincerely do want members to post whatever they want without fearing any judgement here, but I suppose some members may actually want to read about this vendor. OK enough party pooping for tonight.

I wanted to say what Solar-Eclipse did. I am there with you even though I have never felt so alone and so much despair. My doctor that was treating my anxiety disorder with 2 mgs of Xanax 4 x a day retired several years ago. I went months looking for a Doctor that would treat me and found 1 that prescribed me 3 mgs of k-pins a day. They are like candy. He will only up my dose of Prozac. No one will help and I do not know how much longer I can take feeling like this. Even though it has been 4 years I still have not felt normal. When I run out I just keep getting sicker the longer I go. 

People think it takes 3 or 4 days of withdrawal and then your fine. Well, that is BS, for me anyway, I have gone a month without benzos and end up almost bedridden and half insane from lack of sleep. I know other people are going through this too but only online. Doctors treat me like a drug-seeker but I just want to feel normal. I was on that dose of Xanax for 25 years and they expect me to just get used to such a small dose in a few days! On top of that, I had to move my dad who developed dementia and later passed away. That hit me hard. We were so close. With my anxiety, I am too scared to order overseas. I cannot go to jail. I am super paranoid. Bless you all who are suffering and thanks for letting me vent.

@2earls, sorry I wrote this as you were posting. I will delete it if you want me to.

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@Kaykr1 idk where your from but man its socially accepted especially suboxone and suboxone doctors quit waisting your money if your buying them plus that orange taste is foul! Please see a doctor my sobo doctor was giving me Kpinz n Addiez and Lunezta!  Times are changing my friend. 

Can anyone give me the scoop on buyetizolam and what's good I just tried ordering last night and didn't even put my cc info in and said thanks for ya order Lmao I hope I got a free package coming my way that would be a nice gift from God! 😍😍😍😂

What is a good answer to put when registering for approval on the site? Can someone msg me something close to that they used with successful registration?

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!