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Nitrazolam, hands down.  Bromazolam, runner up.  2-3 nitrazolam and a bromaz would probably be sweet balance with euphoria and sedation.  Nitraz is way more pleasant than any RC i've tried (Diclaz, Clonaz, Bromaz, Meclonaz, and that weird Russian one that last for days).  Bromazolam is a pleasant sedation but more sleepy than pleasant (for me personally) but bromaz is a good one too. 

Nitraz I can take one and go drink a few beers (4-5) and not act like an asshole or be sleepy.  Feel good. and not look pilled out, which is a big +++.  Down side, its not that strong, nowhere near as strong as clonazolam.  A bromaz and couple nitraz might be perfect, worth a mix and match test for sure.
Didn't see this until just now.  We obviously respond to Brom and Nitra differently.  I like your idea of combining the two just to see how it works, though I would obviously have to take to opposite dosages of each that you do.  I will admit that the Nitra felt great...for the fifteen minutes or so before I fell asleep as even with my tolerance I was being cautious because it was new.  If you try a mixture before I do please let me know how it goes.  

Didn't see this until just now.  We obviously respond to Brom and Nitra differently.  I like your idea of combining the two just to see how it works, though I would obviously have to take to opposite dosages of each that you do.  I will admit that the Nitra felt great...for the fifteen minutes or so before I fell asleep as even with my tolerance I was being cautious because it was new.  If you try a mixture before I do please let me know how it goes.  
I combined the two with a little clon from them, a little etiz and some Kratom, feels good!  Of course I took lower doses of all of them and over a period of time so it't not as crazy as it sounds.

Didn't see this until just now.  We obviously respond to Brom and Nitra differently.  I like your idea of combining the two just to see how it works, though I would obviously have to take to opposite dosages of each that you do.  I will admit that the Nitra felt great...for the fifteen minutes or so before I fell asleep as even with my tolerance I was being cautious because it was new.  If you try a mixture before I do please let me know how it goes.  
That is funny how they treat us differently.  Brom and Nitraz are the top two RC benzos though, no doubt in my mind.  It wasn't that Bromaz knocked me out, I took 2 and didn't drink.  It just made me so comfortable I wanted to just lay down and relax.... Then I was asleep and it felt SOOOO good because I have sleep problems.  The Nitraz I only took one and I was drinking and company came over, so it was very different situations that might have contributed to how they felt different.

I've never been part of the Xanny fan club either, they are nice but I'll take a good ol' valium any day!  Things that wipe my memory are very problematic, thats why clonazolam is not for me.

@ Dumbo88, You probably thought I was being some asshole troll . Have you tried ksalol's those are amazing. Yeah the clam when I had a high tolerance I could take it know its no fun because you cant remember anything. Also dont text on clam or you will ruin your life lol.

@Eidolon @Dumbo88 @Anybrush I did approx 5mg of the Nitrazolam and was surprised at how strong it was. Knocked me harder than Etiz,Valium, Kpin..etc. I don't do Clonazolam due to its extreme effects but I think if you did enough Nitraz you might get the same result.
That's how the Nitra was for me too.  Though in my case it hit even harder than Etiz, Valium, Kpin, etc.  For me it was like CLam which never feels that strong to me....until I realize I have lost a week.  Thankfully I only had to go through it for two days, but the Nitra W/D hit me the same as the C-Lam did.  

I'm pretty happy with the Broma though.  It may take a little bit more, but at least I'm awake through it and actually remember what I did.  lol

I received my Nitra & Brom today, I agree Eidolon & Chrisalias quite strong! I would NOT MIX ALCOHOL with any benzo! In fact since I take Ativan daily & a seizure med, I don't use alcohol at all! I have not had a seizure in months, but I just think it is really stupid to mix more than a tiny bit of alcohol with benzos just to chase a high! Your blood pressure can tank at any moment and the possibility of stopping breathing is a REAL THING! For this reason, I don't drink at all and my tolerance is  is quite low & I do enjoy remembering my day!

Just be careful Peeps! 😍

I expect my order on Wednesday. @SkyDog did you take the N or B? I assume you took it because of your post. But, I don’t take benzodiazepines on a regular basis so it effects will be different on me. 

I agree with you about 🍸  and benzodiazepines. Alcohol increases the effects of benzos in a dangerous way. Blacking out is something I try to avoid 😆.

Of course I know longer drink because one drink and I wake up in horrible neck pain and a headache (I am a chronic migraine sufferer) and it doesn’t matter what I take, it doesn’t go away for two days. For example I could down 40 mg of oxy and 40 mg of valium and it doesn’t go away! Of course I would not mix benzos with PK because when I have taken both PK with valium or xanax it caused blacking out.

I received my Nitra & Brom today, I did try both, however separately.... I did take 2 Nitra for sleep, OMG BIG MISTAKE!  I had the most vivid and ODD dream of my life! They don't ship the Etiz to my state, and I would have preferred it! This was my 1st experience with these benzos, and again my tolerance being low, no more 2 at a time and regular scrip of Zolpidem will be filled shortly! Phew!

I received my Nitra & Brom today, I agree Eidolon & Chrisalias quite strong! I would NOT MIX ALCOHOL with any benzo! In fact since I take Ativan daily & a seizure med, I don't use alcohol at all! I have not had a seizure in months, but I just think it is really stupid to mix more than a tiny bit of alcohol with benzos just to chase a high! Your blood pressure can tank at any moment and the possibility of stopping breathing is a REAL THING! For this reason, I don't drink at all and my tolerance is  is quite low & I do enjoy remembering my day!

Just be careful Peeps! 😍
I won't lie.  I do drink with my benzo and while it's not a great excuse, it's limited to about a Tablespoon of Baileys in my coffee before bed.  Still not wise, but I have many years of experience.  It's still a great message and I'm a fan of harm reduction.  People will do what they will though.  My hope would that they get used to how they react to benzos and then if they still want to drink work up very slowly from there so they wake up in the morning.  I suspect that like you, it's because we actually care though and not because we feel superior or anything.  

I received my Nitra & Brom today, I did try both, however separately.... I did take 2 Nitra for sleep, OMG BIG MISTAKE!  I had the most vivid and ODD dream of my life! They don't ship the Etiz to my state, and I would have preferred it! This was my 1st experience with these benzos, and again my tolerance being low, no more 2 at a time and regular scrip of Zolpidem will be filled shortly! Phew!
OMG!  I really am assbackwards.  The Nitra knocked me out cold, no issues at know, unless I wanted to stay awake.  The Brom I can stay awake on as long as I want but as soon as I fall asleep it's' nightmare city.  I haven't slept for more than two hours a night in days.  That and it's the same damn dream every single night.  One that I have NEVER had before in my life and one that I can't even begin to explain.  I have been told that I keep waking up screaming, but what little I remember isn't really scary at all.  

I don't really want to switch back to Nitra, Etix causes me to redose compulsively.  Guess it's time to try something else.


I have terrible nightmare problems, the only thing I've found that helped is Xyzal.  Its an allergy medicine that is slightly sedating, but dreams where it really helps.  For me melatonin and EPSECIALLY mirtrazapine cause my dreams to become horrifically vivid and I wake up in a pool of sweat.  Xyzol is not cheap, probably the most expensive allergy med out there OTC, but its amazing for nightmares. 

 Unisom, also allergy med, is great for sleep but does nothing for the nightmares.  Xyzol actually has a wonderful affect on dreams, you still have them they are just fun and cool instead of horrific.  Give it a try, they are pretty pleasant (especially for an antihistamine).

Eidolon, Candi & Everyone!

The first thing that happened was breaking out in a major sweat and came the nightmare rom HELL! When I woke up this morning with a pounding headache the sweats had gone away, but I could smell this very strange odor coming from my entire body! I mean even my hands smelled funky!  It was like an alcoholic who drinks so much it simply oozes out their pores the next day!

Designer benzodiazepines represent an emerging class of new psychoactive substances. While other classes of new psychoactive substances such as cannabinoid receptor agonists and designer stimulants are mainly consumed for hedonistic reasons, designer benzodiazepines may also be consumed as ‘self‐medication’ by persons suffering from anxiety or other psychiatric disorders or as stand‐by ‘antidote’ by users of stimulant and hallucinogenic drugs. In the present study, five benzodiazepines (adinazolam, cloniprazepam, fonazepam, 3‐hydroxyphenazepam and nitrazolam) and one thienodiazepine (metizolam) offered as ‘research chemicals’ on the Internet were characterized and their main in vitro phase I metabolites tentatively identified after incubation with pooled human liver microsomes. 

In my opinion I don't think this stuff is safe, and should be used with caution!  At least the Nitra for sure! We have better options out there, so please, please be careful!! 💖 

@SkyDog based upon your description and the description of “hedonistic reasons” than I don’t even want to take the N and it is coming tomorrow. But I did get some E because it is legal in my state. 

@SkyDog based upon your description and the description of “hedonistic reasons” than I don’t even want to take the N and it is coming tomorrow. But I did get some E because it is legal in my state. 
I think that is a good call! One of my small dogs has the runs today because I think she was licking me in my sleep when I was sweating so bad! I feel awful I could have hurt her and still am watching her closely. Both of my dogs seem too sleepy today, they both sleep with me and I feel horrible I put them at risk as well! 😥

Bromazolam has the potential to be toxic because bromine is toxic.  If it stays attached to the ring like bromazepam it shouldn't be, but I don't know how it metabolizes, only that it is not structured like bromazepam, it is rather alprazolam EXACTLY with the Cl replaced with Br. Nitrazepam is similar with NO2 being where the Br or Cl is.  

I believe concerns about bromine toxicity was the reason bromazepam was not approved in the US, but I'm not sure. There are several benzos that have the potential to be hepatoxic.  Below it explains intermediary metabolites that are the problem.  Also its important to keep in mind that most of these studies are done at clinical doses, not massive years long recreational addictions.

This is from the NIH, you know the tax funded organization that does all the leg work for big pharma.

Clonazepam, as with other benzodiazepines, is rarely associated with serum ALT elevations, and clinically apparent liver injury from clonazepam is extremely rare.  However, at least one convincing case report of acute liver injury from clonazepam with recurrence on reexposure has been reported.  Rare instances of drug induced liver injury has been reported with other benzodiazepines, such as chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, flurazepam, triazolam, clorazepate and alprazolam.  In benzodiazepine related cases of acute liver injury, the latency has ranged from a few weeks to 6 months; the typical pattern of liver enzyme elevations has been cholestatic or mixed, but hepatocellular patterns have also been reported.  The injury is usually mild to moderate in severity and self-limited.  Fever and rash have not been described nor has autoantibody formation. 

Mechanism of Injury
The liver injury from benzodiazepines is probably due to a rarely produced intermediate metabolite.  Their relative safety may relate to the low daily doses used (typically 5 to 10 mg).

Last edited:

The NIH is the National Institutes of Health. NIH.GOV., which is part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. This is also were you find clinical trials for a variety of conditions. 

Clonazepam is a legally common benzo!! 

Not to be a buzz kill (literally!), the product  being sold is CLONAZOLAM, NOT CLONAZEPAM!  (the FDA approved benzo, common!)

The copy & paste about liver toxicity should be more about the amount of alcohol & acetaminophen  (paracetamol for those across the pond). The FDA currently recommends no more than 4000mg. per day, & that is just the acetaminophen! Top that off with a few beers and I would say BUH, BYE! 

Please lets keep it on topic and quit trying to sound like you have a PhD in Pharmacology....   

I thought Nitra would end up being my fa benzo ever, but those 3.2 mg pills seem super weak..  and expensive.  I paid for a few extra Bros and i liked them more i believe..I've not tried their Flulam, but in general i believe its ended up being my fav (i love flpam but can never find it in large doses and i'm pretty impatient also) .   I'm going back to SL for "normal" benzos....i'm to lame to find a decent source of rc;s and my tolerance is so stupid now because of them, my arrogance and my lack of willpower.

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  1. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
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  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  7. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  9. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
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  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
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