Kratom Discussion

Here are my reviews and experiences thus far from Kratom vendors: I don't have much of an opiate tolerance and I use Kratom 2-3 times a week and rarely on back-to-back days.

All 3 vendors whose product I have received offered excellent, personalized customer service. MMH was the best, as he notified me first that the order didn't get picked up and then paid a great deal to have it overnighted and in my hands in the a.m the next day. Given the cost of my order, he likely lost money as a result. I did not request the overnight, he offered, which is another reason I believe his customer service was the best!!

I have placed a 4th order with Nomad Botanicals which should arrive by Friday, I will post the results of their product as I try it.

Note: All vendors included either bonus product, samples, or both. MMH offered the most samples. I believe I received 3 samples with my order.

1st vendor: Botanical Wellness (online)

Thai Red Vein Fine Grain Powder - Very cheap price - Very mellow burn, excellent pain relief, nearly full opiate effect 

Sumatra White Vein Fine Grain Powder - About 70% of the price of the one above - Didn't like this one, it increased my anxiety tremendously, ended up using the Thai Red Vein to counteract it. 

 Borneo Red Vein Fine Grain Powder - Same price as the one above ($9.00) - Very mellow burn, excellent pain relief, energizing at low dose and Foxy like effect at higher dose.

*** While the red's were very good, I ran through this very quick as it took a lot to get the effect. As 1st time Kratom user it I likely got about 4-5 good doses out of each ounce- slightly more on the Borneo

2nd vendor : Misty Mountain Herbs

-- Vendor overnighted order, because shipping agent forgot to pick it up the day before. Excellent Customer Service. Vendor is highly recommended on kratom boards, but I found their product to be much weaker than the 1st vendor. Prices were higher overall and quantity needed to attain effect was higher as well.

Product: Bali SSV (25grams)- Energizing at lower dose, but mellow burn at higher dose. Having said that, I found that it took twice as much of this product compared to that of the first vendor, yet this vendor's price was nearly double. Definitely not a value to me, but perhaps I got a bad batch as they do have a zillion positive posts on the forum.

Product: Extremely Horny SSV (3 grams)- The price of this was the same as an ounce of the borneo from the 1st vendor. I personally had no effect from this.
Product: Bali (25 grams)- Energizing no matter what the dose, excellent pain relief ), doesn't have opiate-like effects. As with the SSV, this takes a much higher dose. 25 grams of this was 50% more expensive than that of the 1st listed vendor.

3rd vendor:


Customer service was excellent. This vendor was highly recommended as preferred vendor on a forum catering to those who consider themselves kratom snobs ;-) The reviews on his sight recommended these as the top ones (although, in hindsight the reviews sound a bit similar in tone and details mentioned. hmmmm ;-) ). Having said that his customer service was excellent, as with the above-mentioned ones his shipment and delivery were more than prompt.

Plantaton Maeng Da Powder- This was supposed to the holy grail of Kratom, however my experience was the opposite of what was posted. I did not get any of the opiate effects, pain relief was excellent, but it was energizing no matter how high the dose. The price of this product was double that of the 1st vendor and 50% higher than the 2nd vendor, yet the quantity needed to be taken was significantly higher ( I had a week Kratom free before this arrived and never use more than 3x per week)

Tawa tua Indo- Honestly, I tried a small amount of this and still have the remainder so I can't rate yet.

Red Vein Thai Powder- Pain relief was good, but this was unlike other reds in that it didn't relax me and in fact has kept me up way past my bedtime; which is why I am posting this lengthy review. HELP CAN"T SLEEP! WORK IN THE MORNING! :-). Dosing was much higher for this and taste wasn't as strong.

Overall, I found Kratom to be great for pain relief, but I am still in search of a vendor with good price and quality. At this point, I would say that Botanical Wellness was hands-down the best product and the best price. I will likely try MMH again, as I really wonder if it was a bad batch, due to the extensive positive feedback they have on the boards.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

 I like that we have a nice LEGAL way to address our pain needs or to help those who are tapering/in withdrawal.



Thank you for your review!!! Placed my 1st order for Kratom.,.. Can't wait to try it!!

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So, my K was suppose to of been here today... Fingers crossed for tmrw!!

@Cat did your order come? If so how ya like the K??

Hey True!

It is supposed to be here before 8!

I got two other types of goodies today, one from a vendor and another from a friend. When it rains it pours! So yay!

I will let you know promptly!


Im going to order this stuff again. Im jus afraid of taking too much cuz it nade me nod so bad last time!

Hey True!

It is supposed to be here before 8!

I got two other types of goodies today, one from a vendor and another from a friend. When it rains it pours! So yay!

I will let you know promptly!

Woooo! Happy weekend to you! Those are the best ones!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Haha!! Love it!! Damn right happy weekend Cat xx

This has been fascinating to read. I'm looking forward to your report cat

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Anyone ever heard of Captain kratom ? They were the very first product I used and it felt just like I was using PK's

Received order from 4th vendor nomad-botanicals;

Incredible pain this week, so I am breaking my consecutive days rule on Kratom use.

Thus far I have tried the Bali and mixed a small amount of the Maeng Da in applesauce and I was not impressed, it took 5 tsps. yesterday to get pain relief and none of the opiate like effects.

Currently trying the Bali alone. Took 1 tsp toss and wash 20 minutes ago- nothing; just now took another a few minutes ago - so hopefully I will get some effect.

I am not expecting much out of this order, because I noticed that the smell and taste of this stuff is very mild and the powder's texture is much different from the other 3 vendors; I am wondering if it is completely Kratom.

Vendor included a sample of Indu Maeng Da (which has a stronger scent) I will try that one tomorrow and post my experience. Should I get some effect tonight from the Bali, I will post about the experience and amount to achieve it. But sadly, I am not expecting much.

I am wondering if extracts are the way to go. Any experiences with extracts or more compounded forms?

MoonbeamGIRL /default_biggrin.png  /default_biggrin.png  /default_wub.png

I have never tried the extracts,however Ihave heard that you can get the same effect for cheaper with the powder.

Took one heaping teaspoon of the red bali and it kicked up my codeine beautifully. I had taken one 8mg. Co codamol two hours before. I was having some pain (stupid me didnt wear my sling today) and it went away. Now, it is not fair to give a review when I already had some codeine soooo.......... Got some samples that I will report on too....when i take them by theirselves.

@moonbeamgirl- Ah, your experience don't seem to pleasant BOO!!! It sux thàt it didn't work for you!!

Mine was suppose to of came today but didn't. /default_sad.png if it comes tmrw I will let everybody know how it works for me. I know I will be in so much pain from all the Holloween walking this evening... Praying it works. Even if it takes my pain away a little I'll be happy!!


Will be looking forward to your review as the red veins is the samples I too ordered to try..

You guys ive tried and their stuff is top notch. Never really noticed the pain going away but was def euphoric with the bali. I think I took too much and it made me nod in church lol.....I was so cozy it was so hard not to fall asleep. I havent had this in a year. And it was a friend that reccommended that I get this in case of vic w/d. def wrked for the w/d...I am def happy to say that!

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Received order from 4th vendor [SIZE= 14px]nomad-botanicals;[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Incredible pain this week, so I am breaking my consecutive days rule on Kratom use.[/SIZE]

Thus far I have tried the Bali and mixed a small amount of the Maeng Da in applesauce and I was not impressed, it took 5 tsps. yesterday to get pain relief and none of the opiate like effects.

Currently trying the Bali alone. Took 1 tsp toss and wash 20 minutes ago- nothing; just now took another a few minutes ago - so hopefully I will get some effect.

I am not expecting much out of this order, because I noticed that the smell and taste of this stuff is very mild and the powder's texture is much different from the other 3 vendors; I am wondering if it is completely Kratom.

Vendor included a sample of Indu Maeng Da (which has a stronger scent) I will try that one tomorrow and post my experience. Should I get some effect tonight from the Bali, I will post about the experience and amount to achieve it. But sadly, I am not expecting much.

I am wondering if extracts are the way to go. Any experiences with extracts or more compounded forms?

MoonbeamGIRL /default_biggrin.png/default_biggrin.png/default_wub.png

I have extensive experience with extracts, both UEI and FST and I can most def tell you it is NOT the way to go. Yes, you will receive the benefit of consistent product but along with it you will jack up your tolerance and as we all know, what goes up must come down. Full blown WD syndrome after using extracts for just a few weeks.

Inconsistency is just part of PL kratom. Find a few strains that work for you and rotate. Not all strains from all vendors will do the job for you (although I actually like Nomad, so what works for one might not for another) so it is kind of always trial and error. You will find your sweet spot dosage just keep trying with PL.

One of my fav vendors is Herbal Cafe but she tends to be a bit on the pricey side.

I can't emphasize enough how extracts is SO not the path to take. I speak from experience. I finally broke the habit this summer; spent several months feeling like crap and am JUST now feeling the effects of plain leaf again.

I love kratom; for the pain relief properties; depression relief and the help it affords addicts to break life threatening habits. I think extracts will be the down fall of kratom if it comes to that. I wish vendors would not even offer them, but there is money (a lot of money) to be had in selling them.

Anyway hope this helps.


@roger thank u so much for the heads up. I will avoid that avenue, as suggested.

Update on last nights Bali from Nomadic Botanicals. I took 5 tsp over a 3 hour period. In the end the Bali gave me euphoria at 4tsp, slight nausea at 5 and very little pain relief (my pain is spinal bone on bone feeling).

I am starting to think that perhaps the strains I am buying are just not working for me and may not indicate that the vendor's quality is poor. Im gonna skip today and then try the info maung da tomorrow.

If nothing comes of this order, I will go back to the 1st reviewed vendor and his reds as they worked well. Meanwhile trick or treating has me feeling much pain and I am out of pk's, as I have an appointment and the pain clinic Thursday and I don't want to have a dirty urine.

@roger thank u so much for the heads up. I will avoid that avenue, as suggested.

Update on last nights Bali from Nomadic Botanicals. I took 5 tsp over a 3 hour period. In the end the Bali gave me euphoria at 4tsp, slight nausea at 5 and very little pain relief (my pain is spinal bone on bone feeling).

I am starting to think that perhaps the strains I am buying are just not working for me and may not indicate that the vendor's quality is poor. Im gonna skip today and then try the info maung da tomorrow.

If nothing comes of this order, I will go back to the 1st reviewed vendor and his reds as they worked well. Meanwhile trick or treating has me feeling much pain and I am out of pk's, as I have an appointment and the pain clinic Thursday and I don't want to have a dirty urine.
I am a member of a really active kratom forum. Someone made the comment that kratom is never as potent this time of year. Now, take that with a huge grain of salt! I would think the product that is being shipped now was procured and harvested months ago.

I think going back to what works well for you is a great idea. I've never had a bad batch from Jan at Herbal Cafe. She does offer a very lightly enhanced product (or did a few months ago) that I used to taper off the very strong extracts. It didn't do anything for me but nothing short of real opiates would have at that point. Good luck!

I ran out of my vic perscription early. So I been taking .5mg of sub that a dr perscribed me 3 yrs ago for pain. And I didnt even know it was for w/d. This quack dr explained nithing to me about it. Anyways...ive been taking this for 5 days now and have had no w/d. I should be getting my kratom on monday from mood and mind. I just hope it dosnt make me nod again. Especially at wrk...uuuhhgg. im used to taking 20mg of vics 2x a day.

I ran out of my vic perscription early. So I been taking .5mg of sub that a dr perscribed me 3 yrs ago for pain. And I didnt even know it was for w/d. This quack dr explained nithing to me about it. Anyways...ive been taking this for 5 days now and have had no w/d. I should be getting my kratom on monday from mood and mind. I just hope it dosnt make me nod again. Especially at wrk...uuuhhgg. im used to taking 20mg of vics 2x a day.
Be careful when you get your script filled with those subs. Make sure you leave a break between starting your other pea kays. Glad you are doing okay and hope the krat works!
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  7. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  8. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  10. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  11. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  12. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  13. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  14. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  15. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  16. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  17. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  19. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!
  20. K @ knofflebon: Mornin. Came across something pretty interesting in the news. Try searching the name J0@nne Seg0vi@