Kratom Discussion

My stomach pains r very very bad... Can't stay off the toilet...

Maybe I'm just getting sick?
Oh no /default_sad.png maybe you took too much and it was too much for your tummy! Stay hydrated with lots water. Hopefully you will feel better tomarrow ♡My twenty milligram roc-see took my migrain away but hurt my tum and made me nauseated /default_sad.png waaaaaaah! (((Cries))) poor us....I swear :o

I have decided to try out the Kratom & have a few questions. I have read through the entire thread but it's kinda blurring together so hopefully I won't be redundant.

1.) Does it show up on a drug screen?

2.) Is there talk of making this illegal soon?

3.) Would using vege caps reduce the effect?

4.) Do you appear high/sedated on it?

5.) Best type for calm, yet uplifted mood?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm pretty excited about trying it out. Thanks for your help.

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Welcome to the Kratom Club!

To answer your questions:

1. No

2. Yes the govt would love to regulate this harmless leaf.

3. I'm not sure on this one because I don't use caps but I did order some Bali caps once and they did NOTHING for me.

4. This I'm not sure of but I'd say it depends on how much you take. I've never felt impaired on it and nobody has ever said anything to me.

5. I'd say a Bali strain but I'm partial to it. I'd order some samples from Kratom King or mmm, speciosa to see what works best for you. But the white vein strains are usually more of uppers and the red vein strains are more relaxing.

Hope that helps and maybe some others can weigh in with answers to your questions too.

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I have decided to try out the Kratom & have a few questions. I have read through the entire thread but it's kinda blurring together so hopefully I won't be redundant.

1.) Does it show up on a drug screen?

2.) Is there talk of making this illegal soon?

3.) Would using vege caps reduce the effect?

4.) Do you appear high/sedated on it?

5.) Best type for calm, yet uplifted mood?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm pretty excited about trying it out. Thanks for your help.

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I think Beachgirl answered your questions but I will add a few things.

It is important to rotate strains if you use kratom on a regular basis. I don't rotate daily but I DO rotate every 2-3 days. Also, kratom is wonderful but a bit finicky. Be sure to order from a reputable vendor as there are some fly by night outfits that I would not trust!

Give yourself TIME as there will be a transition time. Obviously the extent of one's dependence and the "level" of substance will determine the ease of transition. I think I've read to get as low as you can on your DOC prior to jumping to kratom. Then, use it as frequently as needed until you can even the doses out. It will most def help with WD but prob won't take 100% of all of the symptoms away. You should still be able to function, though.

Would suboxone block any effects of Kratom? I'm having trouble finding info on this. Also, how long does a dose last typically?

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Would suboxone block any effects of Kratom? I'm having trouble finding info on this. Also, how long does a dose last typically?

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I think so. I don't think they are meant to be used together. A lot of people (relatively speaking) use kratom to get off subs.

I am in no way an expert bc I wasn't wd'ing from ops when I started kratom. I just read a lot! Maybe someone else can pop in and help. Good luck!

OOHHHH EMMMM GEEEEEEEE......more posts on here in the. Last few days than in the last few years and I MISS them all, this sis so cool! i SO love all of you guys! My arm is killing me so I am trying totype with my left pardon

To get maximum effect, i can only take Kratom maybe twice in a couple of days...then i have to give it a break for a couole of days. The tolerance builds up REALLY quick for me.

The Kratom King is not taking cc now? Wtf? I must have been one of the last ones. First I will talk anout my order. I got samples of the de-stemmed red bali. Really nice! Almost benzo-y. The extra fine. Red bali to me, is the same as the red bali. Th powder seems a little more fine but the weight is relative to i see no benefit of it over the reg powder. I am now hitting my four oz bag of red bali. Just toss n washed about 5g. I can only toss n wash one...MAYBE two grams at once. I pit it on my tongue, suck in a little liquid and swish like a madwoman. Then swallow. I could probably do more at once but why risk gagging?

Can I just say that I have slept better in the last few nights and days since I quit TRAMS? Why have i not taken kratom to sleep before? I have been sleeping during the day a lil too! I am so well rested it is crazy. I NEVER get this much sleep. I slept through my mans alarm every single day this week, he had to make his own breakfast and sammich! (And he happily. Did, love that man) AND i slept through Dr. Phil twice!

If you are stimulant sensitive definitely stay AWAY from the white vein. I dont do caffeine either. The most white vein i took was about half a gram to wake up from a sleepless week. It still made me shaky.

Arm is sore...lemme swish some more and i will be back. Again. SO EXCITED to see all of theseposts! Yay!


I had a very very very ROUGH night!!

My stomach hurt like Labor contractions.

I was up running to the bathroom ALL night!

It was literally TORTURE!!

I'm almost positive it was from my body not being use to

The K & consuming 20grams in one day.. ( Red Bali & Bali PC)

I HATE HATE HATE that it didn't work for me.

I didn't even feel anything nor did it help with W/D

I am assuming I'm one of the unlucky ones /default_sad.png

I've read everybody pretty much has constipation with K.

BUT mine was the other way around!!

This morning was still a little rough. But this evening I'm

Doing Fine... Thank GOD!!

I do have 10g of Red Thai.. I haven't decided

If I wanna try it yet. Still debating...

Thank you for asking about me.

Beachgirl......i am so jelly and hapoy for you you had that sub-kratom-night. That feeling is great! We need one of those "meditation" sessions every now and again. I used to get that feeling every time from tramadol. I appreciate having my mind back.

When i do kratom, it is never a mind blowing, nodding high. It is more like a huge edge is taken off of my anxiety and racing thoughts. So, I would ldnt necessarily call it a high. Just FYI.

This is such a great group of women ( now that i know that roger is a that we have on the forum. You guys are great and i enjoy all of your posts so much! Wish i could stay on longer but it is impossible to not type with. My right hand once i start typing. Sigh........xoxoxoxo


I had a very very very ROUGH night!!

My stomach hurt like Labor contractions.

I was up running to the bathroom ALL night!

It was literally TORTURE!!

I'm almost positive it was from my body not being use to

The K & consuming 20grams in one day.. ( Red Bali & Bali PC)

I HATE HATE HATE that it didn't work for me.

I didn't even feel anything nor did it help with W/D

I am assuming I'm one of the unlucky ones /default_sad.png

I've read everybody pretty much has constipation with K.

BUT mine was the other way around!!

This morning was still a little rough. But this evening I'm

Doing Fine... Thank GOD!!

I do have 10g of Red Thai.. I haven't decided

If I wanna try it yet. Still debating...

Thank you for asking about me.
I am so glad you are better! It affects me like it affects you ONLY not that bad. And, since i am normally clogged, it is a welcome relief to me. I am constsntly drinking water however. Ok good.....ttyl! Xoxoxo

Couldn't get it down with applesauce either. God, I know I'm an addict because I keep trying to choke this down instead of giving up like any normal human being would. My boyfriend is getting great amusement value out of my attempts. I think I've mixed it with just about everything in my refrigerator. I'm down to trying it with ketchup lol.

Couldn't get it down with applesauce either. God, I know I'm an addict because I keep trying to choke this down instead of giving up like any normal human being would. My boyfriend is getting great amusement value out of my attempts. I think I've mixed it with just about everything in my refrigerator. I'm down to trying it with ketchup lol.
Keep trying Pixie I know it sucks so bad but I know you can do it. P.s. you crack me up your being such a trooper :lol:

I had a very very very ROUGH night!!

My stomach hurt like Labor contractions.

I was up running to the bathroom ALL night!

It was literally TORTURE!!

I'm almost positive it was from my body not being use to

The K & consuming 20grams in one day.. ( Red Bali & Bali PC)

I HATE HATE HATE that it didn't work for me.

I didn't even feel anything nor did it help with W/D

I am assuming I'm one of the unlucky ones /default_sad.png

I've read everybody pretty much has constipation with K.

BUT mine was the other way around!!

This morning was still a little rough. But this evening I'm

Doing Fine... Thank GOD!!

I do have 10g of Red Thai.. I haven't decided

If I wanna try it yet. Still debating...

Thank you for asking about me.
What about trying some Imodium? Maybe it will help. I have severe ibs-d and I take a med that plugs me up so bad that I have to constantly easy fiber. .uhh. lemme know if the Imodium works. I did read that kratom is used for ibs-d but theres so much fiber in it that's what helps to plug you up! I'm so sorry it's the other way around :unsure:


I had a very very very ROUGH night!!

My stomach hurt like Labor contractions.

I was up running to the bathroom ALL night!

It was literally TORTURE!!

I'm almost positive it was from my body not being use to

The K & consuming 20grams in one day.. ( Red Bali & Bali PC)

I HATE HATE HATE that it didn't work for me.

I didn't even feel anything nor did it help with W/D

I am assuming I'm one of the unlucky ones /default_sad.png

I've read everybody pretty much has constipation with K.

BUT mine was the other way around!!

This morning was still a little rough. But this evening I'm

Doing Fine... Thank GOD!!

I do have 10g of Red Thai.. I haven't decided

If I wanna try it yet. Still debating...

Thank you for asking about me.
True love I wish it was working for you. Is this your first time taking it?

Got my order from Botanical Wellness in today. Borneo Red Vein type. I thought I ordered Bali but evidently not. Going to try it when I get home. It has a very pleasing scent so maybe that correlates to taste.

Got my order from Botanical Wellness in today. Borneo Red Vein type. I thought I ordered Bali but evidently not. Going to try it when I get home. It has a very pleasing scent so maybe that correlates to taste.
Oh pixie girl I hope you like it I hope it works for you and I hope you don't gag lol but just remember none of them taste good yuck! I just want you to remember that the Bali is the most used by everybody because it has a lot of less side effects I guess.
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: @porkandbeansboy that is a fact.
  2. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  3. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  4. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  6. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  7. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  8. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  9. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  10. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  11. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  12. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  13. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  14. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  15. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!
  16. K @ knofflebon: Mornin. Came across something pretty interesting in the news. Try searching the name J0@nne Seg0vi@
  17. L @ Lookyloo: Yesterday people couldn’t even get out of town due to gas shortages and gridlocked traffic, it’s gonna be rough I’d imagine. I hate to imagine the homeless and those without a way out or shelter.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: i would hope people aren't taking it lightly considering the tampa mayor literally said if you don't leave you're going to die
  19. B @ bigblueallda: I went through Katrina. Please if you live in the Florida panhandle do not take this lightly. My town was devastated. We were without power for 3 weeks. So be prepared. And prayers up!
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: I hope everyone affected by these hurricanes is safe. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers for safety.