Thanks for the info. But I did take it in a empty stomach. I started at 10 am.Maybe give your tummy a break tomarrow and get some milk of magnesia and just clean your system out. Then start over and take 5g and wait 45 to an hr. ..take another tsp and so on until you start to feel it. I find this works best on an empty stomache always. So I do this first thing in the morning and between meals if I have to. I also find that kratom makes ypu pretty full from all the fiber in it an helps to lose weight ( wich I need to shed a cple pounds) lol. I hope this helps!
Mmm speciosa is a trusted vendor too and what they sent me didn't work for me. Then I tried the borneo red vein when it came in and the difference is night and day. I'm so grateful you recommended botanical wellness. If you hadn't I'd think it didn't work too. Maybe try them. You can get an ounce fir seven dollars or so. Very potent. 3 teaspoons about knocked me out and I have a crazy high 0pie tolerance.Thanks for the info. But I did take it in a empty stomach. I started at 10 am.
I was so excited to try it that I started as soon
As my package arrived. & I did take it like that /default_sad.png
5g at first then a spoonful every 45 min to a hour
Later until I reached 20g. Then I stopped. I told myself
There's no way I'm going over 20g. That's a crazy amount
For a first timer. I had been fully cleaned out prior
As I'm always regular no Matter what.
Am I just un lucky as I didn't feel any effects at all?
OR have you guys heard of anybody else
Who hasn't got NO effects at all off the K?
Y'all have no idea how much of a bummer this is
To me... It bothers me to much that it didn't work.
I thought for sure it would work for me the same as it
Does everybody else. Or at least a little bit.
I was having a bad day with my neves too. I won't
Go into detail but BeachGirl & I have became
Pretty good friends so she knew thie stuff I was going
Through that day. & it didn't even help my anxiety
Or neves either. Not even the slightest bit.
I wasn't expecting a lot from it, but that it would help
"Some" sorry to be a downer guys. Just kinda sad
It didn't wrk for me. I thought for sure that it would work
At least some And it would be the Help that I was needing as I've
Ran out of all other options.
My package was from Krat0m King so I know
It's a trusty n great vendor.
Oh my goodness don't worry about being a downer you are not a downer we all want you to feel good. Yes 20 grams is a lot. I'm surprised you didn't get any nausea from it and throw up. They say if you take too much kratom you will get very nauseated. Which strain did you take? It could have to do with that. And also do you have a high tolerance to opiates? If so that could maybe be the case but I doubt it because heroin users use kratom to get off of heroin. I would really like to know what strain you got. My strain is ultra premium Bali from mood and It could have been that you got a weak batch. Oh you poor poor thing I'm holding on to my stomach just for you right now. I know what it's like to feel achy and constipated and also have diarrhea from having irritable bowel syndrome. The ultra premium Bali is what I usually take. 2 teaspoons in the morning usually lasts me 4 to 6 hours. Let's try to figure this out for you so we can get you on the right track to feeling betterThanks for the info. But I did take it in a empty stomach. I started at 10 am.
I was so excited to try it that I started as soon
As my package arrived. & I did take it like that /default_sad.png
5g at first then a spoonful every 45 min to a hour
Later until I reached 20g. Then I stopped. I told myself
There's no way I'm going over 20g. That's a crazy amount
For a first timer. I had been fully cleaned out prior
As I'm always regular no Matter what.
Am I just un lucky as I didn't feel any effects at all?
OR have you guys heard of anybody else
Who hasn't got NO effects at all off the K?
Y'all have no idea how much of a bummer this is
To me... It bothers me to much that it didn't work.
I thought for sure it would work for me the same as it
Does everybody else. Or at least a little bit.
I was having a bad day with my neves too. I won't
Go into detail but BeachGirl & I have became
Pretty good friends so she knew thie stuff I was going
Through that day. & it didn't even help my anxiety
Or neves either. Not even the slightest bit.
I wasn't expecting a lot from it, but that it would help
"Some" sorry to be a downer guys. Just kinda sad
It didn't wrk for me. I thought for sure that it would work
At least some And it would be the Help that I was needing as I've
Ran out of all other options.
My package was from Krat0m King so I know
It's a trusty n great vendor.
Wow no energy with the maeng da ? If you try a little bit of the regular manga da I wonder if it would give you anxiety because it will definitely give you energy. But just take a little bit cuz when I took a little bit it put me through the roof but I took it by itself ....I didn't mix it with anything that was relaxing.I'm a total newb to kratom but for me, with my best strain of my samples the pain relief/wds relief only lasted 2-3 hours but the calming b3nzo-like feeling lasted about six hours. When I redosed when the pain came back it was too sedating. Probably great if you're going to sleep but I still had alot to do. Still even with the 0pie wd skeletal pain coming back you just handle it better when you're in a good head space. Yesterday was so much easier than any of my other days since c/ting. Today is going pretty good too. Dosed as soon as I got up: one teaspoon of the borneo red vein and one teaspoon of the red vein maeng da. I was hoping the md would give me a bit of energy with the borneo rv keeping my mind calm.Edit: No burst of energy. Still totally calm (so far all five strains I've tried make me calm with Borneo red vein doing it best) pain relief good, bye-bye aches.
I got two packages today! I'm an hour away though but headed over there now! Can't wait to try my new stuff!I wonder if beachgirl got her sruff today?
I'll probably get my Borneo red on Wednesday since I ordered so late yesterday and it's a holiday on Tuesday. Really can't wait for that one! I'm not even sure what's in my second package that arrived today. It's like a present. Can't wait to get over there and open it!Yay! Just ordered some borneo red myself.
Aww Jwhite0009 thankyou /default_smile.png I started having health problems at a young age up until young adulthood and then they just stayed with me. I remember when doctors couldn't figure me out and when I couldn't figure me out and when my family couldn't figure me out, it was so frustrating to find a cure for this or relief for that. I just suffered for years. But during my suffering no matter how long it took me, I always found some way of finding a solution. I will for sure help you and anyone else anyway I can. I am no expert.... but when it comes to my own body and finding things that work for me, I think I've worked so hard I deserve to give myself a PhD. Congrats on lowering your dose you should pat yourself on the back definitelyI love the determination you have pokeytoe! Maybe you should make me a list. I have lowered my pk dose pretty low & will continue to until my order comes in. I will something for anxiety for sure & a general mood lift/energy. I don't mind ordering from more than one vendor.
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