Kratom Discussion

Beachgirl......i am so jelly and hapoy for you you had that sub-kratom-night. That feeling is great! We need one of those "meditation" sessions every now and again. I used to get that feeling every time from tramadol. I appreciate having my mind back.

When i do kratom, it is never a mind blowing, nodding high. It is more like a huge edge is taken off of my anxiety and racing thoughts. So, I would ldnt necessarily call it a high. Just FYI.

This is such a great group of women ( now that i know that roger is a that we have on the forum. You guys are great and i enjoy all of your posts so much! Wish i could stay on longer but it is impossible to not type with. My right hand once i start typing. Sigh........xoxoxoxo
Thanks Cat! Unfortunately that was a one time deal as I have since taken them both within a two hour window and have not gotten "that" feeling again. In fact I was feeling nauseous a lot of the time. It's probably better to not duplicate that feeling though cause it would probably get me into trouble!

I'm currently out of Kratom and waiting on two orders, one today and one tomorrow. I've been taking small one mg doses of the suboxone the last two days and have been feeling really crappy. I was hoping the suboxone would get me through not having the Kratom. I'm starting to feel a little dependent on the stuff so I'm going to have to start exercising more self control with it!

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Couldn't get it down with applesauce either. God, I know I'm an addict because I keep trying to choke this down instead of giving up like any normal human being would. My boyfriend is getting great amusement value out of my attempts. I think I've mixed it with just about everything in my refrigerator. I'm down to trying it with ketchup lol.
That sounds SO like me!

Have you tried wash then toss? I promise it is the easiest way for me to get it down. Just enough water for one sip; hold it in the back of your throat; use a small amount of kratom and swallow in one gulp. You won't even taste it!

If you can't stand the wash and toss by all means get a cap machine and some veggy caps. I found I could pack about .5 gram pet cap.

I was discouraged like this in the beginning to the point of not listening about the dangers of tinctures. (A few drops in water had to be better than all of this powder! Wrong!!!!)

Pls don't give up! Order some caps if you have to.

Got my order from Botanical Wellness in today. Borneo Red Vein type. I thought I ordered Bali but evidently not. Going to try it when I get home. It has a very pleasing scent so maybe that correlates to taste.
Good luck! I hope you like it! Can't wait to hear your report.

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I had a very very very ROUGH night!!

My stomach hurt like Labor contractions.

I was up running to the bathroom ALL night!

It was literally TORTURE!!

I'm almost positive it was from my body not being use to

The K & consuming 20grams in one day.. ( Red Bali & Bali PC)

I HATE HATE HATE that it didn't work for me.

I didn't even feel anything nor did it help with W/D

I am assuming I'm one of the unlucky ones /default_sad.png

I've read everybody pretty much has constipation with K.

BUT mine was the other way around!!

This morning was still a little rough. But this evening I'm

Doing Fine... Thank GOD!!

I do have 10g of Red Thai.. I haven't decided

If I wanna try it yet. Still debating...

Thank you for asking about me.
20 grams seems like a lot but you should have been stopped up... Not the other way around! Maybe not that much if you are transitioning from 0ppieez. I don't know. Maybe give yourself a day or two so your tummy can calm down and try again with a different strain? Good luck!

That sounds SO like me!
Have you tried wash then toss? I promise it is the easiest way for me to get it down. Just enough water for one sip; hold it in the back of your throat; use a small amount of kratom and swallow in one gulp. You won't even taste it!
If you can't stand the wash and toss by all means get a cap machine and some veggy caps. I found I could pack about .5 gram pet cap.
I was discouraged like this in the beginning to the point of not listening about the dangers of tinctures. (A few drops in water had to be better than all of this powder! Wrong!!!!)
Pls don't give up! Order some caps if you have to.
Oh my god! I /default_wub.png you! Somehow I misunderstood the wash then toss or something. I was putting the powder in FIRST! Water, head back, kratom, swallow went so much easier! Plus this strains taste is less gag inducing.

Followed that with oj chaser.

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Oh how very, very nice. A++ I'm done with b3nz0s as this works so much better with my body chemistry than they do. I can not even believe how calm I am. This strain (Borneo red vein) is miles better than the ones in my sample pack from mmm speciosa. All my w/d pain is GONE not just muted. I am practically zen and for a person like me who to put it nicely as possible is "high strung" 100% of the time it's almost miraculous. I dosed two "heaping" teaspoons. Euphoria is minimal but I don't even need a buzz if I can get this calm without it.


Oh how very, very nice. A++ I'm done with b3nz0s as this works so much better with my body chemistry than they do. I can not even believe how calm I am. This strain (Borneo red vein) is miles better than the ones in my sample pack from mmm speciosa. All my w/d pain is GONE not just muted. I am practically zen and for a person like me who to put it nicely as possible is "high strung" 100% of the time it's almost miraculous. I dosed two "heaping" teaspoons. Euphoria is minimal but I don't even need a buzz if I can get this calm without it.
Yay! So glad to hear this great report! I can't remember, were any of your samples Bali strains? My mind is zapped right now. I'm just curious because if so, I'll definitely be trying this one out!

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Nope, no bali strains. I wanted them but its not even one of the choices in their sampler. They had bali balik (sp?) for sale but not in the sample sizes.

Edit: Hmmm apparently the stuff I took is Bali. Went back to to order more and its labelled Borneo (Bali) Red Vein. I definitely recommend it.

2 ounces (approx 52 grams) costs $15.50 and priority shipping costs $5.00.

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Yes it was my very first time 😣
Oh my dear. .. maybe you just have to try other strains. There Are so many. I do know if your constipated that opiates will not work as well because they dissolve in your colon. I know this for a fact because whenever I take a Viking and I am plugged up, I don't feel a thing . But then when I clean myself out and I take my painkillers and that goes for kratom as well I feel it fully. So I bet this is what is happening. You are so plugged up that the kratom isn't dissolving like it should in your colon I would put money on this. True love did you take 20 milligrams at once? Or did you try to milligrams here and then to milligrams there at first? I'm asking this so I can help try to figure out what's going on here. I want you to feel good poor thing.
Nope, no bali strains. I wanted them but its not even one of the choices in their sampler. They had bali balik (sp?) for sale but not in the sample sizes.Edit: Hmmm apparently the stuff I took is Bali. Went back to to order more and its labelled Borneo (Bali) Red Vein. I definitely recommend it.2 ounces (approx 52 grams) costs $15.50 and priority shipping costs $5.00.
Wow so this is a red type of bali ( which is also boreno) and it helps your anxiety? I think I might just ordered that as well and see how that works for me. Thank you for that piece of information and I'm so happy you're feeling better! I know you've been suffering I'm here for you I'm here for all of you ladies:wub:
Okay I am having the hardest time trying to figure this out. What I ordered says Bali ultra premium. I'm trying to find out if this is white vein green vein or red vein but it doesn't say. I want what pixie girl has lol :-) I mean I like the Bali that I have now whatever vein color it is.... But I can't find out on the Internet what dam vein color it is and it's driving me nuts!

Thanks! Yeah 2 teaspoons is my sweet spot I think on this Borneo red vein. Added another teaspoon and got euphoria but now feel pretty sedated. The two just kept me on a nice, easy place. Three is too much.

I do know that there is a kratom forum its a private forum on Facebook. Last year when I joined it there were people on there that has so much information and ideas and they helped me so much. These people have been using kratom daily for years. Its used to combat pain, anxiety, depression, energy, for IBS flare ups, to help people get off of heroin and any other medication. And also to help with withdrawals. This is one thing to take if you have multiple health problems. I am so happy because I believe in the future I will be able to throw all my pills away and take something that is healthy. Anyways if you look them up on Facebook I believe it's called kratom community.

Oh my god! I /default_wub.png you! Somehow I misunderstood the wash then toss or something. I was putting the powder in FIRST! Water, head back, kratom, swallow went so much easier! Plus this strains taste is less gag inducing.Followed that with oj chaser.
I'm glad I could help! And I agree about some strains being less gross. Either way, I don't want to taste it! Also, I like it very finely milled... No crushed leaf for me.

I just placed an order for two ounces of the Borneo Red. Hearing that it's Bali, I just couldn't resist!

The post office messed up on my package (Baik Bali) that I was supposed to receive today. They sent it out for delivery in the wrong city. They better have it straightened out and delivered tomorrow!

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Glad to see you all having so much fun with the Kratom! After taking a break for a few months I did some the other day and had a great time with it too! Guess I just needed a break from it.

Might have to look into some of that red vien Borneo too.

Oh my dear. .. maybe you just have to try other strains. There Are so many. I do know if your constipated that opiates will not work as well because they dissolve in your colon. I know this for a fact because whenever I take a Viking and I am plugged up, I don't feel a thing . But then when I clean myself out and I take my painkillers and that goes for kratom as well I feel it fully. So I bet this is what is happening. You are so plugged up that the kratom isn't dissolving like it should in your colon I would put money on this. True love did you take 20 milligrams at once? Or did you try to milligrams here and then to milligrams there at first? I'm asking this so I can help try to figure out what's going on here. I want you to feel good poor thing.
5g at first. Then a couple g every 45 minutes to a hour. Then when I got to 20g I said NO way I'm taking anymore..

Maybe give your tummy a break tomarrow and get some milk of magnesia and just clean your system out. Then start over and take 5g and wait 45 to an hr. ..take another tsp and so on until you start to feel it. I find this works best on an empty stomache always. So I do this first thing in the morning and between meals if I have to. I also find that kratom makes ypu pretty full from all the fiber in it an helps to lose weight ( wich I need to shed a cple pounds) lol. I hope this helps!

Maybe give your tummy a break tomarrow and get some milk of magnesia and just clean your system out. Then start over and take 5g and wait 45 to an hr. ..take another tsp and so on until you start to feel it. I find this works best on an empty stomache always. So I do this first thing in the morning and between meals if I have to. I also find that kratom makes ypu pretty full from all the fiber in it an helps to lose weight ( wich I need to shed a cple pounds) lol. I hope this helps!
Great advice! I lost those "last five pounds" and then some when I started kratom. It takes my appetite away!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: @porkandbeansboy that is a fact.
  2. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  3. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  4. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  6. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  7. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  8. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  9. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  10. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  11. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  12. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  13. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  14. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  15. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!
  16. K @ knofflebon: Mornin. Came across something pretty interesting in the news. Try searching the name J0@nne Seg0vi@
  17. L @ Lookyloo: Yesterday people couldn’t even get out of town due to gas shortages and gridlocked traffic, it’s gonna be rough I’d imagine. I hate to imagine the homeless and those without a way out or shelter.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: i would hope people aren't taking it lightly considering the tampa mayor literally said if you don't leave you're going to die
  19. B @ bigblueallda: I went through Katrina. Please if you live in the Florida panhandle do not take this lightly. My town was devastated. We were without power for 3 weeks. So be prepared. And prayers up!
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: I hope everyone affected by these hurricanes is safe. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers for safety.