Kratom Discussion

YAY! Two of my orders came in so I won't run out this weekend.


I don't know about other people but I mix strains. If I'm really anxious, I'll take two teaspoons of a red strain & then 3/4ths a teaspoon of a green to counter act the sedation. If I need some get up and go I do two teaspoons of green and one red so it doesn't make me too jittery.

For w/d aches I recommend Borneo or Bali red veins.

Hi beachgirlie and everyone. Read most of this thread yesterday. I see so many different uses of kratom. I know body chemistry is different for everyone, but will people chime in on best thoughts/products of kratom for easing w/d aches, occasional cravings for that evil tramp (I'm on the verge of kicking to the curb) and at the same time gives an energy boost? Should I mix a couple together or different types at different times based on how I feel? I'm on a roller coaster and need to even out, but don't want too much b3nz0 feeling. Thoughts?

Ps: if anyone knows me, today has been a much better day than yesterday!
Welcome to the Kratom Club! I really hope you find some relief with it.

In my opinion, you can never go wrong with a Bali. With trial and error, I've found only a few vendors that I really like. Of course, my favorite is out right now due to customs issues. I'd say try mood and mind and get the private reserve Bali or Guthro's Garden and get the Hybrid Bali.

If you have any questions, we're all here to help!

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Hi beachgirlie and everyone. Read most of this thread yesterday. I see so many different uses of kratom. I know body chemistry is different for everyone, but will people chime in on best thoughts/products of kratom for easing w/d aches, occasional cravings for that evil tramp (I'm on the verge of kicking to the curb) and at the same time gives an energy boost? Should I mix a couple together or different types at different times based on how I feel? I'm on a roller coaster and need to even out, but don't want too much b3nz0 feeling. Thoughts?

Ps: if anyone knows me, today has been a much better day than yesterday!
Hi Hapgirl!

I've read a bit of your story and you have much better will power than I!! Congrats for coming as far as you have! I'm not sure if PAWS is a thing with tram WD but kratom was a life saver for me.

I discovered kratom after a detox off b@Nzos which I think is kind of comparable to trams. I didn't have brain zaps but I did have foggy thinking; insomnia; felt like every nerve in my body was jacked up all of the time. I had few "windows"when I felt ok and the symptoms were still pretty severe 6 mos off. roaring back.

I desperately did not want to go back on benzos and found kratom.

The other thing is that it helps a lot of people with depression. I've tried treating my depression with kratom only but need to take a pharmaceutical as I've struggled with chronic life long depression. It may be if the depression you have/fear is strictly tram related the kratom will help. I don't think it will hurt.

Kratom is kind of finicky...not consistent like taking a pill and feeling better 20 mins later. But, when you find a few strains that work for you, you will def know it! Sweet relief! Method of consumption is an issue for some and was with me in the beginning. I can "wash and toss" now but started out mixing with gf juice. The taste is horrendous (to me) but others can drink it without a problem.

Some people buy a cap machine and cap their own. I don't find capsules effective.

What I'm trying to point out is if you decide to go the kratom route, it might take a little practice to reap the full benefit from it. Maybe not, but try not to give up if you aren't satisfied the 1st or 2nd try. Find a few strains that treat your issues... (basically there are variations of red, green and white depending on what you need) Red strains are more sedating; green more energetic and white is kind of in between. I personally prefer Red Vein Borneo but it is important to either give yourself a break or switch strains on a regular basis. Taking a break is probably the best idea so you don't build a tolerance or become dependent. Kratom is somewhat addicting regardless of what you read or hear. That sd, it is NOTHING compared to full blown 0py/tram or b@Nzo WD unless you use extracts. Extracts are BAD news and not "natural", IMO. Stick with plain leaf kratom.

You will have to find your "sweet spot". 3 grams is enough for some; 6 for others. Too much will make you nauseous. I use 4.5 grams 2 x a day.

I do have a couple of vendors, one in particular, that I use on a regular basis and many will send you samples of different strains to try when you place an order.

I hope the legal status of kratom never changes in my state as I wish I had discovered it long ago! I've been "burning" kratom for also most two years now and have no plans to stop.

Good luck! Let me know if I can help you if you decide to go the kratom route.

You hit it right on the head with PAWS girl. Post acute withdrawal symptoms come with every addiction and can vary so much from person to person. IMVHO you have to try and see what works for you, and try to keep the addict in you at bay. I think the key is finding the minimum dose (and OCCASIONALLY a little more) and use it when you need it. It is a HUGE struggle but it is SO SO SO SO SO worth it. Tramp should be taken off the face of this earth in my opinion. Just big pharma looking to get paid.

Dont be stupid like me. Twice in my life I have come clean pretty much cold turkey "i had had it, i was done, I wasnt taking ANOTHER THING as long as I live". First time, I almost lost my life (benzos). Second time I suffered unnecessarily for too long. (Tram).

I truly hope kratom works for you.

Respect for you sister.

3rd time with no luck.... BOO!!

Looking for pain relief & Help with withdraws..

Apparently it's just not right for me /default_sad.png.

Kratom king is a great vender so idk

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Where is True Love and what happened with her third try? Truuuuuuuueeeee loooooooooooooooove........where ya at girl?

OMG baaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. No wonder i was thinking of you!

Sorry cat. Been trying to help myself with Bengay. The lower pain is making me want to cry. :(

I am sorry sweetie! Yuck no fun! Have u tried salonpas? I find them much better and MUCH less expensive!

I 💛 salampas. @true love, it's in every cvs and walgreens. They don't have fancy packaging, so it's overlooked by most people. It's a great heat patch that works wonders for lower back, shoulder and neck pains. It's like wearing a heating pad under your clothes and out of the house:). Who wouldn't want that?? Lol

PAWS?? That has got to be it. One day fine, next day I wake up fine and then out if the blue I feel so sick. Reminds of when I had mono (decades ago). Lasted 6 months. After the initial illness, over the next 6 months, I'd be fine for days then get a high fever and need to lie down the rest till the end of the day. It was exhausting. I suppose if I treat this the same way and just "ride it out" each time, I'll get my mind around the w/d thoughts and just see it as an short term illness. Yeah- I can do that.

Yes you CAN do it! I hate to sound like that cheerleader everyone wants to slap, but you can! Each day you are one day closer to being free! It is so hard to be patient, God I know so well what you are feeling! Plus, you may slip up before you quit for good. Just dont give up! I NEVER EVER thought I had it in me. I thought I was stuck for life. But it is a process and processes take time.

Seriously, try the salonpas. They are such thin little patches that stick great to your skin and move with you. The pain relief is so superior to any other patch. And like I said,they are inexpensive. One patch lasts all night! Are you trying to find a new doctor?

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It's raining kratom in my mailbox.  I went overboard and ordered alot from all different places; some I did priority, some I did regular mail.  I still was unsure if I'd get ANY before Monday.  Instead my mailbox has been crammed with packages yesterday and today.  Five orders in so far.......I wish I remembered how many I ordered overall lol.

So what all did you get Pixie? I'm trying to get ideas for my next order. Still waiting on botanical wellness!

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Guthro's Garden:

1 oz hybrid Bali

Sample Pack, got the ones I didn't try in my last sample pack

Indigo Rising:

Borneo Blast

Borneo Green Vein

Potent Bali

Kwik Kratom:

Bali Premium

Oh I'm interested to hear about Indigo Rising's products! Let me know what you think, especially about the Borneo Blast and the Potent Bali.

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Oh I'm interested to hear about Indigo Rising's products! Let me know what you think, especially about the Borneo Blast and the Potent Bali.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Haven't tried the potent Bali yet but wasn't a fan of the other two I got from them.
Haven't tried kwik kratom yet either.

I like quite a few of my samples from Guthro though. Especially the previously mentioned hybrid bali. I also liked their regular bali, dark Sumatran and Malaysian md. I dislike their Borneo, TGK, & White vein.

I wish botanical wellness would get their shipment in. Still like their Borneo the best.

I ordered 2 oz of the Hybrid Bali from Guthro's. I wasn't a fan of the Borneo either. Didn't think anything of the TGK or white vein at all either.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: @porkandbeansboy that is a fact.
  2. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  3. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  4. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  6. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  7. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  8. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  9. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  10. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  11. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  12. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  13. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  14. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  15. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!
  16. K @ knofflebon: Mornin. Came across something pretty interesting in the news. Try searching the name J0@nne Seg0vi@
  17. L @ Lookyloo: Yesterday people couldn’t even get out of town due to gas shortages and gridlocked traffic, it’s gonna be rough I’d imagine. I hate to imagine the homeless and those without a way out or shelter.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: i would hope people aren't taking it lightly considering the tampa mayor literally said if you don't leave you're going to die
  19. B @ bigblueallda: I went through Katrina. Please if you live in the Florida panhandle do not take this lightly. My town was devastated. We were without power for 3 weeks. So be prepared. And prayers up!
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: I hope everyone affected by these hurricanes is safe. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers for safety.