Kratom Discussion

Damn right about doctors not knowing shit... I had an SHO show me a full colour blown up image of my cervix and point out the area she said was cancer..... 8 Weeeeeeks later histology came back as only pre cancer. But those 8 weeks changed me forever lol.. Don't give up cat. You can do anything you decide to Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I am so sorry you went through this. CRAZY! I cant even imagine............

I think - might be wrong - that Kratom only really has strong effects for people who are relatively 0pee8 naive... Just guessing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah even tho I have plenty of PKs i hadnt taken one for at least a couple of weeks prior ro receiving the kratom. If I am not abusing something, I am pretty much a lightweight with! Incidentally, I keep getting the scripts filled for the PKs because I want to squirrel them away on case me or someone I know needs them.....since docs are normally unwilling to prescribe. I wonder how long they last. But alas, that question is for another thread. But if anyone knows and sees this, feel free to answer.

Cat, I broke my arm/elbow in 2013 after I fell on some freshly waxed floors. My elbow was pushed up into my tricep. It took 2 days in the hospital and a plate/7 screws and 12 weeks of HARD PT but I got full range of motion back. I can "almost straighten my arm though can tell when the weather is going to change. /default_smile.png. All of that to say you .CAN work hard and make MUCH progress. I was determined not to let the injury keep me from doing the things I to do! The only thing I can do are push-ups and yoga. Show that doc you will be able to raise that arm! PT will hurt but it is so worth it!!
Oh Roger my bile rose up when you said your elbow went into your tricep! Holy SHIT! That is freakin INSANE! YIIIIIIIIIKES! Ew! Thank God and good for you! Gosh, I have been doing yoga for over twenty five years, and right now I am able to do VERY little. It has been almost four months and my body really feels different. So stiff and "click-y". I need my yoga! You know EXACTLY what I am going through, although your injury sound much much worse! The biggest thing for me was being able to start cooking again, which I started about two weeks ago. Cooking is my life! Being unable to "do" for Otter and the kids is the worst! I still cant lift and wash really heavy pots and pans, biut that will end soon. I am pushing REALLY hard. Basically I am pushing all of the scar tissue out of the joint with therapy. They told me I may still need surgery, but I am doing everything possible to gain full range back. Thanks so much for sharing that with me. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

In the UK if you have a repeat script they give you a review once a year so fingers crossed it's the same for you! That's a lot of pks!! So funny how we all have a different DOC!

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Cat, based upon your glowing review, I went ahead and ordered a nice supply of the red vine Bali from Sacred myself. I'll give my own review shortly. I've been working with a couple of sources that are actually distributors from my own city so I get it over night which is really handy. But Sacred is kind enough to 2nd day air it so no great loss. Thankfully it's completely legal in my state too!


Awesome, i hope it works well for you /default_smile.png. They always give you an extra half oz. With three oz. Too, which is real nice. I would rather have that than samples!

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Cat, based upon your glowing review, I went ahead and ordered a nice supply of the red vine Bali from Sacred myself. I'll give my own review shortly. I've been working with a couple of sources that are actually distributors from my own city so I get it over night which is really handy. But Sacred is kind enough to 2nd day air it so no great loss. Thankfully it's completely legal in my state too!

Sweet. Are you a regular kratom user??

Sweet. Are you a regular kratom user??
Yes, ever since I first used it to help with P0ppy p0d withdrawals back in 2011, I have used Kratom on a daily basis. At one point I was using about 8 grams X 4 times daily. Then I decided to quit, and rapidly reduced down to 1 gram at night just for sleep. When I tried to got to 1/2 gm at night, (one casule) it got bad on me....I coudnt sleep, had RLS, and all the rest of the wonderfull things that go along opiate withdrawls.

My sister offer me 4 extra 5 mg v@1iums that she had leftover from her dentist and I took 10mgs and sleep like a baby. The next night, I did the same thing and sleep well too. Meanwhile I was taking lopramide, and other otc herbs etc. but once I was out of the v@ls, it was right back to RLS and completely unable to sleep. At that point I was probably only a few days away from being able to quit if I'd just go without sleep for a couple nights.

But I caved in , bumped my dose of Kratom up to 2 - 4 caps X 4 daily and started hunting down di@z3p@m which led me to IOPs.

Since then Ive had some other medical issues come, and was put on a high dosage Prednisone regimen (40mg day now tapered to 5mg) but it made me real jittery and I've used V to the point I now have mild habit, which I have been tapering. I'm now at 80% of my original daily use and the Kratom is very help calming me down. My intent is to be finished with the Prednisone within about two weeks, continue to taper the V@1 by 5% -10% every two weeks( I'm now at 8mg x2 daily) and my Kratom use is just a maintainence dose of 2gms every 6 hours. Once I manage to quit the V in a couple/ few months, I will start a taper on the Kratom for a while ( which at the doses I'm on are not any problem in my life, it's just when I was taking 15 caps every 6 hours that I was vegged out all day, every day. That's the part I hated, it made me like a zombie at those doses.

I will still use Kratom after a break but will recognize it has addictive properties and will hopefully use it in moderation, and not on a daily basis. I really do enjoy Kratom but I believed the vendor marketing that is was non-addictive which patently BS.

Well, that turned into a major overshare considering your basic question, but now you know a bit more about me as well.

I've found green mali and classic bali give me the opiate feeling I am looking for. 1/2 TBSP using the toss n wash method works wonders. I heard on-line shopping is fresher and cheaper than head shops. Also,as in my case, they will send free samples with every order.

I just ordered 3 oz of Red Borneo from SPL. I've tried their limited edition Red Borneo which was just meh. I've heard lots of good things about their regular red Borneo plus cats review has me hopeful. They have great customer service!

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I've found green mali and classic bali give me the opiate feeling I am looking for. 1/2 TBSP using the toss n wash method works wonders. I heard on-line shopping is fresher and cheaper than head shops. Also,as in my case, they will send free samples with every order.
1/2 TBSP? I WISH XD lol.

I need like 8 caps of bali to get anything going.

And oh man don't remind me of toss n wash, heh.

I used to have that shit down cold. Like 5gs at a time I could toss without any of it touching my tongue, and then I taught my GF how to do it and she failed outstandingly which threw me off my game and the next time I TnW'd after that I dumped a giant clump on my tongue instead of on the juice and I almost hurled cause it stuck to it so bad and that taste, lawd have mercy.

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Yes, ever since I first used it to help with P0ppy p0d withdrawals back in 2011, I have used Kratom on a daily basis. At one point I was using about 8 grams X 4 times daily. Then I decided to quit, and rapidly reduced down to 1 gram at night just for sleep. When I tried to got to 1/2 gm at night, (one casule) it got bad on me....I coudnt sleep, had RLS, and all the rest of the wonderfull things that go along opiate withdrawls.

My sister offer me 4 extra 5 mg v@1iums that she had leftover from her dentist and I took 10mgs and sleep like a baby. The next night, I did the same thing and sleep well too. Meanwhile I was taking lopramide, and other otc herbs etc. but once I was out of the v@ls, it was right back to RLS and completely unable to sleep. At that point I was probably only a few days away from being able to quit if I'd just go without sleep for a couple nights.

But I caved in , bumped my dose of Kratom up to 2 - 4 caps X 4 daily and started hunting down di@z3p@m which led me to IOPs.

Since then Ive had some other medical issues come, and was put on a high dosage Prednisone regimen (40mg day now tapered to 5mg) but it made me real jittery and I've used V to the point I now have mild habit, which I have been tapering. I'm now at 80% of my original daily use and the Kratom is very help calming me down. My intent is to be finished with the Prednisone within about two weeks, continue to taper the V@1 by 5% -10% every two weeks( I'm now at 8mg x2 daily) and my Kratom use is just a maintainence dose of 2gms every 6 hours. Once I manage to quit the V in a couple/ few months, I will start a taper on the Kratom for a while ( which at the doses I'm on are not any problem in my life, it's just when I was taking 15 caps every 6 hours that I was vegged out all day, every day. That's the part I hated, it made me like a zombie at those doses.

I will still use Kratom after a break but will recognize it has addictive properties and will hopefully use it in moderation, and not on a daily basis. I really do enjoy Kratom but I believed the vendor marketing that is was non-addictive which patently BS.

Well, that turned into a major overshare considering your basic question, but now you know a bit more about me as well.
So not a major over share!!! I agree that 2 grams twice a day is a VERY small dose! I would be surprised if WD from that amount would cause you much of a problem. I've overused kratom before as well and found diminishing returns big time. I'm good at 4-6 grams twice a day. Though lately my kratom has been less than satisfying lately. Not sure if it is me or the kratom. Probably a little of both!

So not a major over share!!! I agree that 2 grams twice a day is a VERY small dose! I would be surprised if WD from that amount would cause you much of a problem. I've overused kratom before as well and found diminishing returns big time. I'm good at 4-6 grams twice a day. Though lately my kratom has been less than satisfying lately. Not sure if it is me or the kratom. Probably a little of both!
I've usually using 2 - 2.5 gms every 6 hours, just a maintenance dose for me. Right now the main focus for me is tapering off the V, and then attacking the Kratom. I don't even get a buzz from the dosage I'm using of the Kratom but it does help as I taper from the prednisone and the di@zep@m. I should be off the prednisone soon and that will take a lot of the anxiety away.However I just got a pound of some red stem Bali and I did about 5 grams just to see how it was and I really enjoyed it. Like you said when I was doing 8 grams every 6 hours (32 grams a day), it just sort of peaked for me and wasn't fun any longer, and that's when I started to slow down considerably.

So I do buy bulk Kratom but it's only because I know tapering off the Benz is going to be a long process and the Kratom helps quite a bit for some reason. Takes some of the edge off. I don't know why, I know it's great for tapering off opiates but it does help me for a lot of other things.


Anything more than 1/2 to 1 tbsp, and I can't get it down. The stuff tastes horrid!!!!

I just don't get this ... Or the similar problem people have with "chocolate salty balls" yeah it tastes a bit blah... But it's over so quickly !! Guess I've wrecked my taste buds with cwes and have never had a gag reflex ... Well I guess I must have one or Id be technically dead

In Scandinavia they have these sweets that are actually made from loo cleaner😠they are all crazy about them 😕

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Loo cleaner? Gross! Why?

I've usually using 2 - 2.5 gms every 6 hours, just a maintenance dose for me. Right now the main focus for me is tapering off the V, and then attacking the Kratom. I don't even get a buzz from the dosage I'm using of the Kratom but it does help as I taper from the prednisone and the di@zep@m. I should be off the prednisone soon and that will take a lot of the anxiety away.

However I just got a pound of some red stem Bali and I did about 5 grams just to see how it was and I really enjoyed it. Like you said when I was doing 8 grams every 6 hours (32 grams a day), it just sort of peaked for me and wasn't fun any longer, and that's when I started to slow down considerably.

So I do buy bulk Kratom but it's only because I know tapering off the Benz is going to be a long process and the Kratom helps quite a bit for some reason. Takes some of the edge off. I don't know why, I know it's great for tapering off opiates but it does help me for a lot of other things.
Way 2old.....thank you ao much for your last two posts! You just helped me a great deal! I am pretty new to the consistent and regular use of kratom and you gave me clarity by aharing your story. Xoxo.

I've usually using 2 - 2.5 gms every 6 hours, just a maintenance dose for me. Right now the main focus for me is tapering off the V, and then attacking the Kratom. I don't even get a buzz from the dosage I'm using of the Kratom but it does help as I taper from the prednisone and the di@zep@m. I should be off the prednisone soon and that will take a lot of the anxiety away.

However I just got a pound of some red stem Bali and I did about 5 grams just to see how it was and I really enjoyed it. Like you said when I was doing 8 grams every 6 hours (32 grams a day), it just sort of peaked for me and wasn't fun any longer, and that's when I started to slow down considerably.

So I do buy bulk Kratom but it's only because I know tapering off the Benz is going to be a long process and the Kratom helps quite a bit for some reason. Takes some of the edge off. I don't know why, I know it's great for tapering off opiates but it does help me for a lot of other things.
I totally think kratom helps with "other stuff" also! I've got GAD which I over treated with benzos. I found kratom while WD from a multi year habit and haven't looked back. I do not get the buzz/u4E-ah that I got when I discovered kratom but it does help the anxiety.
I also buy in bulk/less expensive kratom sometimes... what I refer to as commercial grade. I honestly don't know if there is a correlation between price and quality. Wouldn't it be "funny" if we found out every vendor uses the same source and it doesn't matter if we pay $125/kilo or $250/kilo? I would think there must be some crossover in sources but I don't know for sure.

To me, the great thing about kratom is that it self regulates to some degree. Take too much? Get ready to puke! (Gross, I know!). In my case, with a pretty good tolerance to it, taking too much just makes me feel yuck. I think you are fine with such a low dose and wouldn't push myself to taper off until you know you are over the Benz taper. I know I'm not going to worry about my kratom use. I am at total peace with the fact I use kratom. There is not one area in my life that is suffering because I use kratom and I think "most" people using it would say the same.

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Cat, I broke my arm/elbow in 2013 after I fell on some freshly waxed floors. My elbow was pushed up into my tricep. It took 2 days in the hospital and a plate/7 screws and 12 weeks of HARD PT but I got full range of motion back. I can "almost straighten my arm though can tell when the weather is going to change. /default_smile.png. All of that to say you .CAN work hard and make MUCH progress. I was determined not to let the injury keep me from doing the things I to do! The only thing I can do are push-ups and yoga. Show that doc you will be able to raise that arm! PT will hurt but it is so worth it!!
@Cat would you please pm the name of where you order your kratom. I would like to try it. My usual store doesn't carry that strain. Thank You!

Happypup, there are lots of vendors we have mentioned on forum that are good... Sacred Plant Life; Kratom Warehouse; Herbal Cafe; Dayak; and kratom-k are all good vendors.

@Cat would you please pm the name of where you order your kratom. I would like to try it. My usual store doesn't carry that strain. Thank You!
The kick ass red vein borneo i have now is from Sacred Plant life. These are all legal sites with legal items (in MOSTstates) so we mention vendors in the thread. I have tried many but Sacred Plant has th strongest of all for me. Plus very quick shipping and for every three oz you purchase, you get a half oz free. They do NOT automatically send samples, tho. Good luck!

I LOVE your user name! Xoxo

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: @porkandbeansboy that is a fact.
  2. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  3. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  4. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  6. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  7. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  8. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  9. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  10. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  11. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  12. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  13. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  14. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  15. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!
  16. K @ knofflebon: Mornin. Came across something pretty interesting in the news. Try searching the name J0@nne Seg0vi@
  17. L @ Lookyloo: Yesterday people couldn’t even get out of town due to gas shortages and gridlocked traffic, it’s gonna be rough I’d imagine. I hate to imagine the homeless and those without a way out or shelter.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: i would hope people aren't taking it lightly considering the tampa mayor literally said if you don't leave you're going to die
  19. B @ bigblueallda: I went through Katrina. Please if you live in the Florida panhandle do not take this lightly. My town was devastated. We were without power for 3 weeks. So be prepared. And prayers up!
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: I hope everyone affected by these hurricanes is safe. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers for safety.