Kratom Discussion

I ordered early Tuesday and got it today. It almost always comes in two days. And I'm clear across the US from them. I think their cutoff for same day shipping is 1 pm est. They actually never send me free samples but I've heard other people say they have gotten them. I usually have to pay for mine. But I never ask either so I'm sure they'll hook you up. They are the nicest people!

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The service has been GREAT so far! My package is due to be delivered Saturday, not Monday! SO excited. I am in SO much pain. They literally shipped the package within an hour of me ordering! Tn and everything!

The service has been GREAT so far! My package is due to be delivered Saturday, not Monday! SO excited. I am in SO much pain. They literally shipped the package within an hour of me ordering! Tn and everything!
They are on it with getting orders out. And I feel ya on the pain. I ran super low yesterday and I was freaking out. I get HORRIBLE withdrawals when I don't take it. I was skimping on it on Tuesday night and I had an awful night! I had bad anxiety and was super achy. And that doesn't even include my nerve pain. So yesterday I broke down and went to the smoke shop and bought 2.5 ounces of Bali. It was almost $50! That disgusted me but I was desperate. It wasn't the best but it did get rid of the withdrawals. I need to ensure I don't run out again cause that is such a huge waste of money for crap.

Can't wait to hear your review!

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So... How was the Super big red?

Hope it's amazing.

& will be better then the regular big red

Gotta update us. :)

Cant wait for the super update /default_smile.png

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I wish it was here now. I dont have the financial means to run out to a head shop. I quit my job to finish school faster. My order is supposed to arrive tomorrow so it wont be too bad.. I had a BAD night....i had RLS SOOOOOOO bad, i think I ate three bananas and it didnt touch it. I kicked everyone (2 large dogs, one man) trying to sleep. It brought flashbacks of tram withdrawals which was not a happy thing. Finally tood a unisom and went to sleep for a few fitful hours. I am crabby and very slow moving today. I cant beleive how much kratom really helps. I am gonna hit the Aleve. I was gonna take a PK (which i am grateful to have) but I think I will take this icky opportunity to reset my tolerance.

Peace ladies! You KNOW i will keep you informed.

I wish it was here now. I dont have the financial means to run out to a head shop. I quit my job to finish school faster. My order is supposed to arrive tomorrow so it wont be too bad.. I had a BAD night....i had RLS SOOOOOOO bad, i think I ate three bananas and it didnt touch it. I kicked everyone (2 large dogs, one man) trying to sleep. It brought flashbacks of tram withdrawals which was not a happy thing. Finally tood a unisom and went to sleep for a few fitful hours. I am crabby and very slow moving today. I cant beleive how much kratom really helps. I am gonna hit the Aleve. I was gonna take a PK (which i am grateful to have) but I think I will take this icky opportunity to reset my tolerance.

Peace ladies! You KNOW i will keep you informed.
So sorry Cat! I totally know what you're going through. When people say they don't get withdrawals from kratom, it makes zero sense to me cause I most definitely do! This will be great for resetting your tolerance and it's good that you have the pk's if it gets too unbearable! I hope your mail delivery comes earlier than mine. I hate waiting until 2:30!

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I have some kava coming today...prolly in about half an hour. Man, Amazon prime is SO worth it! Free two day shipping and only three bucks for overnight. Plus, you get more shows to watch than even netflix! I would highly recommend it to everyone who orders from Amazon. One pound of good kava......27.00. That is a LOT, it does have a much coarser grind than our better shops do, but i just pop it in the blender with something with fat. Then strain after. Almond milk is a great potentiator and extractant (is that even a word?) for the feel- good kavalactones! I let it sit and steep in the milk about twenty menutes before blending too. Triples the effectiveness for me.mi am pasting this into the kava thread too. Also, reuse your strainings twice or sometimes even three will able to tell by the taste and the tongue numbing effect if the strained mixture is any good.

Ohhhh score! I have some lovely unwashed "poopy seeds" (hehe) here too! Left over from the days of tramdrawals.

I have some kava coming today...prolly in about half an hour. Man, Amazon prime is SO worth it! Free two day shipping and only three bucks for overnight. Plus, you get more shows to watch than even netflix! I would highly recommend it to everyone who orders from Amazon. One pound of good kava......27.00. That is a LOT, it does have a much coarser grind than our better shops do, but i just pop it in the blender with something with fat. Then strain after. Almond milk is a great potentiator and extractant (is that even a word?) for the feel- good kavalactones! I let it sit and steep in the milk about twenty menutes before blending too. Triples the effectiveness for me.mi am pasting this into the kava thread too. Also, reuse your strainings twice or sometimes even three will able to tell by the taste and the tongue numbing effect if the strained mixture is any good.

Ohhhh score! I have some lovely unwashed "poopy seeds" (hehe) here too! Left over from the days of tramdrawals.
Eep, sorry to hear you're going through some WDs right now, you've got a stronger will than me; I would not have left the PKs alone if I was in your situation. Mostly with me it's the other way round, though, kratom and PK wise. But yeah, if kratom is active at similar receptors people should more readily believe in it's potential for tolerance and withdrawal.

Still not got round to trying kava, though, interesting about the almond milk. Love dairy free milk, sweetened soya milk, mmm.

I know you're much more experienced than me in this field, but I'd maybe leave the poppy seeds. Like you said, it seems like a good opportunity to reset tolerance and Poppy seeds might actually increase it, if they have any trace amount of m*rph!ne still with them, that is.

Stick with it, when your kratom arrives, just think of that ecstasy. =) sometimes I do think that people who don't take things are missing out, one of the best things is waiting for and receiving a package, then I remember all the baggage chemical use brings, and...meh...

We will see. The kava will behere shortly. Hopefully it will take away these aches. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr..............

When encapsulating more than one type, is it fairly easy to tell which is which? I'm not sure how distinct looking the different powders are. Am wondering if anyone uses multiple types in capsules and has tips or tricks to help with identification. Cause I am bound to mix these suckers up sooner rather than later  /default_blush.gif 

I was thinking of adding a bit of colored sugar to each different kind of capsule, but am not sure that will work since regular sugar is so coarse. Also sugar will absorb humidity from the air and probably degrade the quality more quickly.

Then it occurred to me that turmeric is a good supplement by itself and its yellow coloring would definitely help me to identify a specific type of kratom pretty readily. 

Surely I'll figure out some other similar spices that would help, but wanted to check and see if anyone has suggestions.

Thanks  /default_smile.png 

When encapsulating more than one type, is it fairly easy to tell which is which? I'm not sure how distinct looking the different powders are. Am wondering if anyone uses multiple types in capsules and has tips or tricks to help with identification. Cause I am bound to mix these suckers up sooner rather than later /default_blush.gif

I was thinking of adding a bit of colored sugar to each different kind of capsule, but am not sure that will work since regular sugar is so coarse. Also sugar will absorb humidity from the air and probably degrade the quality more quickly.

Then it occurred to me that turmeric is a good supplement by itself and its yellow coloring would definitely help me to identify a specific type of kratom pretty readily.

Surely I'll figure out some other similar spices that would help, but wanted to check and see if anyone has suggestions.

Thanks /default_smile.png
I've found that most strains are green. It confused me at first because I figured reds should be red and so on. That's a good idea to mix turmeric in with a certain strain to help identify it. Black pepper is supposed to be another good potentiator so there's another idea. I can say with almost absolute certainty that the capsules will be very hard to tell apart otherwise. Or maybe you could encapsulate one strain and then put it in a bottle and label it and do all of them like that? Good luck with this endeavor!

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Oh I didn't think about potentiators! What a great idea, thanks Teal  /default_smile.png 

With me, it's inevitable that I'll throw a few of each in a bottle for travel or just to have in my purse. I do with it with supplements all the time... So yup, being able to tell them apart is essential. 

I've never tried turmeric or black pepper as potentiators but mixing them in with the kratom in the capsules would be a great idea. Too bad I don't like capsules. It just doesn't seem to work for me and it upsets my tummy. I'm also impatient so toss and wash is the only way I do it. It's fast and effective although slightly unpleasant. I think I might try getting some veggie caps and poking holes in them before taking them. Plus I heard you need to drink something warm when you take them. I need to give it another go. It's just so much more convenient if I'm traveling.

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I wish it was here now. I dont have the financial means to run out to a head shop. I quit my job to finish school faster. My order is supposed to arrive tomorrow so it wont be too bad.. I had a BAD night....i had RLS SOOOOOOO bad, i think I ate three bananas and it didnt touch it. I kicked everyone (2 large dogs, one man) trying to sleep. It brought flashbacks of tram withdrawals which was not a happy thing. Finally tood a unisom and went to sleep for a few fitful hours. I am crabby and very slow moving today. I cant beleive how much kratom really helps. I am gonna hit the Aleve. I was gonna take a PK (which i am grateful to have) but I think I will take this icky opportunity to reset my tolerance.

Peace ladies! You KNOW i will keep you informed.
Feel for you Cat, RLS is the worst and I hope you get some help soon. Lots of hugs to help carry you through. :) package arrived yesterday from dayak. I now have a new favorite strain. Red Kali! Loooooooooooove the stuff. It seems to somehow be less sedating than the borneo. I mean I got all of the anti anxiety properties of a red, but I was so happily up and about my business, if that makes sense! Took the little one to see Cinderella yesterday, and I almost always fall asleep in the movie theateres when I have had kratom....but I didnt. Could have been that I ate my weight in skittles too! Pain was all gone and mood was lifted.

But, here is the thing.....

So I told them when I ordered that I was a mod in a forum, and gave them the web addy. I told them that they had been highly recommended by Teal, and invited them to check out the website. I dont usually do this. I dont like to look like I am trying to get something for free and mooching, .know what I mean? I do have some! I asked that if they normally send samples, (like most places do) could they please send the Red Borneo. And they did. They also sent samples of S. red, Gold, Red Indo and Green Supreme! FIVE SAMPLES! They look like 5-7 g each. I am thinking that maybe they visited the site and they like the idea. I am not sure how to proceed but this may be a good vendor to try and arrange a discount for DBG members. I mean, it would benefit them.....we h ave fourteen thousand members! Any suggestions on how to approach this with them would be appreciated. I mean even a five percent discount would be awesome! It adds up if you are a regular user. I know it would help me. I am po!

Also, I have not discussed this with Admin...and it is kind of unprecedented as far as I know. I just want to make sure it is all right with him before I proceed. I think with kratom vendors.....since it is legal, we could strongly suggest a vendor without being perceived as "shilling".

Teal, thank you for the great vendor! I tried so far the Red Borneo and the Red Kali both of which are great. Xoxoxoxoxox girl! Hav you tried any of theq strains that I mentioned yet?

Last edited: package arrived yesterday from dayak. I now have a new favorite strain. Red Kali! Loooooooooooove the stuff. It seems to somehow be less sedating than the borneo. I mean I got all of the anti anxiety properties of a red, but I was so happily up and about my business, if that makes sense! Took the little one to see Cinderella yesterday, and I almost always fall asleep in the movie theateres when I have had kratom....but I didnt. Could have been that I ate my weight in skittles too! Pain was all gone and mood was lifted.

But, here is the thing.....

So I told them when I ordered that I was a mod in a forum, and gave them the web addy. I told them that they had been highly recommended by Teal, and invited them to check out the website. I dont usually do this. I dont like to look like I am trying to get something for free and mooching, .know what I mean? I do have some! I asked that if they normally send samples, (like most places do) could they please send the Red Borneo. And they did. They also sent samples of S. red, Gold, Red Indo and Green Supreme! FIVE SAMPLES! They look like 5-7 g each. I am thinking that maybe they visited the site and they like the idea. I am not sure how to proceed but this may be a good vendor to try and arrange a discount for DBG members. I mean, it would benefit them.....we h ave fourteen thousand members! Any suggestions on how to approach this with them would be appreciated. I mean even a five percent discount would be awesome! It adds up if you are a regular user. I know it would help me. I am po!

Also, I have not discussed this with Admin...and it is kind of unprecedented as far as I know. I just want to make sure it is all right with him before I proceed. I think with kratom vendors.....since it is legal, we could strongly suggest a vendor without being perceived as "shilling".

Teal, thank you for the great vendor! I tried so far the Red Borneo and the Red Kali both of which are great. Xoxoxoxoxox girl! Hav you tried any of theq strains that I mentioned yet?
I'm so excited that you're happy with your order! I think it would be a great idea if they were a recommended vendor. Veronika, the owner is great! It was her and her husband Dereck running the show but he stepped down for some reason. She's a superstar running it alone!

I've had all the strains you mentioned! My favorite was red Borneo but I've since become a fan of kali and bentuangie. I just got some gold and indo and I'm not sure what I think of either yet. Just recently tried the green Borneo, great energy but maybe a little too much. I started getting a little anxious. I might try mixing it with the red Borneo so it's less sedating. The super red is amazing! It's 50% extract and 50% plain leaf. And you can tell! I haven't tried the green supreme but I do have a 15 oz sample here. I'll let ya know how it goes when I try it.

Just yay to your whole post, it makes me happy!

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I have some kava coming today...prolly in about half an hour. Man, Amazon prime is SO worth it! Free two day shipping and only three bucks for overnight. Plus, you get more shows to watch than even netflix! I would highly recommend it to everyone who orders from Amazon. One pound of good kava......27.00. That is a LOT, it does have a much coarser grind than our better shops do, but i just pop it in the blender with something with fat. Then strain after. Almond milk is a great potentiator and extractant (is that even a word?) for the feel- good kavalactones! I let it sit and steep in the milk about twenty menutes before blending too. Triples the effectiveness for me.mi am pasting this into the kava thread too. Also, reuse your strainings twice or sometimes even three will able to tell by the taste and the tongue numbing effect if the strained mixture is any good.

Ohhhh score! I have some lovely unwashed "poopy seeds" (hehe) here too! Left over from the days of tramdrawals.
I've got Amazon Prime Cat, and I love it...I buy from Amazon all the time, and the Free 2 day shipping kicks ass! I even get deliveries on Sundays! I bought the firestick too, and am digging that as well.

I've never tried Kava, but am thinking about it..Which vendor do you use? What are the effects of Kava? (I guess I could google it, or go to the thread,but would rather hear from a pro /default_wink.png)

I've got Amazon Prime Cat, and I love it...I buy from Amazon all the time, and the Free 2 day shipping kicks ass! I even get deliveries on Sundays! I bought the firestick too, and am digging that as well.

I've never tried Kava, but am thinking about it..Which vendor do you use? What are the effects of Kava? (I guess I could google it, or go to the thread,but would rather hear from a pro /default_wink.png)
I will send you the info YB......

Kava,for me, is exactly like zanny. Without (for me) the urge to take 100 more...:)

I will send you the info YB......

Kava,for me, is exactly like zanny. Without (for me) the urge to take 100 more... /default_smile.png
Ahh..I see..Zannies make me tired, and I only take one at night for good sleep..I'm looking more along the lines of something for energy..It doesn't sound like Kava is the ticket? (at least for me)

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: @porkandbeansboy that is a fact.
  2. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  3. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  4. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  6. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  7. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  8. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  9. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  10. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  11. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  12. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  13. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  14. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  15. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!
  16. K @ knofflebon: Mornin. Came across something pretty interesting in the news. Try searching the name J0@nne Seg0vi@
  17. L @ Lookyloo: Yesterday people couldn’t even get out of town due to gas shortages and gridlocked traffic, it’s gonna be rough I’d imagine. I hate to imagine the homeless and those without a way out or shelter.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: i would hope people aren't taking it lightly considering the tampa mayor literally said if you don't leave you're going to die
  19. B @ bigblueallda: I went through Katrina. Please if you live in the Florida panhandle do not take this lightly. My town was devastated. We were without power for 3 weeks. So be prepared. And prayers up!
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: I hope everyone affected by these hurricanes is safe. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers for safety.