Kratom Discussion

Hi all...looking for some help on what dosing to start with, I have a few maeng da caps and am a total krat newbie...have about a 120mg ohsee tolerance, wish to achieve comparable level of pain relief,  relaxation,  and of course euphoria would be wonderful. ?.any feedback greatly appreciated...thanks /default_huh.png

I have tried Kratom. I really like it but not to use everyday. I have two local head shops that sell it and they both have great prices and product so that is where I always buy mine from. I prefer the Maeng Da and Red Bali myself and every once in awhile I will get the Silver Series Extract (it's really potent and expensive). I prefer the toss and wash method of taking it with OJ.  Kratom works different for each person, so it's hard to recommend a dosage for someone, but I usually take about 10 grams at a time. 

I copied this recommended dosage use off of this website:

The doses below are for regular Kratom powder and NOT enhanced Kratom or Extract:

  • 2 - 4 grams = mild effects (Stimulant Effects)
  • 4 - 6 grams = medium effects (Stimulant Effects or Sedative / Analgesic Effects)
  • 6 - 8 grams = strong effects (Sedative / Analgesic Effects; Too strong for most people)
  • 8 grams or Higher = very strong effects (Sedative / Analgesic Effects; NOT RECOMMENDED)
Hi everyone, I hope you all are having a good day. I have a quick question. I placed an order for some samples and one of them is Super Indo White. Would this strain be good for energy as well as a stimulant (ADD is a factor in the person who wants to try it) without the sedative or wobbles that come with the red and green variety's? He is a lightweight so i figure a gram or two would be enough to try him on but wanted to be sure that he would still be able to do his normal day to day activities on it.

Thanks in advance for any advice or replies. If all goes well i will have him give me a review of it :D

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Does anyone know if Kratom can be detected by a pain clinic UA or blood test? Has anyone out there ever told their pain docs that they are supplementing?

Does anyone know if Kratom can be detected by a pain clinic UA or blood test? Has anyone out there ever told their pain docs that they are supplementing?
Sorry sir this question belongs in the "Stupidest Questions Thread" jk, I'd never tell a pain Dr I was supplementing that might get you dropped. I know Kratom contains some of the same metabolites I think they call em as opi@t3s so it is detectable in certain invasive drug screens. Kratom isn't illegal except 1 state so I doubt they would bother testing for it.  

Hi everyone, I hope you all are having a good day. I have a quick question. I placed an order for some samples and one of them is Super Indo White. Would this strain be good for energy as well as a stimulant (ADD is a factor in the person who wants to try it) without the sedative or wobbles that come with the red and green variety's? He is a lightweight so i figure a gram or two would be enough to try him on but wanted to be sure that he would still be able to do his normal day to day activities on it.

Thanks in advance for any advice or replies. If all goes well i will have him give me a review of it :D
Red vein is more sedating as we know and Green Vein is more stimulating so it should help one focus more. Maeng Da green seems to have a nice kick to it, mix it in some premo coffee and your all ? wired. I used to like Maeng da green in the morning and red vein leaf in the PM, hit up kwik Kr@tom they got the best green vein Maeng da I ever tried and cheapest vendor online. It definitely gets you "focused" in the morning.

I was told if you heat whatever liquid you're using and then stir it in, (make tea) it mixes WAY better. Even just fairly warm. Sorry if this is a repeat. ✌?️

I had a very interesting and wholly unexpected |{rat0m experience last night. Having never read of similar experiences from other users, I would like to know if anyone has ever had an experience even remotely similar to mine. What I am speaking of might fall under the heading "plant spirits" or "entity contact", or "delusion" if you prefer.  

It was certainly not something I expected on k + herb - even the 25% TCH nugs I was smoking last night (yay PNW). I do get wispy OEV and rich CEV on this type of high-quality MJ but nothing like I describe below. (OEV/CEV = Open/Closed Eye Visuals). Recap:

Now, I have had "entity contact" on a number of classic psychedelics. My interpretations after the fact have ranged from "fascinating fantasy" to "wow those things were real!". Last night however I had an unusual experience on k and herb. I had downed a good 6-7 grams from Dan (the best I have ever tried by far) an hour or two before getting in bed, and had a couple of legal puffs. 

I started reading once in bed, was not close to sleep at all, and was very into my novel. (Forging Zero, sci-fi). I started seeing something waving in the corner of my eye, though I knew it was not "real". Upon closing my eyes it seemed a woman was trying to get my attention. As i focused, eyes closed, she clarified into a visage almost as plain as day. She was wearing some colorful but unfamiliar garb, was middle-aged, and darkly complected - not black but like a really tanned southeast Asian (yeah, I know . . . ).

I started feeling an influx of somewhat generic, but meaningful and applicable (and wordless) "advice" pertaining to some things in my life and changes/plans coming in the next couple of months. It wound down and she was just looking at me expectantly. Finally I conveyed an "OK" or closer to "I think I understand". She nodded, turned away and started walking/fading out of sight. 

I don't make any claim as to a source from outside of my own subconscious, but it sure did feel that way. There is no chance I was asleep, and though pleasantly buzzed I felt very much in control and in a normal state of mind. In a different context this would not have been that unusual but as it was I was completely taken by surprise. I was not remotely in this mindset when it intruded upon me. It was very much a positive experience though.

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I'm wondering if anyone here has had hallucinations on kratom. I'm having very fleeting ones that are of common & I assume remembered things like seeing my dog on the couch when she wasn't there. I'm also on a very small dose--3 double O caps of green taken twice today--I think about 1.5-2 g. per dose. I am also taking tr@ms (250 mg during the course of the day), so I was wondering if it was an interaction possibly relating to serotonin. It's not bad, just unexpected.

Interesting to read about these hallucinations...the only time I've had similar experiences on op!@tes is when I first started and had way too much, even then it was only minor...

I think mixing herb into it might cause something... I haven't smoked it for about 18 months, but it can be mildly psychedelic...I think...

But with your experience Biteme, I'm really at a loss...when I took tr@m I never noticed anything, and I mixed the two very frequently...I don't think serotonin is an issue, as I don't think Kr@to m works on it...I feel dodgy saying that, as I know serotonin syndrome can be unpredictable, not to mention dangerous, so proceed with caution if you suspect it. If you can get away with lowering the tr@m dose, even by just 50mg, that might be worth thinking of...

Interesting to read about these hallucinations...the only time I've had similar experiences on op!@tes is when I first started and had way too much, even then it was only minor...

I think mixing herb into it might cause something... I haven't smoked it for about 18 months, but it can be mildly psychedelic...I think...

But with your experience Biteme, I'm really at a loss...when I took tr@m I never noticed anything, and I mixed the two very frequently...I don't think serotonin is an issue, as I don't think Kr@to m works on it...I feel dodgy saying that, as I know serotonin syndrome can be unpredictable, not to mention dangerous, so proceed with caution if you suspect it. If you can get away with lowering the tr@m dose, even by just 50mg, that might be worth thinking of...
I've had a mild serotonin syndrome response before & this wasn't it--that was more like a panic attack, although panic attacks are caused by serotonin depletion. I don't know what the mechanism of action is for kratom & if it binds to receptors other than opioid ones. I do know that some hallucinogens act on serotonin receptors & I believe serotonin is heavily involved in dream creation. That wasn't a large does of Tr@m for me. The day before I was using something that increased gaba availability along with a gaba supplement & it's also possible that there was a rebound effect from that--after artificially elevating it my levels may have dropped or else remained high, both low & high gaba have been associated with mental illnesses that cause hallucination. I'll see if it happens again under similar circumstances.

Interesting to read about these hallucinations...the only time I've had similar experiences on op!@tes is when I first started and had way too much, even then it was only minor...

I think mixing herb into it might cause something... I haven't smoked it for about 18 months, but it can be mildly psychedelic...I think...

But with your experience Biteme, I'm really at a loss...when I took tr@m I never noticed anything, and I mixed the two very frequently...I don't think serotonin is an issue, as I don't think Kr@to m works on it...I feel dodgy saying that, as I know serotonin syndrome can be unpredictable, not to mention dangerous, so proceed with caution if you suspect it. If you can get away with lowering the tr@m dose, even by just 50mg, that might be worth thinking of...

Meep. =) I'm always lurking and posting in about one thread a's about the same frequency as my participation in real life conversations. Eep. =/

I've had a mild serotonin syndrome response before & this wasn't it--that was more like a panic attack, although panic attacks are caused by serotonin depletion. I don't know what the mechanism of action is for kratom & if it binds to receptors other than opioid ones. I do know that some hallucinogens act on serotonin receptors & I believe serotonin is heavily involved in dream creation. That wasn't a large does of Tr@m for me. The day before I was using something that increased gaba availability along with a gaba supplement & it's also possible that there was a rebound effect from that--after artificially elevating it my levels may have dropped or else remained high, both low & high gaba have been associated with mental illnesses that cause hallucination. I'll see if it happens again under similar circumstances.
Yeah, I guess it's always worth remembering that we don't know all the alkaloids responsible for kratom's effects - they're still arguing over the alkaloid responsible for kratom's main effects, as far as I know... keep yourself safe, though.

Does anyone know if Kratom can be detected by a pain clinic UA or blood test? Has anyone out there ever told their pain docs that they are supplementing?
no Kratom CANNOT be detected in a panel.....a UA anyway, do your research though, things may have changed.  I took a couple of UAs and a saliva test in the last couple of months and have never been busted for kratom.  PLUS it is legal like tea.  Unless you live in TN or IN.

Has anyone experienced "Kratom Tongue" with the wash and toss approach?  I've used Kratom off/on for about a year and if I take it for more than a few days in a row my tongue turns black. ?.  I brush my tongue but it barely removes the residue, although some greenish tinged spit shows up in the sink.  I've also tried mouthwash, lozenges, drinking a full glass of water with each 1tsp scoop - and literally the only thing that helps is abstinence.  It takes two-three weeks before my tongue is pink again.  While unsightly, it doesn't have an odor or a textured feel - it's just gross to look at!   If anyone can advise on kratom tongue, and remedies to remove the unsightly discoloration, my dental hygienist would like to thank you!  ?

Thanks!!  Bloom ?
Bloom! Sweetie!!!Good ta "see" ya!  In my research, I have discovered that chewing the fresh leaves can turn the skin of the face "black" but that was always like in Thailand or Indonesia.  You are the first person that I have heard this from.  Maybe I will ask on my "kratom forum" that I belong to.

Hey Kurt Codean, I am here to finish our discussion.  didnt want to be "off topic" on the other thread.  Anyway, it offers tremendous relief from a variety of ailments but  you do need to find your correct strain and dosage.  The capsules are a waste of time and money for me, I need yo toss and wash or make tea, which wastes about one third of it.  Whenever I start someone on kratom I always start them on a small dose...a teaspoon that is a little overflowing.  You can re-dose every couple of hours until you feel something but YOU MUST GO SLOW.  Kratom can make you REALLY sick when you are trying to find your sweet spot.  My normal dose is a level tablespoon, but you can nod on the stuff once you find your dose.  I could prolly nod off of three tablespoons but I am not looking to nod.  for anxiety and depression the reds are the best.  the whites, golds and greens (especially the greens) can be quite stimulating. If anxiety and Panic are issues for you I would stay away from the greens, period.  I would recommend to go to "norxnecessary" and ask if he is giving free samples still. He sends a really nice variety of good samples.  For me, online kratom has the strongest of product and he fusions are the best.  It takes about a third of one of his red fusions to feel the same as the other reds..regularly.  I have been using kratom for about a year now, and I take monthly breaks for tolerance.  not bad wds, just some minor RLS ans some sleep issues for a couple nights.  There are other really good vendors too, like herbal cafe, but I do find them to be inconsistent occasionally.  Jan is a great vendor tho, and her prices for her quality is excellent.  ALso, check out kava kava.  There is a thread for it too.  also legal but tasted like rotten  that stuff makes you feel like you popped a couple of good zannie bars

hey @CatintheHat Glad to see you continued our discussion here. I almost forgot about this subject, but then I quickly glanced over the Kratom section and saw that you posted in the "kratom discussion recently", so I decided to read your post and sure enough my name came up. Anyway I just did a rough estimate of how much kratom I have using a teaspoon and I measured between 5 and 6 spoons, I would say that is an estimate because they weren't exactly evenly rounded spoons, some were larger in terms of volume than others. But anyway, aside from that, I have no idea what kind it is, it's pretty much a dark greenish brown powder. I took a bit last night, using the toss and wash method. I think maybe i took a teaspoon that way but i'm not sure because I poured it directly into my mouth from the bottle. I guess i can call my friend and ask him exactly what kind it was that he gave me, but before doing that I was wondering what you're supposed to feel from that stuff. Does it work on the first try or do you have to develop a 'taste' for it? I've heard that it produces opiod effects, but to my recollection I can't say that I experience much of a buzz from the stuff. But my friend has been using this stuff for the longest time, and every time I pay him a visit he keeps telling me about it and he always has a stash of it on hand. I believe he began taking it to kick his ohp8 habit. Also I recall him saying that his stuff was the best kind out there. I'm not sure what that means as I don't know the differences between different kratom brands, but I believe he believes that his stuff is the "high end" stuff if you will. Anyway I think i will take some more tonight and give it another go. Does it matter if you already have other forms of ohp8s in your system? I've been taking h1dr0c0d0ne and kodean the past few days. Will that interfere with the kratom sensation? Oh and one other thing, My friend told me that Kratom is becoming illegal, and importing it might not be possible anymore. I don't now if that is just for my state, or nation wide. Honestly I never got an intense buzz from kratom, I never even got nauseous from it. So I still don't know how this could be banned because it doesn't seem to effect me at all. My only explanation for that would be that if it takes time to develop the taste for the effects, then clearly I bypassed that. I never tried Kava Kava, but I heard that was a natural alternative to Benz0di@azepine. So it does sound interesting to say the least. Take care Cat!

It is not going to hit you over the head, but you will feel less anxiety, less pain and that opioid "energy" .  Opiates will not lessen the effects of kratom it will just enhance it.  it does not work for some people.  I was as surprised as HELL what it did for me......when I went on kratom and kratom alone, i was so proud that I wasnt downing a thousand benzos a day just to feel normal.  I know many people that have stretched their PKs and even quit...because of kratom.  I used to have a BAD habit of tramps, and even though I didnt know about kratom when I quit (was on them for two years, and I am embarrassed by my dose) but it replaced all of those good opioid feelings.  It truly is a miracle for me and many others.  You have been taking substantial doses and I think maybe you have some poor quality stuff.  Thats what you get from the head shops most of the time.  MOST of the time.  Try some good fusion or some good quality stuff from herbal cafe or online kratom (i am in no way affiliated with either of these vendors, just so ya know) and you can order small.  we have a discount for members, it is somewhere in this thread.  It is worth a try.  believe me, if it helped me, it could help anyone.

Peace and love my friend!

Kava can be purchased on Amazon, you get the best deal, even better than our kratom vendors sorry to say.  a pound for about 25 bucks.  yummmmmmmmmmmmm

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Okay I'll try to find a place where I can order kratom, so I get it from an actual vendor and not from friend, even though this friend claims that his kratom is some top notch stuff. I guess that might be a slightly biased opinion since I doubt anyone would say they have kratom but it's the worse kind on the market. Do you mean to say that Kava is better than Kratom or just that it is more affordable than kratom? I'm guessing the latter since Kava Kava is supposed to be an herbal rememdy for anxiety, or an herbal version of Benzodiazepines if you will. $25 a pound doesn't sound bad at all lol. 

there are many good vendors out there.....we have a couple tried and true ones here.  I use kratom daily so I order pretty frequently. I have been on it for just under a year and researching my ass off about for as long.

Well, now it's as good as confirmed...

In just over two months, kratom will be banned in the UK.

Wrong, unjust, cruel on every level. I'm 50% anger and 50% despair.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!