Kratom Discussion

It's true what they say about this stuff: tolerance builds quickly.  My first dose was about 4 grams, and it took me to a very nice place, and stayed with me for hours.  I started using it every day for a week. and now that same 4 grams gives me a little lift that lasts about 2 hours and then...nothing.  I'm taking a break from it this weekend.

It seems best to use this stuff, like anything else, in moderation.

ordered 9/4

arrived 9/6

Ironically, today is the first day in awhile that I have not been in pain; so, I have yet to try the kratom. I will update on quality, when I do.

Okay friends, here is my review

I took approximately 4-5 grams (2 teaspoons) of the Thai Red Vein Kratom powder, since my back was hurting. While I can definitely say it completely took my back pain away, it also made me very sedated and I experienced absolutely no euphoria. So, yes it seems to work as well as opiates for pain, but the sedation is pretty heavy. In fact I just took 2 of my 10mg addy's to try to counteract it.

The sedation is a rather weird feeling. It isn't like the usual sedative feeling you get from pk's and I must say I do not find it pleasurable. In addition, I experienced no euphoria and some increased irritability seemed to be present.

So, perhaps it is just this strain. As I am out of pain meds, I will  try the white vein that I ordered tomorrow and let you know if it was the same experience.

So, perhaps it is just this strain. As I am out of pain meds, I will  try the white vein that I ordered tomorrow and let you know if it was the same experience.
yes, please. i am curious. i never feel sedated on kratom. it doesn't do much for me now that my 0pie tolerance is pretty high- but a few years back when i took a break from 0pies- i started to really like kratom and it gave me lots of energy and motivation- no matter what strain i used. but then again- i'm one of those people who takes 0pies and starts cleaning and working my butt off as if i'm on speeeed. /default_happy.png  

i really wish i could eat some kratom and feel like i used to- but when i use it for my 0pie withdrawals- i still feel some of the 0pie wd symptoms, unfortunately. it can be a godsend though- especially if your 0opiate tolerance is low. /default_wub.png

but what i was going to say is: try a little less of the kratom. with K less=more. small doses stimulate you- higher doses are supposed to be more sedating. you may enjoy it more if you take less.

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HI Cherry:

 Funny thing happened after I posted that message. The addy's started kicking in a bit, but I was still really tired, so I took a level teaspoon of the white vein and mixed it in applesauce and at it right up. So now, I am wide awake. lol.

Obviously, since I have mixed so much this evening, I won't know much about the white vein, until I try it tomorrow sans all the other crap. however, I believe you are more than correct on the less is more with the red vein. As it turns out, I didn't realize I was using one of my 20+ year old spoons that was larger and thus I likely took 7-9 grams of the red vein, which completely explains why I was so zonked. Having said that, while the white vein coupled with the addys, did wake me up, it didn't motive me.

Much like you, I not only enjoy the pain relief, but I get a lot done when on opiates. Thus far, I have not felt either the euphoria or the increased motivation. But I must say this Kratom worked better for the pain then the 60mg of hyMo I took last night. So for that reason alone this is a winner.

I will update all of you tomorrow, when I take it. It won't be until the evening, as I need to wait until I get off work and get my MRI done.

Hope this has been helpful

So I tried a teaspoon of the white vein. For the first hour I didn't feel anything, after that I felt a very very mild euphoria and a moderate elevation in mood and motivation. However it provided no pain relief (likely due to low dose). Unfortunately, two hours or so later I am feeling very nauseous with unbelievable hot flashes and sweating. I have taken nothing else today, other than my prescribed adderal this morning. Glad I took your advice and started with a small dose.

People, the source/vendor of the Kratom makes all the difference in the world. I recommend registering an account on TheKratomForum(dot)com and ordering from one of the reputable vendors there.

People, the source/vendor of the Kratom makes all the difference in the world. I recommend registering an account on TheKratomForum(dot)com and ordering from one of the reputable vendors there.
not only that. once- i got an ounce of the best bali i'd ever had. it was so good- i took a break from my r0xies (which is saying a lot- i love those things!) and went back to the website to order more- but they were out of stock. once their stock was replenished- i ordered a much bigger supply. it wasn't nearly as good. i still use the vendor and have tried many of their strains- but either they have different suppliers and change it up every so often- or the quality just isn't consistent with these vendors.  but yeah- anyway i've been hoping to find some really, really good K again soon. /default_wink.png

Happy Friday to me.

I tried again tonight and it worked, no pain and as a bonus euphoria for days. As a note, the only meds taken today were my prescribed Cymbalta & A**er*ll IR (took 40mg today). Last dose was taken about 7 hours prior to taking the Kratom.

First, I did two level teaspoons of the white vein and waited an hour. I was feeling more alert, but no real pain benefit. Then, I realized it was late in the day and I was more awake then I wanted to be, at that time of day. So, I did one teaspoon of the red vein thai. Within 20 minutes, all pain was gone and I was comfortable without pain and feeling very much like I had taken a per*10 (elevated mood, energized, with euphoria).

The only down side, the stimulant action of the white vein has me going to the err umm bathroom ALOT (still doing that an hour later).

It feels so nice to have all that back pain go away. My back muscles are till slightly tightened (down from severe), but of course I am also hunched over a computer which might explain it.

So, here is my question. One of the unwelcomed side effects of taking my Adhd medicine is that it makes my back muscles tense up worse. However, due to the importance of attention to detail at my job, I need the A&&er&ll . Do you think taking a small dose of Kratom with my meds in the morning might work?

awesome, tburk! glad you had a better experience (minus the bathroom effects).  i know absolutely nothing about mixing adhd meds with it though- so i have no idea. i have severe anxiety issues and strong stimulants i stay far away from. 

i wanted to say that- reading this thread the past 2 days has led me to the addiction/recovery forum (for inspiration) because i'm reminded of the good old days when i got off the 0piez and replaced it with kratom & i remember how much i enjoyed the kratom when i had virtually no 0piate tolerance.  k really is an awesome plant. i've been digging myself a deeper hole these past months with the 0piez. so much that k doesn't help that much when i need it for wds. i'm seriously considering tapering off the 0piez again because my tolerance is out of control and i'm always broke and still feel a bit depressed.  i just want to go back to enjoying kratom and not being a slave to pain medz. just my thoughts.

HI cherry, what your favorite strain of Kraton ? I need something for energy boost ? I would love to have something that would give me the energy to clean my house and things I need to do. I have Chronic Fatigue, I have tried the Vitamin B-12 Shots and the diet pills with Ephedrine they will work for a little while slowly stop working.. I also have Chronic Pain I have bad back problems so that would be a plus for me. If anybody has tried something please share with me.



I just joined that forum, I will let you know if I run across any good information.

Most Thai strains tend to be quite energising. =)

Maeng Da Thai is quite popular I think. You can also mix strains and get just the right balance.

I love Kratom, yeah, it's similar to certain PKs, but it is still unique...

HI cherry, what your favorite strain of Kraton ? I need something for energy boost ? I would love to have something that would give me the energy to clean my house and things I need to do. I have Chronic Fatigue, I have tried the Vitamin B-12 Shots and the diet pills with Ephedrine they will work for a little while slowly stop working.. I also have Chronic Pain I have bad back problems so that would be a plus for me. If anybody has tried something please share with me.


green and white stains are generally more energizing. (a lot of people like green malay but it makes me dizzy) but even red strains can be energizing in small doses. my all-time favorite is bali- which is also probably the most commonly sold. bali is basically red vein- but when i was taking it regularly with little opiate tolerance- 1 1/2 to 2 small teaspoons of it would give me the energy and motivation to clean and work (if you're new to k- start lower than that).

i was a regular at speci0sa special1sts at that time- but they stopped taking cc orders. BBB and sh@man n@tion are good places, too.  i go to TKK only when i desparately need something overnight because they have the lowest overnight shipping i've seen anywhere. 

the best thing to do would be to order small amounts of different strains- so you can test them out and figure out what works best for you, individually. (and also test out which dosage agrees with you most)

Thanks for the info, I have been reading on-line about this stuff, I have got to try it. I have found some places that the other forum speaks highly of. I will take your advice and just sample some different strains.

I just place my 1st order. I don't know if I can say where I ordered from, they are out of TX. If anybody wants me to tell them about the Quality once I receive it, which should be like Wed. just PM me. I will be happy to share. I joined the K Forum read on the vender I ordered from. they had excellent reviews for me..

Meant to say that the place I ordered from had excellent reviews across the board. Believe me I read for hours before I placed my order.. I need to start reading my post back before I summit them... My bad.. Have a great day everybody. hope all is good!

I am very excited to try Kratom it sounds like something I have been looking for a long time.

BTW - just got a e-mail from my CC my order has been Authorized.  Great news because they are picky on where I order from. Looks like I am good to go. My order should ship today, it said on their we-site as long as you get the order in by 4:00 it will ship the same day. So since they are out of TX. I see no reason that I should get my order by Wed.

Placed the order at 11:30 AM my time.. Best of luck....

This place is fast, I received a TN about 30 minutes after I placed my order. Will update when I receive my love letter...

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!