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Dont want to muck up the thread, but lets just assume everything is due to the 4 letter carrier we all know is unreliable and slow as molasses this time of year. As long term members and others have said, Max always comes through, in the end. Be patient and just forget about it. Poof, one day it will be there ;)
Ordered also. I'm thinking compromised by customs at this point. Hope not.
Never have seen them pick off this many. Mail is slowed up or they aren’t being sent imo. But like I said he’s never not made things right over a long time. Happy holidays everyone and I hope everyone gets taken care of
Never have seen them pick off this many. Mail is slowed up or they aren’t being sent imo. But like I said he’s never not made things right over a long time. Happy holidays everyone and I hope everyone gets taken care of
Mine 1/2 came finally today!
coming up on about 45ish days expecting it any day now fingers crossed its before the new year....
talked to him maybe 10ish days ago...
I got the whole information about you know the war over there and the whole postal strike you guys know all of this and I ordered rice and started so I'm not even pretending like I have anything just so I can have a surprise someone told me the 22nd it was over the strike and that left the back log so was I do some math it really puts it back and you know it makes me look bad among my people because all the sudden they're doubting my word which will hurt but this is the game and we signed up for it like everybody said I like to see that some things are landing on Monday 42.
I ordered back before early October (so soon it will be going on 100 days range, too long for me, it's not what was agreed upon).. max was in communication with me for the past couple weeks about getting a refund soon if it was still being held up to unfortunately have to order from a more expensive , but in USA vendor.. he kept explaining all the reasons and problems... yes, I get it, and I believe/trust it all to be factual.. the problem is it is going into the 3 month range here and I really can't wait this long as I never have before.. we kept waiting and waiting.. finally, max promised and gave me his word that 'I would not be out any money and he would refund my purchase if my package didn't arrive in the next few days'... I told him if so, and it did end up coming whenever, I would send the money back happily... when he said he would refund me in 'few more days', I then gave it over a week.. asked him to please honor his word so I could purchase from another, then, after being in great communication with me up to that point, responding to all my emails... once it came time to refund me, of course he stops emailing me back... I know he means well and isn't trying to scam or rip anyone off, I gather that much... but it's been 3 weeks ago since he said he would refund me in a 'few days', and soon it will be totaling over 100 day mark..I keep emailing him asking him to please honor that, please don't have me make this exact post, I did not want to do this.. this is a last resort... but it's been almost 90+ days, he said he'd refund me, he's in communication no problem... then allll of the sudden, he's gone... i mean wtf... it just pisses me off that he says one thing and now it's been weeks and I'm just ghosted
I ordered back before early October (so soon it will be going on 100 days range, too long for me, it's not what was agreed upon).. max was in communication with me for the past couple weeks about getting a refund soon if it was still being held up to unfortunately have to order from a more expensive , but in USA vendor.. he kept explaining all the reasons and problems... yes, I get it, and I believe/trust it all to be factual.. the problem is it is going into the 3 month range here and I really can't wait this long as I never have before.. we kept waiting and waiting.. finally, max promised and gave me his word that 'I would not be out any money and he would refund my purchase if my package didn't arrive in the next few days'... I told him if so, and it did end up coming whenever, I would send the money back happily... when he said he would refund me in 'few more days', I then gave it over a week.. asked him to please honor his word so I could purchase from another, then, after being in great communication with me up to that point, responding to all my emails... once it came time to refund me, of course he stops emailing me back... I know he means well and isn't trying to scam or rip anyone off, I gather that much... but it's been 3 weeks ago since he said he would refund me in a 'few days', and soon it will be totaling over 100 day mark..I keep emailing him asking him to please honor that, please don't have me make this exact post, I did not want to do this.. this is a last resort... but it's been almost 90+ days, he said he'd refund me, he's in communication no problem... then allll of the sudden, he's gone... i mean wtf... it just pisses me off that he says one thing and now it's been weeks and I'm just ghosted
I can feel your pain with ordering from Max right now in fact I can feel people's pain if they're ordering internationally. No matter where it is. Max like everybody else here says as a man of his wording push it where his system will bring it to wherever you live I'm in the midwest USA and I order from Max sometimes and when I do I know that I can hope for the least and usually with everybody else I just expect the latest but with Max sometimes you got to expect the worst because of where he is and that's what you just hitting so there's all this stuff sitting out there moving and to put our stuff behind it yeah we'll get that stuff too but since you sucked him and it was a word and believe me I have something sitting out there right now for quite a while just short of yours and here's what I have to say about it is he can't control it and that's why he's got to wait on your on giving you your refund because tomorrow could be the refund in the next day could be the package you know and I know that they deal with that one with him and this time you know with freaking post office and the war in the war in the world and this is general chaos I'm hearing about people from other places stuff arriving around 60 to 80 days so max goes out and replaces always things and then you going to get the other one then 10 days later and who knows how long that refund is going to take to go across entire world with all the crap that's going on because it's not like it is unclogged and it's just running well right now so I feel your pain I really do I've got the same one pain and it hurts but we got to stick it out man Max is just being a smart business man and he's doing it all within ethical terms I think
I can feel your pain with ordering from Max right now in fact I can feel people's pain if they're ordering internationally. No matter where it is. Max like everybody else here says as a man of his wording push it where his system will bring it to wherever you live I'm in the midwest USA and I order from Max sometimes and when I do I know that I can hope for the least and usually with everybody else I just expect the latest but with Max sometimes you got to expect the worst because of where he is and that's what you just hitting so there's all this stuff sitting out there moving and to put our stuff behind it yeah we'll get that stuff too but since you sucked him and it was a word and believe me I have something sitting out there right now for quite a while just short of yours and here's what I have to say about it is he can't control it and that's why he's got to wait on your on giving you your refund because tomorrow could be the refund in the next day could be the package you know and I know that they deal with that one with him and this time you know with freaking post office and the war in the war in the world and this is general chaos I'm hearing about people from other places stuff arriving around 60 to 80 days so max goes out and replaces always things and then you going to get the other one then 10 days later and who knows how long that refund is going to take to go across entire world with all the crap that's going on because it's not like it is unclogged and it's just running well right now so I feel your pain I really do I've got the same one pain and it hurts but we got to stick it out man Max is just being a smart business man and he's doing it all within ethical terms I think
I get what your saying friend (lol you honestly seem like your a little "xanned" or something of the like by your words and way you spelled and phrased that response, no negative judgement, just observation), but when he tells me that he will refund me, and I didn't "suck him" (whatever that means haha), then that's what I expect... I don't expect someone to tell me one thing and it just be words and not honoring their WORDS with honest ACTIONS... but being a good "businessman" would be refunding me exactly when he said he would, and not stalling and stop responding to me... yes, what you're saying may be him being a good "businessman" for HIMSELF, but it is not being a good and honest businessman for THE CUSTOMER.. which that is what truly matters.. what you are sounding like by saying that is he is being a good keeping of his own money and products and looking out for himself.. that's not a good businessman that is a bad businessman actually (unless your referring to looking out for himself only)... now do not get me wrong, I DO NOT THINK NEGATIVE or anything like that about him or his business traits, but everyone makes mistakes, everyone does not always make the right decisions and choices when it comes to this, or anything.. max is great, he is an ethical and morally good person to do bussiness with and to get quality products for a GREAT price..
But as I said, I don't think he is making the right choices with me on this specific order and specific process that is going on with words promised to me, worldly affairs, and communication..
Yes, finally he has now (a day after I made this post on here, of course), responded to me regained communication with me.. though he still did not refund me... I was NOT looking for ANOTHER order of products to be sent out to me (I would not want to wait another 4 months, making it over half a year, and/or have another package lost or seized or whatever happened that it is not arriving) thinking they would come fast or something somehow.. I was looking for and PROMISED a MONETARY refund... one that is INSTANT, not sent "across the world" as you said.. I don't know what you were really talking about (why I also said you seemed a little messed up In your words and response)...

Now, Please do not take offense, and max, please don't think I believe you are bad or typically a "bad" vendor or anything of the sort...

Because MAX IS WONDERFUL with communicating (typically), has GREAT QUALITY PRODUCTS (as I have ordered and received products from him in the past), and GREAT PRICES for his high quality and accurate products...
so I am just in need of my money back and would unfortunately have to order from a vendor within the USA (for obviously WAY MORE expensive, and unknown quality and accuracy of product) to receive what I need...
if I knew it would have come to this at the current time, as why I would give his payment back to him if it ever did arrive when/if he gave me my money back... I would like to continue ordering from him in the future, which is why I would not ask for a refund unless it got seriously toooo long for logically being worth what is being paid for..

Let's see how this week goes after New Years and all this..

Peace be with everyone and I do not like posting this crap and doing this and I honestly feel bad and guilty for having to resort to anything resembling this... period

Thanks for listening/reading to all who did =}

It will all work out one way or the other I am sure.. I really have faith and hope that max ends up being an honorable man towards me and in this specific order/situation of mine and referring to my situation only (as max IS TRULY/TYPICALLY exactly that, honorable)

P.S. I am in the USA MidWest EXACTLY as you are buddy lol
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I get what your saying friend (lol you honestly seem like your a little "xanned" or something of the like by your words and way you spelled and phrased that response, no negative judgement, just observation), but when he tells me that he will refund me, and I didn't "suck him" (whatever that means haha), then that's what I expect... I don't expect someone to tell me one thing and it just be words and not honoring their WORDS with honest ACTIONS... but being a good "businessman" would be refunding me exactly when he said he would, and not stalling and stop responding to me... yes, what you're saying may be him being a good "businessman" for HIMSELF, but it is not being a good and honest businessman for THE CUSTOMER.. which that is what truly matters.. what you are sounding like by saying that is he is being a good keeping of his own money and products and looking out for himself.. that's not a good businessman that is a bad businessman actually (unless your referring to looking out for himself only)... now do not get me wrong, I DO NOT THINK NEGATIVE or anything like that about him or his business traits, but everyone makes mistakes, everyone does not always make the right decisions and choices when it comes to this, or anything.. max is great, he is an ethical and morally good person to do bussiness with and to get quality products for a GREAT price(s), but as I said.. I don't think he is making the right choices with me on this specific order and specific process that is going on with words promised to me, worldly affairs, and communication.. he has now (a day after I made the post on here, of course), responded to me and become back in communication with me.. though he still did not refund me... I was not looking for ANOTHER order of products to be sent out to me thinking they would come, I was looking for and PROMISED a monetary refund, one that is INSTANT, not sent "across the world" as you said, I don't know what you were really talking about (why I also said you were messed up In your words and statement/response)... please don't take offense, and max please don't think I believe you are bad or typically a "bad" vendor or anything of the sort...

Because MAX IS WONDERFUL with communicating (typically), has GREAT QUALITY PRODUCTS (as I have ordered and received products from him in the past), and GREAT PRICES for his high and accurate products... so I am just in need and would have ordered elsewhere if I knew it would have come to this at the current time, as why I would give his payment back to him if it ever did arrive when/if he gave me my money back... I would like yo continue ordering from him in the future, which is why I would not ask for a refund unless it got seriously toooo long for logically being worth what is being paid for..

Let's see how this week goes after New Years and al this..

Peace be with everyone and I do not like doing this and I honestly feel bad and guilty for having to resort to anything resembling this, period :/

Thanks for listening all who did =}

It will all work out one way or the other I am sure.. I really have faith and hope that he is an honorable man towards me and this specific order/process of mine and referring to my situation only...

P.S. I am in the USA MidWest EXACTLY as you are buddy lol
I was trying to relate with you not make you even more upset
Peace to you and hope we both get what's coming
I was trying to relate with you not make you even more upset
Peace to you and hope we both get what's coming
No I get you man... I'm sorry if it seemed like I was upset or aggravated... I was not...
I thank you for wishing me the best, I hope you get yours as well friend!

Have a great night and new year! (If you have not already celebrated it from where you are located)...

I totally understand, brother, but really respect you keeping Max‘s name, Kleen, I don’t believe any of this fall, and I’ve only ordered from him five times or so, but they’ve all landed eventually, except one I’m still waiting one for about two or three months. Half of it landed last week. I would think the other half would be right behind it but hopefully Tuesday….
I think the problem happened when the mail got backed up at the post office in his area and now those guys are just sending out stuff randomly and not by any kind of order such as the oldest mail sent first ect... In fact, it may be just the opposite. The most recent may be getting sent first. I think it will all land though
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!