Opiate Use

Hey Revenger!

Each to their own, but I think there are certain limits you should set yourself?...

I , like Pixie, have personally witnessed a lot of good friends go down the shitter (pardon the pun), due to experimenting with suppositories etc.... Before they knew it, the 'buzz' just wasn't enough anymore and they started mainlining 'H'.. 3 out of 6 are still alive, 2 died of OD's and 1 died after coming off the 'H' from a Me7had@ne OD... The other 3 are now full time junkies, scraping around for their next fix...

For most people, I don't believe that this is the next evolutionary step from inserting PK's up your arse, but from what I have read, you do sound like you have a very addictive personality?...

Just saying is all...

I have a personal golden rule regarding pharmaceuticals:

No needles!... If you can't swallow it, smoke it, or snort it, then it's not for me!

Hope you are doing well anyhows : )


Deleted post as that was probably the worst advice I've ever given and possibly violates the TOS.

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Hey Revenger!

Each to their own, but I think there are certain limits you should set yourself?...

I , like Pixie, have personally witnessed a lot of good friends go down the shitter (pardon the pun), due to experimenting with suppositories etc.... Before they knew it, the 'buzz' just wasn't enough anymore and they started mainlining 'H'.. 3 out of 6 are still alive, 2 died of OD's and 1 died after coming off the 'H' from a Me7had@ne OD... The other 3 are now full time junkies, scraping around for their next fix...

For most people, I don't believe that this is the next evolutionary step from inserting PK's up your arse, but from what I have read, you do sound like you have a very addictive personality?...

Just saying is all...

I have a personal golden rule regarding pharmaceuticals:

No needles!... If you can't swallow it, smoke it, or snort it, then it's not for me!

Hope you are doing well anyhows : )

Same except no snorting and m3th and cr@ck are off the smokeable list.
Hey Revenger!

Each to their own, but I think there are certain limits you should set yourself?...

I , like Pixie, have personally witnessed a lot of good friends go down the shitter (pardon the pun), due to experimenting with suppositories etc.... Before they knew it, the 'buzz' just wasn't enough anymore and they started mainlining 'H'.. 3 out of 6 are still alive, 2 died of OD's and 1 died after coming off the 'H' from a Me7had@ne OD... The other 3 are now full time junkies, scraping around for their next fix...

For most people, I don't believe that this is the next evolutionary step from inserting PK's up your arse, but from what I have read, you do sound like you have a very addictive personality?...

Just saying is all...

I have a personal golden rule regarding pharmaceuticals:

No needles!... If you can't swallow it, smoke it, or snort it, then it's not for me!

Hope you are doing well anyhows : )

I'm glad you gave this advice. @Revenger, you seem to be alot of much fun; intelligent; mom and wife... You seem to have everything you could want in your life right now. Yet, the mindset and plan you are on is scary. I do not want to sound harsh or judgemental. I know first hand how addiction lies and steals until virtually nothing and no one is left. Why would you risk all you have because you are bored? This sounds preachy and I don't mean it be... We all know in the end, people do what they want to do. Yet, I feel compelled to tell you to stop. Stop now and figure out what is the driving force behind wanting to catch the next big high. I'm not a prude and I like a buzz as much as the next person. I have bad days when I want to feel nothing. All of that is normal and okay. And it is normal and ok to sometimes medicate when we feel bad. There comes a fine line though when it is not normal and okay. I hope you don't cross it. If you do, you WILL lose everything. I promise. Take your pills (by mouth) and chill out and enjoy. Don't do anything that is guaranteed to plunge you deep into the rabbit hole.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way.

I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I don't think it's wrong to shoot h3r01n either. Honestly, morally I think what we're all doing here is the exact same thing as buying H from a dealer on a street corner. I know that'll offend some people but that's how I see things. The question for me with what to take and when is risk vs reward. You can almost never go backwards with your use. Once you start snorting it's difficult to ever go back to swallowing pills. Same with the rectal method. The bioavailability has such a wide margin that it changes your ability to process it the normal way. Even if you detox for weeks again swallowing a pill will probably never work. Then when that dose becomes normal you need an even higher bioavailability to get anywhere. It's just too much risk with almost no reward (perhaps short term but long term it'll kill your ability to feel the meds and you won't get that feeling).

I have no idea what you have access to where you are but it would be better to go up to a stronger med class and take less than what you're doing by taking so many. Your body has to process all those. If you can't go up a class, potentiate. If the antihistamines don't work I'd say smoke a j with your dose. Mj and 0pies mix beautifully. I'm not going to tell you to quit. I just don't want you to hurt yourself.

Thanks all, I appreciate the thoughts.

I can totally see that when that ROA no longer works well enough that one might progress to needles.

Will give it a lot of thought and re read your messages.

I'm in the uk and the strongest there are here (or for order) are DHC, which I was taking 40 of. I did try b3nz0s with them, but will experiment with the other antihistamines. Also ordered some Kratom /default_smile.png

MJ is out as I'm newish round here and only know mummy types. Shame /default_sad.png I used to like weed

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I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I don't think it's wrong to shoot h3r01n either. Honestly, morally I think what we're all doing here is the exact same thing as buying H from a dealer on a street corner. I know that'll offend some people but that's how I see things. The question for me with what to take and when is risk vs reward. You can almost never go backwards with your use. Once you start snorting it's difficult to ever go back to swallowing pills. Same with the rectal method. The bioavailability has such a wide margin that it changes your ability to process it the normal way. Even if you detox for weeks again swallowing a pill will probably never work. Then when that dose becomes normal you need an even higher bioavailability to get anywhere. It's just too much risk with almost no reward (perhaps short term but long term it'll kill your ability to feel the meds and you won't get that feeling).

I have no idea what you have access to where you are but it would be better to go up to a stronger med class and take less than what you're doing by taking so many. Your body has to process all those. If you can't go up a class, potentiate. If the antihistamines don't work I'd say smoke a j with your dose. Mj and 0pies mix beautifully. I'm not going to tell you to quit. I just don't want you to hurt yourself.
Although I'm not offended, I respectfully disagree. While I am sure some H addicts began as chronic pain patients many did not and simply become caught up in a cycle after experimentation. It doesn't make them BAD people.. Simply addicts. There is a bit of a difference between a h addict buying their goods off a street corner and when I went to two docs to get my binzos. At least I knew what I was getting from the local pharm. Maybe NOT so much of a difference when I procured from alternative sources...

Where there is NO difference is that we (the middle age soccer mom and the h addict) is that we are both addicts. We could not control our use. It isn't about morality. It is about the change in brain chemistry once the line is crossed. It is

a life and death issue.

Even though I've not had a script for either a binzo or a nar pain killer in years, I doubt I could let a bottle sit in my medicine cabinet to use "as needed". I feel sure I would be compelled to take every last one until they were gone. Why? Bc I am an addict. I'm recovered but I'm still at risk.

And as far as my kratom use goes, it is legal (today anyway) and at the very least, I'm a contributing member of society. I work. I socialize. I am a good mom to my grown sons. I'm not obsessed with finding my next fix. I used to be obsessed when I was addicted to p!llz but not today. I would go so far as to say kratom enhances my life as opposed to ruining it.

I just hate to see someone who is teetering on the edge take the next step towards losing everything that is good and right in her world.

In the end, it is a personal decision we have to make for ourselves.

I don't think going to the doctors is the same either. I do think me buying n@rc0tic pea kays on the internet is the same exact thing as someone else buying h on the street. Medical necessity or not doesn't matter. I'd also argue that a whole lotta dr^g addicts started using because of the horrible mistreatment of mental illnesses by the medical professionals. Either way I hate that shit where dr^ggies each act like their own DOC is okay but other people's is bad. If you're buying p1lls online you don't have a stone to throw.

From a HEALTH perspective I think there are giant differences just not from a moral perspective.

I'm not sure if you are referring to me as throwing stones as I absolutely was and do not. I am an addict, plainly said and owned. No better or worse than any other addict, active or not in their addiction.

And yes. I bought a sleep aid, legal in most states w/o a doc rx online until most domestic sources dried up so now I do use an IOP for this particular substance which many think falls under RC's. Am I justifying? Maybe. But I'm not throwing stones.

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All this chat about "not going there" is coming from care for you Revenger. Plain, simple unadulterated care. We all do what we have to do to get by. We all love you. Just be careful. Giant xies and osies!

I'm not sure if you are referring to me as throwing stones as I absolutely was and do not. I am an addict, plainly said and owned. No better or worse than any other addict, active or not in their addiction. And yes. I bought a sleep aid, legal in most states w/o a doc rx online until most domestic sources dried up so now I do use an IOP for this particular substance which many think falls under RC's. Am I justifying? Maybe. But I'm not throwing stones.
I'm not talking about you specifically, no. It's a pet peeve I have and I've mentioned it in multiple threads (hehe including the things that annoy me thread). I just want to make sure Revenger knows I am not judging her I just don't want her to risk her health. I'm no better and neither are the other people.

If you reread my post I'm specifically talking about me and n@rc0tic users. A Rocksie 30 is pretty much h with a different bioavailability and manufactured by a pharmacuetical company.

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I'm sorry if it sounds like I was yelling at you Roger. Rereading my post I see why. I went from replying to your post to my rant about the h without any sort of transition. I do disagree slightly with some of what you said and agree with most. Just was trying to say plugging it or shooting up are just different degrees of the exact same thing I do. I hate when people act like swallowing p1lls (n@rc0tics not the unscheduled stuff) is somehow morally superior to shooting up. It drives me insane how programmed people are to justify themselves and judge others. I bet Rev could plug 5 dee h seas and still have less n@rc0tic in her system than what I was using before the detox.

Same except no snorting and m3th and cr@ck are off the smokeable list.
Yes, I'm with you on the m3th and cr@ck.... That's a definite step too far for me...

I'm not a pill crusher either.... However, some of the things I indulge in, do require insufflation...

Yes, I'm with you on the m3th and cr@ck.... That's a definite step too far for me...

I'm not a pill crusher either.... However, some of the things I indulge in, do require insufflation...
Well I've never put anything up my nose but I used to lace joints with c0k3 in my wilder days as my morning "pick me up".
All this chat about "not going there" is coming from care for you Revenger. Plain, simple unadulterated care. We all do what we have to do to get by. We all love you. Just be careful. Giant xies and osies!
I know, I feel so *cared for* /default_smile.png

If you were referring to me about teetering on the edge roger (think you were) that's how I feel too... I originally came here looking for b@nz0s for a planned taper, but a few days into w/ds and I'm looking for potentiators and new ROAs : / it's not what I wanted and I scare myself sometimes when I think where people end up. I've only very recently realised I was addicted physically, it's happened so quickly and I think phrenicZ was dead right I have an addictive personality. You are saying exactly what I'd say to someone in my position, I know it's sensible and I feel happy that anyone cares enough to bother explaining that point for me so xxx to you all for that, I'm going to remain an anal virgin /default_smile.png

Nobody's ever woken up one day and decided to become a h addict, robbing from friends and sticking dirty needles into their neck. I've been sticking my head in the sand because it's so acceptable to take pills, so easy. No mess, no street corners. Pay with a cc ffs! It's easy to believe I'm a world away from that buy in reality I'm already deceiving and stealing from my husband, and considering (needle less) syringes and a whole new orifice to enter. You're all dead right and thanks for giving a toss xxx

My Kratom is here!!! See you on the thread

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Yay for Kratom!! I think most of us here know a thing or 2 about addictive personalities. I'm just like you in that 1 week I'm tapering and the next week I'm ordering. The best laid plans of mice and men. (Don't really know WTF that means).

I do believe in drawing a line that you just don't cross. I have snorted my pills on rare occasions but I will never use a needle nor will I shove them up my ass. Sure, I'm curious as to what the effects would be like but I can't imagine it would be worth losing what little shred of dignity I have left. At least when it comes to pills. I am lucky that my husband knows of my using and is not too judgmental. I'm pretty sure if he walked into the bathroom and found me with a syringe hanging out my butt, those days would be over. So let's both remain "analysis virgins" and stick to our other antics!


Thanks spell check! You got something against the word ANAL?

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!