Opiate Use

We are not defined by the drugs we take. I try to be a good person but I'm not perfect as no one is. Your character is what is important. If you're not stealing or hurting other people, if you're kind and compassionate, than what is there to be guilty about? I take drugs for legitimate medical reasons but I also take them because they make me feel good.

I don't see anything wrong with that. Stop beating yourselves up! I suppose I could feel guilty that I didn't get my carpets cleaned because I spent money on an order instead but hell, the clean carpet is not going to make me euphoric in any way. We should not be made to feel guilty because of other people's opinions.

We are not defined by the drugs we take. I try to be a good person but I'm not perfect as no one is. Your character is what is important. If you're not stealing or hurting other people, if you're kind and compassionate, than what is there to be guilty about? I take drugs for legitimate medical reasons but I also take them because they make me feel good.

I don't see anything wrong with that. Stop beating yourselves up! I suppose I could feel guilty that I didn't get my carpets cleaned because I spent money on an order instead but hell, the clean carpet is not going to make me euphoric in any way. We should not be made to feel guilty because of other people's opinions.
So so true. It would be nice if more people could think like this. But those who don't understand are too close minded to even try. That's why many of us participate in this forum. Not only for the resources but finding comfort in non judgmental conversation.

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I try not to ever judge anyone, everyone has their own story and experience. Until you've walked a mile in their shoes and all. I just feel really bad for the guilt and self-deprecation so many people seem to feel. If one is doing their best, that's all that should matter.

If you go to your doctor for routine blood work that will indicate any problems. You don't have to tell him why, just you want to get your annual testing done.

If there was something seriously wrong you would probably already sense it. Go to the doc. It will cost less than an order to SY.
That's reassuring thanks. i don't use any with apap - but I do take much more than a Therapeutic dose! There must be fillers in there... Don't laugh... But I've read that the oral bioavailability of DHC in particular is not high .... Something like 15%.. Sooo... Have been thinking about plugging them in the name of harm reduction (and getting more high from less product). Anyone ever syringed an ope solution up their arse before? Oh god, i feel so ladylike typing this

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That's reassuring thanks. i don't use any with apap - but I do take much more than a Therapeutic dose! There must be fillers in there... Don't laugh... But I've read that the oral bioavailability of DHC in particular is not high .... Something like 15%.. Sooo... Have been thinking about plugging them in the name of harm reduction (and getting more high from less product). Anyone ever syringed an ope solution up their arse before? Oh god, i feel so ladylike typing this

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Please, please consider carefully before going that route. I've had a lot of friends start that and it was the first warning bell (that I didn't hear) before they jumped to 1V dr^gs.
I know that's not true for everyone and I hate when I hear the term "gateway dr^g". I lost my two best friends to h3ro1n; one to AIDS from needle sharing and the other I had to cut totally out of my life in the name of self protection. Both started doing that right before they jumped to needles.

Ok, noted pixie. Gotta say I feel like a junky talking about it. It's a syringe minus a needle after all. Gosh when I first came on here I was trying to get off the stuff.. Now after weeks with no DHC and making do with lope I'm planning how to get highest, fastest, for longest. What's wrong with me?! I dream about it ffs!!

Have to say today has been my best day yet - I've been happiest and even had small chunks of day where I've not thought about it. Dunno why I'm planning on throwing that all away and going back to the start all over again.

Someone said to me on here recently "be glad the mex pharms don't ship to you" and actually, today, I am.. Or id be stuck in the same circle you were. How you doing on day what ... 7?

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Ok, noted pixie. Gotta say I feel like a junky talking about it. It's a syringe minus a needle after all. Gosh when I first came on here I was trying to get off the stuff.. Now after weeks with no DHC and making do with lope I'm planning how to get highest, fastest, for longest. What's wrong with me?! I dream about it ffs!!

Have to say today has been my best day yet - I've been happiest and even had small chunks of day where I've not thought about it. Dunno why I'm planning on throwing that all away and going back to the start all over again.

Someone said to me on here recently "be glad the mex pharms don't ship to you" and actually, today, I am.. Or id be stuck in the same circle you were. How you doing on day what ... 7?

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I certainly don't find it a moral issue. Don't think I'm judging you on that score because I'm not. I am just worried for your health. Two of the best people I ever met in my life turned that corner though and it just makes it so much harder to go back. Because one day doing it that way is going to feel the same as your dose does now. It's not going to be enough. Then...the needles start looking good. It's better to w/d to reset your tolerance every so often. Lord knows I have no problem with dr^gs. I've been planning for years that when the kids grow up and move out I'm going to pop p1lls and smoke p0t to my heart's content. It's just so hard to walk the line between self-medicating and self-destruction. You've been clean awhile now, right? Your p1lls should start to work again I'd think. Have you looked into potentiators as a safer alternative for an extra boost?
I also dream about it btw. I think it's eight but starting to lose track which is a good sign. I'm not counting the seconds anymore.

So far I've got benz0s and Benadryl style meds. Have I missed any potentiators do you think? Plan is to stay within my scripted 8 a day. No more buying online. Pretty sure 8 won't do a thing but I could save up a few days worth

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I don't think Benadryl works though enough people who know swear by it.  To me it just makes me too drowsy and takes away the mood lift/energy that is one of the reasons I like pea kays so much.  There is a thread somewhere on potentiators.  B3nz0s too I don't feel potentiate well, they counteract each other.  You might get more of a "buzz" but it's sedating and you can't "enjoy" it as much.  

I have no idea what antihistamines are OTC across the pond.  

The old school aantihistamines all work to help. Most of them are now prescription in the US though. The newer allergy meds don't seem to work as well for it in my opinion. OTC I'd recommend Chlorpheniramine though if you can't get a script. Available at CVS. I hate the taste of grapefruit so no idea how that works. Antihistamine potentiators slightly increase sedation so be careful of driving on the mix until you know how it affects you. In my case 0pies make me energetic so the drowsy doesn't really hit until the pea kay starts fading.
Bump. @Revenger
Check and see if that med is OTC where you are or hydroxyzine.

Tbh I've never noticed a difference when I've added either. I've just thrown them in hoping for more of an effect. I also use ops for the energy and enthusiasm for everything rather than to sit chilling on the sofa. (Have been thinking of getting some adder@l from SL as a replacement - any opinions?)

The antihistamine I use is diphendrydamine, can't get promethizane or whatever it's called. I've experimented with others - various anti nausea and hayfever meds but have never been sure if I've felt anything or not. Grapefruit juice for me almost certainly lessened the effects.

Looks like you're right and it's gonna have to be kept as an occasional treat rather than an everyday pick me up with a coffee. But I have serous lack of self control. My brain decides for me before I can talk myself out of it... I can pretty much guess what's gonna happen when I get my refill... They'll be gone in a shot, quite possibly up my arse as I'm so excited to find out if they work much better. But yeah, slippery slope. I've already thought that if I knew of a user I'd've most likely asked for an amount of h3r0in3. Btw - why do we write in code like this ? I'm just copying youse all

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Bump. @Revenger

Check and see if that med is OTC where you are or hydroxyzine.
Super thanks pixie - great to have a name I can ask for at the pharmacists.

Thanks for searching for that for me xxx

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Tbh I've never noticed a difference when I've added either. I've just thrown them in hoping for more of an effect. I also use ops for the energy and enthusiasm for everything rather than to sit chilling on the sofa. (Have been thinking of getting some adder@l from SL as a replacement - any opinions?)

The antihistamine I use is diphendrydamine, can't get promethizane or whatever it's called. I've experimented with others - various anti nausea and hayfever meds but have never been sure if I've felt anything or not. Grapefruit juice for me almost certainly lessened the effects.

Looks like you're right and it's gonna have to be kept as an occasional treat rather than an everyday pick me up with a coffee. But I have serous lack of self control. My brain decides for me before I can talk myself out of it... I can pretty much guess what's gonna happen when I get my refill... They'll be gone in a shot, quite possibly up my arse as I'm so excited to find out if they work much better. But yeah, slippery slope. I've already thought that if I knew of a user I'd've most likely asked for an amount of h3r0in3. Btw - why do we write in code like this ? I'm just copying youse all

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Because we're snobs and don't want teenagers googling dr^g's names and getting our site. If the words are spelled correctly when people Google we pop up near the top. Supposedly so we evade le attention too though if they want to know about us they will regardless.
Ah.. Wondered why there were so few post on here asking "can I snort/plug/smoke x/y/z" (Apart from me.. Lol... Sorry for lowering the tone!)

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Ah.. Wondered why there were so few post on here asking "can I snort/plug/smoke x/y/z" (Apart from me.. Lol... Sorry for lowering the tone!)

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I'm sure lots of people on here do those things. I think I'm the only pea kay user I know of locally who hasn't put them up their nose, with a strong percentage going with the rear approach too.
I won't bore you with my neurotic list but I have all these rules for what I'm allowed to use and by what method. Alternative ways to hit the blood stream are on them though I'm not super tempted. Hell, I have ti TAKE p1lls before I let things go up my bum so it's sort of self defeating at that point.

Ha you sound like cat with her calendar! It's not neurotic it's sensible. Most people have a rule of not drinking before lunch. It's when you break that regularly you begin to get into trouble.

Snorting pills I would've tried long ago, if I wasn't sure they'd end up in the stomach ultimately, just minus a bit that got stuck in the crevices.

Do you plan to leave off the 0pes for good? Minus what you need for your chronic pain? Use Kratom instead for anxiety? Sounds like you are really pleased with the anti anxiety effects of it

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Ha you sound like cat with her calendar! It's not neurotic it's sensible. Most people have a rule of not drinking before lunch. It's when you break that regularly you begin to get into trouble.

Snorting pills I would've tried long ago, if I wasn't sure they'd end up in the stomach ultimately, just minus a bit that got stuck in the crevices.

Do you plan to leave off the 0pes for good? Minus what you need for your chronic pain? Use Kratom instead for anxiety? Sounds like you are really pleased with the anti anxiety effects of it

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I am currently just planning a detox period of a month or two. Then I plan to return to using responsibly like I did before. Of course, now that I crossed that line it might be harder. If I can't go back to that I don't know. The kratom doesn't even dent my migraines. Plenty of times I'll go through periods where I don't need anything BUT sometimes they are so debilitating that even my doctor thinks I need the p1lls. I didn't even ask or want the 1v dr^gs on my last set. I'm afraid of my own addiction issues and really didn't want a new problem but she insisted. They can get so bad I have slurred speech, tremors and confusion. Sometimes I can't even understand words. Luckily most of them don't get that bad but there is really no hope that I won't need the p1lls again in the future.
But yeah, I'm done with b3nz0s. They never worked right for me and had side effects. The kratom is super fantastic with helping my anxiety.

That's fantastic about the Kratom working so well!

I assume you've explored the reasons for your migraines? Just cos what you describe doesn't sound like a migraine (which I know can cause sight problems and vomiting etc) but some of your symptoms I've never heard of from a migraine, slurring, confusion. I'm no medic and never even had a migraine, but it sounds ever so severe

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That's fantastic about the Kratom working so well!

I assume you've explored the reasons for your migraines? Just cos what you describe doesn't sound like a migraine (which I know can cause sight problems and vomiting etc) but some of your symptoms I've never heard of from a migraine, slurring, confusion. I'm no medic and never even had a migraine, but it sounds ever so severe

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Yeah it's migraines. Been tested out the wazoo. Other people get them like me but its rare. Still, most of the time I only have those really bad symptoms a few minutes prior to the actual headache hitting. Every now and then though they go completely off the rails.

I never had a migraine until I got the depovera shot. I had a horrible reaction to it and needed hospitalized. Cops found me wandering down the street confused and unable to answer questions. It lasted for 3 months as well as left side numbness and my vagina hemorrhaging blood the whole time. I've always had them since then and how I was introduced to 0xyc0d0ne in the first place.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!