Poppy Pods

Yeah I hate seeds, others may feel differently. I actually like the pod-head tea though, either I have gotten used to it and associated it with good feelings, or maybe I liked it all along. I never really disliked it anyway. It does vary a bit from batch to batch, but today for example was the first dark "bitter" cup I have had in a while and it was delicious. 

Of course, I am not a "bitter taster", a broad binary classification for which most are in one camp or the other. I like espresso, black coffee, and even a wormwood infusion I once made - talk about insanely bitter! Others I know can scarcely tolerate bitter elements of flavor. I loved bitterness in the tea especially, since we know what a dark bitter cup means . . . 

In any event, my taper has been mostly successful so far, and I have been on this stuff for years. I sometimes wonder what cold turkey would feel like if I stopped right this second; I suspect it would not be nearly as bad as it was a few times over recent years. Now, I have mostly just maintained and even tapered with weaker domestic (US) pods. I hope to trade those for kratom soon, with a little help from some benzos, clonidine, gabapentin (maybe), and possibly other neuro-supplements (still researching), lope in fairly small quantities - none of this 60 mg/day sruff, maybe 8-12mg/day, and other things as my research clarifies my plan. And weed of course, now legal in mt state, and of course strenuous excercise, as hard as it is under WD.

I am starting to get more excited about quitting than I am the next batch, or the double/triple dose of ample supply and its attendant nod session, which has been rare for some time now anyway. I *may* even have a line on enough Iboga rootbark for an intense one person event. I am very experienced with ayahuasca, DMT, LSD etc.; those were always my true, if infrequent, loves when it came to altering my consciousness. (They also aligned beautifully with my love of cognitive science, physics, nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory, pure mathematics, nature etc.)

How I fell into this lesser realm of experience, one where time just slides by without personal growth and positive new experience , I do not know. I am an addict, long before pods, and my issues go deeper than a drug, even one that can attenuate one's neurochemistry as opiods do. Barring success on the Iboga front I will likely start with a big aya or pharma-huasca session; I have 100 g of perfect quality M. H0st1l1s inner rootbark that has gone unused for a long time, the contents of which are very stable stored properly. A deep dive into my own head, the universe itself, and the inevitable purge is likely to be a good starting point - for me personally anyway.

I honestly think I will finally make it this time; I have been close but don't have a solid week under my belt in what, five years or so now? I guess we'll see . . .
I hope to chronicle my experience, methods, success and failures when I jump off, perhaps here and on a couple of other sites. I am new here but there seem to be some great and caring people. 

OK I am rambling again, sorry. 
Love and light to all and may you find your path, each and every one.

(edits for clarity and typos, I am sure more remain)

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blech. i despise the seed tea as well.  it is worse when in WD and nauseous as it is. the pod tea on the other hand- maybe it is an acquired taste- but i do enjoy it. my favorite was the purples from the ebay days- they had a particular aroma and taste that i still remember. i have not come across pods that tasted like those in years. /default_wub.png 

good luck on your journey to quitting, VoidHawk...  i found myself stuck and out of options several months ago and came close to quitting. i spent a lot of time googling and reading other people's tapering and quitting posts and journals on various sites, and honestly was inspired & sort of "excited" about quitting. i didn't go public with it, but kept a private journal and recorded everything. it really helped a lot. i did so well at first. i had such a positive attitude, and that must have been what helped the most. that was the key that was missing all the other times i had such an awful, miserable time tapering or in WD. unfortunately, i ended up failing. somebody tempted me with something even better than pods (and i was good and passed on it at first! i just couldn't stop thinking about it...) and of course, money started flowing in, so i had the means to place a big order again... so back to square one. my tolerance had lowered quite a bit at least. (it's shot way back up again now) in my 11+ years of pod usage- that was the least painful time i've had attempting to quit. right now, even with the weaker pods i've been getting- i sadly have no interest or motivation to stop using them. /default_sad.png  i'm not ready yet.  when i am ready- i will find that journal and go back to google for the inspiration to get back into that same mindset i had last time.  damn, how disappointing. i was so determined. but i will get back there someday. You sound like you have the positive attitude, so I know you can do it. /default_wink.png 

(i ran out of time, sorry. i had more i wanted to comment on from other posts as well, but will have to come back another time.)

As a regular user of TDF which was my go-to provider ever since I learned of them, ( thanks MA) they currently do not have a CC processor until early 2016- they say Jan 2016 but we all know issues can pop up. They do offer bank transfers but that is an expensive option for me, as well as one other form of payment I am not familiar with so I choose to not use. It may be fine , I just haven't used it.

So, for myself, and knowing how the quality can vary sooo much between vendors, I am choosing to skip the poppies for the time being (except I may give Lews a try) until TDF get their CC processor issues worked out because I love that company.

ive got plenty of Kratom, and may get a few other suitable substitutes in the meanwhile, and I do have a few pods left from a previous large order that I have the smaller pods left that I should make it through Dec. without problems. Hopefully their CC will get back on track very early 2016.

tdf has charged couriers so I don't know if they need to be signed for or not.

Hope this helps, I know it's not what most folks want to hear but it's the path I'm taking for now.

Oh, and about the potential mold issues, I've only had a handful out of a 5lb box so I wouldn't let that scare you away.

Good luck and happy hunting!

They have a Cc option.  Make your order and select ewallet option.  They'll send an invoice for cc payment.  

As far as those concerned with overseas vendors I've been ordering for about three years with no issues.  TDF has issues here and there with credit vendors but anyways find a way around them.  I'll be placing an order soon and will report.  Maybe my tolerance is high but Plewsandco didn't do it for me.  Found myself digging for TDF pods at the bottom. 
Wow, that Ewallet was an option but I didn't know it took credit cards. As of today they only take Wagoneer. What a mess. I went ahead with Lews and I know my tolerance is bad. I'm ready to give up.

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Are you saying that payoneer isn't very dependable? Not worth ordering using that payment system?

Are you saying that payoneer isn't very dependable? Not worth ordering using that payment system?
wow, payoneer in a prepaid system they want you to use. Based on the photos it's based in Asis and I don't want anything to do with it.

Are you saying that payoneer isn't very dependable? Not worth ordering using that payment system?
wow, payoneer in a prepaid system they want you to use. Based on the photos it's based in Asis and I don't want anything to do with it.
ah great guess I'll wait and hope till the new year to see if I can pay direct with them. Have you heard anything with poppyspods.com or seedplanet.org.uk?

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I have something inbound from p0ppIEzp0dz due Monday so I will report back. I have never used this vendor. I still have something likely much better in SF . . . just sitting there with no update since 11/23. 

One other lot is inbound as well, from yet another previously untested provider. I will assess the batches individually, though ultimately I plan to prepare everything at once, combining and mixing it all for the home stretch. I also plan to be extremely conservative in my estimation of relative potency, compared to my typical supply; I don't want to move backwards. 

This mixed supply should bring me home, unless I get too tempted by the sight of its ample glory. Other pod people know this feeling, I am sure . . . 

I just didn't want to risk getting caught out around Christmas, in WD sooner than planned while waiting on holiday schedules, slow/misrouted/lost items, etc. Also, I have been running at perhaps 1/4 of my previous rate of consumption; I used the saved funds to get out in front . I will likely allow myself one good session but all in all I have exercised restraint for a change, and I hope to continue that. I guess we'll see . . . 

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void hawk and cherry, enjoying reading your posts. I am curious to hear about your vendors void hawk. I have no interest buying from over seas. I want it fast and am not buying larger orders. This is to keep myself limited. 

How long does your ride last for? I'm assuming from your previous posts you know your business, but it sounds like a lot of complicated tasty ingredients. Pods alone last 2-3 days and then sadness becomes me. What vendor are you talking about in SF if I may ask? I believe since these are legal garden decorations we are allowed to talk about vendor names. At least from the past posts I've read. Sorry for any offense, I am new. Thanks 

Well,  I'm going to give pop pys po ds a shot.  Plews is no longer on Ebid and haven't received invoice from dried.  Hopefully quality is good and shipping is fast.  More than I'm used to paying but at least I had no trouble with payment.  

My SF order is international and stuck in customs I guess, it is from Pl3wzandc0. I haven't normally gone the international route. The others from m0rp and p0ppyzp0dz  are also new to me. I have used car0lynzdr1edflwrz recently, has been OK but it requires more of these US domestics. Again that has probably worked in my favor. They have been decent price for me though and customer service is quite good. I even did a R4ch3ls 1/2 recently, tasted funny but a little better quality unless I am imagining that.

And yes my hop off plan includes quite a bit of supporting elements; I can't take too many days from work so I have to do it very carefully.  I have been slowly assembling that stuff; with the exception of kr4t0m I don't expect to use a great deal of those helping agents. I do really hope the 1b0ga works out but that is very much a long shot. Good luck all, hope my obfuscated names are clear enough (would rather err to the side of caution).

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i gave morP a go. i was surprised to count appx 34 pods in a half-pound shipment with all the stems. i wondered if maybe he was being extra generous that day? as most of the pods were on the large to extra large size. i really wanted to weigh them, but needed to make some up asap and didn't have private access to the digiscale.  anyway, the 9 i made up at first weren't impressive and honestly, i have no real way to know where my tolerance is at right now since i've been using different vendors than i'm used to and kind of guessing and playing the trial and error game when i receive a shipment, or else taking pharmz instead. it sounds like maybe i am missing out by not going international. sounds like you guys are getting some potent flowers. (or were, anyway)  i enjoyed c@rlynz when stock was plentiful & have yet to find another domestic that matches up (although i have not given any of the insanely priced domestics a try). not sure who i'm going with next, i'm kind of broke anyway. /default_sad.png

So I am giving poppys a try.  I'm hoping for fast shipping.  I also ordered from the dried as well.  Payoneer is based in NY btw.  I had no trouble making payment and dried covers the fee. 2.2 lbs for $145 and good potency works for me.  I paid over $100/lb for poppy's. Hopefully domestic can keep up with overseas. We'll see.  I'll report when I receive and test. 

I can report on plewz&co - pretty good, better than domestic but not ridiculously so. I may have expected a little better overall but then I didn't exactly push the dosage, in fact I went under my current daily, so YMMV.

P0ppiez and m0rp orders both look OK and shipped fast. They do appear to be pretty standard domestic supply but both are also very clean and nicely dried, and of decent size for the most part. These would certainly appear to be sufficient though note that I have NOT officially tested either batch yet, only plewz. I have no complaints at this point anyway. 

Now the question for me personally - does this stock bring me home on the taper plan? I certainly think it should, but I doubt I'll jump without at least the option to defer the jump off and continue the taper program, should WD threaten my ability to work. For once though, I am way ahead on stock - yet I haven't spent a penny of this month's p0d $$! Clearly tapering has helped my budget a great deal - yet another incentive to get out of this finally, once and for all. 

Good luck everyone, take care of yourselves. 

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Well,  I'm going to give pop pys po ds a shot.  Plews is no longer on Ebid and haven't received invoice from dried.  Hopefully quality is good and shipping is fast.  More than I'm used to paying but at least I had no trouble with payment.  
Heya MA! I just received an order from Plews this morning, took about a week all total. When they run out of one deal, they just repost another. I was just at the site and saw they had reposted more. I haven't tried them yet, and after reading your review I don't expect them to be the same quality as tdf but they are big ones and labeled as fresh 2015 crop.

Will update after I've had a chance to make a pot of tea.

Update after reading VoidHawk. I think I'll be happy enough with Plews but as always, the search continues. I hope tdf comes back to their former glory.

TDF is closing from December 15 through the new year.  If you want to order hurry up and get it in now. They'll have a new CC option when they return. 

So initial evaluation of pop ies pod s is underwhelming.  The pod s are less than half the size I'm used to and have about 3 inches of stem on them.  I even got what looks to be a maple leaf in the box.  I'll test quality later but I'm not expecting much.  I'm very glad I got in an order with TDF in time. I'd go with Plews over these guys also.  I'll report again after quality test.  If they're the bomb I'll be happy to change my mind.  For now though looks like a waste of money.  

Tried my usual crafting method and an hour later I can say they are weak.  I won't use this vendor again.  It was worth a shot. 

I've tried the Plews a couple of times now and maybe my tolerance is much higher than it once was. I can get warm an fuzzy from just half a dozen small, bottom of the box pods from TDF. I tried 2 gigantium from Plews and really didn't feel much of anything.

I'll try 4 or 5 tonight but I remember in the old days, going to the land of nod from 1 gigantium from a local grower. 

Im not even sure if these Plews are Papavar Somniferum,maybe some other variety. They look great, big as a small Apple but effect is nearly non-existent.

I agree. They are better than poppy's though. I just dug out my little TDFs myself.  There was one more I used to use I'll try to find later. They were like TDF but smaller and a bit more expensive. They claimed to price match.

Still had them bookmarked:


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I have now sampled each of the very recent batches from P|ewz, m0rp and p0pp1ez. I am not that impressed with any of them, though they certainly serve my current needs. Given that my tolerance has been dropping, any good ones would have surely stood out. It is giving me a little more respect for what I was used to getting from Car0lynsdr1ed, they were not bad for the new domestics and priced OK. Still out of course. 

I too have been curious about the site in the post above, as well as NQM (n0rth quad m/\Rket) though they are out of stock. Has anyone ever tried either? Not that I plan to ever user either. Hope y'all don't mind the continued name obfuscation.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  7. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  8. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  10. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  11. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  12. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  13. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  14. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  15. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  16. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  17. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  19. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!
  20. K @ knofflebon: Mornin. Came across something pretty interesting in the news. Try searching the name J0@nne Seg0vi@