Poppy Pods

Yeah, I must just have a bad bunch fro Lews because there is a lot of mold but I'll get by. I have some other things coming that should be just fine and keep me out of trouble for awhile.

Happy Holidays!


I must say that after a couple of attempts I am surprised to report that I am decidedly underwhelmed by the contents of my box from TDF. I presume it to be a different batch/source that those which have received positive reviews. Has anyone else found these most recent TDF products to be on the weak side?

I was thinking about placing another order from Mike S at  0 PL (I've ordered from him for 2 years now) but my last experience with him was not good. I inquired about availability and he immediately responded he had stock. I sent payment. Then I sent him emails over the course of about 2 weeks telling him I was going to cancel my paypal payment if he didn't confirm that he received the order/payment. Then suddenly the package arrived 2-3 weeks after I sent payment. He never did respond to any of my emails. Any advice on going with someone else that might respond after I send payment :)  ?

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If you read through the threads here you'll find several vendors who have been pretty reliable. Btw, who is 0 PL? We're in a tough market these days so suppliers are hard to come by. I've put mine out there as have others. There are posts about our experiences. You have a decent post count so I suppose you already know this. 

If you read through the threads here you'll find several vendors who have been pretty reliable. Btw, who is 0 PL? We're in a tough market these days so suppliers are hard to come by. I've put mine out there as have others. There are posts about our experiences. You have a decent post count so I suppose you already know this. 
oh i see, he is referring to zer0 p@y l0@d, discussed a little in a few posts, but no one has really used recently.  he is the "never runs out of stock" guy who also wholesales.

Interesting finding: I had earlier made a small stop-gap order with Ray ch3ls  super-spendy products. Twice now they have proven to be much better than the recent batches from p|ewz, TDF, not to mention m0rp and p0ppeeze. In fact the first test was on the same day I whacked out a double from TDF in the morning to little or no effect.

Some 8-10 hours later I ran a normal batch from Ray Ch3l$$$$ . . . it looked weak/clear but soon I was nodding a bit (yay!). This morning I discovered why that batch had been clear, though it worked well - I had never dumped out my last grind from the coffee mill

Given all of the inconsistency, the fact that the best thing I have found recently is super spendy, and all the other annoyances like USPS workers having me starting to wonder if they are internationally punishing me for ordering packages, it is high time to quit this stuff. Which I already knew of course. 

But hey I found that I am only 1.5 lbs away from my free 1/2 lb at Ray Ch3ls! I guess they kept good track as it has been a long time since I ordered from them. 

Happy day all!

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thanks VoidHawk...

i did something i said i'd never do out of desperation and have an order coming from her tomorrow- if all goes well...  however, my bank account is going to suffer overdraft fees cuz there's nothing in there. (yes, that bad) if my order is as good as you say they are- i will work my butt off to try to make enough money to get my bank back to normal. but after that.. i don't know... i just can't afford to pay those prices and keep this a regular thing. it saddens me. 

and i meant to do some late fall planting, but i think i missed my chance, due to being in WD so much lately.  who knows, we still may have some more time. the weather has been odd this year, warm and hardly any snowfall...

thanks VoidHawk...

i did something i said i'd never do out of desperation and have an order coming from her tomorrow- if all goes well...  however, my bank account is going to suffer overdraft fees cuz there's nothing in there. (yes, that bad) if my order is as good as you say they are- i will work my butt off to try to make enough money to get my bank back to normal. but after that.. i don't know... i just can't afford to pay those prices and keep this a regular thing. it saddens me. 

and i meant to do some late fall planting, but i think i missed my chance, due to being in WD so much lately.  who knows, we still may hawhsome more time. the weather has been odd this year, warm and hardly any snowfall...
So sorry to hear that Cherry. Are you recreational or in real pain? Obamacare and my Dr are the best things to have happened to me. Just a thought, I hope it all works out for you

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So sorry to hear that Cherry. Are you recreational or in real pain? Obamacare and my Dr are the best things to have happened to me. Just a thought, I hope it all works out for you
Thanks, MA :)   I do have pain issues which jumpstarted all of this- of course, in the late 90s- doctors would just write me scripts without any hesitation. nowadays, even though i'm in worse shape- they don't want me on 0pies long-term, and push all the other stuff on me that doesn't work.. that's why i went back to "self-prescribing".  I am fully aware that my usage and dependence is also very much mental (not just that it happens to help my anxiety and any depression i have- whether it's real depression or the long-term 0piate usage which caused the depression- but i admittedly love the glow- and I'm chasing the same glow any other recreational user is) so I am not ashamed to admit it would be a little bit of both. Even if my pain were to cease, I know I would still be dreaming of p0ppi3z and craving some tea...  I know I'm going to have to cut down (even more) and take a break or quit here soon, it's just the last thing I want to do right now.  I'm pissed that i HAVE to quit, and I know my mindset should be more like "I'm motivated and prepared to get this out of my life..." so I need to somehow convince myself that I want and need to quit to have any success, or at least make the process less painful. I have done it before. I just feel so weak this time around... 

anyway, I do have a box coming today from R's...  since i've spent the last few days on l0pe :( it will be a treat for me.

Oh man sorry to hear that Cherry, I have been there. I hope you find similar results to my experience!

This morning I knocked out a decent batch of RW spendy pods - after a couple of days worth of goood results I figured things might regress toward the mean. While true, I did again confirm that this batch was pretty darn good. 

But . . . yeah, at those prices no way to support a daily habit for the average Joe. It reminded me of way back when Ebay killed pods, and then shortage hit. The lunatic/scumbag at the now-defunct P0ppyp0d Dep0t was sitting on some of the last old-style Arizona pods raping people. They were strong but expensive,  stronger then any I have seen since, and it is fair to pay a stated price - IF you get what was promised for that price. But PPdepot absolute scumbag was shorting every order. 25 large pods? Sure have 20 . . . shorted every time. I recouped the count I was owed by raising holy hell about the lying and stealing, but it was clear she (? I think she) was shorting everyone, and had been recognized as an unethical business person even before the constant lying and stealing. At the time I was in bad shape dependence -wise and I had to have them though. 

At least Ray ch3l and Tee Na seem to be decent human beings and business people,  who have their sh!t together. Witness for example the application of my new orders adding toward a discount  that hwas two+ years in the making. They correlated it to old ones, and applied to my total even though I used a number of new parameters after a year+ since my last order. 

Happy New Year all!
May you all be lucky enough to avoid WD (haha) and have a great 2016.

Cherry - I'll be thinking of you and sending positive energy your way. I hope that the $$ situation works out for you. 

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thanks, VoidHawk. Happy New Year! May more affordable, potent domestic p0ds be available in the coming weeks...  :unsure:  

the R shipment was better than the other available domestics right now. i did not overindulge, but stretched it out to last a little longer than usual.

i remember PPD and when prices crept from like 50 cents a p0d to something like 7 dollars a pod! i did quit that time around... forced tapers from trying to make a tiny, expensive box last as long as a big box would, and eventually only some kr@tom to get me through the days. i was a lot stronger back then, i think.. i was able to handle WD better than i do now anyway... that, and maybe i was able to kind of "hide out" and detox without so many people noticing there was something off with me. If I could just go hide out somewhere for a week and if I had someone available to take my place and didn't have to worry about paying upcoming bills- it would make quitting a lot easier. anyway,when was that? around 2011? it was the first time i was ever able to enjoy kr@tom... maybe about 2 weeks or so after the last of my p0ds, the kr@tom i had been using to help the WD process (which at first didn't seem to do anything but make me feel dizzy, strange, and maybe get a little much-needed sleep here and there after it wore off) started to have a positive effect on my mood and motivation levels, and continued to do so. i did stay on it for quite awhile- it replaced my p0d usage, but at least it was more mild and not as expensive. i did indulge in PKs occasionally and once in awhile treat myself to a small box of p0ds, but my tolerance was MUCH lower. once all the Arizonas were gone- there was nothing really left but weak, overpriced p0ds anyway. (kind of like now, except there was no hope with vendors saying they are working on stock, and the price increase was so ridiculously high and noticeable)  Too bad kr@tom doesn't do a thing for me now that i've been doing p0ds for years straight.

anyhow, i'll figure something out. i guess if i have to quit, i will have to, and tell people i have the flu or something. i don't know. I'd rather have a more affordable, quality vendor restock or open up shop though. soon.

I have noticed that CDF has removed that warning re: stock, though no new products are available. I wonder if this signals a coming status change. 

As for me, I have to regain ground lost to a loss of constraint over the holidays. Also getting excited for an inbound delivery. Maybe, just maybe 1b0ga man will show up and have some things to show me, probably some painful ones but I am readying myself. 

Cheers all

I have noticed that CDF has removed that warning re: stock, though no new products are available. I wonder if this signals a coming status change. 

As for me, I have to regain ground lost to a loss of constraint over the holidays. Also getting excited for an inbound delivery. Maybe, just maybe 1b0ga man will show up and have some things to show me, probably some painful ones but I am readying myself. 

Cheers all
i noticed the same thing yesterday. (which shows how obsessively often i have been checking for a change)  i'm curious if they are unable to re-up anytime soon, or if they are working on updating the site. i am also a bit scared to find out for sure if they will have no stock any time soon. so i'm holding off on emailing them for now...  (this stock problem is odd for them as it is... since i found them years ago, they always used to have 2 different varieties of pods from 2 different suppliers to choose from, as well as 2 different seasons... for example, they'd have the "new" 2014 season pods for sale, but also the "old" 2013 pods still available at a lower price, well into late 2014, possibly into the next year even... so either word got out and their customer base grew too large to keep a steady supply, or it is on the suppliers' ends. no matter what time of year it was- they always had tons of pods) 

anyway, nice to hear from you, VoidHawk. this thread has been pretty quiet.  i don't really have anywhere else online i can discuss pod vendors or feel slightly comfortable mentioning my pod usage. although i remain curious about ib0g@!n3- even if i could hire a babysitter for the duration and go somewhere safe- (not likely, without announcing my intentions and 0pi@te usage to extended family members) i am a bit scared of it. if i was younger and didn't have children, i would be more willing to try it.

as for me, i've been taking it easy... an order here and there, with some less desirable ph@rmi3z in between orders, or even less desirable lope or complete WD days. nothing steady. i'm likely just prolonging my misery and should just call it quits for the winter- but $$ may be looking up for me soon, so i may try the UK vendors here one of these days. (although it seems you UK regulars were not especially pleased with your last shipments?) at least it seems to be a lot cheaper overall.

so where are all the other "crafters"? i haven't seen posts from the regulars lately.  just curious how you are all doing...

I'm just waiting for TDF to come back online.  They were suppose to last week but delayed it till today.  I'm not going to be shocked if they delay again either.

I tried m0rs.  They were... mediocre to say the least and expensive.  Pl3ws seems to be out as well.  starting to get very bummed out over here.

Good to hear from you too! I didn't want to go overboard posting but yes it is nice to find some p0d people and be able to discuss. 

As far 1b0ga I don't see myself going full flood this time around. Maybe a miniflood - for some this can be uncomfortable as it is limbo between come-up anxiety and breakthrough, but hell I breakthough on weed or meditation nowadays. As an old time physch head I'm pretty sure I can get into the head on a light dose.

After  that, about 1g split in half per day, or something approximating that once I calibrate, and then taper. I can't wait to see what happens but also scared.

Love and light to you all

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I got an email update from TDF, actually made an order in fact.
was it through gumroad?  I don't know why I didn't get a reply.  if it is Ill just place an order on there anyways.

wont take my card through that site. :/  And they still haven't contacted me.  this is strarting to really stress me out.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!