Shipping Issues/Questions

Ok so here's my situation id like others input. I ordered from a good email vendor that I've been using for awhile now , so the last 2 packs have been fuked . I got a LL for one of the magazines . So I did my usual and burned it up and ignored it . So a reship was sent out within less than 2 weeks there was a gentleman in a dress suit and tie on knocking on my door , I have a peep hole so could see him holding a package In his hand ,another knock and I hear my door handle wiggle then 2 attempt's to my doorbell. So he leaves . I saw my regular carrier and asked about my magazines and to bring them tomorrow he said I had to pick it up in person at the local city PO, not even my regular PO that was up the street.The main city PO where magazine are sorted then sent out. So I'm like WTF is going on . I've had a CD attempt in 2014 that I beat so it kinda hit some red flags.

This man was not your average carrier,no uniform with the you know what logo . Dressed to impress with something like a DT would wear... Soooooo shall I leave it there with No Claim or shall I try to claim it risking my livelihood??

I'm pretty sure I already know what to do but any input may change my mind.

What do y'all think about this situation on my behalf...


Honestly, ive have been caught 6 years ago not on a CD .. good thing you have experience dont claim it .. i am in a similar situation to yours can tracking give a cue if its a CD or u just wait for a suit guy ? 

@Bks3080 @Jiub1

Sorry for the late reply. 

First pack that was "in transit, arriving late" - no change. Had my PO search for it again, though, and they said the tracking info now tells them it is at the hog farm.

Second order (not a reship) took 8 days. No scans indicate it got a piggy sniff either, which is fucking weird. 

This whole thing makes me wonder if there's a mole on DBG that places a few orders, gets a general idea of how the vendor works, and they can narrow their search accordingly. This isn't something we should be paranoid about, but it IS another shining reminder as to why members need to start paying more attention and taking seriously the constant reminders from the mods about not mentioning the locations/times/events/couriers/contents of their packs and just be brief in their review... (e.g. "14 days, exactly what I ordered, excellent quality. Would definitely order again.") doesn't take a genius code-breaker to figure out what "oh sea ay teeze" or "zans" means. In other threads this lingo is fine, but it's basically handing out the vendor's menu when done under their thread. The only person that should be listing anything the vendor has is the vendor. 

...So, assuming there is a mole, they report their findings and a few agents are signed to start looking for specific packs that fit the description. Every time they found one they'd oink and squeal and get all excited, their corkscrew tails would start wiggling, and they'd inspect it, but between the amount of packs that turned out to be duds and the ones that they did find not even coming close to qualifying for "with intent", they decided to put their resources to better use and operation "Oink Oink Squeal" ended as yet another failure in the war on drugs. 


I think you called it; and honestly, it really makes sense.  Also you (and everyone else who has brought this up) are absolutely right about the not-so-subtle codes we use here. I am REALLLLLY bad at being lazy with my (what I like to think is) cleverness in how I present my info, but I can just as easily see how someone wouldn't even be aware that they are betraying their own subscription by mentioning certain things.

Hell, I overshared in that one thread in the Shipping/Tracking forum and looking back I feel that I shot myself in the foot. There was just so much information being given that I think I felt the entire thread was invincible. 

By now we've seen the pics and descriptions of the places where the packs go to become MIA; yes, VERY crowded and slow, but what are the odds that all of these packs with the same origin story are being put to pasture? It often times seem like they target a certain vendor-- why???

I'm VERY glad yours made it, but it is very weird that it didn't catch the attention of the pigs snouts, considering all the others that were "randomly selected" for a closer look. I wonder if there was some quota that needed to be met.

Be careful, be safe.

I actually suggested this a few weeks ago. Now something has transpired to make me wonder even more but I will share with admin first.

I often wonder when a brand new member seems to go through things and go up to the top v in such short order. If I was deciphering a lot of data it would take me awhile. If that in fact has happened that’s a pretty jacked thing to do as we are a family away from family. Here is to hoping for safety to all.

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I think you called it; and honestly, it really makes sense.  Also you (and everyone else who has brought this up) are absolutely right about the not-so-subtle codes we use here. I am REALLLLLY bad at being lazy with my (what I like to think is) cleverness in how I present my info, but I can just as easily see how someone wouldn't even be aware that they are betraying their own subscription by mentioning certain things.

Hell, I overshared in that one thread in the Shipping/Tracking forum and looking back I feel that I shot myself in the foot. There was just so much information being given that I think I felt the entire thread was invincible. 

By now we've seen the pics and descriptions of the places where the packs go to become MIA; yes, VERY crowded and slow, but what are the odds that all of these packs with the same origin story are being put to pasture? It often times seem like they target a certain vendor-- why???

I'm VERY glad yours made it, but it is very weird that it didn't catch the attention of the pigs snouts, considering all the others that were "randomly selected" for a closer look. I wonder if there was some quota that needed to be met.

Be careful, be safe.
Yeah I've done it too. I get a pack and I get all excited; I want to leave a good review for the vendor; I think I'm invincible or something, and get way too lax with what I say.

This past month has left me a little shaken though, and I started thinking about how our rights to privacy have been steadily eroding since the Patriot Act was put into place at lightning speed after 9/11 before anyone had time to read it, let alone think about its implications for the future. 

I was reading about how packages are processed using a new thing called eCIP, which is an AI system.  I won't go into detail in here, but you can search for it and read all about it. It's quite impressive. 

Take into consideration how what goes on at the hog farm is a kept secret from the public—yet there's news releases all the time about agents being arrested for all sorts of things (usually several at a time that have been working together in an organized scheme) and, though this machine's purpose is intended to help sort packages and envelopes so mail moves faster, there's no reason it can't set it up to reroute specific items to the pig trough. 

Things get "lost" all the time in customs, and I know there's a bunch of posts on here about mags just disappearing. You can read about the same thing happening to other valuables like watches and jewelry—shit that is easy to sell and worth a lot of money. Regular cops get busted for things like that so the time, even confiscating drugs because they have an addiction of their own or because they know they know somebody they can sell it to and make fast money. 

The agency runs the hog farm is the largest law enforcement agency in the country and they don't have to work in view of the public or or wear body cameras. Why would they be any different?

@Biskobro  Is this the same incident from the other day or did it happen again?!  Either way, no dont claim the pack.  Definite CD attempt.  Although one of the weirdest CD attempts ive heard of.  Dressing up fancy is a fail and wriggling the doorknob is a bonus fail.  Sending the pack to the main branch is an extra credit fail.  Whoever is running that op is a cornball.  I mean other than the legit postal worker telling you where the pack was did they leave anything at all?  Like no postal note to come pick it up or anything?  So fucking weird.   And they havent come back since?   Its like they only wanted to kinda do the job but gave up halfway through :81_joy_cat: :81_joy_cat: .   But yes, i would let bygones be bygones.  Jail, court fees, lawyer fees, prison time and/or probation, amongst other possibilities are not fucking worth it.  Would also recommend no more orders, especially international ones.   To that address at least.  Definitely burnt.  I know that can be hard, depending on your situation.   Hopefully you have other ways to make all the ends meet!  Sorry that happened and plz take care and stay safe!!
I've heard of this EXACT same CD scenario multiple times. Sometimes I really wish I knew where they happened.

All speculation of course - I figure they aren't interested in any real action but someone locally involved in investigations clearly has a bug up their ass and enjoys scaring the shit out of who they see as "paranoid drug users" or wants to attempt something unsavory like extortion.

I hope this goes without saying but this is not an argument for OP to attempt collecting that mag. That mag is toast.

@neversarcastic  So weird to spend the time and money to get an anticipatory warrant, just to turn the whole op into a comedic skit basically.   Or maybe they didn't bother getting the anticipatory warrant and that's why they don't really care, and as you said its just some weird shit cops do.  Either way, just glad it wasn't a success.

@doomkitty my thoughts too. That is supposed to be obtained prior to. Based on new case law ( please please do not take this as advice). Said warrant would have to include electronics ( phones computers) or no touchy.

@Bks3080 i feel ya and i'm sorry! mine are still there too. AND something else coming from an entirely different continent just hit the same status a few days ago. I know it's standard procedure... but maaaaaan i'm not feelin' too good about it.

@Blake33 same here. At this point a LL is better than possibly expecting a CD. Let's just say I haven't opened the door for anyone I don't know lol. Had to tell my living partner as well to not accept any delivery...awkard lol

@Jiub1 I'm in a weird situation where I ordered the stuff to my current apartment at the time, but have since moved to a new place. I updated my address and requested that my mail be forwarded, but according to the post office website most packages aren't eligible to get forwarded. I work 24/7 and am hardly ever home as well, so who knows if someone even tried a CD at my new place and I just wasn't home at the time. If they did though, I would assuee they would've at least left a slip requesting me to pick it up at the PO? I told my old roommates to absolutely not sign or accept anything on my behalf and they said they will let me know if anybody comes by with a package. I do know that LLs get forwarded because I had that happen to me a few years ago. I'm just sick of this shit, want my LL and then my refund from the vendor. I could give two shits about the actual pack at this point.

@Blake33 if you haven’t gotten your LL’s they’re likely coming don’t worry. received one for all that were stuck and ones that shouldn’t have ever been. Would like a refund, out over couple g’s currently. Vendor will make if right and the mole here is going to be surgically removed. 

Yea all this sucks . I have a LL under my belt and a MIA pack locally..

you really think there's a mole? I know LE obviously knows about this site but its NOT a top priority to them. I'm sure they skim the forum but to them its lots of jibbering. But a mole on the other hand would be a active members that are here daily scoping talking notes ect..all of us and the vendors moves ... IMO..


@Biskobro  there were some interesting points made earlier in the thread [when it was still in the email sources section] that do make a lot of sense if you view them in the perspective of plausibility. I don't know if it would make sense for LE to become involved as an official operation (not worth their time or $$$? I really don't know), but I could see how some ambitious employee, or even some kind of patriotic-wannabe-"citizen's arrest" type could be feeding some agency tips on what to look for.  Someone wanting to make a name for themselves in this renewed era of The War On You Know What. I'd think it would be someone who definitely had successful touchdowns ( so they know what to look for ). But again, it would have to be a trusted source of information for officials to take the tips seriously. 

I have no idea how you could smoke the vipers out, though, if this is the case.

I currently have three packs "missing" in action, no LLs, and just ordered something non-forum related from one of the same countries.  I am watching how it goes through the status (if at all). I'm curious to know if my address is toast.

@Blake33 if you haven’t gotten your LL’s they’re likely coming don’t worry. received one for all that were stuck and ones that shouldn’t have ever been. Would like a refund, out over couple g’s currently. Vendor will make if right and the mole here is going to be surgically removed. 
I hope 

Yea all this sucks . I have a LL under my belt and a MIA pack locally..

you really think there's a mole? I know LE obviously knows about this site but its NOT a top priority to them. I'm sure they skim the forum but to them its lots of jibbering. But a mole on the other hand would be a active members that are here daily scoping talking notes ect..all of us and the vendors moves ... IMO..

Or someone that made a tactical error and felt it in their interest to spread the love. I’ve been worried about it for awhile and then thought no… but I am not so sure.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!