This sounds so much like what I am going through! The ISC, a little later in July, the Jamaica ny, and a day later it started that transit thing but only for 4 days - I kept getting same thing said "its on track to reach it's...." - but never says where its ping ponging to and from, never gives an EST,, I had been getting same update a day after Jamaica, and for 4 days ONLY.. then - it all went= quiet. I have no idea what it did, just disappeared, no more approx. same time for 4 day's "update". All quiet on the mid-atlantics front.
@bikejumpr20 Not had the military part at all - but I was with you up till that part. Did you have a period after Jam. that it got quiet for a week ? Or were you getting status daily up to and including this weekend ( if thats ok to ask )
I thought once it got freed from the gray bars of Cust. that things were home free....and would knock on the door with open arms like a long lost brother in a couple days - but I guess my thinking is wrong.... Yep - the whole thing is CRAZY....