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I'm not speaking for Denise but I think what she was saying is that post limits can encourage worthless posts while good members that rarely post are considered newbies. The way I read it is that time and quality should be included to open the full site. Not just post count. Just go to the 80's thread. Some of my favorite members have like 200 posts from videos. Surely those can't count to being a trusted member.

May e that's what she meant. Mybe not. That's the way I read it.

And like I said those are my favorite members but still they are YouTube posts.

As this issue seems to have taken on a life of it's own, I feel compelled to offer my apologies for contributing to the problem with my "Jewy's Jukebox", "Big 80's", and similar threads, all of which I will voluntarily and personally take down.

Unfortunately, right, wrong or indifferent, doing so will not remove any posts contained therein, and member post counts will remain as is. All that can be done is to learn from the experience and move forward, which I certainly will do.

Maybe one day in the future there will exist a system whereby a member's total body of work and their contributions to the board can be measured in a hybrid, more subjective manner that isn't post count driven, but for now, I can limit my personal contributions and creations to only topics related to the intended mission and purpose of DBG.

Thank you for your time and attention.....

Don't get me wrong. I love those threads. It's lots of fun. Maybe stuff posted in the off topic doesn't count? Idk. I'd really miss those threads. It's the most fun I've had here in a while

I do think those are good because it helps get to know people. If its not just YouTube videos. Obviously Jewy you aren't the issue. I'm talking about members who are questionable for one reason or another who post a bunch of funny videos and next thing you know newbies are asking them for advice. All I'm saying is just think what Ally could do with that.

Sorry if I'm pissing y'all off. I care about this board and have no desire to exclude anyone. I'm not really for large post minimums. I think it's counter productive. I'm not sire what the answer is.

There's no issue. I'm not upset in the least. I've just decided to take a more pragmatic, realistic viewpoint in an effort to move this issue towards a resolution.

As I've said quite a few times before:  1/3 of my posts are jokes and pictures, 1/3 of my posts are from flame wars, and 1/3 of my posts are contributions to the forum.  But I think without the mixture of the three, none of you guys would have ever gotten to know me.  And I think that's what it's really all about, getting to know each member so that we can trust them.  I truly believe that my seemingly worthless posts helped shape my personality on the board.

What really bothers me are those shady newcomers who go around replying to all of the threads with a simple phrase such as "Yeah, that sounds interesting" or "I think I saw that somewhere in Jamaica".  Or silly questions on the vendor threads like, "Are these guys legit?"  Just so they can get their post counts up and get into certain areas.  There is nothing I can't stand more than bland, generic, and unoriginal.

Damn, I feel terrible, like I started this whole post count "thing" with my smart ass comment to LWD about VIP status in 30 days. It was ONLY me being a smart ass, said in jest, and not meant to be anything more! Typical FG!

I hope no one took it seriously, and I certainly don't want to see the FUN threads gone as I think they are great for this board, and as SS said, I think you do learn much about new members from them!


I posted this is in the "VIP" section but think most of it applies here too, so would like to post that part here for all to see.

"It actually took me over ONE WHOLE month to obtain VIP status, but is it worth arguing over a few weeks? It also actually took me a while to make my first initial 30 posts, because I was doing things like reading the rules, following the rules, posting on current topics, not BS that was a year old. I have done my best to contribute in a positive way, try and post something helpful or informational at least. I am not here to just be here, and run around acting like a lunatic half of the time, and get a higher post # by posting about being a lunatic.

If a vote needs to be had to take away post #'s of all those that have too many posts in the "fun, videos, BS" threads, I will vote right now and nominate myself. Take away all my posts that were made just to be "totally cool", take away all my posts that were wasted and abused shamelessly in the 80's section, either by the posting of, or the commenting on videos, pictures or otherwise 80's related anything. 

Because, I wasn't posting in the 80's section to increase my #'s by a few hundred so I could be a "VIP" and gain access to the super secret section with all the super secret shit and the answers to all my questions. I had no ulterior motives, other than to be an active and positive member on this forum, and to get to know people. For all the "80"s posting I do, I make it a point to keep up to date and read all of the "on topic"  threads, current issues, try to make suggestions and offer input if member feedback or ideas are asked for. 

Do we all have to participate and act the same way to be respected or considered valuable? Can't we be appreciated and valued for bringing something a little different to the table, as long as it has a positive effect in some way or the other? Like FG, Heisenberg, Interlude, Goldenboy for all their knowledge and insight, who might not post often, but when they do, its definitely worth the read, because you are going to learn something. And all the Grand Poobah's for being grand, because that's what they do? And the Moderators working hard at being moderators and making things better for everybody? And then when it gets a little too serious, here comes 99 dropping from the sky, saying something so totally outrageous it makes you laugh out loud and spew your drink, or you are just rendered totally speechless...

The 80's forum is for fun, and I am so glad it was started. It helped me get to know people, interact more, feel more comfortable posting, and shouting in that shoutbox thing..

In fact, I think that thread has had a good affect on a lot of us, more than we think- look how many people have changed their avatars? Had a little fun? Posted something really intelligent, but looked really hot doing it?"

Chill. As I said if y'all bothered to read my post my favorite people were posting in that thread. It's fun. VIP section used to required 150 posts. It took me 4 months. Ally being a bad person fucked a lot of us up who thought she was cool

We all just want to protect the board from bad people and its not easy to tell

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I agree with Boo and longwaydown about having some variety on the site. It breaks up the monotony and helps the community of dedicated members who visit on a regular basis grow stronger as a team, be more than ships passing in the night unaware of each other - a place to become friends who care about each other if the member is wanting that, which is just as good as any drugs I know about......  I have really enjoyed the 'avatar game' we've been playing.  Had some needed fun.

As The Shattered Soldier said, a fairly equal combination of different type posts is a great way to really get to know a new member. Who doesn't enjoy a good music video or perhaps need to laugh after a rough day?  Actually, laughter has been proven thru studies to be therapeutic for people with pain and other health problems.  Some of the exchanges between members on dbg threads have had me laughing out loud, tho I never commented on them.


But now, I thank you because I needed that outlet - as some of you know, my husband died the first week of March this year.  To keep my sanity, I increased time on the search I'd begun many months ago for a way to validate the legitimacy of sites I was finding on the net, because I had been ripped off earlier this year since I didn't have anyone to advise me.......until I found dbg.


 I gained posts by sharing about myself in some posts - which isn't always an easy thing to do.  Some members find this irritating but I feel an introduction on a site, is more than just "Hi, I'm looking for benzos" or some similar superficial post, which is ALL about them and what they want - adds nothing to the integrity or value of dbg.  Just "ordered, received" doesn't tell you anything about the person or what kind of member they will be in the long run.

No one is required to read personal posts if they don't like them (except mods, I guess).  If some members don't want that type of membership at dbg,or want to build personal relationships to share humor, music, interests they share -  they can pass over to the "ordered; received; information", read about vendors,  add to the site with a post, PM someone or log out.

Being a nurse I was able to add some medical knowledge here and there.  I also posted some opinions, trying carefully not to step on any toes since I didn't know anyone yet.  Even though I was new, I had other newbies asking me questions because the 'coded' posts on vendor sites can be frustrating to us newbies.

Some people felt I posted too much, too soon - but my posts had 'meat' to them.....not one-line requests for information on a platter to get what I wanted.

Or echoes.  Or "yeah, that's cool". Then -  Ding Ding  +1 Post

Those are the type of people who will degrade, devalue DBG  from being the positive site for members it has the potential to be.

@High Tide 

Re: what High Tide said above - some people come here wanting information, not a 'hookup'. 

You may remember the person who posted about a friend incapacitated by terrible migraines and cervical muscle spasms where her muscles became hard as rocks.  This person had tried many medications and gone many places looking for answers to this situation from doctors to a problem that was damaging her career and interfering with quality of life.  No doctors had been able to help her and she didn't want to take narcotics all the time for this problem. 

I gave that person information about Botox injections now being used for migraines, followed by appropriate physical therapy to correct the root of her problem. Also, to keep a food diary because some foods cause migraines - see if migraines worsened after certain foods.   I PM'd them with info on how to find doctors anywhere in the nation that treat patients who have refractory pain conditions, what to look for in the doctor, what to expect (since I had received this treatment for my migraines).

This elementary school teacher who needed help and couldn't find it out there - she has now found a doctor who gives Botox injections for migraines.  She now has renewed hope that her headaches may be helped, that she can regain her life.  I'm not blowing my own horn - I'm saying some people may just come here desperate in their suffering for someone to offer advice, to give them hope that there may be something available to lessen their pain and improve their lives.  DBG did that for this woman. Just one example where dbg provided a positive service to the outside community.

 When I first came to dbg, I didn't really know what to expect.  Was it a pharmaceutical site?  Was it just for those needing information about medications?

 Was it a scam?   Was it just a hook-up?  Was it worth more time than just reading some people say they received an order?

 AFTER I spent a lot of time reading on many different threads (that weren't restricted), I tried to ask appropriate questions to clarify issues that seemed a little vague in content or related to my interests.  I don't believe in the beginning I ever publicly posted a one-line "Hey, where can I get some cheap (whatever) ".  I began my membership reading many hours on the site,learning rules and other information, doing my best to make posts with some substance  before I ever expected members to trust me with any inside knowledge. 

Because this is a site with many kind, thoughtful, considerate and compassionate people who bring integrity with them to the site - a couple of more senior members than I was helped me.  I guess they saw something worthwhile in me that deserved their attention.  Words can't express my admiration and gratitude for those members who kinda took me under their wing, let me know they'd be there for me if I had questions, advice me on how to handle problems with vendors if they occurred, allowed me to vent when I had a problem.

Of course, DBG is here to meet certain needs -  to monitor vendors for service and any problems or signs problems may be coming, help members resolve issues with vendors, provide feedback on performance, thwart and expose scammers, caution people about safety esp with fake products that can injure them - yet when I go to a page and see nothing but "ordered; received" repeated over and over without anything else I kinda cringe,  knowing it's necessary, but also believing dbg is so much more than just that. That dbg can be such an instrument for good and provide a valuable public service, that dbg is more than just 'find my DOC and then leave, visit occasionally to get a new source, then leave again" site.

We can never know how many people have been helped by dbg, but I believe it has helped quite a few - to be safer,  not be ripped off, to learn about what combining medications can do (consider that some people who come to dbg are bound to have problems such as heart disease or diabetes or high blood pressure, not just anxiety or pain. They may learn something here they don't learn from their doctor - because we know people don't tell the doctor everything they do....),They come here for guidance or solutions to problems with pain and multiple other health issues, not just as a source. Realize people who come to dbg aren't all in perfect health.  Some have multiple physical and mental health issues - they can benefit greatly from participating in an educational, compassionate community of people.  DBG has that to offer.

Since they may not be totally honest with their doctor, they may learn here that because of other meds they must take, they should avoid certain other meds they might have been considering.  That still meets dbg's goal of providing information - I didn't see anywhere that only information on "feel good" drugs is to be found here.  They might learn that because of a certain disease they have, they should avoid certain drugs.  The point is - they learn healthy information.  They leave more informed and realizing they do need to check information without impulsively doing things.  I can think of a couple places where I saw members warn people not to combine certain drugs or what side effects to watch for and report, even seek professional medical care for......

Some people come and go; some return, some don't. 

Some find a home away from home here, making friends, contributing positive posts to the site - instead of a site full of selfish individuals only thinking of themselves and what they want, to hell with anything else or anyone else. 

Some find comfort from other members when they are upset, concerned about if they have been ripped off, reassured when they worry about a TN or late delivery.

Point being DBG is a multi-faceted site and as stated above by longwaydown, we're individuals - each of us brings something different to dbg.

As long as people are adding positive, healthy aspects to the site - it can only be good for dbg IMHO.

Don't get me wrong. I love those threads. It's lots of fun. Maybe stuff posted in the off topic doesn't count? Idk. I'd really miss those threads. It's the most fun I've had here in a while
Boo I could not agree more.

As I've said quite a few times before:  1/3 of my posts are jokes and pictures, 1/3 of my posts are from flame wars, and 1/3 of my posts are contributions to the forum.  But I think without the mixture of the three, none of you guys would have ever gotten to know me.  And I think that's what it's really all about, getting to know each member so that we can trust them.  I truly believe that my seemingly worthless posts helped shape my personality on the board.

What really bothers me are those shady newcomers who go around replying to all of the threads with a simple phrase such as "Yeah, that sounds interesting" or "I think I saw that somewhere in Jamaica".  Or silly questions on the vendor threads like, "Are these guys legit?"  Just so they can get their post counts up and get into certain areas.  There is nothing I can't stand more than bland, generic, and unoriginal.
Once again The SS is right on.

I am confident in our mods...we are in good hands!

hooter1 said:
I have a solution or two, BUT i have to mull them over for a couple of days to figure out how to specifically describe what I am trying to say without pissing in anyones cherios. I've already been banned twice, so for now, I'm just going to shut the hell up, and I have total faith that yall will come together on this.
MAN!!! I have never been banned! I'm always missing out on the good shite cause I'm off f'n around in the 80's thread!

That's what the hell I was thinking ever since reading that a long way back. There was a lot of other nice topics and good information but the whole time I was thinking "Got banned twice?". I've posted enough off topic, sexist, and inflammatory bs to wonder what a person has to do to get banned. And twice?

The only thing that has ever left me wondering a much was a long time ago when Boo suggested I meant be another reincarnation of a previously banned member. I'm still wondering who that member was, and for the record, it's always just been me.

I suggest, and Boo's revelation about her gender helped inspire this, that all members who have ever been known by another name please be honest and tell everyone. Not that I might have known the previous name, I've honestly only known of this site since December, just in the interest of transparency. As much as a site of this type would warrant anyway. As I say my short life here makes it doubtful I'd know anyone by any other name, it just piques my interest.

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If this discussion of "the right mod" of "someone who misunderstands" is about me, then rest assured that nothing could be further from the truth. I'm not one of the "popular kids", nor do I desire to be. Ever since post number 1, I've been one thing. Me. If you were to meet me on the street, I would be the same person that you see on this board in terms of personality and manner of interacting with people. In fact, my candor and honesty is probably to my detriment in an online environment. Frankly, you know far more about how these communities work than I ever will, so in that respect, you (Hooter) would probably make a better moderator than I.

And since we're encouraging honesty, if we're going to have this kind of dialogue, I think that we should at least speak directly and by name. I hope no one takes this as me being angry or upset, because I'm not. Not in the least. It's just that in light of some unrelated issues that have cropped up today, I'm more aware than ever of the power of innuendo and veiled references, and the ability they have to divide people. Also, since I'm extolling the virtues of honesty and transparency, I'll lead by example. Hooter, I know that you were upset by the removal of the post the other night that included an image of a shout box ban message. At least that's how I interpreted the chat logs. Anyway, in the interest of honesty and open dialogue, I was the moderator that took down the "Jesus Fuc*ing Christ" thread. Admin has provided a charter of moderation standards, and I felt as though that one particular thread / post was inappropriate under the guidelines. That being said, that's all I did, and as most everyone knows by now, the moderators do not have the ability to ban, nor suspend.

In conclusion, let it be said that I have absolutely no interest in being pandered to by anyone as the Homecoming King or playground hot shot, and my presence on this board has NEVER been about feeding my ego. In fact, quite the opposite. My point being, you, nor anyone else, should feel that they have to weigh their words with me. I don't play politics, nor favorites, nor do I want to even be put in a position to adjudicate anything. If there's any question about my motives on any front, I encourage anyone to read my "Post 2K" again. Every word is 100% honest and from the heart, and summarizes why I'm here. No ulterior motives, no games, no hidden agendas, nothing more than what is stated. I don't know how much simpler I can make it.

It's my hope that everyone feels welcome and at home on this board, and that they feel that they are treated with respect, regardless of whether they are a freshman or a 5th year senior. And if I ever see that this is not the case due to my presence or participation, I'd immediately and gladly step aside and return to my previous extended hiatus on a permanent basis.

Alright then, I'll step down off of my old soap box. I just felt that this needed to be said, and I hope that everyone truly understands that there's no need to hide in the shadows for fear of retribution, at least where I'm concerned anyway.

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hooter1 said:
Stop right there sir, a very quick no is the answer. Dude, you, my man, are truely the shit. I mean that.

I will read the rest of your post now, but this is all I needed to read to answer this question.

MUCH love to ya "brother"

*Take note* If you have to "wonder" if it is you, then is it not. This person knows who they are, but I see no positive outcome from escalating this any further.

Also take note, that I am NEVER upset about any number of my posts being deleted, that is what you guys do, I just say "oh shit" to myself, then drive on, knowing that one of many things may have heppened. I offended someone too much, it violates the baoard policy, It's in the wrong thread, name it. Not only do I not care if a post is deleted, I actually try to learn from that particular situation as to not repeat it.

Dude, aside from some really heavy shit that has happened to me all at once recently I am just very very simple

But I DARE NOT mention anyones name, I DO NOT want to get into  a verbal altercation with this person AND if I dropped a name, I fear that they may see it as a personal attack.

I chalk it up to simply this.

Personality conflict. Thats it, I hold NO Ill will toward anyone period
Fair enough then sir, I respect your desire to not escalate the situation, and I appreciate the explanation. Case closed my good man.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  2. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  14. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!