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@ Jewy - What do you mean your not one the popular kids? I hate to break it to you my friend, but like it or not you're one of the most popular kids on any forum I've seen. Your candor, expertise and explanations make your contribution invaluable. Like when someone posted the rules to TTM, I found it uneccessary and reported it then it was removed. You then told the person why they shouldn't find the TTM rules out of the ordinary because it in most TOS that people never really bother to read.

So, furry friend, make no mistake you are one of the most sought after posters on this forum. IDK how much you read while on a brief hiatus but everyone was talking about missing your input more than any other member I've ever seen who left a forum. If possible you would have gotten a ticker tape parade when got back from the little vacation you took. You're a rock star here man.

Edit: While on this thread let me ask is there a way to limit who can PM you based on their post count or something? I had a person who just joined PM'd me asking for my doctors name. I've got a great doc, and why anyone would expect me to give them his name is beyond lunacy. I could just see that. "Hey doc, this person named High Tide says you prescribe him lots of stuff, and I'd like it too..." Crazy people out there, and not in the funny, quirky way either.

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Thanks HT, I appreciate the kind compliments. I guess I was just trying to say that I have no interest in being someone who's "popular" for superficial reasons. I guess an example would be the ignorant, shallow, incredibly mean and degrading guy in high school who's popular because his family is wealthy, or because he's good looking, or for some other insignificant reason. I'm humbled that anyone would find my thoughts and writings to be of high enough quality to warrant any level of popularity, and it's hard to imagine anyone even noticing that I was gone, let alone missing me, but it's good to hear that someone finds at least a bit of value in my dumb advice, which of course is always offered pro bono. /default_wacko.png

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hooter1 said:
 Have a simple personality conflict with the right mod and you'll find out sir.  Okay example time. Long time member posts something, subject matter doesn't matter, they are smartassy to be funny and so on. Now, along comes a new guy (me) who pulls the same thing. Well a mod explains to me that this is like a school yard and I cant just walk up to the popular kids and blend right in, or jump right in, I forget the wording but believe me I understand the meaning.  (Basically know my place, but what they fail to understand is that I DO know my place, I KNOW I'm at the bottom of the food chain)

I actually do know I am just a loly freshman, but I'm not shy, and it is my personality type to just jump right in, and do my thing as it were. Believe it or not, this actually works for me IRL but I'm afraid the novelty quickly vanishes as it gets translated from spoken word combined with body language, to written word.
I would not hesitate to say I'm probably as misunderstood more often, or at least as often, as anyone else. It is far too easy for what is written to come across different from the way it was intended. But when that happens imo, and ime, it's best just to eat crow and apologize for misunderstanding. My dry humor and sarcasm is hard to translate to writing, even if you use emiticons to try and get the point across, so I can certainly feel your pain on that part.

But all the people here have to get to know you, and you to know them, before people can generally begin to understand the meaning you try to put into a post. It's more about who you offend and how you respond that makes it easier to get past it. For example SS busted my balls when he posted some things referring to making a series of lines for insufflation. I had know idea what it all meant, and was really confused because he started by saying he'd roll up his sleeves making the railroad. 

He made a LMGTFY link explaining some of it, and I replied I was lmao, that even as the recipient LMGTFY still made me laugh. He apologized for being a smart ass in his reply, but I really found it funny, and really deserved to be educated on how to look up slang if posts are beyond my comprehension. So it ended really well. Taking the butt kicking as a compliment and thanking him for it made him feel bad, but after it was all over we both got a good laugh instead of having an issue. So I would say look back at what caused the problem and try to see it from another pov instead of being defensive. 

Not knowing exactly what happened previously, and not really caring, that's just my advice as one who is easily misinterpreted too. Print just isn't the best medium for joking, but after getting a reputation as an oddball most people either look past mine now, or figure if it's too bad I was likely zolped senseless /default_wacko.png when I posted it.

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i've been a member of dbg for over a year.  I post when I have something to add or ask -- and try not to clutter things up with shit talking. That amounts to less than 30 posts. 

As a result, I can't post in the Mexican op forum.  Why the 30 post rule?  

What exactly is the standard for something to be a `'post``?  Does tossing in a few words like "I agree" qualify?

Thanks for the guidance!

i've been a member of dbg for over a year. I post when I have something to add or ask -- and try not to clutter things up with shit talking. That amounts to less than 30 posts.

As a result, I can't post in the Mexican op forum. Why the 30 post rule?

What exactly is the standard for something to be a `'post``? Does tossing in a few words like "I agree" qualify?

Thanks for the guidance!
You can't post in the Mex. section but you can still read it right? To me it makes no sense that anyone with an account can login to read it, but they need 30 posts to contribute there.

I admire your patience, being a member for so long but still unable to contribute where you'd like to due to post count. Too many people join and make useless posts such as your example ("I agree"), just to post there. I've even seen some people post a period and that goes toward their post count as well.

You can't post in the Mex. section but you can still read it right? To me it makes no sense that anyone with an account can login to read it, but they need 30 posts to contribute there.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone left who feels that the Mexican Section post count restriction has been successful in any way, shape or form.

I've gone on record with my opinion on the matter in a prior post.

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I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone left who feels that the Mexican Section post count restriction has been successful in any way, shape or form.

I've gone on record with my opinion on the matter in a prior post.
I absolutely agree. I think it was done with the very best of intentions, but simply had unintended and unforseen results.

Personally, I think it should be changed back to the way it was, since there is no way to add a "time as member" clause to it.

Call it a swing and a miss and say "good try, good try".

Next at bat?


hooter1 said:
This brings me to my next suggestion, if people could delete their own post, if it's under a certain age (such as the edit feature) but wanted to retract something they may have said prematurely, simply deleting the post would be possible and using the (edit) feature to post a period wouldn't be necessary. This was in no way to raise my post count. In fact I make this offer to you. How about a mod logs into the panel, goes to edit members profile and change the number of posts I have. How about a reduction of 50, is that fair?
I don't think reducing anyone's post count is necessary. Anyone with two IQ points to rub together should be able to discern a member's value to the community, as well as true level of contribution, by simply examining their overall body of work. Quite obviously, you're far more than a "Yo, where da cheap oxy at dog?" type of member. Ultimately, maybe we will be able to implement a more subjective, peer nominated recognition system that will eliminate the whole post count issue in its entirety, but for now, I'd say that people have all the tools they need to fairly judge a member's worth, should they simply take the time to use them, as well as their brain.

And as a side note, just for the record, the moderators have no ability to change post count in any way. In fact, our capabilities are limited to "hiding" content and making action recommendations to admin, whether it be related to a potential ban, suspension or other matter. Permanent deletion of posts / topics, post counts and all other matters are currently subject to the sole discretion of admin. Just FYI.

I absolutely agree. I think it was done with the very best of intentions, but simply had unintended and unforseen results.

Personally, I think it should be changed back to the way it was, since there is no way to add a "time as member" clause to it.

Call it a swing and a miss and say "good try, good try".

Next at bat?

I'm with you FG. I see no useful purpose in continuing with this restriction.

hooter1 said:
Or when telling a joke then realizing OH shit, yeah, THATS gonna piss people off, I need to get rid of this.

BTW, Have you seen my wallet?
Wallet? What wallet? And if you get a call from the Hanoi Happy Endings Massage Parlor about various charges, don't worry, it's just a security training exercise. Or so I've heard...

hooter1 said:
I try to look on the positive side of things like this. Hey it's a tax writeoff right? :-)
According to "Business Tax Strategies - 2013" by Jack Meoff, CPA, yes, indeed it is. And far be it from me to question the guidance of a published, distinguished financial professional such as Mr. Meoff.


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hooter1 said:
I know that guy, Isn't his cousin Mike Hunt?
One and the same! In fact, I believe he's also related to Seymour Butts and Jim Shorts. By marriage of course.

Didn't he own a pecker-fore?  (It'll come to you, it' much better in person lol)

Now someone is supposed to say "Whats a pecker-fore?" I say it's for use after the hard licker.  /default_tongue.png

Now someone is supposed to say "Whats a pecker-fore?" I say it's for use after the hard licker. /default_tongue.png
Of course! Although I thought I heard something about a card game as well. "Poker in the rear" perhaps?!

2 in the pink panther puppet and one in the belly button...or something like that....

You can't post in the Mex. section but you can still read it right? To me it makes no sense that anyone with an account can login to read it, but they need 30 posts to contribute there.

I admire your patience, being a member for so long but still unable to contribute where you'd like to due to post count. Too many people join and make useless posts such as your example ("I agree"), just to post there. I've even seen some people post a period and that goes toward their post count as well.
AND since he can read the forum, then he can also order from these vendors -

but he can't  give any feedback on his transaction or the vendor's service either.

That seems really weird, considering we are encouraged to post brief facts of transactions in order to keep track of how vendors are doing.

And I thought that was part of dbg's purpose - to offer useful feedback and monitor quality of the different website pharmacies.

See, my post # didn't increase after I made a comment in response to Heisenberg regarding people being able to read the Mexican and International pharmacies threads,

order from these website pharmacies,

but not be able to communicate to the members of dbg whether the transaction went well or they were ripped-off........

Last week my PM wouldn't work right for 2 days and now it seems something else might be messed up with my account?

Anyone else having problems with their PM or account settings? I know from my site, if admin is making adjustments to the site software options

these type things can occur within the site.  Maybe I'm just  'glitching'    LOL

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Now someone is supposed to say "Whats a pecker-fore?" I say it's for use after the hard licker.  /default_tongue.png
Now wait just a fucking minute I did NOT vote this down, wth guys?

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  2. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  14. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!