Yes, everyone does, until it's cold and raining and the horses all want to run out of the paddock when you're only trying to bring in one, and when you step forward in the calf deep mud, because it's been raining for days, to stop them, your boot refuses to move and you face plant in mud and various other things found in horse paddocks....

. Such is life. Most of us who work with horses full time are often overheard saying "I hate horses". But we mean it in the most loving way possible!
I actually had a seasonal job a few years back in NY taking care of the horses at a very well-off family's vacation farm home, lol. So if you do ever make that dream come true, let me know and I'll come work for you!
We have a small flock of chickens as well. 11 hens and a rooster, but one has gone broody so we may have more towards the end of the month. And more eggs in our kitchen than I know what to do with. There were 137 at last count. I try not to take for granted how different this life is from many other's, but you get so used to it. Wake up, let the chickens out, bring horses in, feed them, let horses out, hay them, do a shit ton of paperwork to make sure they don't starve to death or die, put people on horses in exchange for money, feed them again, more hay and water, put the chickens away, go to bed. We do a lot of hunting here as well, mostly turkey and deer. We have a 90 acre mountain stream and spring fed lake for fishing too. Hubby grew up riding horses too, so we do a lot of riding in our off time. I like to go to horse shows when I have the time and money as well, but I rarely have time. We rode along on a mule wagon train a couple months ago and that was a huge blast, even though the tent sprung a leak on my head in the middle of the first night... I'm sure there are other things I do on a daily basis that many people would never consider, but I'd have to actually go through a day consciously thinking about it, lol. I promise you though, you adjust to this life a lot faster than you expect. Especially some one as intelligent and clever as you, you'd have things figured out pretty quickly I bet.