Marriage is not what I'd hoped

Denise, HT's PMs were not disabled because of a "joke". I personally do not wish to discuss HT's business publicly, but since you brought it up publicly, I will explain. HT's PMs were disabled after MULTIPLE female members reported feeling uncomfortable and violated after receiving suggestive and perverted PMs from High Tide. Including a disturbing picture. You could take a wild guess what it was.

Did I not go out of my way a few weeks back to give you HT's email address, so that you could stay in touch with your "BFF"? Jewy and I, and other former mods, have been nothing but helpful to you, and I view your above post as a rude slap in the face. If you don't like DBG, or how its run, the exit is clearly marked for you.
Wait, I had no idea that I'd been said to have sent females a suggestive PM or disturbing picture. This is the first I've heard of such a thing. I can't even imagine doing that while in a drunken or hypnotic state. I'm just not that disrespectful to ladies The only PM I recall sending to several ladies contained a picture of my disable niece. When I asked Jewy what the warning point/PM ban was for he mentioned prior emails, but I assumed it was about a different subject where I asked advice that I took to heart. That being risk vs reward to let you know what I mean without saying too much. If I did send an inappropriate PM to any ladies then you are right, I deserve to have my PM ability closed. But honestly this is the first I've heard of such actions on my behalf. If you mean I sent naughty pictures of me it's even harder to believe because I've never taken any. If possible please email the copy, or at least further explain because that is not in my character, it's actually the opposite.

And as far as the post made I thought it was obviously a joke that was a parody of a Family Guy episode. The idea I would offer favors to women in return for money is ludicrous. Only a handful of ladies even know my first name, and at that time I was seeing a really good looking lady. It surprised, and hurt that it was taken out of context. I'll admit it may have been in an inappropriate place, but was genuinely astonished that someone took it literally. Although it may have been in bad taste I did warn people and made it "hidden" so anyone who may have been offended didn't have to read it. It may have been crude and poorly placed, but it was a joke and I thought it was obviously just that.

I'm not trying to defend that, it was a mistake and I own up to it. But the inappropriate emails are different. As I said I don't have any "bad" pictures of me, if that is what is being suggested. All this time I had no idea that was my what I was supposed to have done. Please contact me with as much proof as possible because behind my sometimes poor judgement of when and where to joke I have nothing but respect for ladies. If I'd did it and known of it I would have immediately offered my apologies to anyone I offended. IDK what the picture was, but I do know I haven't taken any of myself. I'm not saying it isn't possible that while under the influence I may have done something I shouldn't, but sending the ladies on this, or any other board, sexually related pictures of any kind is something I've never done. It may be too late to retrieve the information to prove it happened, but I'd like to hear from any of the ladies exactly what the picture was and when it was sent. I haven't ever done anything of that nature and it really comes as a complete surprise to hear this now.

I'm not trying to start a pissing war, the lack of PM ability really isn't a problem for me, it's this new information that I find unbelievable. Don't misinterpret that as calling anyone a liar, it's just completely out of my nature to do such a thing. I've done too much to try and help ladies and be a gentleman to them which makes it so hard for me to believe. If I'd done such a thing it would have been an accident and I'd have been on my knees begging them to forgive me.

I hope you guys who know me aside from the occasional crude joke to believe I say this from the bottom of my heart. I had no idea until now that such a thing was supposed to have happened.

All the best, H~T 

I have been pretty quiet on here lately, as I have had a lot of personal things going on in my life that have been extremely difficult to deal with. For example, my Dad, who has two cancers, one that has recently rapidly progressed- is now on hospice and is dying. Which I never would usually divulge things like that on a public thread, but in honor of the theme of this thread today, I will break my own rules.

However, I am compelled to make a post for H, who along with Jewy have managed this forum in a fair and respectful manner, to make it comfortable for all different kinds of people to read and make posts if they choose to. For DGSB who is never afraid to speak up for what is right, and takes the time to make helpful and informative posts. And for me.

HT- your post above is full of nothing but excuses IMO. You say you "own up" to offensive post(s) you have made, but at the same time, you are still making excuses by stating your post was an obvious parody of "Family Guy" and a joke, and implying that said females of this board are either overreacting or just don't have a sense of humor. Sorry, I don't watch "Family Guy" and maybe others don't either, so how can you expect we should all "get" the post you made was something to do with a show we have never watched?

Being a VIP member, I had the honor and privilege of seeing your post in the VIP section, along with the "hidden area" which stated "services" were offered to- fat, skinny, one legged, no teeth women- or something close to that. Sooo that is the fault of everybody else right? For reading the section that was "hidden" IN A PUBLIC POST YOU PUT UP IN A THREAD FOR MANY TO SEE??

That post was completely inappropriate, out of place and the only thing OBVIOUS about it, is that it belonged on some 1-900 sex board, NOT on DBG.

Not to mention the numerous perverted posts you have made on the board not only to me, but to other members too.

As for PM's- I can't imagine I am the only one you sent a suggestive PM to. As for the pictures you speak of, thankfully I have no way of knowing who was starring in those, whether it was you or not. But they were "bad" pictures, whoever they were of. An advertisement of services as per your "obviously was a joke" post in the VIP section? I don't know, and I don't care.

But to say you are "owning" up to anything is just complete BS. "Occasional" crude joke?! Is that statement a joke? I have seen numerous crude posts you have made- whether the crude is implied or meant as a "joke" they are still crude. Since the VIP post you made, I have seen less of those types of posts, but then again I have been on the board less lately, and reading certain only certain threads. It's all a matter of perspective- just because YOU think it is a joke, does not mean everybody else sees it that way. I don't ever see H, Jewy, DGSB, Hooter, 99 or any of the many male members here post quite like you do.

And this BS disclaimer you have about not being responsible for what you post while medicated?? That just as bad as telling people they shouldn't have read what was in that blank space of your perverted VIP post. How about we all put disclaimers on our profiles? That way none of us have to be responsible for anything we do here. I will go first: " I am not responsible for what I post when I have PMS bitches."

If you are going to "own up" then 100% own up! That means minus the excuses, minus the partially blaming others. Isn't owning up, and taking full responsibility and accountability for your own actions, the very first step one has to take to walk down said "path of redemption?" When you truly learn from your mistakes, own up and take responsibility for your actions, you grow as a person, and become a better person in the process. If you live in the land of BS, excuses, and blaming others, you stop yourself from growing. Take my abusive ex who recently tried to throw me through a sliding glass door, and said part of that was my fault because I "tripped." He's not growing at all- he's like 2 years old.

I don't know you personally, I am not saying you are a bad and horrible person. I am saying that a lot of your posts are completely inappropriate for this board. And before you post, you really should think about what you are posting, how it is going to be perceived and if it is contributing in a positive way to the DBG community.

HT. Come on. You know what you did and no one buys the "you are not responsible for what you say when medicated" BS. I saw your post before it was removed. It was an insult to every woman on this board. And one person I know left because of your graphic PM to her was Jess. You about cost her her marriage as her husband saw it. Man up and take responsibility for your actions. This is your fault and yours alone. Instead of a 1/2 assed but I dont remeber apology... when you have two modedators attesting to female now in LWD and I know what I saw and what Jess told me. Read through all your content. My guess is 90% is inappropriate. You should be offering a sincere apology to every woman on this board, thanking the moderators for not flat out banning youand then make a promise to stop treating this board and its members with such disrespect by thinking this is a singles hook up forum and to contribute to it in a meaningful manner. Anything less is pathetic and contemptable IMO. S-

I have been pretty quiet on here lately, as I have had a lot of personal things going on in my life that have been extremely difficult to deal with. For example, my Dad, who has two cancers, one that has recently rapidly progressed- is now on hospice and is dying. Which I never would usually divulge things like that on a public thread, but in honor of the theme of this thread today, I will break my own rules.

However, I am compelled to make a post for H, who along with Jewy have managed this forum in a fair and respectful manner, to make it comfortable for all different kinds of people to read and make posts if they choose to. For DGSB who is never afraid to speak up for what is right, and takes the time to make helpful and informative posts. And for me.

HT- your post above is full of nothing but excuses IMO. You say you "own up" to offensive post(s) you have made, but at the same time, you are still making excuses by stating your post was an obvious parody of "Family Guy" and a joke, and implying that said females of this board are either overreacting or just don't have a sense of humor. Sorry, I don't watch "Family Guy" and maybe others don't either, so how can you expect we should all "get" the post you made was something to do with a show we have never watched?

Being a VIP member, I had the honor and privilege of seeing your post in the VIP section, along with the "hidden area" which stated "services" were offered to- fat, skinny, one legged, no teeth women- or something close to that. Sooo that is the fault of everybody else right? For reading the section that was "hidden" IN A PUBLIC POST YOU PUT UP IN A THREAD FOR MANY TO SEE??

That post was completely inappropriate, out of place and the only thing OBVIOUS about it, is that it belonged on some 1-900 sex board, NOT on DBG.

Not to mention the numerous perverted posts you have made on the board not only to me, but to other members too.

As for PM's- I can't imagine I am the only one you sent a suggestive PM to. As for the pictures you speak of, thankfully I have no way of knowing who was starring in those, whether it was you or not. But they were "bad" pictures, whoever they were of. An advertisement of services as per your "obviously was a joke" post in the VIP section? I don't know, and I don't care.

But to say you are "owning" up to anything is just complete BS. "Occasional" crude joke?! Is that statement a joke? I have seen numerous crude posts you have made- whether the crude is implied or meant as a "joke" they are still crude. Since the VIP post you made, I have seen less of those types of posts, but then again I have been on the board less lately, and reading certain only certain threads. It's all a matter of perspective- just because YOU think it is a joke, does not mean everybody else sees it that way. I don't ever see H, Jewy, DGSB, Hooter, 99 or any of the many male members here post quite like you do.

And this BS disclaimer you have about not being responsible for what you post while medicated?? That just as bad as telling people they shouldn't have read what was in that blank space of your perverted VIP post. How about we all put disclaimers on our profiles? That way none of us have to be responsible for anything we do here. I will go first: " I am not responsible for what I post when I have PMS bitches."

If you are going to "own up" then 100% own up! That means minus the excuses, minus the partially blaming others. Isn't owning up, and taking full responsibility and accountability for your own actions, the very first step one has to take to walk down said "path of redemption?" When you truly learn from your mistakes, own up and take responsibility for your actions, you grow as a person, and become a better person in the process. If you live in the land of BS, excuses, and blaming others, you stop yourself from growing. Take my abusive ex who recently tried to throw me through a sliding glass door, and said part of that was my fault because I "tripped." He's not growing at all- he's like 2 years old.

I don't know you personally, I am not saying you are a bad and horrible person. I am saying that a lot of your posts are completely inappropriate for this board. And before you post, you really should think about what you are posting, how it is going to be perceived and if it is contributing in a positive way to the DBG community.
First let me offer my condolences on your family members illness. It's been almost a year, Dec 7th, since losing my mother, so I wish the best possible to you and your family. Given the circumstances I won't stress you with the many questions I may otherwise have. I'm truly sorry you got an inappropriate PM from my account. If I'd have known earlier I would have said it before now.

I hope your father is aware he has his loving family around, doesn't suffer, and is able to pass peacefully while sleeping a long time from now.

Sincerely, H~T

HT. Come on. You know what you did and no one buys the "you are not responsible for what you say when medicated" BS. I saw your post before it was removed. It was an insult to every woman on this board. And one person I know left because of your graphic PM to her was Jess. You about cost her her marriage as her husband saw it. 
How did all of this happen and yet I had no PM replying to it. Let's suppose it was because my PM was removed before anyone could reply. I still, and forever will, maintain I didn't know about it until today. Nobody for months ever said I'd done such a thing. Theres nothing in my camera memory, which hasn't been taken out  since last year. I never said "I'm not responsible because I was medicated". I will say I don't recall doing anything like that, and if I did I was obviously overly medicated. 

I guess when I inquired and Jewy left out the details for my privacy he thought I knew about it too. If you say you saw it I believe you. Apparently it happened, I'm just astonished that something so bizarre wasn't mentioned before. Seeing how I'd never done anything like that before wouldn't you be surprised that someone had not mentioned it in an email. About 10 days ago Yahoo began sending old texts over again. I didn't know about it until someone told me they were getting texts all night. That wasn't my fault, it was a glitch at Yahoo, but I didn't know it was happening until someone told me. Apparently this was my fault, though I don't know where the picture came from, but I couldn't apologize for something I didn't know about.

So, since there seems to be a preponderance of evidence that I sent an inappropriate email to some females I sincerely apologize to them. If it had been brought to my attention earlier I would have done so much sooner. I'm truly sorry for any feelings hurt or other damage caused. I'm wish that I was made aware of it sooner or I would have tried to find out exactly who all was affected and apologized to them personally.

Sincerely, H~T

My MAJOR issue with the entire situation is no one in charge ever communicated directly to High Tide (per him) to explain what he had done or exact nature of his punishment (details - how long, etc)  that I knew more than he did about his punishment  ("indefinitely" and "problem with PMs"  I was told by a mod w/o any specific details, of course, so as not to violate HT's privacy.....)  HT told me he didn't understand why no response from anyone in authority about how long PM suspended, and thought he had been accused of a totally different issue in the PM box - trying to vend, which he had not done.  When I look I see no warning point on his profile page?  So we both were confused about what was going on and when it would end, discussed it sev times without any understanding of what really happened.

From High Tide's post, this appears true, that when he lost his PM ability,  he was not confronted by leaders of dbg about females on the site being uncomfortable with his jokes posted or PMs he had sent.  He just assumed it was concerning other matter he discussed with a mod or the latest problem post which was too graphic for the site.  He never said I have sent posts that offended some people......never.

Now at least he has been told why PM gone indefinitely.  Now he can deal with hard cold facts of "why" and accusations against him - instead of vapor and smoke of his status on site.

Wondering why people he thought were his friends have deserted him........made a joke of him ("Don't go HT on us").......and he can take an honest look at his behavior, learn from it hopefully, and improve.

I said I never saw or heard exact details of his post when I posted above, but acknowledged if out of line it should be addressed with an appropriate punishment.  

So, I don't know why people think I'd approve of something like that or any of the allegations against HT,  if proven to the mods/Admin.

Reading posts here today, it makes sense why PMs became involved over a joke post now......when members are complaining about PMs they don't like and females feel harassed.

There is a BLOCK button if someone is sending you PMs you don't want to receive, so I don't understand why women would subject themselves to PMs from someone that is making them uncomfortable.  I certainly would not and would publicly confront the person about bothering me, but I know some people are shy and cannot do that.

Those of you who know me, know I would not condone women being harassed or abused in any way, if I knew about it.  I posted based solely on what I was told by H.T. AND by other members, including a mod I spoke with about it.....

.it was not what all I have seen posted on this thread today or even most of it - so I was posting without enough info (which is what I wanted).

I've spoken with multiple females on this site - new and old - none ever said anything but good about H.T. to me.........none 'warned' me or said he bothered them.  There is no way I could be aware of these allegations by females re PMs and I have never had that problem here.

H'berg, you did give HT's email address to me, which I appreciate  your time and effort.  Since I've never seen you make sexual posts toward members about the size of your penis or having 3-somes etc,  I wasn't talking about you when I said it was hypocritical to make sexual posts/pictures on the site and let other members post sexual "propositions" jokingly while punishing one member for a sexual post. 

And that would be a double standard and hypocritical if it was the situation - which it was to the best of my knowledge at that time.

I don't see that as a huge insult to you, but I apologize for offending you by not indicating you specifically did not engage in this behavior yourself and conduct yourself appropriately as a role model for how dbg members should usually conduct themselves.

I have the utmost respect for you and regret I made you feel otherwise.   I'm cleaning the egg off my face as I type...... /default_blink.png

I tried to make the post generic and often said "members", not "mods", in my post when describing the treatment of HT exactly because I did not want to offend anyone specifically,  just bring a problem situation to light and find some meaning, some resolution to it.

Overall, I think dbg is well-run with some nice people for members.  I was not doing anything more than using my free speech to address a situation I felt was very unfair, based upon all the facts I had.  Looking at those, it seemed one member was being singled out for ? reason to discriminate against when others did very close to the same things ........or I wondered had a PM explaining his punishment been overlooked during chaos?

I could feel HT's pain (it is there whether you like him, approve of him or whatever) HT is a human being and is suffering - guess that's why I'm a nurse, I always try to "rescue" and help people - there is a certain amount of risk in doing that of being conned - I AM NOT SAYING I WAS CONNED, but I definitely did NOT know women were complaining of PM harassment..... and being a person who cares, who sticks up for friends - I brought it in public...... because there seemed to be a breakdown in communication, an unresolved question or situation dangling in the air and no progress  being made to clarify it.

No one can deny that, amid the attacks and insults posted here today at HT ........and me,  that at least the situation has come to light,  laundry has been cleaned.....HT knows now about the female complaints and he must do whatever he thinks right about the allegations of female members against him to remedy himself and the problems.  The site knows the issue and also that dbg admin will protect the integrity of this site.

If he was only telling me 1/2 the story - shame on him.  All I can say is HT has helped me thru many rough times in a kind, gentle, non-threatening, non-offensive way.  I placed my trust in this prominent member on the site when I first joined and we've become good friends w/o anything weird -  I needed a friend in my life with loss of my husband and physical mobility issues who could listen and tell me I wasn't going crazy, what I felt was normal and support my decision to get off most of my medicine, helped me thru withdrawals - but sort of a blank face to confide in - not people saying "you'll be  ok" to my face - when I'm not fking ok, get it?   I just lost 1/2 of myself and 40 yrs of my life with my soulmate, I'm disabled and can't work, I don't know how I'll survive..... but I  can't say that to my family and friends who would talk to me if I called them.  I avoid them cuz even my aunts/uncles in 80's still haven't lost a long-term spouse - so they can never understand until it happens to them.

So, I don't regret my friendship with HT and I don't regret finally getting the truth to light about all this.....I do regret I have offended mods and some members by doing it - not my intention, just a result.. I hope the discussion did not upset any of the female members who had felt harassed.

I'm not God or anyone's judge - so I will continue to be friends with people who make mistakes, if they treat me right......part of that is honesty, so I will be asking HT about the female complaints privately, and I won't take excuses (I'm a psych nurse) but I will accept sincere apologies.

As I hope everyone will accept my sincere apology for any inappropriate remarks I made.  They were made while I was very emotional but I accept full responsibility for them - I had been thinking most of them for a while now so I'm not saying emotions initiated that post, just may have made it a little more colorful.

I can only say that in private with me for the past 7 months - High Tide has been a gentleman, he has shown himself to be a caring friend who will do whatever he can to help, who finds time to listen to his friends when they need someone.  There has NEVER been any inappropriate sexual remarks to me - quite the opposite. High TIde has never done anything that would give me even a clue he would be other than a nice man, who tells jokes, gets lonely & makes sexual posts sometimes - like many other members do here.   So I cannot relate to the females who are complaining,  but feel badly for any who received unwanted PMs.

I guess I am surprised such a widespread, supposedly well-known problem would continue for such a long time without being discussed by members or addressed,  but things have been chaotic here on and is difficult for just a handful of people to run such a large site.  Not an easy job.

It seems members that had something on their chest about HT have now gotten it off..... the air has been cleared.

As far as off topic post - it began as a thread response to another member and snowballed - but was it really that off topic?  Isn't the group here at dbg in a sort of marriage - bringing different people/customs together as one and working thru problems together, as well as  having fun, just like in a marriage?

Then one could this "marriage" at dbg  what you expected?

It is unfortunate some of you will judge me and decide not to be my friend - that's your choice and best wishes to you in the future.

Some were never really my friend and those will not be missed at all by me.

I was trying to help a friend based upon all the info I found (sev sources) and I would've done the same for any of my friends here with the same info, so think about that before you push buttons or judge too harshly...... maybe my post was misguided but it was my honest feelings....

Honesty cannot be wrong. IMO

I've been hurting since HT punished - because I believed my friend was being treated unfairly - and I needed answers, which I am getting now.

But my post was my best attempt to help a friend who has helped me in the past too......and trying to help a friend can never be totally wrong.

I apologize to dbg staff for any offense I gave by venting my frustration at what seemed a very unfair situation to me.

I stand by my opinions re: the pot calling the kettle black on sexual pictures and very sexual posts exchanged in public (which are disgusting to me and would be more appropriate in PMs than on a drug pharmacy discussion site for 1,000's to see), but if members enjoy that - go for more opinions - you know what I think of discussing 3-somes and things like that in public now.  I acknowledge there is no law against it and it is the way of our society today in its downward spiral. That's why I never said anything or complained before, just ignored it - we do still have freedom of speech in America and I fully support that, whether I always like it or not.

It might be hard to believe, but I appreciate the posts made here and intend to read them sev times to ensure I glean every bit of knowledge and understanding I can from the remarks made by other members regarding their experiences or knowledge of this situation, to learn from any mistakes I made along this route.

Go ahead and attack me.  I have a clear conscience.  I defended my friend.  I searched for the truth.  I expressed my feelings and who I am.

So I am at peace with myself, regardless of what anyone else says about me.

I will soon learn who is truly a friend and who is not.

Thanks for the time and space to express myself about this incident.

This was one. but not THE one.  It was removed. 


Posted by DGSB0708 on 03 July 2013 - 09:02 PM in Email only Sources

High Tide, on 03 Jul 2013 - 8:12 PM, said:

High Tide said:
  /default_huh.png  I've never had a lady say she didn't enjoy the Caterpillar Ride! While it's usually only fun for one ride, or two if I'm really lucky, afterwards they seem to be able to enjoy the Log Ride several times. At least until the big splash, when I have to shut it down. 

How did the topic of vendors get mixed in here? lol.... Anyway, the invitation is always open my dear. I'll let people get back on topic, what ever this thread was about. 
Kind of WAY far off topic and IMHO most likely pretty offensive to any of the ladies on this thread.  Last I checked, this isn't a dating site or "let's get me a one night stand:" site.  Just saying... might be a bit much.  Just my opinion

Here is where I had something to say about the hidden ink one... it was removed... my original post was removed because it quoted HT's post.

Posted by DGSB0708 on 06 August 2013 - 11:20 PM in

Jewbacca, on 06 Aug 2013 - 5:35 PM, said:

I concur DGSB, as does Admin, and I can assure every member of DBG that this is not the "type of board" that we work so hard to build, preserve and protect. The referenced post was unacceptable, and has been removed. Period. Also, I just wanted to mention that I'm going to remove your post from view as well, not due to its content, but because the already removed post is quoted in your post, and is therefore visible. I'm sure you understand my logic.
Know what I find amusing and sad at the same time?  I didn't have many "friends" here on this board as I thought friends meant friends.... people with whom you developed a bond and a modicum of trust with.  Since this post, about 6 dropped off or about half.  Won't keep me up tonight but shows the character of some folks that must have thought that was it was OK for someone to habitually post garbage like that and go unchecked.  Ah, whatever, who needs this shit?  I'll always stand up for what I think is right and defend those I think who have been wronged.... so if you are one of the folks who dropped off my from being my friend because I took a stand against something that everyone with an ounce of integrity and decency should find deplorable, that's cool.  If it was sent to your daughter or wife... how would you react?   Best to you.... but karma comes around so please don't come looking to me for answers when your things go awry and you are freaking out about why something went wrong.... train moves not the station and my train just left the station.  Even still, wish you "droppers" well.  Good luck ad be safe.  S-


So, HT.... still say it didn't happen?  Not trying to pile on but your signature line used to say you were not responsible for your offensive conduct when you were medicated (paraphrased).  How can you sit here and still say you didn't do / remember this stuff?  Anyhow, here are two tidbits, first from you, second about your hidden ink post.  I'm done now... but you might want to take a good look at these... maybe jog your memory.  S-

I was not on here all last week pretty much and i read most of the day today. Drama all over! Yuck! Eeeeew.

Thanks for the reassurance though Hooter. Those were kind words. I run and hide from that shit. I am way too old, fucked up and tired for dat. Knowwhatimsayin?

Hey KK, MISSED you like crazy last week! Life is REAL good however! Hope you are well and feeling so! I see our "long poster" friend is gone. Wow! I wonder what she did to get banned? But i will never know i am sure.

NOT THAT I AM QUESTIONING ANYONE'S I have read all of her posts and

NOT THAT I AM QUESTIONING ANYONE'S I have read all of her posts and
Me either, but I'll add my two cents.
First, I wish people understood more that telling others that you like ( this is not Denise, this is from others some who are now banned) devil acid rock, worship a salamander, prefer relations with underage partners, and all sorts of other off the wall crazy crap that no marginally normal person would want to be associated with, that it makes you seem weird and unbalanced and drives people away.

I'm not talking about someone's sexual preferane, ethnic backgrounds that may be unusual to others, how someone might dress, or any other more standard weirdisms we all have. I'm talking about the stuff people want to distance themselves from.

What if a friend stopped by and started to tell you of how many houses he had burglarized and how easy it is, what would you think of your friend? Would you want him around you looking at the stuff in your house?

I don't know what HT sent that started all this, but others seem to have first hand knowledge and it just doesn't sound right from comments I have read. And to make people feel uncomfortable in such a way that they actually leave the boards or dont want to post anymore just isn't nice. I wish HT had kept his urges or whatever offensive thing to the ladies to himself.

I wish Denise had not been banned and I'm sorry to see that this morning.

I think she was/is in a difficult place right now and mental and emotional stability is not something you get to keep when going thru what Denise is going thru. I know this first hand.

I wish Denise might be given another chance to be a part of the boards here at some point, I actually would like to make that an official request.

I wish Denise had taken time to chill out per HT's advice.

I may not have all the details and may lack a full understanding of what went on beyond the public posts that led to the ban, but my perception is things just got out of hand and in her current state she went too far.

Please consider allowing Denise another chance to participate if that's at all an option at this point.

I'm actually surprised she was put up with as long as she was, and that it went as long as it did. I admit I'm surprised HT was not banned either. I wish Digial could have had a "time out", but not a permanent ban, as we all knew he was detoxing, and that makes you do stupid things, yet mods and admin made their educated choices, There could well have been more going on "behind the scenes" than I or any of us know. So I don't question their decisions.

That said, this chick was a mess, and in my view, contributed nothing of considerable value to this board. This isn't a therapy forum, it's a fucking DRUG BUYER'S GUIDE. She should have left her drama and repeated flounces for the therapist she ought to have been seeing and paying a couple hundred bucks an hour to, instead of spraying her stupidity, vapidity and venom over here at random like an incontinent wildcat. JMHO of course. 

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I actually agree with you both Smokey Joe and dvz.

I don't question the mods decisions - ever - because I believe them both to be highly intelligent and I know they have a difficult job being the mods of this board. I've been a member of DBG for a long time. I've seen what can happen when a mod DOES play favorites, or when they let the job go to their head. I believe our current mods do an outstanding job, and I believe they enforce the rules to the best of their ability with the info they have when they make their decision; therefore I trust them and I don't question them.

To take it a step further, I also believe that Denise did offer some good info to the board in general. I just think she is a VERY passionate person and that sometimes leads to controversial posts. I also think that same passion lead to her jumping the gun here so to speak; making posts without having all of the info that the mods had. Add over the top passion to pharmaceutical's - you get controversy!!

Now here is the rub as I see it: I also agree with what Denise said in one of her latest posts: there is a double standard with some of the posts/posters on this board, I think it's not recognized or thought of because of the posters reputation. One poster can talk about oral sex and it's considered funny, where another can write the exact same words and it's considered vulgar and disgusting. IMO, it's all because of the posters reputations and their past contributions. We are all human, and regardless of what we like to think of ourselves, we apply a double standard based on our emotions and how we feel about the person from their past posts.

I'm not going to change that fact and I don't believe anyone ever will. Human emotion is a powerful thing and the bottom line is simply put at "it is what it is". There are several posts on this board that I wish would die a quick death. This is just one of them.

Just my two pennies for what it's worth. Happy Sunday everyone!


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Hey KK, MISSED you like crazy last week! Life is REAL good however! Hope you are well and feeling so! I see our "long poster" friend is gone. Wow! I wonder what she did to get banned? But i will never know i am sure.
Missed u too my FRIEND /default_tongue.png  Hope all is well with you , I am hanging in there....

I don't know what HT sent that started all this, but others seem to have first hand knowledge and it just doesn't sound right from comments I have read. And to make people feel uncomfortable in such a way that they actually leave the boards or dont want to post anymore just isn't nice. I wish HT had kept his urges or whatever offensive thing to the ladies to himself.

I wish Denise had not been banned and I'm sorry to see that this morning.

I think she was/is in a difficult place right now and mental and emotional stability is not something you get to keep when going thru what Denise is going thru. I know this first hand.

I wish Denise might be given another chance to be a part of the boards here at some point, I actually would like to make that an official request.

I wish Denise had taken time to chill out per HT's advice.

I may not have all the details and may lack a full understanding of what went on beyond the public posts that led to the ban, but my perception is things just got out of hand and in her current state she went too far.

Please consider allowing Denise another chance to participate if that's at all an option at this point.
I agree Smokey and my next post will address this problem.

I'm actually surprised she was put up with as long as she was, and that it went as long as it did. I admit I'm surprised HT was not banned either. I wish Digial could have had a "time out", but not a permanent ban, as we all knew he was detoxing, and that makes you do stupid things, yet mods and admin made their educated choices, There could well have been more going on "behind the scenes" than I or any of us know. So I don't question their decisions.

That said, this chick was a mess, and in my view, contributed nothing of considerable value to this board. This isn't a therapy forum, it's a fucking DRUG BUYER'S GUIDE. She should have left her drama and repeated flounces for the therapist she ought to have been seeing and paying a couple hundred bucks an hour to, instead of spraying her stupidity, vapidity and venom over here at random like an incontinent wildcat. JMHO of course. 
I'm surprised I wasn't either banned, or even made aware of such actions, but can only guess the Admin/mods presume if it was sent from a persons PM they knew about it. H-mans thread was the first time I'd heard such a thing and time has passed too long to know find many of the answers that I still have. H-man can concur that at around that time I was trying to find out from Hooter the possibility of ordering something for another member through a VIP client and sent an email assuring him the contact had not been compromised. That was what I figured from my first and only question, concerning the PM ban, on the Ask the Wookie thread. I know he was trying to protect my "public image" but knowing now what had happened I wish I had followed up with the Admin for a better understanding as he suggested. That too would have been long after the fact but I would have been able to tell others who seemed more concerned with it than I was about the ban.

I'll expand further in my next post where I'm going to apologize and ask others if they were also sent inappropriate pictures. It may just be my opinion but I find the leap from telling crude jokes to sending pictures a big leap. I think, if were a lady I would have followed up with some questions. IDK if it was one image sent to multiple recipients or what, hopefully I'll find out more when I post my apology.

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I soooo wanted to stay out of this... and I'm going to try to keep this as PG13 as possible, but when you PM a lady (actually multiple ladies) with a proposition to have her (them) pay you for sex and include a picture of your "private parts", that is not what this board is about.  Then in a normal thread (not like the joke of the day thread or anything) you "in the hidden ink method" post your price list for various "categories" of women you are will to engage with,  along with a bunch of other offensive things to women.. PLUS the numerous times in posts where you reply inappropriately to another female member's post that actually had to do with the subject matter of a thread (LWD I believe quoted one about you and your "caterpillar ride" response to one of her posts) earlier in this thread.  You a while back did indeed actually have as either your status or your signature that you were "not responsible for your posts when medicated or under the influence of hypnotics" ) I may be off a word or two, but that is pretty close to verbatim.  Now you come back with another BS reason about it and try to drag a respected member (Hooter) into this with some nutsy post.  I have no idea what that is about, nor do I care, but I get the general idea from Hooter's response above.  Anyhow,   I quoted you the part from the thread where it shows the moderators removed your fee schedule, hidden ink post... that combined with the solicitation for sex for money PM's, is why I believe you lost PM, but you would have to ask the moderators about that.  You were harassing multiple women.  I even said (wrote) to you on more than one occasion in threads this is a D R U g forum, not a swinger's site or one night stand site and how about you tone it down (provided you a copy with one of those earlier in this thread as well).  You never replied to those and went on your merry way.  If you really need to see all of the times you had demeaning, degrading things to say that would likely be offensive to the vast majority of the women on this board, simply read your own content.  Go back MONTHS..... it went on that long.  Also, just because people didn't complain does not mean they were not offended.  Too many times in my life, I have seen people picked on or harassed for no good reason where no one intervenes, they just stand on the sidelines and watch.  Oh, sure, they are horrified the person is being picked on, but for whatever reason, they lack the wherewithal to act and stop it from continuing.  I am NOT one of those people.  Dude, please stop with the denial(s).  If it were me walking in your shoes right now, I would go back and read every post I wrote (and do it when you're not high), see what I really did, issue a full on 100% heartfelt apology to every person on this board, especially its female members, ask for forgiveness and don't do it anymore.  As far as the other thing above that Hooter is referring to, that's between you two, but again, if I were you, I would straighten that one out too.  Make yourself whole, HT and after time passes, things will be OK.  But continuing "the skewing of the truth, I don't remember, that never happened" stuff is doing nothing but sliding you further down into the gutter.  I honestly hope you have it in you to be better than that.... because the HT who doesn't post when he is stoned out of his mind, actually has some valuable posts on here.  It's just a shame that the messed up ones overwhelm those valuable ones.  You can fix this over time by coming clean and being sincere in apologizing.  Big fork in the road, hope you choose the right road.  S-

I soooo wanted to stay out of this... and I'm going to try to keep this as PG13 as possible, but when you PM a lady (actually multiple ladies) with a proposition to have her (them) pay you for sex and include a picture of your "private parts", that is not what this board is about. Then in a normal thread (not like the joke of the day thread or anything) you "in the hidden ink method" post your price list for various "categories" of women you are will to engage with, along with a bunch of other offensive things to women.. PLUS the numerous times in posts where you reply inappropriately to another female member's post that actually had to do with the subject matter of a thread (LWD I believe quoted one about you and your "caterpillar ride" response to one of her posts) earlier in this thread. You a while back did indeed actually have as either your status or your signature that you were "not responsible for your posts when medicated or under the influence of hypnotics" ) I may be off a word or two, but that is pretty close to verbatim. Now you come back with another BS reason about it and try to drag a respected member (Hooter) into this with some nutsy post. I have no idea what that is about, nor do I care, but I get the general idea from Hooter's response above. Anyhow, I quoted you the part from the thread where it shows the moderators removed your fee schedule, hidden ink post... that combined with the solicitation for sex for money PM's, is why I believe you lost PM, but you would have to ask the moderators about that. You were harassing multiple women. I even said (wrote) to you on more than one occasion in threads this is a D R U g forum, not a swinger's site or one night stand site and how about you tone it down (provided you a copy with one of those earlier in this thread as well). You never replied to those and went on your merry way. If you really need to see all of the times you had demeaning, degrading things to say that would likely be offensive to the vast majority of the women on this board, simply read your own content. Go back MONTHS..... it went on that long. Also, just because people didn't complain does not mean they were not offended. Too many times in my life, I have seen people picked on or harassed for no good reason where no one intervenes, they just stand on the sidelines and watch. Oh, sure, they are horrified the person is being picked on, but for whatever reason, they lack the wherewithal to act and stop it from continuing. I am NOT one of those people. Dude, please stop with the denial(s). If it were me walking in your shoes right now, I would go back and read every post I wrote (and do it when you're not high), see what I really did, issue a full on 100% heartfelt apology to every person on this board, especially its female members, ask for forgiveness and don't do it anymore. As far as the other thing above that Hooter is referring to, that's between you two, but again, if I were you, I would straighten that one out too. Make yourself whole, HT and after time passes, things will be OK. But continuing "the skewing of the truth, I don't remember, that never happened" stuff is doing nothing but sliding you further down into the gutter. I honestly hope you have it in you to be better than that.... because the HT who doesn't post when he is stoned out of his mind, actually has some valuable posts on here. It's just a shame that the messed up ones overwhelm those valuable ones. You can fix this over time by coming clean and being sincere in apologizing. Big fork in the road, hope you choose the right road. S-
Great post!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!